# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_title): # The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated. # It is the general label for the standards based technology. see http://www.webrtc.org document_title = WebRTC - Datas internas cannot_retrieve_log = Impussibel da retschaiver datas da protocol da WebRTC # LOCALIZATION NOTE (save_page_msg): # %1$S will be replaced by a full path file name: the target of the SavePage operation. save_page_msg = memorisà la pagina sut: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (save_page_dialog_title): "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be # translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box. save_page_dialog_title = memorisar about:webrtc sut # LOCALIZATION NOTE (debug_mode_off_state_msg): # %1$S will be replaced by the full path file name of the debug log. debug_mode_off_state_msg = il protocol dal decurs sa chatta qua: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (debug_mode_on_state_msg): # %1$S will be replaced by the full path file name of the debug log. debug_mode_on_state_msg = modus per chattar sbagls activ, protocol dal decurs sut: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (aec_logging_msg_label, aec_logging_off_state_label, # aec_logging_on_state_label, aec_logging_on_state_msg): # AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation. aec_logging_msg_label = Protocollar AEC aec_logging_off_state_label = Cumenzar da protocollar AEC aec_logging_on_state_label = Chalar da protocollar AEC aec_logging_on_state_msg = protocollar AEC è activ (discurra in pèr minutas cun il telefonader e terminescha lura il protocollar) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (aec_logging_off_state_msg): # %1$S will be replaced by the full path to the directory containing the captured log files. # AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation. aec_logging_off_state_msg = datotecas da protocols registrads sa chattan qua: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (peer_connection_id_label): "PeerConnection" is a proper noun # associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is an abbreviation for Identifier. This string # should not normally be translated and is used as a data label. peer_connection_id_label = PeerConnection ID # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sdp_heading, local_sdp_heading, remote_sdp_heading, sdp_history_heading, sdp_parsing_errors_heading): # "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard. # See http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Description_Protocol sdp_heading = SDP local_sdp_heading = Local SDP remote_sdp_heading = Remote SDP sdp_history_heading = Cronologia SDP sdp_parsing_errors_heading = Errurs d'analisa SDP # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sdp_set_at_timestamp): the local or remote SDP and when it was set # %1$S will be replaced by local_sdp_heading or remote sdp_heading and %2$S # will be a numeric timestamp. sdp_set_at_timestamp = Definì %1$S cun il timestamp %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sdp_set_timestamp): the absolute and relative times # when the sdp was set. %1$S and $2$S are both numeric timestamps. The # first is the absolute time, the second is the elapsed time since the # first sdp was set. ms is an abbreviation for milliseconds. sdp_set_timestamp = Timestamp %1$S (+ %2$S ms) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (offer, answer): # offer and answer describe whether the local sdp is an offer or answer or # the remote sdp is an offer or answer. These are appended to the local and # remote sdp headings. offer = Offerta answer = Resposta # LOCALIZATION NOTE (rtp_stats_heading): "RTP" is an abbreviation for the # Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF specification, and should not # normally be translated. "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics. rtp_stats_heading = RTP Stats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ice_state, ice_stats_heading): "ICE" is an abbreviation # for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which is an IETF protocol, # and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an abbreviation for # Statistics. ice_state = ICE State ice_stats_heading = ICE Stats ice_restart_count_label = ICE restarts ice_rollback_count_label = ICE rollbacks ice_pair_bytes_sent = Bytes tramess ice_pair_bytes_received = Bytes recepids ice_component_id = ID da la cumponenta # LOCALIZATION NOTE (avg_bitrate_label, avg_framerate_label): "Avg." is an abbreviation # for Average. These are used as data labels. avg_bitrate_label = Avg. bitrate avg_framerate_label = Avg. framerate # LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeLocal, typeRemote): These adjectives are used to label a # line of statistics collected for a peer connection. The data represents # either the local or remote end of the connection. typeLocal = Local typeRemote = Lontan # LOCALIZATION NOTE (nominated): This adjective is used to label a table column. # Cells in this column contain the localized javascript string representation of "true" # or are left blank. nominated = Nominated # LOCALIZATION NOTE (selected): This adjective is used to label a table column. # Cells in this column contain the localized javascript string representation of "true" # or are left blank. This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate. selected = Selected # LOCALIZATION NOTE (trickle_caption_msg2, trickle_highlight_color_name2): ICE # candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled # (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats # table with light blue background. %S is replaced by # trickle_highlight_color_name2 ("blue"), highlighted with a light blue # background to visually match the trickled ICE candidates. trickle_caption_msg2 = Ils candidats plauns (arrivads suenter la resposta) èn marcads cun %S trickle_highlight_color_name2 = blau save_page_label = Memorisar la pagina debug_mode_msg_label = Modus per chattar sbagls debug_mode_off_state_label = Lantschar il modus per chattar sbagls debug_mode_on_state_label = Fermar il modus per chattar sbagls stats_heading = Statistica da la sesida stats_clear = Stizzar la cronologia log_heading = Connection Log log_clear = Svidar il protocol log_show_msg = show log log_hide_msg = hide log connection_closed = closed local_candidate = Local Candidate remote_candidate = Remote Candidate raw_candidates_heading = Tut ils candidats bruts raw_local_candidate = Candidat brut local raw_remote_candidate = Candidat brut lontan raw_cand_show_msg = mussar ils candidats bruts raw_cand_hide_msg = zuppentar ils candidats bruts priority = Priority fold_show_msg = show details fold_show_hint = click to expand this section fold_hide_msg = hide details fold_hide_hint = click to collapse this section dropped_frames_label = Dropped frames discarded_packets_label = Discarded packets decoder_label = Decoder encoder_label = Encoder received_label = Received packets = packets lost_label = Lost jitter_label = Jitter sent_label = Sent show_tab_label = Mussar il tab frame_stats_heading = Statisticas per frames da video n_a = Naginas indicaziuns width_px = Largezza (px) height_px = Autezza (px) consecutive_frames = Frames consecutivs time_elapsed = Temp percurrì (s) estimated_framerate = Framerate stimada rotation_degrees = Rotaziun (grads) first_frame_timestamp = Temp da la recepziun da l'emprim maletg last_frame_timestamp = Temp da la recepziun da l'ultim maletg # SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream # This is an SSRC on the local side of the connection that is receiving RTP local_receive_ssrc = SSRC local che recepescha # This is an SSRC on the remote side of the connection that is sending RTP remote_send_ssrc = SSRC lontan che trametta # An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having been # provided configuration_element_provided = Inditgà # An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having not # been provided configuration_element_not_provided = Betg inditgà # The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call custom_webrtc_configuration_heading = Preferenzas WebRTC definidas da l'utilisader # Section header for estimated bandwidths of WebRTC media flows bandwidth_stats_heading = Volumen da datas transmissibel stimà # The ID of the MediaStreamTrack track_identifier = Identificatur dal toc # The estimated bandwidth available for sending WebRTC media in bytes per second send_bandwidth_bytes_sec = Volumen da datas transferibel (bytes/sec) # The estimated bandwidth available for receiving WebRTC media in bytes per second receive_bandwidth_bytes_sec = Volumen da datas receptibel (bytes/sec) # Maximum number of bytes per second that will be padding zeros at the ends of packets max_padding_bytes_sec = Padding maximal (bytes/sec) # The amount of time inserted between packets to keep them spaced out pacer_delay_ms = Retard Pacer (ms) # The amount of time it takes for a packet to travel from the local machine to the remote machine, # and then have a packet return round_trip_time_ms = RTT (ms)