# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages # # Status - opening folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_SELECTING_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5000=Abrindo o cartafol %S… # Status - create folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_CREATING_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5001=Creando cartafol… # Status - deleting a folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_DELETING_MAILBOX ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5002): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being deleted. 5002=Eliminando o cartafol %S… # Status - renaming mailbox ## @name IMAP_STATUS_RENAMING_MAILBOX ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5003): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being renamed. 5003=Renomeando o cartafol %S… # Status - looking for mailboxes ## @name IMAP_STATUS_LOOKING_FOR_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5004=Buscando cartafoles… # Status - subscribing to mailbox ## @name IMAP_STATUS_SUBSCRIBE_TO_MAILBOX ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5005): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being subscribed to. 5005=Subscribíndose ao cartafol %S… # Status - unsubscribing from mailbox ## @name IMAP_STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBE_MAILBOX ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5005): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being unsubscribed from. 5006=Cancelando a subscrición do cartafol %S… # Status - searching imap folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_SEARCH_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5007=Buscando no cartafol... # Status - getting message info ## @name IMAP_STATUS_MSG_INFO ## @loc None 5008=Obtendo a información da mensaxe… # Status - closing a folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_CLOSE_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5009=Pechando cartafol… # Status - compacting a folder ## @name IMAP_STATUS_EXPUNGING_MAILBOX ## @loc None 5010=Compactando cartafol… # Status - logging out ## @name IMAP_STATUS_LOGGING_OUT ## @loc None 5011=Pechando a sesión… # Status - checking server capabilities ## @name IMAP_STATUS_CHECK_COMPAT ## @loc None 5012=Comprobando as capacidades do servidor de correo… # Status - logging on ## @name IMAP_STATUS_SENDING_LOGIN ## @loc None 5013=Enviando información de inicio de sesión… # Status - auth logon ## @name IMAP_STATUS_SENDING_AUTH_LOGIN ## @loc None 5014=Enviando información de inicio de sesión… ## @name IMAP_DOWNLOADING_MESSAGE ## @loc None 5015=Descargando mensaxe… ## @name IMAP_GETTING_ACL_FOR_FOLDER ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5029): Do not translate the word "ACL" below. 5029=Obtendo o ACL do cartafol… ## @name IMAP_GETTING_SERVER_INFO ## @loc None 5030=Obtendo a información da configuración do servidor… ## @name IMAP_GETTING_MAILBOX_INFO ## @loc None 5031=Obtendo a información da configuración da caixa de correo… ## @name IMAP_EMPTY_MIME_PART ## @loc None 5032=Esta parte do corpo descargarase baixo petición. ## @name IMAP_RECEIVING_MESSAGE_HEADERS_OF ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5036): Do not translate the word "%S" or "%lu" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear. # Place the word %lu where the number of headers should appear. 5036=Descargando %2$lu de %3$lu cabeceiras de mensaxes de %1$S ## @name IMAP_RECEIVING_MESSAGE_FLAGS_OF ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5037): Do not translate the word "%S" or "%lu" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear. # Place the word %lu where the number of flags should appear. 5037=Descargando %2$lu de %3$lu marcas de mensaxes de %1$S ## @name IMAP_DELETING_MESSAGES ## @loc None 5038=Eliminando mensaxes… ## @name IMAP_DELETING_MESSAGE ## @loc None 5039=Eliminando mensaxe… ## @name IMAP_MOVING_MESSAGES_TO ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5040): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. 5040=Movendo as mensaxes a %S… ## @name IMAP_MOVING_MESSAGE_TO ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5041): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. 5041=Movendo a mensaxe a %S… ## @name IMAP_COPYING_MESSAGES_TO ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5042): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. 