# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.incompatible) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name, %3$S is application version notification.incompatible=%1$S is ynkompatibel mei %2$S %3$S. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.unsigned, notification.unsignedAndDisabled) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name notification.unsignedAndDisabled=%1$S koe net ferifiearre wurde foar gebrûk yn %2$S en is útskeakele. notification.unsigned=%1$S koe net ferifiearre wurde foar gebrûk yn %2$S. Wês foarsichtich as jo fierdergean. notification.unsigned.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.blocked) %1$S is the add-on name notification.blocked=%1$S is útskeakele om reden fan feilichheid of stabiliteit. notification.blocked.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.softblocked) %1$S is the add-on name notification.softblocked=%1$S kin feilichheids- of stabiliteitsproblemen feroarsaakje. notification.softblocked.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.outdated) %1$S is the add-on name notification.outdated=Der is in wichtige fernijing beskikber foar %1$S. notification.outdated.link=No bywurkje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.vulnerableUpdatable) %1$S is the add-on name notification.vulnerableUpdatable=%1$S stiet bekend as kwetsber en moat bywurke wurde. notification.vulnerableUpdatable.link=No bywurkje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.vulnerableNoUpdate) %1$S is the add-on name notification.vulnerableNoUpdate=%1$S stiet bekend as kwetsber. Wês foarsichtich. notification.vulnerableNoUpdate.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.restartless-uninstall) %1$S is the add-on name notification.restartless-uninstall=%1$S sil de-ynstallearre wurde as jo dit ljepblêd slute. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.downloadError) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.downloadError=Der wie in flater mei it downloaden fan %1$S. notification.downloadError.retry=Probearje opnij notification.downloadError.retry.tooltip=Probearje dizze add-on opnij yn te laden #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.installError) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.installError=Der wie in flater mei it ynstallearjen fan %1$S. notification.installError.retry=Probearje opnij notification.installError.retry.tooltip=Probearje dizze add-on opnij yn te laden en ynstallearjen #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.gmpPending) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.gmpPending=%1$S sil ynkoarten ynstallearre wurde. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.incompatible) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name, %3$S is application version details.notification.incompatible=%1$S is ynkompatibel mei %2$S %3$S. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.unsigned, details.notification.unsignedAndDisabled) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name details.notification.unsignedAndDisabled=%1$S koe net ferifiearre wurde foar gebrûk yn %2$S en is útskeakele. details.notification.unsigned=%1$S koe net ferifiearre wurde foar gebrûk yn %2$S. Wês foarsichtich as jo fierdergean. details.notification.unsigned.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.blocked) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.blocked=%1$S is útskeakele om reden fan feilichheid of stabiliteit. details.notification.blocked.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.softblocked) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.softblocked=%1$S kin feilichheids- of stabiliteitsproblemen feroarsaakje. details.notification.softblocked.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.outdated) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.outdated=Der is in wichtige fernijing beskikber foar %1$S. details.notification.outdated.link=No bywurkje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable=%1$S stiet bekend as kwetsber en moat bywurke wurde. details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable.link=No bywurkje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate=%1$S stiet bekend as kwetsber. Wês foarsichtich. details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate.link=Mear ynformaasje #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.restartless-uninstall) %1$S is the add-on name. details.notification.restartless-uninstall=%1$S sil de-ynstallearre wurde as jo dit ljepblêd slute. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.gmpPending) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.gmpPending=%1$S sil ynkoarten ynstallearre wurde. type.extension.name=Utwreidingen type.themes.name=Tema's type.locale.name=Talen type.plugin.name=Ynstekkers type.dictionary.name=Wurdboeken type.service.name=Tsjinsten type.legacy.name=Ferâldere útwreidingen type.unsupported.name=Net stipe #LOCALIZATION NOTE(listHeading.discover) %S is the brandShortName listHeading.discover=Personalisearje jo %S listHeading.extension=Jo útwreidingen beheare listHeading.shortcuts=Utwreidingsfluchtoetsen beheare listHeading.theme=Jo tema’s beheare listHeading.plugin=Jo ynstekkers beheare listHeading.locale=Jo talen beheare listHeading.dictionary=Jo wurdboeken beheare searchLabel.extension=Mear útwreidingen sykje searchLabel.theme=Mear tema’s sykje