/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "BaseProfiler.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/BaseProfileJSONWriter.h" #ifdef MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER # include "mozilla/BaseProfilerMarkerTypes.h" # include "mozilla/BlocksRingBuffer.h" # include "mozilla/leb128iterator.h" # include "mozilla/ModuloBuffer.h" # include "mozilla/PowerOfTwo.h" # include "mozilla/ProfileBufferChunk.h" # include "mozilla/ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle.h" # include "mozilla/ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit.h" # include "mozilla/ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager.h" # include "mozilla/ProfileChunkedBuffer.h" # include "mozilla/Vector.h" #endif // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) # include # include # include #else # include # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER MOZ_MAYBE_UNUSED static void SleepMilli(unsigned aMilliseconds) { # if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) Sleep(aMilliseconds); # else struct timespec ts = {/* .tv_sec */ static_cast(aMilliseconds / 1000), /* ts.tv_nsec */ long(aMilliseconds % 1000) * 1000000}; struct timespec tr = {0, 0}; while (nanosleep(&ts, &tr)) { if (errno == EINTR) { ts = tr; } else { printf("nanosleep() -> %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } # endif } MOZ_MAYBE_UNUSED static void WaitUntilTimeStampChanges( const mozilla::TimeStamp& aTimeStampToCompare = mozilla::TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed()) { while (aTimeStampToCompare == mozilla::TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed()) { SleepMilli(1); } } using namespace mozilla; void TestPowerOfTwoMask() { printf("TestPowerOfTwoMask...\n"); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwoMask().MaskValue() == 0); constexpr PowerOfTwoMask c0 = MakePowerOfTwoMask(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(c0.MaskValue() == 0); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwoMask().MaskValue() == 0xFFu); constexpr PowerOfTwoMask cFF = MakePowerOfTwoMask(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cFF.MaskValue() == 0xFFu); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwoMask().MaskValue() == 0xFFFFFFFFu); constexpr PowerOfTwoMask cFFFFFFFF = MakePowerOfTwoMask(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cFFFFFFFF.MaskValue() == 0xFFFFFFFFu); struct TestDataU32 { uint32_t mInput; uint32_t mMask; }; // clang-format off TestDataU32 tests[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 3 }, { 4, 7 }, { 5, 7 }, { (1u << 31) - 1, (1u << 31) - 1 }, { (1u << 31), uint32_t(-1) }, { (1u << 31) + 1, uint32_t(-1) }, { uint32_t(-1), uint32_t(-1) } }; // clang-format on for (const TestDataU32& test : tests) { PowerOfTwoMask p2m(test.mInput); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p2m.MaskValue() == test.mMask); for (const TestDataU32& inner : tests) { if (p2m.MaskValue() != uint32_t(-1)) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((inner.mInput % p2m) == (inner.mInput % (p2m.MaskValue() + 1))); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((inner.mInput & p2m) == (inner.mInput % p2m)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((p2m & inner.mInput) == (inner.mInput & p2m)); } } printf("TestPowerOfTwoMask done\n"); } void TestPowerOfTwo() { printf("TestPowerOfTwo...\n"); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Value() == 1); constexpr PowerOfTwo c1 = MakePowerOfTwo(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(c1.Value() == 1); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Mask().MaskValue() == 0); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Value() == 128); constexpr PowerOfTwo c128 = MakePowerOfTwo(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(c128.Value() == 128); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Mask().MaskValue() == 127); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Value() == 0x80000000u); constexpr PowerOfTwo cMax = MakePowerOfTwo(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cMax.Value() == 0x80000000u); static_assert(MakePowerOfTwo().Mask().MaskValue() == 0x7FFFFFFFu); struct TestDataU32 { uint32_t mInput; uint32_t mValue; uint32_t mMask; }; // clang-format off TestDataU32 tests[] = { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1, 0 }, { 2, 2, 1 }, { 3, 4, 3 }, { 4, 4, 3 }, { 5, 8, 7 }, { (1u << 31) - 1, (1u << 31), (1u << 31) - 1 }, { (1u << 31), (1u << 31), (1u << 31) - 1 }, { (1u << 31) + 1, (1u << 31), (1u << 31) - 1 }, { uint32_t(-1), (1u << 31), (1u << 31) - 1 } }; // clang-format on for (const TestDataU32& test : tests) { PowerOfTwo p2(test.mInput); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p2.Value() == test.mValue); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p2.MaskValue() == test.mMask); PowerOfTwoMask p2m = p2.Mask(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p2m.MaskValue() == test.mMask); for (const TestDataU32& inner : tests) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((inner.mInput % p2) == (inner.mInput % p2.Value())); } } printf("TestPowerOfTwo done\n"); } void TestLEB128() { printf("TestLEB128...\n"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128MaxSize() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128MaxSize() == 3); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128MaxSize() == 5); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128MaxSize() == 10); struct TestDataU64 { uint64_t mValue; unsigned mSize; const char* mBytes; }; // clang-format off TestDataU64 tests[] = { // Small numbers should keep their normal byte representation. { 0u, 1, "\0" }, { 1u, 1, "\x01" }, // 0111 1111 (127, or 0x7F) is the highest number that fits into a single // LEB128 byte. It gets encoded as 0111 1111, note the most significant bit // is off. { 0x7Fu, 1, "\x7F" }, // Next number: 128, or 0x80. // Original data representation: 1000 0000 // Broken up into groups of 7: 1 0000000 // Padded with 0 (msB) or 1 (lsB): 00000001 10000000 // Byte representation: 0x01 0x80 // Little endian order: -> 0x80 0x01 { 0x80u, 2, "\x80\x01" }, // Next: 129, or 0x81 (showing that we don't lose low bits.) // Original data representation: 1000 0001 // Broken up into groups of 7: 1 0000001 // Padded with 0 (msB) or 1 (lsB): 00000001 10000001 // Byte representation: 0x01 0x81 // Little endian order: -> 0x81 0x01 { 0x81u, 2, "\x81\x01" }, // Highest 8-bit number: 255, or 0xFF. // Original data representation: 1111 1111 // Broken up into groups of 7: 1 1111111 // Padded with 0 (msB) or 1 (lsB): 00000001 11111111 // Byte representation: 0x01 0xFF // Little endian order: -> 0xFF 0x01 { 0xFFu, 2, "\xFF\x01" }, // Next: 256, or 0x100. // Original data representation: 1 0000 0000 // Broken up into groups of 7: 10 0000000 // Padded with 0 (msB) or 1 (lsB): 00000010 10000000 // Byte representation: 0x10 0x80 // Little endian order: -> 0x80 0x02 { 0x100u, 2, "\x80\x02" }, // Highest 32-bit number: 0xFFFFFFFF (8 bytes, all bits set). // Original: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 // Groups: 1111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 // Padded: 00001111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 // Bytes: 0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF // Little Endian: -> 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x0F { 0xFFFFFFFFu, 5, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x0F" }, // Highest 64-bit number: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (16 bytes, all bits set). // 64 bits, that's 9 groups of 7 bits, plus 1 (most significant) bit. { 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu, 10, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01" } }; // clang-format on for (const TestDataU64& test : tests) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128Size(test.mValue) == test.mSize); // Prepare a buffer that can accomodate the largest-possible LEB128. uint8_t buffer[ULEB128MaxSize()]; // Use a pointer into the buffer as iterator. uint8_t* p = buffer; // And write the LEB128. WriteULEB128(test.mValue, p); // Pointer (iterator) should have advanced just past the expected LEB128 // size. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p == buffer + test.mSize); // Check expected bytes. for (unsigned i = 0; i < test.mSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t(test.mBytes[i])); } // Move pointer (iterator) back to start of buffer. p = buffer; // And read the LEB128 we wrote above. uint64_t read = ReadULEB128(p); // Pointer (iterator) should have also advanced just past the expected // LEB128 size. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p == buffer + test.mSize); // And check the read value. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == test.mValue); // Testing ULEB128 reader. ULEB128Reader reader; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!reader.IsComplete()); // Move pointer back to start of buffer. p = buffer; for (;;) { // Read a byte and feed it to the reader. if (reader.FeedByteIsComplete(*p++)) { break; } // Not complete yet, we shouldn't have reached the end pointer. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!reader.IsComplete()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p < buffer + test.mSize); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(reader.IsComplete()); // Pointer should have advanced just past the expected LEB128 size. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p == buffer + test.mSize); // And check the read value. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(reader.Value() == test.mValue); // And again after a Reset. reader.Reset(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!reader.IsComplete()); p = buffer; for (;;) { if (reader.FeedByteIsComplete(*p++)) { break; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!reader.IsComplete()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p < buffer + test.mSize); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(reader.IsComplete()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(p == buffer + test.mSize); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(reader.Value() == test.mValue); } printf("TestLEB128 done\n"); } template constexpr bool TestConstexprULEB128Reader(ULEB128Reader& aReader) { if (aReader.IsComplete()) { return false; } const bool isComplete = aReader.FeedByteIsComplete(byte); if (aReader.IsComplete() != isComplete) { return false; } if constexpr (sizeof...(tail) == 0) { return isComplete; } else { if (isComplete) { return false; } return TestConstexprULEB128Reader(aReader); } } template constexpr bool TestConstexprULEB128Reader() { ULEB128Reader reader; if (!TestConstexprULEB128Reader(reader)) { return false; } if (!reader.IsComplete()) { return false; } if (reader.Value() != expected) { return false; } reader.Reset(); if (!TestConstexprULEB128Reader(reader)) { return false; } if (!reader.IsComplete()) { return false; } if (reader.Value() != expected) { return false; } return true; } static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x0u, 0x0u>()); static_assert(!TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x0u, 0x0u, 0x0u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x1u, 0x1u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x7Fu, 0x7Fu>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x80u, 0x80u, 0x01u>()); static_assert(!TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x80u, 0x80u>()); static_assert(!TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x80u, 0x01u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x81u, 0x81u, 0x01u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x01u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0x100u, 0x80u, 0x02u>()); static_assert(TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x0Fu>()); static_assert( !TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu>()); static_assert(!TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x0Fu>()); static_assert( TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x01u>()); static_assert( !TestConstexprULEB128Reader<0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu>()); static void TestChunk() { printf("TestChunk...