# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. subscribe-validating-feed=Pārbauda plūsmu… subscribe-cancelSubscription=Vai tiešām vēlaties atcelt pašreizējās plūsmas pierakstu? subscribe-cancelSubscriptionTitle=Abonē plūsmu… subscribe-feedAlreadySubscribed=Jūs jau esat pierakstījies šai plūsmai. subscribe-errorOpeningFile=Neizdevās atvērt failu. subscribe-feedAdded=Plūsma pievienota. subscribe-feedUpdated=Plūsma atjaunota. subscribe-feedMoved=Plūsmas pieraksts ir pārvietots. subscribe-feedCopied=Plūsmas pieraksts ir nokopēts. subscribe-feedRemoved=Atrakstījāties no plūsmas. subscribe-feedNotValid=Plūsmas URL nav derīga plūsma. subscribe-feedVerified=Plūsmas URL ir pārbaudīts. subscribe-networkError=Plūsmas URL neizdevās atrast. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet nosaukumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz. subscribe-noAuthError=Plūsmas URL nav autorizēts. subscribe-loading=Ielādē, lūdzu, gaidiet… subscribe-OPMLImportTitle=Atlasiet importējamo OPML failu ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList): ## %S is the name of the feed account folder name. subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList=Eksportēt %S kā OPML failu - plūsmu sarakstu ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct): ## %S is the name of the feed account folder name. subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct=Eksportēt %S kā OPML failu - plūsmas ar mapju struktūru ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle): ## %1$S is the brandShortName, %2$S is the name of the feed account folder name. subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle=%1$S OPML eksportēšana - %2$S ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDefaultFileName): ## %1$S is the brandShortName (Thunderbird for example), %2$S is the account name. ## The default extension (.opml) is added here as it is not automatically appended in the file picker on MacOS. subscribe-OPMLExportDefaultFileName=Manas%1$Splūsmas-%2$S.opml ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile): %S is the name of the OPML file the user tried to import. subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile=Izskatās, ka %S nav pareizs OPML fails. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. ## See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals ## #1 is the count of new imported entries. subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount=Importēta #1 jauna plūsma.;Importētas #1 jaunas plūsmas. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds): Semi-colon list of plural forms. ## #1 is the count of new imported entries subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds=Importēta #1 jauna, vēl neabonēta plūsma;importētas #1 jaunas, vēl neabonētas plūsmas ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds): ## #1 is total number of elements found in the file subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds=(no #1 atrasta ieraksta);(no #1 atrastiem ierakstiem) ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportStatus): ## This is the concatenation of the two strings defined above to compose 1 sentence. ## %1$S = subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds ## %2$S = subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds subscribe-OPMLImportStatus=%1$S %2$S. subscribe-OPMLExportOPMLFilesFilterText=OPML faili ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDone): %S is the export file name. subscribe-OPMLExportDone=Šajā kontā esošās plūsmas ir eksportētas uz %S. subscribe-confirmFeedDeletionTitle=Noņemt plūsmu ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion): %S is the name of the feed the user wants to unsubscribe from. subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion=Vai tiešām vēlaties atrakstīties no plūsmas:\n %S? ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-gettingFeedItems): ## - The first %S is the number of articles processed so far; ## - The second %S is the total number of items subscribe-gettingFeedItems=Lejuplādē plūsmas rakstus (%S no %S)… newsblog-noNewArticlesForFeed=Šajā plūsmā nav jaunu rakstu. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-networkError): %S is the feed URL newsblog-networkError=%S neizdevās atrast. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet nosaukumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-feedNotValid): %S is the feed URL newsblog-feedNotValid=%S nav derīga plūsma. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-badCertError): %S is the feed URL host newsblog-badCertError=%S izmanto nederīgu drošības sertifikātu. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-noAuthError): %S is the feed URL newsblog-noAuthError=%S nav autorizēts. newsblog-getNewMsgsCheck=Pārbauda jaunus vienumus plūsmās… ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(feeds-accountname): This string should be the same as feeds.accountName in am-newsblog.dtd feeds-accountname=Emuāri & Ziņu plūsmas ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(externalAttachmentMsg): Content in the MIME part for external link attachments. externalAttachmentMsg=Šis MIME pielikums tiek glabāts atsevišķi no ziņas. ## Import wizard. ImportFeedsCreateNewListItem=* Jauns konts * ImportFeedsNewAccount=Izveidot un importēt uz jaunu plūsmu kontu ImportFeedsExistingAccount=Importēt esošā plūsmu kontā ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(ImportFeedsDone): ## - The first %S is the import file name; ## - The second %S is the value of either ImportFeedsNew or ImportFeedsExisting; ## - The third %S is the feed account name. ImportFeedsNew=jauns ImportFeedsExisting=esošs ImportFeedsDone=Plūsmas abonementu importēšana no faila %1$S uz %2$S kontu '%3$S' ir pabeigta.