/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // // Eric Vaughan // Netscape Communications // // See documentation in associated header file // #include "nsScrollbarButtonFrame.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsSliderFrame.h" #include "nsScrollbarFrame.h" #include "nsIScrollbarMediator.h" #include "nsRepeatService.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/MouseEvents.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ScrollInputMethods.h" using namespace mozilla; using mozilla::layers::ScrollInputMethod; // // NS_NewToolbarFrame // // Creates a new Toolbar frame and returns it // nsIFrame* NS_NewScrollbarButtonFrame(PresShell* aPresShell, ComputedStyle* aStyle) { return new (aPresShell) nsScrollbarButtonFrame(aStyle, aPresShell->GetPresContext()); } NS_IMPL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS(nsScrollbarButtonFrame) nsresult nsScrollbarButtonFrame::HandleEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aEventStatus); // If a web page calls event.preventDefault() we still want to // scroll when scroll arrow is clicked. See bug 511075. if (!mContent->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree() && nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault == *aEventStatus) { return NS_OK; } switch (aEvent->mMessage) { case eMouseDown: mCursorOnThis = true; // if we didn't handle the press ourselves, pass it on to the superclass if (HandleButtonPress(aPresContext, aEvent, aEventStatus)) { return NS_OK; } break; case eMouseUp: HandleRelease(aPresContext, aEvent, aEventStatus); break; case eMouseOut: mCursorOnThis = false; break; case eMouseMove: { nsPoint cursor = nsLayoutUtils::GetEventCoordinatesRelativeTo( aEvent, RelativeTo{this}); nsRect frameRect(nsPoint(0, 0), GetSize()); mCursorOnThis = frameRect.Contains(cursor); break; } default: break; } return nsButtonBoxFrame::HandleEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, aEventStatus); } bool nsScrollbarButtonFrame::HandleButtonPress(nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus) { // Get the desired action for the scrollbar button. LookAndFeel::IntID tmpAction; uint16_t button = aEvent->AsMouseEvent()->mButton; if (button == MouseButton::ePrimary) { tmpAction = LookAndFeel::IntID::ScrollButtonLeftMouseButtonAction; } else if (button == MouseButton::eMiddle) { tmpAction = LookAndFeel::IntID::ScrollButtonMiddleMouseButtonAction; } else if (button == MouseButton::eSecondary) { tmpAction = LookAndFeel::IntID::ScrollButtonRightMouseButtonAction; } else { return false; } // Get the button action metric from the pres. shell. int32_t pressedButtonAction; if (NS_FAILED(LookAndFeel::GetInt(tmpAction, &pressedButtonAction))) { return false; } // get the scrollbar control nsIFrame* scrollbar; GetParentWithTag(nsGkAtoms::scrollbar, this, scrollbar); if (scrollbar == nullptr) return false; static dom::Element::AttrValuesArray strings[] = { nsGkAtoms::increment, nsGkAtoms::decrement, nullptr}; int32_t index = mContent->AsElement()->FindAttrValueIn( kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, strings, eCaseMatters); int32_t direction; if (index == 0) direction = 1; else if (index == 1) direction = -1; else return false; bool repeat = pressedButtonAction != 2; // set this attribute so we can style it later AutoWeakFrame weakFrame(this); mContent->AsElement()->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::active, u"true"_ns, true); PresShell::SetCapturingContent(mContent, CaptureFlags::IgnoreAllowedState); if (!weakFrame.IsAlive()) { return false; } nsScrollbarFrame* sb = do_QueryFrame(scrollbar); if (sb) { nsIScrollbarMediator* m = sb->GetScrollbarMediator(); switch (pressedButtonAction) { case 0: sb->SetIncrementToLine(direction); if (m) { m->ScrollByLine(sb, direction, nsIScrollbarMediator::ENABLE_SNAP); } break; case 1: sb->SetIncrementToPage(direction); if (m) { m->ScrollByPage(sb, direction, nsIScrollbarMediator::ENABLE_SNAP); } break; case 2: sb->SetIncrementToWhole(direction); if (m) { m->ScrollByWhole(sb, direction, nsIScrollbarMediator::ENABLE_SNAP); } break; case 3: default: // We were told to ignore this click, or someone assigned a non-standard // value to the button's action. return false; } if (!weakFrame.IsAlive()) { return false; } mozilla::Telemetry::Accumulate( mozilla::Telemetry::SCROLL_INPUT_METHODS, (uint32_t)ScrollInputMethod::MainThreadScrollbarButtonClick); if (!m) { sb->MoveToNewPosition(); if (!weakFrame.IsAlive()) { return false; } } } if (repeat) { StartRepeat(); } return true; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsScrollbarButtonFrame::HandleRelease(nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus) { PresShell::ReleaseCapturingContent(); // we're not active anymore mContent->AsElement()->UnsetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::active, true); StopRepeat(); nsIFrame* scrollbar; GetParentWithTag(nsGkAtoms::scrollbar, this, scrollbar); nsScrollbarFrame* sb = do_QueryFrame(scrollbar); if (sb) { nsIScrollbarMediator* m = sb->GetScrollbarMediator(); if (m) { m->ScrollbarReleased(sb); } } return NS_OK; } void nsScrollbarButtonFrame::Notify() { if (mCursorOnThis || LookAndFeel::GetInt(LookAndFeel::IntID::ScrollbarButtonAutoRepeatBehavior, 0)) { // get the scrollbar control nsIFrame* scrollbar; GetParentWithTag(nsGkAtoms::scrollbar, this, scrollbar); nsScrollbarFrame* sb = do_QueryFrame(scrollbar); if (sb) { nsIScrollbarMediator* m = sb->GetScrollbarMediator(); if (m) { m->RepeatButtonScroll(sb); } else { sb->MoveToNewPosition(); } } } } nsresult nsScrollbarButtonFrame::GetChildWithTag(nsAtom* atom, nsIFrame* start, nsIFrame*& result) { // recursively search our children for (nsIFrame* childFrame : start->PrincipalChildList()) { // get the content node nsIContent* child = childFrame->GetContent(); if (child) { // see if it is the child if (child->IsXULElement(atom)) { result = childFrame; return NS_OK; } } // recursive search the child GetChildWithTag(atom, childFrame, result); if (result != nullptr) return NS_OK; } result = nullptr; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsScrollbarButtonFrame::GetParentWithTag(nsAtom* toFind, nsIFrame* start, nsIFrame*& result) { while (start) { start = start->GetParent(); if (start) { // get the content node nsIContent* child = start->GetContent(); if (child && child->IsXULElement(toFind)) { result = start; return NS_OK; } } } result = nullptr; return NS_OK; } void nsScrollbarButtonFrame::DestroyFrom(nsIFrame* aDestructRoot, PostDestroyData& aPostDestroyData) { // Ensure our repeat service isn't going... it's possible that a scrollbar can // disappear out from under you while you're in the process of scrolling. StopRepeat(); nsButtonBoxFrame::DestroyFrom(aDestructRoot, aPostDestroyData); }