\n"); static_assert(!std::is_default_constructible_v, "ProfileBufferChunk should not be default-constructible"); static_assert( !std::is_constructible_v, "ProfileBufferChunk should not be constructible from Length"); static_assert( sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header) == sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mOffsetFirstBlock) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mOffsetPastLastBlock) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mDoneTimeStamp) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mBufferBytes) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mBlockCount) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mRangeStart) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mProcessId) + sizeof(ProfileBufferChunk::Header::mPADDING), "ProfileBufferChunk::Header may have unwanted padding, please review"); // Note: The above static_assert is an attempt at keeping // ProfileBufferChunk::Header tightly packed, but some changes could make this // impossible to achieve (most probably due to alignment) -- Just do your // best! constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length TestLen = 1000; // Basic allocations of different sizes. for (ProfileBufferChunk::Length len = 0; len <= TestLen; ++len) { auto chunk = ProfileBufferChunk::Create(len); static_assert( std::is_same_v>, "ProfileBufferChunk::Create() should return a " "UniquePtr"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk, "OOM!?"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BufferBytes() >= len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkBytes() >= len + ProfileBufferChunk::SizeofChunkMetadata()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RemainingBytes() == chunk->BufferBytes()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->OffsetFirstBlock() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->OffsetPastLastBlock() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BlockCount() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ProcessId() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BufferSpan().LengthBytes() == chunk->BufferBytes()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->GetNext()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->ReleaseNext()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->Last() == chunk.get()); } // Allocate the main test Chunk. auto chunkA = ProfileBufferChunk::Create(TestLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunkA, "OOM!?"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->BufferBytes() >= TestLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->ChunkBytes() >= TestLen + ProfileBufferChunk::SizeofChunkMetadata()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunkA->GetNext()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunkA->ReleaseNext()); constexpr ProfileBufferIndex chunkARangeStart = 12345; chunkA->SetRangeStart(chunkARangeStart); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->RangeStart() == chunkARangeStart); // Get a read-only span over its buffer. auto bufferA = chunkA->BufferSpan(); static_assert( std::is_same_v>, "BufferSpan() should return a Span"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bufferA.LengthBytes() == chunkA->BufferBytes()); // Add the initial tail block. constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length initTailLen = 10; auto initTail = chunkA->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(initTailLen); static_assert( std::is_same_v>, "ReserveInitialBlockAsTail() should return a Span"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(initTail.LengthBytes() == initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(initTail.Elements() == bufferA.Elements()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetFirstBlock() == initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetPastLastBlock() == initTailLen); // Add the first complete block. constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length block1Len = 20; auto block1 = chunkA->ReserveBlock(block1Len); static_assert( std::is_same_v, "ReserveBlock() should return a ReserveReturn"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block1.mBlockRangeIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == chunkARangeStart + initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block1.mSpan.LengthBytes() == block1Len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block1.mSpan.Elements() == bufferA.Elements() + initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetFirstBlock() == initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetPastLastBlock() == initTailLen + block1Len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->RemainingBytes() != 0); // Add another block to over-fill the ProfileBufferChunk. const ProfileBufferChunk::Length remaining = chunkA->BufferBytes() - (initTailLen + block1Len); constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length overfill = 30; const ProfileBufferChunk::Length block2Len = remaining + overfill; ProfileBufferChunk::ReserveReturn block2 = chunkA->ReserveBlock(block2Len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block2.mBlockRangeIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == chunkARangeStart + initTailLen + block1Len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block2.mSpan.LengthBytes() == remaining); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(block2.mSpan.Elements() == bufferA.Elements() + initTailLen + block1Len); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetFirstBlock() == initTailLen); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetPastLastBlock() == chunkA->BufferBytes()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->RemainingBytes() == 0); // Block must be marked "done" before it can be recycled. chunkA->MarkDone(); // It must be marked "recycled" before data can be added to it again. chunkA->MarkRecycled(); // Add an empty initial tail block. Span initTail2 = chunkA->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(initTail2.LengthBytes() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(initTail2.Elements() == bufferA.Elements()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetFirstBlock() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->OffsetPastLastBlock() == 0); // Block must be marked "done" before it can be destroyed. chunkA->MarkDone(); chunkA->SetProcessId(123); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkA->ProcessId() == 123); printf("TestChunk done\n"); } static void TestChunkManagerSingle() { printf("TestChunkManagerSingle...\n"); // Construct a ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle for one chunk of size >=1000. constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length ChunkMinBufferBytes = 1000; ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle cms{ChunkMinBufferBytes}; // Reference to base class, to exercize virtual methods. ProfileBufferChunkManager& cm = cms; # ifdef DEBUG const char* chunkManagerRegisterer = "TestChunkManagerSingle"; cm.RegisteredWith(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG const auto maxTotalSize = cm.MaxTotalSize(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(maxTotalSize >= ChunkMinBufferBytes); cm.SetChunkDestroyedCallback([](const ProfileBufferChunk&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( false, "ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle should never destroy its one chunk"); }); UniquePtr extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // First request. UniquePtr chunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk, "First chunk request should always work"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BufferBytes() >= ChunkMinBufferBytes, "Unexpected chunk size"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->GetNext(), "There should only be one chunk"); // Keep address, for later checks. const uintptr_t chunkAddress = reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()); extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // Second request. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!cm.GetChunk(), "Second chunk request should always fail"); extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // Add some data to the chunk (to verify recycling later on). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0); chunk->SetRangeStart(100); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 100); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(1); Unused << chunk->ReserveBlock(2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 1 + 2); // Release the first chunk. chunk->MarkDone(); cm.ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunk)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk, "chunk UniquePtr should have been moved-from"); // Request after release. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!cm.GetChunk(), "Chunk request after release should also fail"); // Check released chunk. extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!extantReleasedChunks, "Could not retrieve released chunk"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks->GetNext(), "There should only be one released chunk"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( reinterpret_cast(extantReleasedChunks.get()) == chunkAddress, "Released chunk should be first requested one"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(), "Unexpected extra released chunk(s)"); // Another request after release. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!cm.GetChunk(), "Chunk request after release should also fail"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( cm.MaxTotalSize() == maxTotalSize, "MaxTotalSize() should not change after requests&releases"); // Reset the chunk manager. (Single-only non-virtual function.) cms.Reset(std::move(extantReleasedChunks)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Released chunk UniquePtr should have been moved-from"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( cm.MaxTotalSize() == maxTotalSize, "MaxTotalSize() should not change when resetting with the same chunk"); // 2nd round, first request. Theoretically async, but this implementation just // immediately runs the callback. bool ran = false; cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { ran = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aChunk); chunk = std::move(aChunk); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran, "RequestChunk callback not called immediately"); ran = false; cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!ran, "FulfillChunkRequests should not have any effects"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk, "First chunk request should always work"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BufferBytes() >= ChunkMinBufferBytes, "Unexpected chunk size"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->GetNext(), "There should only be one chunk"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()) == chunkAddress, "Requested chunk should be first requested one"); // Verify that chunk is empty and usable. