# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Performance Tools # which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Performance'. # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. These strings # are specifically for marker names in the performance tool. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.label.*): # These strings are displayed in the Performance Tool waterfall, identifying markers. # We want to use the same wording as Google Chrome when appropriate. marker.label.styles=스타일 재계산 marker.label.stylesApplyChanges=스타일 변경 적용 marker.label.reflow=레이아웃 marker.label.paint=페인트 marker.label.composite=합성 레이어 marker.label.compositeForwardTransaction=합성 요청 보냄 marker.label.javascript=함수 호출 marker.label.parseHTML=HTML 파싱 marker.label.parseXML=XML 파싱 marker.label.domevent=DOM 이벤트 marker.label.consoleTime=콘솔 marker.label.garbageCollection2=가비지 컬렉션 marker.label.garbageCollection.incremental=증가형 GC marker.label.garbageCollection.nonIncremental=비증가형 GC marker.label.minorGC=마이너 GC marker.label.cycleCollection=사이클 컬렉션 marker.label.cycleCollection.forgetSkippable=CC 그래프 감소 marker.label.timestamp=타임스탬프 marker.label.worker=Worker marker.label.messagePort=메시지포트 marker.label.unknown=알 수 없음 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.label.javascript.*): # These strings are displayed as JavaScript markers that have special # reasons that can be translated. marker.label.javascript.scriptElement=스크립트 태그 marker.label.javascript.promiseCallback=프로미스 콜백 marker.label.javascript.promiseInit=프로미스 초기화 marker.label.javascript.workerRunnable=Worker marker.label.javascript.jsURI=자바스크립트 URI marker.label.javascript.eventHandler=이벤트 핸들러 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.field.*): # Strings used in the waterfall sidebar as property names. # General marker fields marker.field.start=시작: marker.field.end=종료: marker.field.duration=기간: # General "reason" for a marker (JavaScript, Garbage Collection) marker.field.causeName=원인: # General "type" for a marker (Cycle Collection, Garbage Collection) marker.field.type=형식: # General "label" for a marker (user defined) marker.field.label=레이블: # Field names for stack values marker.field.stack=스택: marker.field.startStack=시작 스택: marker.field.endStack=종료 스택: # %S is the "Async Cause" of a marker, and this signifies that the cause # was an asynchronous one in a displayed stack. marker.field.asyncStack=(비동기: %S) # For console.time markers marker.field.consoleTimerName=타이머 이름: # For DOM Event markers marker.field.DOMEventType=이벤트 형식: marker.field.DOMEventPhase=페이즈: # Non-incremental cause for a Garbage Collection marker marker.field.nonIncrementalCause=비증가형 원인: # For "Recalculate Style" markers marker.field.isAnimationOnly=애니메이션 만: # The type of operation performed by a Worker. marker.worker.serializeDataOffMainThread=Worker의 데이터를 일렬화 marker.worker.serializeDataOnMainThread=메인 스레드의 데이터를 일렬화 marker.worker.deserializeDataOffMainThread=Worker의 데이터를 일렬화 해제 marker.worker.deserializeDataOnMainThread=메인 스레드의 데이터를 일렬화 해제 # The type of operation performed by a MessagePort marker.messagePort.serializeData=데이터 직렬화 marker.messagePort.deserializeData=데이터 역직렬화 # Strings used in the waterfall sidebar as values. marker.value.unknownFrame=<알 수 없는 위치> marker.value.DOMEventTargetPhase=타겟 marker.value.DOMEventCapturingPhase=캡처 marker.value.DOMEventBubblingPhase=버블링 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.gcreason.label.*): # These strings are used to give a concise but readable description of a GC reason. marker.gcreason.label.API=API 호출 marker.gcreason.label.EAGER_ALLOC_TRIGGER=여유 할당 트리거 marker.gcreason.label.DESTROY_RUNTIME=종료 marker.gcreason.label.LAST_DITCH=메모리 부족 marker.gcreason.label.TOO_MUCH_MALLOC=초과 바이트 할당 marker.gcreason.label.ALLOC_TRIGGER=초과 할당 marker.gcreason.label.DEBUG_GC=GC 디버그 marker.gcreason.label.COMPARTMENT_REVIVED=죽은 전역 객체 살아남 marker.gcreason.label.RESET=증가형 사이클 종료 marker.gcreason.label.OUT_OF_NURSERY=너서리 꽉 참 marker.gcreason.label.EVICT_NURSERY=너서리 비움 marker.gcreason.label.FULL_STORE_BUFFER=너무 활성화된 너서리 객체 marker.gcreason.label.SHARED_MEMORY_LIMIT=큰 할당 실패 marker.gcreason.label.PERIODIC_FULL_GC=주기적 전체 GC marker.gcreason.label.INCREMENTAL_TOO_SLOW=너무 빠른 할당 속도 marker.gcreason.label.COMPONENT_UTILS=Cu.forceGC marker.gcreason.label.MEM_PRESSURE=메모리 작음 marker.gcreason.label.CC_WAITING=사이클 컬렉션에 의해 강제 수행 marker.gcreason.label.CC_FINISHED=사이클 컬렉션 완료 marker.gcreason.label.CC_FORCED=사이클 컬렉션에 의해 강제 수행 marker.gcreason.label.LOAD_END=페이지 로드 종료 marker.gcreason.label.PAGE_HIDE=배경으로 전환 marker.gcreason.label.NSJSCONTEXT_DESTROY=JS 문맥 파기 marker.gcreason.label.SET_NEW_DOCUMENT=새문서 marker.gcreason.label.SET_DOC_SHELL=새문서 marker.gcreason.label.DOM_UTILS=API 호출 marker.gcreason.label.DOM_IPC=IPC marker.gcreason.label.DOM_WORKER=주기적 Worker GC marker.gcreason.label.INTER_SLICE_GC=주기적 증가형 GC 슬라이스 marker.gcreason.label.FULL_GC_TIMER=주기적 전체 GC marker.gcreason.label.SHUTDOWN_CC=종료 marker.gcreason.label.DOM_WINDOW_UTILS=사용자 비활성화 marker.gcreason.label.USER_INACTIVE=사용자 비활성화 # The name of a nursery collection. marker.nurseryCollection=너서리 컬렉션