/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #pragma GCC visibility push(default) #include #pragma GCC visibility pop #include "mozilla/Types.h" #include #include #include #define GET_FUNC(func, lib) (func##Fn = dlsym(lib, #func)) #define IS_FUNC_LOADED(func) (func##Fn != NULL) static VAStatus (*vaDestroyBufferFn)(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buffer_id); static VAStatus (*vaBeginPictureFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VASurfaceID render_target); static VAStatus (*vaEndPictureFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context); static VAStatus (*vaRenderPictureFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VABufferID* buffers, int num_buffers); static int (*vaMaxNumProfilesFn)(VADisplay dpy); static VAStatus (*vaCreateContextFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config_id, int picture_width, int picture_height, int flag, VASurfaceID* render_targets, int num_render_targets, VAContextID* context /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaDestroyContextFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context); static VAStatus (*vaCreateBufferFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VABufferType type, /* in */ unsigned int size, /* in */ unsigned int num_elements, /* in */ void* data, /* in */ VABufferID* buf_id /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaQuerySurfaceAttributesFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config, VASurfaceAttrib* attrib_list, unsigned int* num_attribs); static VAStatus (*vaQueryConfigProfilesFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAProfile* profile_list, /* out */ int* num_profiles /* out */); static const char* (*vaErrorStrFn)(VAStatus error_status); static VAStatus (*vaCreateConfigFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, VAConfigAttrib* attrib_list, int num_attribs, VAConfigID* config_id /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaDestroyConfigFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config_id); static int (*vaMaxNumImageFormatsFn)(VADisplay dpy); static VAStatus (*vaQueryImageFormatsFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAImageFormat* format_list, /* out */ int* num_formats /* out */); static const char* (*vaQueryVendorStringFn)(VADisplay dpy); static VAStatus (*vaDestroySurfacesFn)(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID* surfaces, int num_surfaces); static VAStatus (*vaCreateSurfacesFn)(VADisplay dpy, unsigned int format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, VASurfaceID* surfaces, unsigned int num_surfaces, VASurfaceAttrib* attrib_list, unsigned int num_attribs); static VAStatus (*vaDeriveImageFn)(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, VAImage* image /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaDestroyImageFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAImageID image); static VAStatus (*vaPutImageFn)(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, VAImageID image, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned int dest_width, unsigned int dest_height); static VAStatus (*vaSyncSurfaceFn)(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID render_target); static VAStatus (*vaCreateImageFn)(VADisplay dpy, VAImageFormat* format, int width, int height, VAImage* image /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaGetImageFn)( VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, int x, /* coordinates of the upper left source pixel */ int y, unsigned int width, /* width and height of the region */ unsigned int height, VAImageID image); static VAStatus (*vaMapBufferFn)(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ void** pbuf /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaUnmapBufferFn)(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id /* in */); static VAStatus (*vaTerminateFn)(VADisplay dpy); static VAStatus (*vaInitializeFn)(VADisplay dpy, int* major_version, /* out */ int* minor_version /* out */); static VAStatus (*vaSetDriverNameFn)(VADisplay dpy, char* driver_name); int LoadVALibrary() { static pthread_mutex_t sVALock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static void* sVALib = NULL; static int sVAInitialized = 0; static int sVALoaded = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&sVALock); if (!sVAInitialized) { sVAInitialized = 1; sVALib = dlopen("libva.so.2", RTLD_LAZY); if (!sVALib) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&sVALock); return 0; } GET_FUNC(vaDestroyBuffer, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaBeginPicture, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaEndPicture, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaRenderPicture, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaMaxNumProfiles, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaCreateContext, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaDestroyContext, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaCreateBuffer, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaQuerySurfaceAttributes, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaQueryConfigProfiles, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaErrorStr, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaCreateConfig, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaDestroyConfig, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaMaxNumImageFormats, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaQueryImageFormats, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaQueryVendorString, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaDestroySurfaces, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaCreateSurfaces, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaDeriveImage, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaDestroyImage, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaPutImage, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaSyncSurface, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaCreateImage, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaGetImage, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaMapBuffer, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaUnmapBuffer, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaTerminate, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaInitialize, sVALib); GET_FUNC(vaSetDriverName, sVALib); sVALoaded = (IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDestroyBuffer) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaBeginPicture) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaEndPicture) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaRenderPicture) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaMaxNumProfiles) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaCreateContext) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDestroyContext) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaCreateBuffer) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaQuerySurfaceAttributes) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaQueryConfigProfiles) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaErrorStr) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaCreateConfig) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDestroyConfig) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaMaxNumImageFormats) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaQueryImageFormats) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaQueryVendorString) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDestroySurfaces) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaCreateSurfaces) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDeriveImage) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaDestroyImage) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaPutImage) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaSyncSurface) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaCreateImage) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaGetImage) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaMapBuffer) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaUnmapBuffer) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaTerminate) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaInitialize) && IS_FUNC_LOADED(vaSetDriverName)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&sVALock); return