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0); chunk->SetRangeStart(200); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 200); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(3); Unused << chunk->ReserveBlock(4); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 3); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 3 + 4); // Second request. ran = false; cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { ran = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!aChunk, "Second chunk request should always fail"); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran, "RequestChunk callback not called"); // This one does nothing. cm.ForgetUnreleasedChunks(); // Don't forget to mark chunk "Done" before letting it die. chunk->MarkDone(); chunk = nullptr; // Create a tiny chunk and reset the chunk manager with it. chunk = ProfileBufferChunk::Create(1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk); auto tinyChunkSize = chunk->BufferBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(tinyChunkSize >= 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(tinyChunkSize < ChunkMinBufferBytes); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0); chunk->SetRangeStart(300); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 300); cms.Reset(std::move(chunk)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk, "chunk UniquePtr should have been moved-from"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cm.MaxTotalSize() == tinyChunkSize, "MaxTotalSize() should match the new chunk size"); chunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0, "Got non-recycled chunk"); // Enough testing! Clean-up. Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); chunk->MarkDone(); cm.ForgetUnreleasedChunks(); # ifdef DEBUG cm.DeregisteredFrom(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG printf("TestChunkManagerSingle done\n"); } static void TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit() { printf("TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit...\n"); // Construct a ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit with chunk of minimum // size >=100, up to 1000 bytes. constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length MaxTotalBytes = 1000; constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length ChunkMinBufferBytes = 100; ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit cmll{MaxTotalBytes, ChunkMinBufferBytes}; // Reference to base class, to exercize virtual methods. ProfileBufferChunkManager& cm = cmll; # ifdef DEBUG const char* chunkManagerRegisterer = "TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit"; cm.RegisteredWith(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cm.MaxTotalSize() == MaxTotalBytes, "Max total size should be exactly as given"); unsigned destroyedChunks = 0; unsigned destroyedBytes = 0; cm.SetChunkDestroyedCallback([&](const ProfileBufferChunk& aChunks) { for (const ProfileBufferChunk* chunk = &aChunks; chunk; chunk = chunk->GetNext()) { destroyedChunks += 1; destroyedBytes += chunk->BufferBytes(); } }); UniquePtr extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // First request. UniquePtr chunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk, "First chunk immediate request should always work"); const auto chunkActualBufferBytes = chunk->BufferBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkActualBufferBytes >= ChunkMinBufferBytes, "Unexpected chunk size"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->GetNext(), "There should only be one chunk"); // Keep address, for later checks. const uintptr_t chunk1Address = reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()); extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // Verify that ReleaseChunk accepts zero chunks. cm.ReleaseChunk(nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); // For this test, we need to be able to get at least 2 chunks without hitting // the limit. (If this failed, it wouldn't necessary be a problem with // ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit, fiddle with constants at the top // of this test.) MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkActualBufferBytes < 2 * MaxTotalBytes); unsigned chunk1ReuseCount = 0; // We will do enough loops to go through the maximum size a number of times. const unsigned Rollovers = 3; const unsigned Loops = Rollovers * MaxTotalBytes / chunkActualBufferBytes; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Loops; ++i) { // Add some data to the chunk. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == 0); const ProfileBufferIndex index = 1 + i * chunkActualBufferBytes; chunk->SetRangeStart(index); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->RangeStart() == index); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(1); Unused << chunk->ReserveBlock(2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetFirstBlock == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mOffsetPastLastBlock == 1 + 2); // Request a new chunk. bool ran = false; UniquePtr newChunk; cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { ran = true; newChunk = std::move(aChunk); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( !ran, "RequestChunk should not immediately fulfill the request"); cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran, "FulfillChunkRequests should invoke the callback"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!newChunk, "Chunk request should always work"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(newChunk->BufferBytes() == chunkActualBufferBytes, "Unexpected chunk size"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!newChunk->GetNext(), "There should only be one chunk"); // Mark previous chunk done and release it. WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. chunk->MarkDone(); cm.ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunk)); // And cycle to the new chunk. chunk = std::move(newChunk); if (reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()) == chunk1Address) { ++chunk1ReuseCount; } } // Expect all rollovers except 1 to destroy chunks. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(destroyedChunks >= (Rollovers - 1) * MaxTotalBytes / chunkActualBufferBytes, "Not enough destroyed chunks"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(destroyedBytes == destroyedChunks * chunkActualBufferBytes, "Mismatched destroyed chunks and bytes"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk1ReuseCount >= (Rollovers - 1), "Not enough reuse of the first chunks"); // Check that chunk manager is reentrant from request callback. bool ran = false; bool ranInner = false; UniquePtr newChunk; cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { ran = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aChunk, "Chunk request should always work"); Unused << aChunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. aChunk->MarkDone(); UniquePtr anotherChunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!anotherChunk); Unused << anotherChunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. anotherChunk->MarkDone(); cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { ranInner = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aChunk, "Chunk request should always work"); Unused << aChunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. aChunk->MarkDone(); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( !ranInner, "RequestChunk should not immediately fulfill the request"); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!ran, "RequestChunk should not immediately fulfill the request"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( !ranInner, "RequestChunk should not immediately fulfill the inner request"); cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran, "FulfillChunkRequests should invoke the callback"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!ranInner, "FulfillChunkRequests should not immediately fulfill " "the inner request"); cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( ran, "2nd FulfillChunkRequests should invoke the inner request callback"); // Enough testing! Clean-up. Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. chunk->MarkDone(); cm.ForgetUnreleasedChunks(); // Special testing of the release algorithm, to make sure released chunks get // sorted. constexpr unsigned RandomReleaseChunkLoop = 100; // Build a vector of chunks, and mark them "done", ready to be released. Vector> chunksToRelease; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunksToRelease.reserve(RandomReleaseChunkLoop)); Vector chunksTimeStamps; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunksTimeStamps.reserve(RandomReleaseChunkLoop)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RandomReleaseChunkLoop; ++i) { UniquePtr chunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); chunk->MarkDone(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunk->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp.IsNull()); chunksTimeStamps.infallibleEmplaceBack(chunk->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp); chunksToRelease.infallibleEmplaceBack(std::move(chunk)); if (i % 10 == 0) { // "Done" timestamps should *usually* increase, let's make extra sure some // timestamps are actually different. WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); } } // Shuffle the list. std::random_device randomDevice; std::mt19937 generator(randomDevice()); std::shuffle(chunksToRelease.begin(), chunksToRelease.end(), generator); // And release chunks one by one, checking that the list of released chunks // is always sorted. printf("TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit - Shuffle test timestamps:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RandomReleaseChunkLoop; ++i) { printf(" %f", (chunksToRelease[i]->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp - TimeStamp::ProcessCreation()) .ToMicroseconds()); cm.ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunksToRelease[i])); cm.PeekExtantReleasedChunks([i](const ProfileBufferChunk* releasedChunks) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(releasedChunks); unsigned releasedChunkCount = 1; for (;;) { const ProfileBufferChunk* nextChunk = releasedChunks->GetNext(); if (!nextChunk) { break; } ++releasedChunkCount; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(releasedChunks->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp <= nextChunk->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp); releasedChunks = nextChunk; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(releasedChunkCount == i + 1); }); } printf("\n"); // Finally, the whole list of released chunks should have the exact same // timestamps as the initial list of "done" chunks. extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RandomReleaseChunkLoop; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(extantReleasedChunks, "Not enough released chunks"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(extantReleasedChunks->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp == chunksTimeStamps[i]); Unused << std::exchange(extantReleasedChunks, extantReleasedChunks->ReleaseNext()); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Too many released chunks"); # ifdef DEBUG cm.DeregisteredFrom(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG printf("TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit done\n"); } static bool IsSameMetadata( const ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::ChunkMetadata& a1, const ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::ChunkMetadata& a2) { return a1.mDoneTimeStamp == a2.mDoneTimeStamp && a1.mBufferBytes == a2.mBufferBytes; }; static bool IsSameUpdate( const ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update& a1, const ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update& a2) { // Final and not-an-update don't carry other data, so we can test these two // states first. if (a1.IsFinal() || a2.IsFinal()) { return a1.IsFinal() && a2.IsFinal(); } if (a1.IsNotUpdate() || a2.IsNotUpdate()) { return a1.IsNotUpdate() && a2.IsNotUpdate(); } // Here, both are "normal" udpates, check member variables: if (a1.UnreleasedBytes() != a2.UnreleasedBytes()) { return false; } if (a1.ReleasedBytes() != a2.ReleasedBytes()) { return false; } if (a1.OldestDoneTimeStamp() != a2.OldestDoneTimeStamp()) { return false; } if (a1.