5042=Copiando as mensaxes a %S… ## @name IMAP_COPYING_MESSAGE_TO ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5043): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. 5043=Copiando a mensaxe a %S… ## @name IMAP_FOLDER_RECEIVING_MESSAGE_OF ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5045): Do not translate the word "%S" or "%lu" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. # Place the word %lu where the number of headers should appear. 5045=%S - Descargando %lu de %lu mensaxes ## @name IMAP_DISCOVERING_MAILBOX ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5046): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. 5046=Cartafol atopado: %S ## @name IMAP_ENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5047): Do not translate the word %S below. # Place the word "%S" in your translation where the email address # or the username should appear 5047=Escriba o contrasinal para %S: ## @name IMAP_SERVER_NOT_IMAP4 ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5048): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below. 5048=O servidor de correo %S non é un servidor IMAP4. ## @name IMAP_DONE ## @loc None 5050= ## @name IMAP_ENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT_TITLE ## @loc None 5051=Requírese contrasinal para o servidor de correo electrónico ## @name IMAP_UNKNOWN_HOST_ERROR ## @loc None 5052=Produciuse un fallo ao conectarse co servidor %S. ## @name IMAP_IMAP_CONNECTION_REFUSED_ERROR ## @loc None 5053=Non foi posíbel conectar co servidor %S. A conexión foi rexeitada. ## @name IMAP_NET_TIMEOUT_ERROR ## @loc None 5054=Superouse o tempo máximo de espera ao conectarse ao servidor %S # Status - no messages to download ## @name IMAP_NO_NEW_MESSAGES ## @loc None 5056=Non hai mensaxes novas no servidor. ## @name IMAP_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME ## @loc None 5057=Correo para %S ## @name IMAP_EMPTY_TRASH_CONFIRM ## @loc None 5061=Ao baleirar o lixo borrarase %S e todas as mensaxes que conteña. Desexa borrar este cartafol? ## @name IMAP_SPECIAL_CHAR ## @loc None 5065= O caracter %c está reservado por este servidor imap. Escolla outro nome. ## @name IMAP_PERSONAL_SHARED_FOLDER_TYPE_NAME ## @loc None 5066=Cartafol persoal ## @name IMAP_PUBLIC_FOLDER_TYPE_NAME ## @loc None 5067=Cartafol público ## @name IMAP_OTHER_USERS_FOLDER_TYPE_NAME ## @loc None 5068=Outros cartafoles de usuario ## @name IMAP_PERSONAL_FOLDER_TYPE_DESCRIPTION ## @loc None 5069=Este é un cartafol de correo persoal. Non está compartido. ## @name IMAP_PERSONAL_SHARED_FOLDER_TYPE_DESCRIPTION ## @loc None 5070=Este é un cartafol de correo persoal. Está sendo compartido. ## @name IMAP_PUBLIC_FOLDER_TYPE_DESCRIPTION ## @loc None 5071=Este é un cartafol público. ## @name IMAP_OTHER_USERS_FOLDER_TYPE_DESCRIPTION ## @loc None 5072=Este é un cartafol de correo compartido polo usuario «%S». ## @name IMAP_ACL_FULL_RIGHTS ## @loc None 5073=Control total ## @name IMAP_ACL_LOOKUP_RIGHT ## @loc None 5074=Buscar ## @name IMAP_ACL_READ_RIGHT ## @loc None 5075=Lida ## @name IMAP_ACL_SEEN_RIGHT ## @loc None 5076=Estabelecer o estado Lido/Non lido ## @name IMAP_ACL_WRITE_RIGHT ## @loc None 5077=Escribir ## @name IMAP_ACL_INSERT_RIGHT ## @loc None 5078=Insertar (Copiar en) ## @name IMAP_ACL_POST_RIGHT ## @loc None 5079=Publicar ## @name IMAP_ACL_CREATE_RIGHT ## @loc None 5080=Crear subcartafol ## @name IMAP_ACL_DELETE_RIGHT ## @loc None 5081=Eliminar mensaxes ## @name IMAP_ACL_ADMINISTER_RIGHT ## @loc None 5082=Administrar cartafol ## @name IMAP_SERVER_DOESNT_SUPPORT_ACL ## @loc None 5084=Este servidor non admite cartafoles compartidos. ## @name IMAP_ACL_EXPUNGE_RIGHT ## @loc None 5085=Suprimir ## @name IMAP_SERVER_DISCONNECTED ## @loc None 5090= O servidor %S desconectouse. O servidor caeu ou houbo algún problema coa rede. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder. 5092=Desexa subscribirse a %1$S? ## @name IMAP_SERVER_DROPPED_CONNECTION ## @loc None 5093=Imposíbel conectarse co servidor IMAP. Excedeu o número de conexións permitidas para este servidor. Neste caso, utilice as Configuración avanzada do servidor IMAP para reducir o número de conexións almacenadas na caché. ## @name IMAP_QUOTA_STATUS_FOLDERNOTOPEN ## @loc None 5095=A información de cota non está dispoñíbel porque o cartafol non está aberto. ## @name IMAP_QUOTA_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED ## @loc None 5096=Este servidor non é compatíbel con cotas. ## @name IMAP_QUOTA_STATUS_NOQUOTA ## @loc None 5097=Non hai cotas de almacenamento neste cartafol. # Out of memory ## @name IMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY ## @loc None 5100=O aplicativo esgotou a memoria. ## @name IMAP_COPYING_MESSAGE_OF ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 5103): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear. # Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear. # Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear. 5103=Copiando mensaxe %1$S de %2$S en %3$S ## @name IMAP_MOVE_FOLDER_TO_TRASH ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5105): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the name of the folder. 5105=Está seguro de que quere borrar o cartafol '%S'? ## @name IMAP_DELETE_NO_TRASH ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5106): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the name of the folder. 5106=Non é posíbel desfacer a eliminación deste cartafol e eliminaranse todas as mensaxes e subcartafoles que conteña. Está seguro de que quere eliminar o cartafol'%S'? ## @name IMAP_DELETE_FOLDER_DIALOG_TITLE ## @loc None 5107=Borrar o cartafol ## @name IMAP_DELETE_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL ## @loc None 5108=Borrar o car&tafol ## @name IMAP_AUTH_CHANGE_ENCRYPT_TO_PLAIN_SSL ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5110): %S is the server hostname 5110=O servidor IMAP %S semella que non admite contrasinais cifrados. Se acaba de crear esta conta, tente cambiar o 'Método de autenticación' a 'Contrasinal normal' nas 'Configuracións de conta | Configuracións do servidor'. Se se usou para traballar e agora de repente falla, contacte co seu administrador ou provedor de correo electrónico. ## @name IMAP_AUTH_CHANGE_PLAIN_TO_ENCRYPT ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5111): %S is the server hostname 5111=O servidor IMAP %S non permite contrasinais en texto plano. Tente cambiar o 'Método de autenticación' a 'Contrasinal cifrado' nas 'Configuracións de conta | Configuracións do servidor'. ## @name IMAP_AUTH_CHANGE_ENCRYPT_TO_PLAIN_NO_SSL ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5112): %S is the server hostname 5112=O servidor IMAP %S semella que non admite contrasinais cifrados. Se acaba de crear a conta, tente cambiar o 'Método de autenticación' a 'Contrasinal, transmitido de forma insegura' nas 'Configuracións de conta | Configuracións do servidor'. Se se usou para traballar e agora de repente falla, este é un escenario común de como foi posíbel que alguén roubara o seu contrasinal. ## @name IMAP_AUTH_MECH_NOT_SUPPORTED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5113): %S is the server hostname 5113=O servidor IMAP %S non admite o método de autenticación seleccionado. Cambie o 'Método de autenticación' nas 'Configuracións da conta | Configuracións do servidor'. ## @name IMAP_AUTH_MECH_FAILED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5114): %S is the server hostname 5114=Producíronse fallos en todos os mecanismos para iniciar sesión en %S. Comprobe o contrasinal ou cambie o 'Método de autenticación' nas 'Configuracións da conta | Configuracións do servidor'. ## @name IMAP_AUTH_GSSAPI_FAILED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5115): %S is the server hostname 5115=O servidor IMAP %S non aceptou o ticket Kerberos/GSSAPI.Comprobe que realmente se conectou a Kerberos/GSSAPI. ## @name IMAP_LOGIN_DISABLED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5116): %S is the account name 5116=Non é posíbel iniciar sesión en %S porque o servidor non permite a autenticación en texto plano sen STARTTLS ou SSL/TLS. Ténteo activando a seguranza da conexión ou autenticación segura na configuración da conta. ## @name IMAP_SERVER_COMMAND_FAILED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5117): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear. 5117=A orde actual non funcionou. O servidor de correo electrónico para a conta %1$S respondeu: %2$S ## @name IMAP_FOLDER_COMMAND_FAILED ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5118): Do not translate the word %S below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear. 5118=A operación actual no cartafol '%2$S' non funcionou. O servidor de correo electrónico para a conta %1$S respondeu: %3$S ## @name IMAP_SERVER_ALERT ## @loc None # LOCALIZATION NOTE (5119): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear. 5119=Alerta da conta %1$S: %2$S