# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ResolvingHost=Looking up #ConnectedTo=Connected to #ConnectingTo=Connecting to #SendingRequestTo=Sending request to #TransferringDataFrom=Transferring data from 3=Goo ma %1$S ceeci… 4=Ga ciya nda %1$S… 5=Goo ma hãayan sanba %1$S do… 6=Goo ma bayhayey berandi ka hun %1$S do… 7=Goo ma ciya %1$S še… 8=%1$S caw\u0020 9=Hantumandi %1$S ga 10=Goo ma %1$S batu… 11=Na %1$S guna… 12=TLS fooyan foo tee %1$S ga… 13=TLS fooyan n' ka ben %1$S se… 27=FTP toonandiyan ga šintin… 28=FTP toonandiyan ben RepostFormData=Interneti moɲoo woo goo ma bisandi doo taaga here. War ga baa ka bayhaya hantumantey sanba koyne doo taagaa here? # Directory listing strings DirTitle=%1$S maaboŋoo DirGoUp=Zijandi fooloɲaa beeri here ShowHidden=Haya tugantey cebe DirColName=Maa DirColSize=Adadu DirColMTime=Barmay kokorantaa DirFileLabel=Tuku:\u0020 SuperfluousAuth=War ga baa ka war boŋhantum "%1$S" nungoo ga nda goykaw maa "%2$S", amma nungoo woo ši lasal-tabatandiyan waažibandi. A ga hin ka tee a ma wiri ka war darga.\n\n"%1$S" ti nungoo kaŋ war ga baa k'a naaru wala? AutomaticAuth=War ga baa ka war boŋhantum "%1$S" nungoo ga nda goykaw maa "%2$S". UnsafeUriBlocked=Naarumi saajante na daliloo kaŋ goo “%1$S” ga gagayandi.