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().size() != a2.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().size()) { return false; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < a1.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().size(); ++i) { if (!IsSameMetadata(a1.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[i], a2.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[i])) { return false; } } return true; } static void TestControlledChunkManagerUpdate() { printf("TestControlledChunkManagerUpdate...\n"); using Update = ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update; // Default construction. Update update1; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsFinal()); // Clear an already-cleared update. update1.Clear(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsFinal()); // Final construction with nullptr. const Update final(nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(final.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!final.IsNotUpdate()); // Copy final to cleared. update1 = final; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsNotUpdate()); // Copy final to final. update1 = final; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsNotUpdate()); // Clear a final update. update1.Clear(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsFinal()); // Move final to cleared. update1 = Update(nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsNotUpdate()); // Move final to final. update1 = Update(nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsNotUpdate()); // Move from not-an-update (effectively same as Clear). update1 = Update(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsFinal()); auto CreateBiggerChunkAfter = [](const ProfileBufferChunk& aChunkToBeat) { while (TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed() <= aChunkToBeat.ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp) { ::SleepMilli(1); } auto chunk = ProfileBufferChunk::Create(aChunkToBeat.BufferBytes() * 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->BufferBytes() >= aChunkToBeat.BufferBytes() * 2); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); chunk->MarkDone(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunk->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp > aChunkToBeat.ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp); return chunk; }; update1 = Update(1, 2, nullptr, nullptr); // Create initial update with 2 released chunks and 1 unreleased chunk. auto released = ProfileBufferChunk::Create(10); ProfileBufferChunk* c1 = released.get(); Unused << c1->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); c1->MarkDone(); released->SetLast(CreateBiggerChunkAfter(*c1)); ProfileBufferChunk* c2 = c1->GetNext(); auto unreleased = CreateBiggerChunkAfter(*c2); ProfileBufferChunk* c3 = unreleased.get(); Update update2(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1, c1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update2, Update(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()}, {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}}))); // Check every field, this time only, after that we'll trust that the // `SameUpdate` test will be enough. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update2.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update2.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update2.UnreleasedBytes() == c3->BufferBytes()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update2.ReleasedBytes() == c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update2.OldestDoneTimeStamp() == c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update2.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().size() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( IsSameMetadata(update2.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[0], {c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( IsSameMetadata(update2.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[1], {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()})); // Fold into not-an-update. update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()}, {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}}))); // Pretend nothing happened. update2 = Update(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1, nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update2, Update(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {}))); update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c3->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()}, {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}}))); // Pretend there's a new unreleased chunk. c3->SetLast(CreateBiggerChunkAfter(*c3)); ProfileBufferChunk* c4 = c3->GetNext(); update2 = Update(c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1, nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( IsSameUpdate(update2, Update(c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {}))); update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()}, {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}}))); // Pretend the first unreleased chunk c3 has been released. released->SetLast(std::exchange(unreleased, unreleased->ReleaseNext())); update2 = Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c1, c3); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update2, Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c3->BufferBytes()}}))); update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c1->BufferBytes() + c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c1->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c1->BufferBytes()}, {c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}, {c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c3->BufferBytes()}}))); // Pretend c1 has been destroyed, so the oldest timestamp is now at c2. released = released->ReleaseNext(); c1 = nullptr; update2 = Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c2, nullptr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update2, Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {}))); update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c4->BufferBytes(), c2->BufferBytes() + c3->BufferBytes(), c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c2->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c2->BufferBytes()}, {c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c3->BufferBytes()}}))); // Pretend c2 has been recycled to make unreleased c5, and c4 has been // released. auto recycled = std::exchange(released, released->ReleaseNext()); recycled->MarkRecycled(); Unused << recycled->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); recycled->MarkDone(); released->SetLast(std::move(unreleased)); unreleased = std::move(recycled); ProfileBufferChunk* c5 = c2; c2 = nullptr; update2 = Update(c5->BufferBytes(), c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c3, c4); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update2, Update(c5->BufferBytes(), c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c4->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c4->BufferBytes()}}))); update1.Fold(std::move(update2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate( update1, Update(c5->BufferBytes(), c3->BufferBytes() + c4->BufferBytes(), c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, {{c3->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c3->BufferBytes()}, {c4->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp, c4->BufferBytes()}}))); // And send a final update. update1.Fold(Update(nullptr)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update1.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update1.IsNotUpdate()); printf("TestControlledChunkManagerUpdate done\n"); } static void TestControlledChunkManagerWithLocalLimit() { printf("TestControlledChunkManagerWithLocalLimit...\n"); // Construct a ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit with chunk of minimum // size >=100, up to 1000 bytes. constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length MaxTotalBytes = 1000; constexpr ProfileBufferChunk::Length ChunkMinBufferBytes = 100; ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit cmll{MaxTotalBytes, ChunkMinBufferBytes}; // Reference to chunk manager base class. ProfileBufferChunkManager& cm = cmll; // Reference to controlled chunk manager base class. ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager& ccm = cmll; # ifdef DEBUG const char* chunkManagerRegisterer = "TestControlledChunkManagerWithLocalLimit"; cm.RegisteredWith(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cm.MaxTotalSize() == MaxTotalBytes, "Max total size should be exactly as given"); unsigned destroyedChunks = 0; unsigned destroyedBytes = 0; cm.SetChunkDestroyedCallback([&](const ProfileBufferChunk& aChunks) { for (const ProfileBufferChunk* chunk = &aChunks; chunk; chunk = chunk->GetNext()) { destroyedChunks += 1; destroyedBytes += chunk->BufferBytes(); } }); using Update = ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update; unsigned updateCount = 0; ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update update; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.IsNotUpdate()); auto updateCallback = [&](Update&& aUpdate) { ++updateCount; update.Fold(std::move(aUpdate)); }; ccm.SetUpdateCallback(updateCallback); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "SetUpdateCallback should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate(update, Update(0, 0, TimeStamp{}, {}))); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); UniquePtr extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "GetExtantReleasedChunks should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSameUpdate(update, Update(0, 0, TimeStamp{}, {}))); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); // First request. UniquePtr chunk = cm.GetChunk(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunk, "First chunk immediate request should always work"); const auto chunkActualBufferBytes = chunk->BufferBytes(); // Keep address, for later checks. const uintptr_t chunk1Address = reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "GetChunk should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( IsSameUpdate(update, Update(chunk->BufferBytes(), 0, TimeStamp{}, {}))); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); extantReleasedChunks = cm.GetExtantReleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!extantReleasedChunks, "Unexpected released chunk(s)"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "GetExtantReleasedChunks