sVALoaded; } #pragma GCC visibility push(default) VAStatus vaDestroyBuffer(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buffer_id) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDestroyBufferFn(dpy, buffer_id); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaBeginPicture(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VASurfaceID render_target) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaBeginPictureFn(dpy, context, render_target); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaEndPicture(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaEndPictureFn(dpy, context); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaRenderPicture(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VABufferID* buffers, int num_buffers) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaRenderPictureFn(dpy, context, buffers, num_buffers); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } int vaMaxNumProfiles(VADisplay dpy) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaMaxNumProfilesFn(dpy); } return 0; } VAStatus vaCreateContext(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config_id, int picture_width, int picture_height, int flag, VASurfaceID* render_targets, int num_render_targets, VAContextID* context /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaCreateContextFn(dpy, config_id, picture_width, picture_height, flag, render_targets, num_render_targets, context); } *context = 0; return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaDestroyContext(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDestroyContextFn(dpy, context); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaCreateBuffer(VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VABufferType type, /* in */ unsigned int size, /* in */ unsigned int num_elements, /* in */ void* data, /* in */ VABufferID* buf_id /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaCreateBufferFn(dpy, context, type, size, num_elements, data, buf_id); } *buf_id = 0; return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaQuerySurfaceAttributes(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config, VASurfaceAttrib* attrib_list, unsigned int* num_attribs) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaQuerySurfaceAttributesFn(dpy, config, attrib_list, num_attribs); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaQueryConfigProfiles(VADisplay dpy, VAProfile* profile_list, /* out */ int* num_profiles /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaQueryConfigProfilesFn(dpy, profile_list, num_profiles); } *num_profiles = 0; return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } const char* vaErrorStr(VAStatus error_status) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaErrorStrFn(error_status); } static char tmp[] = "Unimplemented"; return tmp; } VAStatus vaCreateConfig(VADisplay dpy, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, VAConfigAttrib* attrib_list, int num_attribs, VAConfigID* config_id /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaCreateConfigFn(dpy, profile, entrypoint, attrib_list, num_attribs, config_id); } *config_id = 0; return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaDestroyConfig(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config_id) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDestroyConfigFn(dpy, config_id); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } int vaMaxNumImageFormats(VADisplay dpy) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaMaxNumImageFormatsFn(dpy); } return 0; } VAStatus vaQueryImageFormats(VADisplay dpy, VAImageFormat* format_list, int* num_formats) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaQueryImageFormatsFn(dpy, format_list, num_formats); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } const char* vaQueryVendorString(VADisplay dpy) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaQueryVendorStringFn(dpy); } return NULL; } VAStatus vaDestroySurfaces(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID* surfaces, int num_surfaces) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDestroySurfacesFn(dpy, surfaces, num_surfaces); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaCreateSurfaces(VADisplay dpy, unsigned int format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, VASurfaceID* surfaces, unsigned int num_surfaces, VASurfaceAttrib* attrib_list, unsigned int num_attribs) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaCreateSurfacesFn(dpy, format, width, height, surfaces, num_surfaces, attrib_list, num_attribs); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaDeriveImage(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, VAImage* image /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDeriveImageFn(dpy, surface, image); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaDestroyImage(VADisplay dpy, VAImageID image) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaDestroyImageFn(dpy, image); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaPutImage(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, VAImageID image, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned int dest_width, unsigned int dest_height) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaPutImageFn(dpy, surface, image, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaSyncSurface(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID render_target) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaSyncSurfaceFn(dpy, render_target); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaCreateImage(VADisplay dpy, VAImageFormat* format, int width, int height, VAImage* image /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaCreateImageFn(dpy, format, width, height, image); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaGetImage(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, int x, /* coordinates of the upper left source pixel */ int y, unsigned int width, /* width and height of the region */ unsigned int height, VAImageID image) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaGetImageFn(dpy, surface, x, y, width, height, image); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaMapBuffer(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ void** pbuf /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaMapBufferFn(dpy, buf_id, pbuf); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaUnmapBuffer(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id /* in */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaUnmapBufferFn(dpy, buf_id); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaTerminate(VADisplay dpy) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaTerminateFn(dpy); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaInitialize(VADisplay dpy, int* major_version, /* out */ int* minor_version /* out */) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaInitializeFn(dpy, major_version, minor_version); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } VAStatus vaSetDriverName(VADisplay dpy, char* driver_name) { if (LoadVALibrary()) { return vaSetDriverNameFn(dpy, driver_name); } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } #pragma GCC visibility pop