/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GeckoViewHistory.h" #include "JavaBuiltins.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "js/Array.h" // JS::GetArrayLength, JS::IsArrayObject #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/ResultExtensions.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Link.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BrowserChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h" #include "mozilla/widget/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/widget/nsWindow.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::ipc; using namespace mozilla::widget; static const char16_t kOnVisitedMessage[] = u"GeckoView:OnVisited"; static const char16_t kGetVisitedMessage[] = u"GeckoView:GetVisited"; // Keep in sync with `GeckoSession.HistoryDelegate.VisitFlags`. enum class GeckoViewVisitFlags : int32_t { VISIT_TOP_LEVEL = 1 << 0, VISIT_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY = 1 << 1, VISIT_REDIRECT_PERMANENT = 1 << 2, VISIT_REDIRECT_SOURCE = 1 << 3, VISIT_REDIRECT_SOURCE_PERMANENT = 1 << 4, VISIT_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR = 1 << 5, }; GeckoViewHistory::GeckoViewHistory() {} GeckoViewHistory::~GeckoViewHistory() {} NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(GeckoViewHistory, IHistory) StaticRefPtr GeckoViewHistory::sHistory; /* static */ already_AddRefed GeckoViewHistory::GetSingleton() { if (!sHistory) { sHistory = new GeckoViewHistory(); ClearOnShutdown(&sHistory); } RefPtr history = sHistory; return history.forget(); } // Handles a request to fetch visited statuses for new tracked URIs in the // content process (e10s). void GeckoViewHistory::QueryVisitedStateInContentProcess( const PendingVisitedQueries& aQueries) { // Holds an array of new tracked URIs for a tab in the content process. struct NewURIEntry { explicit NewURIEntry(BrowserChild* aBrowserChild, nsIURI* aURI) : mBrowserChild(aBrowserChild) { AddURI(aURI); } void AddURI(nsIURI* aURI) { mURIs.AppendElement(aURI); } BrowserChild* mBrowserChild; nsTArray> mURIs; }; MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsContentProcess()); // First, serialize all the new URIs that we need to look up. Note that this // could be written as `nsDataHashtable` // instead, but, since we don't expect to have many tab children, we can avoid // the cost of hashing. AutoTArray newEntries; for (auto query = aQueries.ConstIter(); !query.Done(); query.Next()) { nsIURI* uri = query.Get()->GetKey(); auto entry = mTrackedURIs.Lookup(uri); if (!entry) { continue; } ObservingLinks& links = entry.Data(); for (Link* link : links.mLinks.BackwardRange()) { nsIWidget* widget = nsContentUtils::WidgetForContent(link->GetElement()); if (!widget) { continue; } BrowserChild* browserChild = widget->GetOwningBrowserChild(); if (!browserChild) { continue; } // Add to the list of new URIs for this document, or make a new entry. bool hasEntry = false; for (NewURIEntry& entry : newEntries) { if (entry.mBrowserChild == browserChild) { entry.AddURI(uri); hasEntry = true; break; } } if (!hasEntry) { newEntries.AppendElement(NewURIEntry(browserChild, uri)); } } } // Send the request to the parent process, one message per tab child. for (const NewURIEntry& entry : newEntries) { Unused << NS_WARN_IF( !entry.mBrowserChild->SendQueryVisitedState(entry.mURIs)); } } // Handles a request to fetch visited statuses for new tracked URIs in the // parent process (non-e10s). void GeckoViewHistory::QueryVisitedStateInParentProcess( const PendingVisitedQueries& aQueries) { // Holds an array of new URIs for a window in the parent process. Unlike // the content process case, we don't need to track tab children, since we // have the outer window and can send the request directly to Java. struct NewURIEntry { explicit NewURIEntry(nsIWidget* aWidget, nsIURI* aURI) : mWidget(aWidget) { AddURI(aURI); } void AddURI(nsIURI* aURI) { mURIs.AppendElement(aURI); } nsCOMPtr mWidget; nsTArray> mURIs; }; MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); nsTArray newEntries; for (auto query = aQueries.ConstIter(); !query.Done(); query.Next()) { nsIURI* uri = query.Get()->GetKey(); auto entry = mTrackedURIs.Lookup(uri); if (!entry) { continue; // Nobody cares about this uri anymore. } ObservingLinks& links = entry.Data(); nsTObserverArray::BackwardIterator linksIter(links.mLinks); while (linksIter.HasMore()) { Link* link = linksIter.GetNext(); nsIWidget* widget = nsContentUtils::WidgetForContent(link->GetElement()); if (!widget) { continue; } bool hasEntry = false; for (NewURIEntry& entry : newEntries) { if (entry.mWidget != widget) { continue; } entry.AddURI(uri); hasEntry = true; } if (!hasEntry) { newEntries.AppendElement(NewURIEntry(widget, uri)); } } } for (const NewURIEntry& entry : newEntries) { QueryVisitedState(entry.mWidget, std::move(entry.mURIs)); } } void GeckoViewHistory::StartPendingVisitedQueries( const PendingVisitedQueries& aQueries) { if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { QueryVisitedStateInContentProcess(aQueries); } else { QueryVisitedStateInParentProcess(aQueries); } } /** * Called from the session handler for the history delegate, after the new * visit is recorded. */ class OnVisitedCallback final : public nsIAndroidEventCallback { public: explicit OnVisitedCallback(GeckoViewHistory* aHistory, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, nsIURI* aURI) : mHistory(aHistory), mGlobalObject(aGlobalObject), mURI(aURI) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(JS::HandleValue aData, JSContext* aCx) override { Maybe visitedState = GetVisitedValue(aCx, aData); JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); if (visitedState) { AutoTArray visitedURIs; visitedURIs.AppendElement(VisitedURI{mURI.get(), *visitedState}); mHistory->HandleVisitedState(visitedURIs); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD OnError(JS::HandleValue aData, JSContext* aCx) override { return NS_OK; } private: virtual ~OnVisitedCallback() {} Maybe GetVisitedValue(JSContext* aCx, JS::HandleValue aData) { if (NS_WARN_IF(!aData.isBoolean())) { return Nothing(); } return Some(aData.toBoolean()); } RefPtr mHistory; nsCOMPtr mGlobalObject; nsCOMPtr mURI; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(OnVisitedCallback, nsIAndroidEventCallback) NS_IMETHODIMP GeckoViewHistory::VisitURI(nsIWidget* aWidget, nsIURI* aURI, nsIURI* aLastVisitedURI, uint32_t aFlags) { if (!aURI) { return NS_OK; } if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { // If we're in the content process, send the visit to the parent. The parent // will find the matching chrome window for the content process and tab, // then forward the visit to Java. if (NS_WARN_IF(!aWidget)) { return NS_OK; } BrowserChild* browserChild = aWidget->GetOwningBrowserChild(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!browserChild)) { return NS_OK; } Unused << NS_WARN_IF( !browserChild->SendVisitURI(aURI, aLastVisitedURI, aFlags)); return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, we're in the parent process. Wrap the URIs up in a bundle, and // send them to Java. MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); RefPtr window = nsWindow::From(aWidget); if (NS_WARN_IF(!window)) { return NS_OK; } widget::EventDispatcher* dispatcher = window->GetEventDispatcher(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!dispatcher)) { return NS_OK; } // If nobody is listening for this, we can stop now. if (!dispatcher->HasListener(kOnVisitedMessage)) { return NS_OK; } AutoTArray keys; AutoTArray values; nsAutoCString uriSpec; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(aURI->GetSpec(uriSpec)))) { return NS_OK; } keys.AppendElement(jni::StringParam(u"url"_ns)); values.AppendElement(jni::StringParam(uriSpec)); if (aLastVisitedURI) { nsAutoCString lastVisitedURISpec; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(aLastVisitedURI->GetSpec(lastVisitedURISpec)))) { return NS_OK; } keys.AppendElement(jni::StringParam(u"lastVisitedURL"_ns)); values.AppendElement(jni::StringParam(lastVisitedURISpec)); } int32_t flags = 0; if (aFlags & TOP_LEVEL) { flags |= static_cast(GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_TOP_LEVEL); } if (aFlags & REDIRECT_TEMPORARY) { flags |= static_cast(GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY); } if (aFlags & REDIRECT_PERMANENT) { flags |= static_cast(GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_REDIRECT_PERMANENT); } if (aFlags & REDIRECT_SOURCE) { flags |= static_cast(GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_REDIRECT_SOURCE); } if (aFlags & REDIRECT_SOURCE_PERMANENT) { flags |= static_cast( GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_REDIRECT_SOURCE_PERMANENT); } if (aFlags & UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR) { flags |= static_cast(GeckoViewVisitFlags::VISIT_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR); } keys.AppendElement(jni::StringParam(u"flags"_ns)); values.AppendElement(java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(flags)); MOZ_ASSERT(keys.Length() == values.Length()); auto bundleKeys = jni::ObjectArray::New(keys.Length()); auto bundleValues = jni::ObjectArray::New(values.Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Length(); ++i) { bundleKeys->SetElement(i, keys[i]); bundleValues->SetElement(i, values[i]); } auto bundle = java::GeckoBundle::New(bundleKeys, bundleValues); nsCOMPtr callback = new OnVisitedCallback(this, dispatcher->GetGlobalObject(), aURI); Unused << NS_WARN_IF( NS_FAILED(dispatcher->Dispatch(kOnVisitedMessage, bundle, callback))); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeckoViewHistory::SetURITitle(nsIURI* aURI, const nsAString& aTitle) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Called from the session handler for the history delegate, with visited * statuses for all requested URIs. */ class GetVisitedCallback final : public nsIAndroidEventCallback { public: explicit GetVisitedCallback(GeckoViewHistory* aHistory, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, const nsTArray>& aURIs) : mHistory(aHistory), mGlobalObject(aGlobalObject), mURIs(aURIs.Clone()) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(JS::HandleValue aData, JSContext* aCx) override { nsTArray visitedURIs; if (!ExtractVisitedURIs(aCx, aData, visitedURIs)) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mHistory->HandleVisitedState(visitedURIs); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD OnError(JS::HandleValue aData, JSContext* aCx) override { return NS_OK; } private: virtual ~GetVisitedCallback() {} /** * Unpacks an array of Boolean visited statuses from the session handler into * an array of `VisitedURI` structs. Each element in the array corresponds to * a URI in `mURIs`. * * Returns `false` on error, `true` if the array is `null` or was successfully * unpacked. * * TODO (bug 1503482): Remove this unboxing. */ bool ExtractVisitedURIs(JSContext* aCx, JS::HandleValue aData, nsTArray& aVisitedURIs) { if (aData.isNull()) { return true; } bool isArray = false; if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS::IsArrayObject(aCx, aData, &isArray))) { return false; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!isArray)) { return false; } JS::Rooted visited(aCx, &aData.toObject()); uint32_t length = 0; if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS::GetArrayLength(aCx, visited, &length))) { return false; } if (NS_WARN_IF(length != mURIs.Length())) { return false; } if (!aVisitedURIs.SetCapacity(length, mozilla::fallible)) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { JS::Rooted value(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_GetElement(aCx, visited, i, &value))) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); aVisitedURIs.AppendElement(VisitedURI{mURIs[i].get(), false}); continue; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!value.isBoolean())) { aVisitedURIs.AppendElement(VisitedURI{mURIs[i].get(), false}); continue; } aVisitedURIs.AppendElement(VisitedURI{mURIs[i].get(), value.toBoolean()}); } return true; } RefPtr mHistory; nsCOMPtr mGlobalObject; nsTArray> mURIs; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(GetVisitedCallback, nsIAndroidEventCallback) /** * Queries the history delegate to find which URIs have been visited. This * is always called in the parent process: from `GetVisited` in non-e10s, and * from `ContentParent::RecvGetVisited` in e10s. */ void GeckoViewHistory::QueryVisitedState( nsIWidget* aWidget, const nsTArray>&& aURIs) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); RefPtr window = nsWindow::From(aWidget); if (NS_WARN_IF(!window)) { return; } widget::EventDispatcher* dispatcher = window->GetEventDispatcher(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!dispatcher)) { return; } // If nobody is listening for this we can stop now if (!dispatcher->HasListener(kGetVisitedMessage)) { return; } // Assemble a bundle like `{ urls: ["http://example.com/1", ...] }`. auto uris = jni::ObjectArray::New(aURIs.Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < aURIs.Length(); ++i) { nsAutoCString uriSpec; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(aURIs[i]->GetSpec(uriSpec)))) { continue; } jni::String::LocalRef value{jni::StringParam(uriSpec)}; uris->SetElement(i, value); } auto bundleKeys = jni::ObjectArray::New(1); jni::String::LocalRef key(jni::StringParam(u"urls"_ns)); bundleKeys->SetElement(0, key); auto bundleValues = jni::ObjectArray::New(1); jni::Object::LocalRef value(uris); bundleValues->SetElement(0, value); auto bundle = java::GeckoBundle::New(bundleKeys, bundleValues); nsCOMPtr callback = new GetVisitedCallback(this, dispatcher->GetGlobalObject(), aURIs); Unused << NS_WARN_IF( NS_FAILED(dispatcher->Dispatch(kGetVisitedMessage, bundle, callback))); } /** * Updates link states for all tracked links, forwarding the visited statuses to * the content process in e10s. This is always called in the parent process, * from `VisitedCallback::OnSuccess` and `GetVisitedCallback::OnSuccess`. */ void GeckoViewHistory::HandleVisitedState( const nsTArray& aVisitedURIs) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); for (const VisitedURI& visitedURI : aVisitedURIs) { auto status = visitedURI.mVisited ? VisitedStatus::Visited : VisitedStatus::Unvisited; NotifyVisited(visitedURI.mURI, status); } }