should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( IsSameUpdate(update, Update(chunk->BufferBytes(), 0, TimeStamp{}, {}))); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); // For this test, we need to be able to get at least 2 chunks without hitting // the limit. (If this failed, it wouldn't necessary be a problem with // ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit, fiddle with constants at the top // of this test.) MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkActualBufferBytes < 2 * MaxTotalBytes); ProfileBufferChunk::Length previousUnreleasedBytes = chunk->BufferBytes(); ProfileBufferChunk::Length previousReleasedBytes = 0; TimeStamp previousOldestDoneTimeStamp; unsigned chunk1ReuseCount = 0; // We will do enough loops to go through the maximum size a number of times. const unsigned Rollovers = 3; const unsigned Loops = Rollovers * MaxTotalBytes / chunkActualBufferBytes; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Loops; ++i) { // Add some data to the chunk. const ProfileBufferIndex index = ProfileBufferIndex(chunkActualBufferBytes) * i + 1; chunk->SetRangeStart(index); Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(1); Unused << chunk->ReserveBlock(2); // Request a new chunk. UniquePtr newChunk; cm.RequestChunk([&](UniquePtr aChunk) { newChunk = std::move(aChunk); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 0, "RequestChunk() shouldn't have triggered an update"); cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!newChunk, "Chunk request should always work"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(newChunk->BufferBytes() == chunkActualBufferBytes, "Unexpected chunk size"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!newChunk->GetNext(), "There should only be one chunk"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "FulfillChunkRequests() after a request should have " "triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.UnreleasedBytes() == previousUnreleasedBytes + newChunk->BufferBytes()); previousUnreleasedBytes = update.UnreleasedBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.ReleasedBytes() <= previousReleasedBytes); previousReleasedBytes = update.ReleasedBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(previousOldestDoneTimeStamp.IsNull() || update.OldestDoneTimeStamp() >= previousOldestDoneTimeStamp); previousOldestDoneTimeStamp = update.OldestDoneTimeStamp(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().empty()); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); // Make sure the "Done" timestamp below cannot be the same as from the // previous loop. const TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed(); while (TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed() == now) { ::SleepMilli(1); } // Mark previous chunk done and release it. WaitUntilTimeStampChanges(); // Force "done" timestamp to change. chunk->MarkDone(); const auto doneTimeStamp = chunk->ChunkHeader().mDoneTimeStamp; const auto bufferBytes = chunk->BufferBytes(); cm.ReleaseChunk(std::move(chunk)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "ReleaseChunk() should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.UnreleasedBytes() == previousUnreleasedBytes - bufferBytes); previousUnreleasedBytes = update.UnreleasedBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.ReleasedBytes() == previousReleasedBytes + bufferBytes); previousReleasedBytes = update.ReleasedBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(previousOldestDoneTimeStamp.IsNull() || update.OldestDoneTimeStamp() >= previousOldestDoneTimeStamp); previousOldestDoneTimeStamp = update.OldestDoneTimeStamp(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.OldestDoneTimeStamp() <= doneTimeStamp); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().size() == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[0].mDoneTimeStamp == doneTimeStamp); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()[0].mBufferBytes == bufferBytes); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); // And cycle to the new chunk. chunk = std::move(newChunk); if (reinterpret_cast(chunk.get()) == chunk1Address) { ++chunk1ReuseCount; } } // Enough testing! Clean-up. Unused << chunk->ReserveInitialBlockAsTail(0); chunk->MarkDone(); cm.ForgetUnreleasedChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( updateCount == 1, "ForgetUnreleasedChunks() should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsFinal()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!update.IsNotUpdate()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.UnreleasedBytes() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.ReleasedBytes() == previousReleasedBytes); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.NewlyReleasedChunksRef().empty() == 1); updateCount = 0; update.Clear(); ccm.SetUpdateCallback({}); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(updateCount == 1, "SetUpdateCallback({}) should have triggered an update"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(update.IsFinal()); # ifdef DEBUG cm.DeregisteredFrom(chunkManagerRegisterer); # endif // DEBUG printf("TestControlledChunkManagerWithLocalLimit done\n"); } # define VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( \ aProfileChunkedBuffer, aStart, aEnd, aPushed, aCleared, aFailed) \ { \ ProfileChunkedBuffer::State state = (aProfileChunkedBuffer).GetState(); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeStart == (aStart)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeEnd == (aEnd)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mPushedBlockCount == (aPushed)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mClearedBlockCount == (aCleared)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mFailedPutBytes == (aFailed)); \ } static void TestChunkedBuffer() { printf("TestChunkedBuffer...\n"); ProfileBufferBlockIndex blockIndex; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex == nullptr); // Create an out-of-session ProfileChunkedBuffer. ProfileChunkedBuffer cb(ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cb.BufferLength().isNothing()); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); int result = 0; result = cb.ReserveAndPut( []() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); return 1; }, [](Maybe& aEW) { return aEW ? 2 : 3; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 3); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); result = 0; result = cb.Put( 1, [](Maybe& aEW) { return aEW ? 1 : 2; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 2); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutFrom(&result, 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutObjects(123, result, "hello"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutObject(123); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); auto chunks = cb.GetAllChunks(); static_assert(std::is_same_v>, "ProfileChunkedBuffer::GetAllChunks() should return a " "UniquePtr"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunks, "Expected no chunks when out-of-session"); bool ran = false; result = 0; result = cb.Read([&](ProfileChunkedBuffer::Reader* aReader) { ran = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!aReader); return 3; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 3); cb.ReadEach([](ProfileBufferEntryReader&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); result = 0; result = cb.ReadAt(nullptr, [](Maybe&& er) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.isNothing()); return 4; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 4); // Use ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit, which will give away // ProfileBufferChunks that can contain 128 bytes, using up to 1KB of memory // (including usable 128 bytes and headers). constexpr size_t bufferMaxSize = 1024; constexpr ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length chunkMinSize = 128; ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit cm(bufferMaxSize, chunkMinSize); cb.SetChunkManager(cm); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Let the chunk manager fulfill the initial request for an extra chunk. cm.FulfillChunkRequests(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cm.MaxTotalSize() == bufferMaxSize); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cb.BufferLength().isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*cb.BufferLength() == bufferMaxSize); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Write an int with the main `ReserveAndPut` function. const int test = 123; ran = false; blockIndex = nullptr; bool success = cb.ReserveAndPut( []() { return sizeof(test); }, [&](Maybe& aEW) { ran = true; if (!aEW) { return false; } blockIndex = aEW->CurrentBlockIndex(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW->RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); aEW->WriteObject(test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW->RemainingBytes() == 0); return true; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 1); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cb, 1, 1 + ULEB128Size(sizeof(test)) + sizeof(test), 1, 0, 0); ran = false; result = 0; result = cb.Read([&](ProfileChunkedBuffer::Reader* aReader) { ran = true; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aReader); // begin() and end() should be at the range edges (verified above). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->begin().CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->end().CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 0); // Null ProfileBufferBlockIndex clamped to the beginning. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(nullptr) == aReader->begin()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(blockIndex) == aReader->begin()); // At(begin) same as begin(). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(aReader->begin().CurrentBlockIndex()) == aReader->begin()); // At(past block) same as end(). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->At(ProfileBufferBlockIndex::CreateFromProfileBufferIndex( 1 + 1 + sizeof(test))) == aReader->end()); size_t read = 0; aReader->ForEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& er) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); read = 0; for (auto er : *aReader) { static_assert(std::is_same_v, "ProfileChunkedBuffer::Reader range-for should produce " "ProfileBufferEntryReader objects"); ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); return 5; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 5); // Read the int directly from the ProfileChunkedBuffer, without block index. size_t read = 0; cb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& er) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); // Read the int directly from the ProfileChunkedBuffer, with block index. read = 0; blockIndex = nullptr; cb.ReadEach( [&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& er, ProfileBufferBlockIndex aBlockIndex) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); blockIndex = aBlockIndex; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex != nullptr); // Read the int from its block index. read = 0; result = 0; result = cb.ReadAt(blockIndex, [&](Maybe&& er) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->CurrentBlockIndex() == blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!er->NextBlockIndex()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er->ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == 0); return 6; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 6); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); // No changes after reads. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cb, 1, 1 + ULEB128Size(sizeof(test)) + sizeof(test), 1, 0, 0); // Steal the underlying ProfileBufferChunks from the ProfileChunkedBuffer. chunks = cb.GetAllChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunks, "Expected at least one chunk"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!chunks->GetNext(), "Expected two chunks"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunks->GetNext()->GetNext(), "Expected only two chunks"); const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length chunkActualSize = chunks->BufferBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunkActualSize >= chunkMinSize); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunks->RangeStart() == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunks->OffsetFirstBlock() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(chunks->OffsetPastLastBlock() == 1 + sizeof(test)); // GetAllChunks() should have advanced the index one full chunk forward. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1 + chunkActualSize, 1 + chunkActualSize, 1, 0, 0); // Nothing more to read from the now-empty ProfileChunkedBuffer. cb.ReadEach([](ProfileBufferEntryReader&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); cb.ReadEach([](ProfileBufferEntryReader&, ProfileBufferBlockIndex) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); result = 0; result = cb.ReadAt(nullptr, [](Maybe&& er) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.isNothing()); return 7; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result == 7); // Read the int from the stolen chunks. read = 0; ProfileChunkedBuffer::ReadEach( chunks.get(), nullptr, [&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& er, ProfileBufferBlockIndex aBlockIndex) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aBlockIndex == blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(test)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == test); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); // No changes after reads. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, 1 + chunkActualSize, 1 + chunkActualSize, 1, 0, 0); // Write lots of numbers (by memcpy), which should trigger Chunk destructions. ProfileBufferBlockIndex firstBlockIndex; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!firstBlockIndex); ProfileBufferBlockIndex lastBlockIndex; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!lastBlockIndex); const size_t lots = 2 * bufferMaxSize / (1 + sizeof(int)); for (size_t i = 1; i < lots; ++i) { ProfileBufferBlockIndex blockIndex = cb.PutFrom(&i, sizeof(i)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex > firstBlockIndex); if (!firstBlockIndex) { firstBlockIndex = blockIndex; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex > lastBlockIndex); lastBlockIndex = blockIndex; } ProfileChunkedBuffer::State stateAfterPuts = cb.GetState(); ProfileBufferIndex startAfterPuts = stateAfterPuts.mRangeStart; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(startAfterPuts > 1 + chunkActualSize); ProfileBufferIndex endAfterPuts = stateAfterPuts.mRangeEnd; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(endAfterPuts > startAfterPuts); uint64_t pushedAfterPuts = stateAfterPuts.mPushedBlockCount; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(pushedAfterPuts > 0); uint64_t clearedAfterPuts = stateAfterPuts.mClearedBlockCount; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(clearedAfterPuts > 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterPuts.mFailedPutBytes == 0); // Read extant numbers, which should at least follow each other. read = 0; size_t i = 0; cb.ReadEach( [&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& er, ProfileBufferBlockIndex aBlockIndex) { ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aBlockIndex > firstBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aBlockIndex <= lastBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(size_t)); const auto value = er.ReadObject(); if (i == 0) { i = value; } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == ++i); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.RemainingBytes() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read != 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read < lots); // Read first extant number. read = 0; i = 0; blockIndex = nullptr; success = cb.ReadAt(firstBlockIndex, [&](Maybe&& er) { MOZ_ASSERT(er.isSome()); ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->CurrentBlockIndex() > firstBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!er->NextBlockIndex()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->NextBlockIndex() > firstBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->NextBlockIndex() < lastBlockIndex); blockIndex = er->NextBlockIndex(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == sizeof(size_t)); const auto value = er->ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i == 0); i = value; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == 0); return 7; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); // Read other extant numbers one by one. do { bool success = cb.ReadAt(blockIndex, [&](Maybe&& er) { MOZ_ASSERT(er.isSome()); ++read; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->CurrentBlockIndex() == blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!er->NextBlockIndex() || er->NextBlockIndex() > blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!er->NextBlockIndex() || er->NextBlockIndex() > firstBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!er->NextBlockIndex() || er->NextBlockIndex() <= lastBlockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->NextBlockIndex() ? blockIndex < lastBlockIndex : blockIndex == lastBlockIndex, "er->NextBlockIndex() should only be null when " "blockIndex is at the last block"); blockIndex = er->NextBlockIndex(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == sizeof(size_t)); const auto value = er->ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(value == ++i); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er->RemainingBytes() == 0); return true; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); } while (blockIndex); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read > 1); // No changes after reads. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cb, startAfterPuts, endAfterPuts, pushedAfterPuts, clearedAfterPuts, 0); # ifdef DEBUG // cb.Dump(); # endif cb.Clear(); # ifdef DEBUG // cb.Dump(); # endif ProfileChunkedBuffer::State stateAfterClear = cb.GetState(); ProfileBufferIndex startAfterClear = stateAfterClear.mRangeStart; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(startAfterClear > startAfterPuts); ProfileBufferIndex endAfterClear = stateAfterClear.mRangeEnd; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(endAfterClear == startAfterClear); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterClear.mPushedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterClear.mClearedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterClear.mFailedPutBytes == 0); // Start writer threads. constexpr int ThreadCount = 32; std::thread threads[ThreadCount]; for (int threadNo = 0; threadNo < ThreadCount; ++threadNo) { threads[threadNo] = std::thread( [&](int aThreadNo) { ::SleepMilli(1); constexpr int pushCount = 1024; for (int push = 0; push < pushCount; ++push) { // Reserve as many bytes as the thread number (but at least enough // to store an int), and write an increasing int. const bool success = cb.Put(std::max(aThreadNo, int(sizeof(push))), [&](Maybe& aEW) { if (!aEW) { return false; } aEW->WriteObject(aThreadNo * 1000000 + push); // Advance writer to the end. for (size_t r = aEW->RemainingBytes(); r != 0; --r) { aEW->WriteObject('_'); } return true; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); } }, threadNo); } // Wait for all writer threads to die. for (auto&& thread : threads) { thread.join(); } # ifdef DEBUG // cb.Dump(); # endif ProfileChunkedBuffer::State stateAfterMTPuts = cb.GetState(); ProfileBufferIndex startAfterMTPuts = stateAfterMTPuts.mRangeStart; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(startAfterMTPuts > startAfterClear); ProfileBufferIndex endAfterMTPuts = stateAfterMTPuts.mRangeEnd; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(endAfterMTPuts > startAfterMTPuts); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterMTPuts.mPushedBlockCount > 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterMTPuts.mClearedBlockCount > 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterMTPuts.mFailedPutBytes == 0); // Reset to out-of-session. cb.ResetChunkManager(); ProfileChunkedBuffer::State stateAfterReset = cb.GetState(); ProfileBufferIndex startAfterReset = stateAfterReset.mRangeStart; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(startAfterReset == endAfterMTPuts); ProfileBufferIndex endAfterReset = stateAfterReset.mRangeEnd; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(endAfterReset == startAfterReset); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterReset.mPushedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterReset.mClearedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(stateAfterReset.mFailedPutBytes == 0); success = cb.ReserveAndPut( []() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); return 1; }, [](Maybe& aEW) { return !!aEW; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!success); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); success = cb.Put(1, [](Maybe& aEW) { return !!aEW; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!success); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutFrom(&success, 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutObjects(123, success, "hello"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); blockIndex = cb.PutObject(123); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!blockIndex); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); chunks = cb.GetAllChunks(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!chunks, "Expected no chunks when out-of-session"); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); cb.ReadEach([](ProfileBufferEntryReader&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); success = cb.ReadAt(nullptr, [](Maybe&& er) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(er.isNothing()); return true; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cb, startAfterReset, endAfterReset, 0, 0, 0); printf("TestChunkedBuffer done\n"); } static void TestChunkedBufferSingle() { printf("TestChunkedBufferSingle...