# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. openpgp-one-recipient-status-title = .title = OpenPGP 訊息安全 openpgp-one-recipient-status-status = .label = 狀態 openpgp-one-recipient-status-key-id = .label = 金鑰 ID openpgp-one-recipient-status-created-date = .label = 建立於 openpgp-one-recipient-status-expires-date = .label = 有效期限 openpgp-one-recipient-status-open-details = .label = 開啟詳細資訊,並編輯接受程度… openpgp-one-recipient-status-discover = .label = 尋找新的金鑰,或是否有金鑰更新 openpgp-one-recipient-status-instruction1 = 若要傳送端到端加密訊息給,需要先取得對方的 OpenPGP 公鑰,並標示為已接受。 openpgp-one-recipient-status-instruction2 = 要取得對方的公要,請匯入對方寄送給您,含有公鑰的郵件。另外您也可以嘗試在網路目錄中尋找看看。 openpgp-key-own = 接受(個人金鑰) openpgp-key-secret-not-personal = 無法使用 openpgp-key-verified = 接受(已驗證) openpgp-key-unverified = 接受(未驗證) openpgp-key-undecided = 不接受(未決定) openpgp-key-rejected = 不接受(已拒絕) openpgp-intro = { $key } 可用的公鑰