/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["GeckoViewSettings"]; const { GeckoViewModule } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/GeckoViewModule.jsm" ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "MOBILE_USER_AGENT", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].getService( Ci.nsIHttpProtocolHandler ).userAgent; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DESKTOP_USER_AGENT", function() { return MOBILE_USER_AGENT.replace( /Android \d.+?; [a-zA-Z]+/, "X11; Linux x86_64" ).replace(/Gecko\/[0-9\.]+/, "Gecko/20100101"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "VR_USER_AGENT", function() { return MOBILE_USER_AGENT.replace(/Mobile/, "Mobile VR"); }); // This needs to match GeckoSessionSettings.java const USER_AGENT_MODE_MOBILE = 0; const USER_AGENT_MODE_DESKTOP = 1; const USER_AGENT_MODE_VR = 2; // This needs to match GeckoSessionSettings.java const DISPLAY_MODE_BROWSER = 0; const DISPLAY_MODE_MINIMAL_UI = 1; const DISPLAY_MODE_STANDALONE = 2; const DISPLAY_MODE_FULLSCREEN = 3; // Handles GeckoSession settings. class GeckoViewSettings extends GeckoViewModule { onInit() { debug`onInit`; this._userAgentMode = USER_AGENT_MODE_MOBILE; this._userAgentOverride = null; this._sessionContextId = null; this.registerListener(["GeckoView:GetUserAgent"]); } onEvent(aEvent, aData, aCallback) { debug`onEvent ${aEvent} ${aData}`; switch (aEvent) { case "GeckoView:GetUserAgent": { aCallback.onSuccess(this.customUserAgent ?? MOBILE_USER_AGENT); } } } onSettingsUpdate() { const { settings } = this; debug`onSettingsUpdate: ${settings}`; this.displayMode = settings.displayMode; this.unsafeSessionContextId = settings.unsafeSessionContextId; this.userAgentMode = settings.userAgentMode; this.userAgentOverride = settings.userAgentOverride; this.sessionContextId = settings.sessionContextId; this.suspendMediaWhenInactive = settings.suspendMediaWhenInactive; this.allowJavascript = settings.allowJavascript; this.useTrackingProtection = !!settings.useTrackingProtection; // When the page is loading from the main process (e.g. from an extension // page) we won't be able to query the actor here. this.getActor("GeckoViewSettings")?.sendAsyncMessage( "SettingsUpdate", settings ); } get customUserAgent() { if (this.userAgentOverride !== null) { return this.userAgentOverride; } if (this.userAgentMode === USER_AGENT_MODE_DESKTOP) { return DESKTOP_USER_AGENT; } if (this.userAgentMode === USER_AGENT_MODE_VR) { return VR_USER_AGENT; } return null; } set useTrackingProtection(aUse) { this.browsingContext.useTrackingProtection = aUse; } get userAgentMode() { return this._userAgentMode; } set userAgentMode(aMode) { if (this.userAgentMode === aMode) { return; } this._userAgentMode = aMode; this.browsingContext.customUserAgent = this.customUserAgent; } get browsingContext() { return this.browser.browsingContext.top; } get userAgentOverride() { return this._userAgentOverride; } set userAgentOverride(aUserAgent) { if (aUserAgent === this.userAgentOverride) { return; } this._userAgentOverride = aUserAgent; this.browsingContext.customUserAgent = this.customUserAgent; } get suspendMediaWhenInactive() { return this.browser.suspendMediaWhenInactive; } set suspendMediaWhenInactive(aSuspendMediaWhenInactive) { if (aSuspendMediaWhenInactive != this.browser.suspendMediaWhenInactive) { this.browser.suspendMediaWhenInactive = aSuspendMediaWhenInactive; } } displayModeSettingToValue(aSetting) { switch (aSetting) { case DISPLAY_MODE_BROWSER: return "browser"; case DISPLAY_MODE_MINIMAL_UI: return "minimal-ui"; case DISPLAY_MODE_STANDALONE: return "standalone"; case DISPLAY_MODE_FULLSCREEN: return "fullscreen"; default: warn`Invalid displayMode value ${aSetting}.`; return "browser"; } } set displayMode(aMode) { this.browsingContext.displayMode = this.displayModeSettingToValue(aMode); } set sessionContextId(aAttribute) { this._sessionContextId = aAttribute; } get sessionContextId() { return this._sessionContextId; } } const { debug, warn } = GeckoViewSettings.initLogging("GeckoViewSettings");