\n"); constexpr ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length chunkMinSize = 128; // Create a ProfileChunkedBuffer that will own&use a // ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle, which will give away one // ProfileBufferChunk that can contain 128 bytes. ProfileChunkedBuffer cbSingle( ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, MakeUnique(chunkMinSize)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cbSingle.BufferLength().isSome()); const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length bufferBytes = *cbSingle.BufferLength(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bufferBytes >= chunkMinSize); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cbSingle, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // We will write this many blocks to fill the chunk. constexpr size_t testBlocks = 4; const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length blockBytes = bufferBytes / testBlocks; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128Size(blockBytes) == 1, "This test assumes block sizes are small enough so that " "their ULEB128-encoded size is 1 byte"); const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length entryBytes = blockBytes - ULEB128Size(blockBytes); // First buffer-filling test: Try to write a too-big entry at the end of the // chunk. // Write all but one block. for (size_t i = 0; i < testBlocks - 1; ++i) { cbSingle.Put(entryBytes, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); while (aEW->RemainingBytes() > 0) { **aEW = '0' + i; ++(*aEW); } }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1, 1 + blockBytes * (i + 1), i + 1, 0, 0); } // Write the last block so that it's too big (by 1 byte) to fit in the chunk, // this should fail. const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length remainingBytesForLastBlock = bufferBytes - blockBytes * (testBlocks - 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ULEB128Size(remainingBytesForLastBlock) == 1, "This test assumes block sizes are small enough so that " "their ULEB128-encoded size is 1 byte"); const ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length entryToFitRemainingBytes = remainingBytesForLastBlock - ULEB128Size(remainingBytesForLastBlock); cbSingle.Put(entryToFitRemainingBytes + 1, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isNothing()); }); // The buffer state should not have changed, apart from the failed bytes. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1, 1 + blockBytes * (testBlocks - 1), testBlocks - 1, 0, remainingBytesForLastBlock + 1); size_t read = 0; cbSingle.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.RemainingBytes() == entryBytes); while (aER.RemainingBytes() > 0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*aER == '0' + read); ++aER; } ++read; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == testBlocks - 1); // ~Interlude~ Test AppendContent: // Create another ProfileChunkedBuffer that will use a // ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit, which will give away // ProfileBufferChunks that can contain 128 bytes, using up to 1KB of memory // (including usable 128 bytes and headers). constexpr size_t bufferMaxSize = 1024; ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit cmTarget(bufferMaxSize, chunkMinSize); ProfileChunkedBuffer cbTarget(ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex, cmTarget); // It should start empty. cbTarget.ReadEach( [](ProfileBufferEntryReader&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cbTarget, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Copy the contents from cbSingle to cbTarget. cbTarget.AppendContents(cbSingle); // And verify that we now have the same contents in cbTarget. read = 0; cbTarget.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.RemainingBytes() == entryBytes); while (aER.RemainingBytes() > 0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*aER == '0' + read); ++aER; } ++read; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == testBlocks - 1); // The state should be the same as the source. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbTarget, 1, 1 + blockBytes * (testBlocks - 1), testBlocks - 1, 0, 0); # ifdef DEBUG // cbSingle.Dump(); // cbTarget.Dump(); # endif // Because we failed to write a too-big chunk above, the chunk was marked // full, so that entries should be consistently rejected from now on. cbSingle.Put(1, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isNothing()); }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1, 1 + blockBytes * ((testBlocks - 1)), testBlocks - 1, 0, remainingBytesForLastBlock + 1 + ULEB128Size(1u) + 1); // Clear the buffer before the next test. cbSingle.Clear(); // Clear() should move the index to the next chunk range -- even if it's // really reusing the same chunk. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes, 1 + bufferBytes, 0, 0, 0); cbSingle.ReadEach( [&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); // Second buffer-filling test: Try to write a final entry that just fits at // the end of the chunk. // Write all but one block. for (size_t i = 0; i < testBlocks - 1; ++i) { cbSingle.Put(entryBytes, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); while (aEW->RemainingBytes() > 0) { **aEW = 'a' + i; ++(*aEW); } }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes, 1 + bufferBytes + blockBytes * (i + 1), i + 1, 0, 0); } read = 0; cbSingle.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.RemainingBytes() == entryBytes); while (aER.RemainingBytes() > 0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*aER == 'a' + read); ++aER; } ++read; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == testBlocks - 1); // Write the last block so that it fits exactly in the chunk. cbSingle.Put(entryToFitRemainingBytes, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); while (aEW->RemainingBytes() > 0) { **aEW = 'a' + (testBlocks - 1); ++(*aEW); } }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes, 1 + bufferBytes + blockBytes * testBlocks, testBlocks, 0, 0); read = 0; cbSingle.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aER.RemainingBytes() == ((read < testBlocks) ? entryBytes : entryToFitRemainingBytes)); while (aER.RemainingBytes() > 0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*aER == 'a' + read); ++aER; } ++read; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == testBlocks); // Because the single chunk has been filled, it shouldn't be possible to write // more entries. cbSingle.Put(1, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isNothing()); }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes, 1 + bufferBytes + blockBytes * testBlocks, testBlocks, 0, ULEB128Size(1u) + 1); cbSingle.Clear(); // Clear() should move the index to the next chunk range -- even if it's // really reusing the same chunk. VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED(cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes * 2, 1 + bufferBytes * 2, 0, 0, 0); cbSingle.ReadEach( [&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); // Clear() recycles the released chunk, so we should be able to record new // entries. cbSingle.Put(entryBytes, [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); while (aEW->RemainingBytes() > 0) { **aEW = 'x'; ++(*aEW); } }); VERIFY_PCB_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED_FAILED( cbSingle, 1 + bufferBytes * 2, 1 + bufferBytes * 2 + ULEB128Size(entryBytes) + entryBytes, 1, 0, 0); read = 0; cbSingle.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.RemainingBytes() == entryBytes); while (aER.RemainingBytes() > 0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*aER == 'x'); ++aER; } ++read; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); printf("TestChunkedBufferSingle done\n"); } static void TestModuloBuffer(ModuloBuffer<>& mb, uint32_t MBSize) { using MB = ModuloBuffer<>; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.BufferLength().Value() == MBSize); // Iterator comparisons. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) == mb.ReaderAt(2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) != mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) < mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) <= mb.ReaderAt(2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) <= mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(3) > mb.ReaderAt(2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) >= mb.ReaderAt(2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(3) >= mb.ReaderAt(2)); // Iterators indices don't wrap around (even though they may be pointing at // the same location). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(2) != mb.ReaderAt(MBSize + 2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(MBSize + 2) != mb.ReaderAt(2)); // Dereference. static_assert(std::is_same::value, "Dereferencing from a reader should return const Byte*"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "Dereferencing from a writer should return Byte*"); // Contiguous between 0 and MBSize-1. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize - 1) == &*mb.ReaderAt(0) + (MBSize - 1)); // Wraps around. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize) == &*mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize + MBSize - 1) == &*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize - 1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize + MBSize) == &*mb.ReaderAt(0)); // Power of 2 modulo wrapping. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(uint32_t(-1)) == &*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize - 1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&*mb.ReaderAt(static_cast(-1)) == &*mb.ReaderAt(MBSize - 1)); // Arithmetic. MB::Reader arit = mb.ReaderAt(0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(++arit == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(--arit == mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit++ == mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit-- == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit + 3 == mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(4 + arit == mb.ReaderAt(4)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(0)); // (Can't have assignments inside asserts, hence the split.) const bool checkPlusEq = ((arit += 3) == mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(checkPlusEq); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((arit - 2) == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(3)); const bool checkMinusEq = ((arit -= 2) == mb.ReaderAt(1)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(checkMinusEq); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(1)); // Random access. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&arit[3] == &*(arit + 3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(arit == mb.ReaderAt(1)); // Iterator difference. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(3) - mb.ReaderAt(1) == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mb.ReaderAt(1) - mb.ReaderAt(3) == MB::Index(-2)); // Only testing Writer, as Reader is just a subset with no code differences. MB::Writer it = mb.WriterAt(0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 0); // Write two characters at the start. it.WriteObject('x'); it.WriteObject('y'); // Backtrack to read them. it -= 2; // PeekObject should read without moving. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.PeekObject() == 'x'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 0); // ReadObject should read and move past the character. