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### These strings are used in DevTools’ performance-new panel, about:profiling, and
### the remote profiling panel. There are additional profiler strings in the appmenu.ftl
### file that are used for the profiler popup.
perftools-intro-title = 分析器设置
perftools-intro-description = 记录过程将在新标签页中打开 profiler.firefox.com。所有数据都存储在本地,您可以手动选择上传以进行共享。
## All of the headings for the various sections.
perftools-heading-settings = 完整设置
perftools-heading-buffer = 缓冲区设置
perftools-heading-features = 功能
perftools-heading-features-default = 功能(默认推荐开启)
perftools-heading-features-disabled = 已禁用的功能
perftools-heading-features-experimental = 实验性
perftools-heading-threads = 线程
perftools-heading-local-build = 本地构建版本
perftools-description-intro = 记录过程将在新标签页中打开 profiler.firefox.com。所有数据都存储在本地,您可以手动选择上传以进行共享。
perftools-description-local-build = 若您要对本机自行编译的构建版本进行测量,请将其 objdir 路径添加至下方列表,以便查询调试符号信息。
## The controls for the interval at which the profiler samples the code.
perftools-range-interval-label = 采样间隔:
perftools-range-interval-milliseconds = { NUMBER($interval, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } ms
# The size of the memory buffer used to store things in the profiler.
perftools-range-entries-label = 缓冲区大小:
perftools-custom-threads-label = 按名称添加自定义线程:
perftools-devtools-interval-label = 间隔:
perftools-devtools-threads-label = 线程:
perftools-devtools-settings-label = 设置
## Various statuses that affect the current state of profiling, not typically displayed.
perftools-status-private-browsing-notice =
perftools-status-recording-stopped-by-another-tool = 已被其他工具停止记录。
perftools-status-restart-required = 必须重启浏览器才能启用此功能。
## These are shown briefly when the user is waiting for the profiler to respond.
perftools-request-to-stop-profiler = 正在停止记录
perftools-request-to-get-profile-and-stop-profiler = 正在捕捉性能
perftools-button-start-recording = 开始记录
perftools-button-capture-recording = 正在捕捉记录
perftools-button-cancel-recording = 取消记录
perftools-button-save-settings = 保存设置并返回
perftools-button-restart = 重新启动
perftools-button-add-directory = 添加路径
perftools-button-remove-directory = 移除选中项
perftools-button-edit-settings = 编辑设置…
## These messages are descriptions of the threads that can be enabled for the profiler.
perftools-thread-gecko-main =
.title = 父进程和内容进程等主进程
perftools-thread-compositor =
.title = 将页面中各种绘制完成的元素进行合成
perftools-thread-dom-worker =
.title = 处理 web worker 和 service worker
perftools-thread-renderer =
.title = 启用 WebRender 时,用于执行 OpenGL 调用的线程
perftools-thread-render-backend =
.title = WebRender 的 RenderBackend 线程
perftools-thread-paint-worker =
.title = 启用非主线程绘制时,进行绘制的线程
perftools-thread-style-thread =
.title = 样式计算会拆分在多个线程中进行
pref-thread-stream-trans =
.title = 网络数据流传输
perftools-thread-socket-thread =
.title = 网络相关代码进行任何 socket 阻塞式调用时,将发生在此线程
perftools-thread-img-decoder =
.title = 图像解码线程
perftools-thread-dns-resolver =
.title = DNS 解析会发生在此线程
perftools-thread-js-helper =
.title = JS 引擎的后台工作,例如非主线程编译
perftools-record-all-registered-threads = 忽略上面选择的项目,记录所有注册的线程
perftools-tools-threads-input-label =
.title = 下方列表是要在分析器中测量性能的线程名称(以逗号分隔)。名称须与要测量的线程的名称部分匹配,且对空格敏感。
## Onboarding UI labels. These labels are displayed in the new performance panel UI, when
## both devtools.performance.new-panel-onboarding & devtools.performance.new-panel-enabled
## preferences are true.
-profiler-brand-name = Firefox 分析器
perftools-onboarding-message = 新变化:{ -profiler-brand-name } 现已集成于开发者工具。详细了解这个功能强大的新工具。
# `options-context-advanced-settings` is defined in toolbox-options.ftl
perftools-onboarding-reenable-old-panel = (在短时间内,您仍可以通过{ options-context-advanced-settings }访问旧的“性能”面板)
perftools-onboarding-close-button =
.aria-label = 关闭导览消息