# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error # and informational messages # # # The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error # and informational messages # # Short name of import module ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_NAME ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2000): DONT_TRANSLATE 2000=Outlook # Description of import module ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_DESCRIPTION ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2010): In this item, don't translate "Outlook" 2010=Outlook - Meddelanden, adressböcker och inställningar # Success message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_MAILBOX_SUCCESS ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2002): In this item, don't translate "%S" or "%d" ## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox ## The variable %d will receive the number of messages 2002=Brevlåda %S - %d meddelanden importerade # Error message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_MAILBOX_BADPARAM ## @loc None 2003=Felaktig parameter till brevlådeimporten. # Error message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_MAILBOX_CONVERTERROR ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2004): In this item, don't translate "%S" ## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox 2004=Ett fel inträffade under pågående läsning av brevlådan %S. Det är inte säkert att alla brev har importerats. # Address book name ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_ADDRNAME ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2005): In this item, don't translate "Outlook" 2005=Outlook - Adressböcker # Description ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_ADDRESS_SUCCESS ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2006): In this item, don't translate "%S" ## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book 2006=Adressboken %S har importerats. # Error message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_ADDRESS_BADPARAM ## @loc None 2007=Felaktig parameter till adressboksimporten. # Error message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_ADDRESS_BADSOURCEFILE ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2008): In this item, don't translate "%S" ## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book 2008=Ett fel inträffade när filen med adressboken %S skulle läsas. # Error message ## @name OUTLOOKIMPORT_ADDRESS_CONVERTERROR ## @loc None ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2009): In this item, don't translate "%S" ## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book 2009=Ett fel inträffade under pågående läsning av adressboken %S. Det är inte säkert att alla adresser har importerats.