# Version of this schema
schema: 1

  # Bugzilla product and component for this directory and subdirectories
  product: "Core"
  component: "Audio/Video: Playback"

# The source from this directory was copied from the cubeb
# git repository using the update.sh script.  The only changes
# made were those applied by update.sh and the addition of
# Makefile.in build files for the Mozilla build system.

  name: "nestegg"
  description: "WebM demuxer"

  url: "https://github.com/kinetiknz/nestegg"
  license: "ISC"

  # update.sh will update this value
  release: "b50521d4f5bf659c66a56f8a90d8776aacaa1e36 (2019-11-05 11:33:33 +1300)"