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.ReadObject() == 'x'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.PeekObject() == 'y'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.ReadObject() == 'y'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 2); // Checking that a reader can be created from a writer. MB::Reader it2(it); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it2.CurrentIndex() == 2); // Or assigned. it2 = it; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it2.CurrentIndex() == 2); // Iterator traits. static_assert(std::is_same::difference_type, MB::Index>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::difference_type should be Index"); static_assert(std::is_same::value_type, MB::Byte>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::value_type should be Byte"); static_assert(std::is_same::pointer, const MB::Byte*>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::pointer should be const Byte*"); static_assert(std::is_same::reference, const MB::Byte&>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::reference should be const Byte&"); static_assert(std::is_base_of< std::input_iterator_tag, std::iterator_traits::iterator_category>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::iterator_category should be derived " "from input_iterator_tag"); static_assert(std::is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, std::iterator_traits::iterator_category>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::iterator_category should be derived " "from forward_iterator_tag"); static_assert(std::is_base_of< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::iterator_traits::iterator_category>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::iterator_category should be derived " "from bidirectional_iterator_tag"); static_assert( std::is_same::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, "ModuloBuffer::Reader::iterator_category should be " "random_access_iterator_tag"); // Use as input iterator by std::string constructor (which is only considered // with proper input iterators.) std::string s(mb.ReaderAt(0), mb.ReaderAt(2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(s == "xy"); // Write 4-byte number at index 2. it.WriteObject(int32_t(123)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == 6); // And another, which should now wrap around (but index continues on.) it.WriteObject(int32_t(456)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == MBSize + 2); // Even though index==MBSize+2, we can read the object we wrote at 2. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.ReadObject() == 123); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == MBSize + 6); // And similarly, index MBSize+6 points at the same location as index 6. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.ReadObject() == 456); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it.CurrentIndex() == MBSize + MBSize + 2); } void TestModuloBuffer() { printf("TestModuloBuffer...\n"); // Testing ModuloBuffer with default template arguments. using MB = ModuloBuffer<>; // Only 8-byte buffers, to easily test wrap-around. constexpr uint32_t MBSize = 8; // MB with self-allocated heap buffer. MB mbByLength(MakePowerOfTwo32()); TestModuloBuffer(mbByLength, MBSize); // MB taking ownership of a provided UniquePtr to a buffer. auto uniqueBuffer = MakeUnique(MBSize); MB mbByUniquePtr(MakeUnique(MBSize), MakePowerOfTwo32()); TestModuloBuffer(mbByUniquePtr, MBSize); // MB using part of a buffer on the stack. The buffer is three times the // required size: The middle third is where ModuloBuffer will work, the first // and last thirds are only used to later verify that ModuloBuffer didn't go // out of its bounds. uint8_t buffer[MBSize * 3]; // Pre-fill the buffer with a known pattern, so we can later see what changed. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer[i] = uint8_t('A' + i); } MB mbByBuffer(&buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo32()); TestModuloBuffer(mbByBuffer, MBSize); // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. uint32_t changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffer should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } // Check that move-construction is allowed. This verifies that we do not // crash from a double free, when `mbByBuffer` and `mbByStolenBuffer` are both // destroyed at the end of this function. MB mbByStolenBuffer = std::move(mbByBuffer); TestModuloBuffer(mbByStolenBuffer, MBSize); // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffer should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } // This test function does a `ReadInto` as directed, and checks that the // result is the same as if the copy had been done manually byte-by-byte. // `TestReadInto(3, 7, 2)` copies from index 3 to index 7, 2 bytes long. // Return the output string (from `ReadInto`) for external checks. auto TestReadInto = [](MB::Index aReadFrom, MB::Index aWriteTo, MB::Length aBytes) { constexpr uint32_t TRISize = 16; // Prepare an input buffer, all different elements. uint8_t input[TRISize + 1] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; const MB mbInput(input, MakePowerOfTwo32()); // Prepare an output buffer, different from input. uint8_t output[TRISize + 1] = "abcdefghijklmnop"; MB mbOutput(output, MakePowerOfTwo32()); // Run ReadInto. auto writer = mbOutput.WriterAt(aWriteTo); mbInput.ReaderAt(aReadFrom).ReadInto(writer, aBytes); // Do the same operation manually. uint8_t outputCheck[TRISize + 1] = "abcdefghijklmnop"; MB mbOutputCheck(outputCheck, MakePowerOfTwo32()); auto readerCheck = mbInput.ReaderAt(aReadFrom); auto writerCheck = mbOutputCheck.WriterAt(aWriteTo); for (MB::Length i = 0; i < aBytes; ++i) { *writerCheck++ = *readerCheck++; } // Compare the two outputs. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TRISize; ++i) { # ifdef TEST_MODULOBUFFER_FAILURE_DEBUG // Only used when debugging failures. if (output[i] != outputCheck[i]) { printf( "*** from=%u to=%u bytes=%u i=%u\ninput: '%s'\noutput: " "'%s'\ncheck: '%s'\n", unsigned(aReadFrom), unsigned(aWriteTo), unsigned(aBytes), unsigned(i), input, output, outputCheck); } # endif MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(output[i] == outputCheck[i]); } # ifdef TEST_MODULOBUFFER_HELPER // Only used when adding more tests. printf("*** from=%u to=%u bytes=%u output: %s\n", unsigned(aReadFrom), unsigned(aWriteTo), unsigned(aBytes), output); # endif return std::string(reinterpret_cast(output)); }; // A few manual checks: constexpr uint32_t TRISize = 16; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(TestReadInto(0, 0, 0) == "abcdefghijklmnop"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(TestReadInto(0, 0, TRISize) == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(TestReadInto(0, 5, TRISize) == "LMNOPABCDEFGHIJK"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(TestReadInto(5, 0, TRISize) == "FGHIJKLMNOPABCDE"); // Test everything! (16^3 = 4096, not too much.) for (MB::Index r = 0; r < TRISize; ++r) { for (MB::Index w = 0; w < TRISize; ++w) { for (MB::Length len = 0; len < TRISize; ++len) { TestReadInto(r, w, len); } } } printf("TestModuloBuffer done\n"); } void TestBlocksRingBufferAPI() { printf("TestBlocksRingBufferAPI...\n"); // Create a 16-byte buffer, enough to store up to 3 entries (1 byte size + 4 // bytes uint64_t). constexpr uint32_t MBSize = 16; uint8_t buffer[MBSize * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer[i] = uint8_t('A' + i); } // Start a temporary block to constrain buffer lifetime. { BlocksRingBuffer rb(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex, &buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo32()); # define VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(aStart, aEnd, aPushed, aCleared) \ { \ BlocksRingBuffer::State state = rb.GetState(); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeStart.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == \ (aStart)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeEnd.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == \ (aEnd)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mPushedBlockCount == (aPushed)); \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mClearedBlockCount == (aCleared)); \ } // All entries will contain one 32-bit number. The resulting blocks will // have the following structure: // - 1 byte for the LEB128 size of 4 // - 4 bytes for the number. // E.g., if we have entries with `123` and `456`: // .-- Index 0 reserved for empty ProfileBufferBlockIndex, nothing there. // | .-- first readable block at index 1 // | |.-- first block at index 1 // | ||.-- 1 byte for the entry size, which is `4` (32 bits) // | ||| .-- entry starts at index 2, contains 32-bit int // | ||| | .-- entry and block finish *after* index 5 (so 6) // | ||| | | .-- second block starts at index 6 // | ||| | | | etc. // | ||| | | | .-- End readable blocks: 11 // v vvv v v V v // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // - S[4 | int(123) ] [4 | int(456) ]E // Empty buffer to start with. // Start&end indices still at 1 (0 is reserved for the default // ProfileBufferBlockIndex{} that cannot point at a valid entry), nothing // cleared. VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(1, 1, 0, 0); // Default ProfileBufferBlockIndex. ProfileBufferBlockIndex bi0; if (bi0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false, "if (ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}) should fail test"); } if (!bi0) { } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false, "if (!ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}) should succeed test"); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 == bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 <= bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 >= bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 != bi0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 < bi0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 > bi0)); // Default ProfileBufferBlockIndex can be used, but returns no valid entry. rb.ReadAt(bi0, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isNothing()); }); // Push `1` directly. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( rb.PutObject(uint32_t(1)).ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 1); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // - S[4 | int(1) ]E VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(1, 6, 1, 0); // Push `2` through ReserveAndPut, check output ProfileBufferBlockIndex. auto bi2 = rb.ReserveAndPut([]() { return sizeof(uint32_t); }, [](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); aEW->WriteObject(uint32_t(2)); return aEW->CurrentBlockIndex(); }); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "All index-returning functions should return a " "ProfileBufferBlockIndex"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 6); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // - S[4 | int(1) ] [4 | int(2) ]E VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(1, 11, 2, 0); // Check single entry at bi2, store next block index. auto i2Next = rb.ReadAt(bi2, [bi2](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->CurrentBlockIndex() == bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->NextBlockIndex() == nullptr); size_t entrySize = aMaybeReader->RemainingBytes(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->ReadObject() == 2); // The next block index is after this block, which is made of the // entry size (coded as ULEB128) followed by the entry itself. return bi2.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() + ULEB128Size(entrySize) + entrySize; }); auto bi2Next = rb.GetState().mRangeEnd; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2Next.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == i2Next); // bi2Next is at the end, nothing to read. rb.ReadAt(bi2Next, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isNothing()); }); // ProfileBufferBlockIndex tests. if (bi2) { } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( false, "if (non-default-ProfileBufferBlockIndex) should succeed test"); } if (!bi2) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( false, "if (!non-default-ProfileBufferBlockIndex) should fail test"); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 == bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 <= bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 >= bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 != bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 < bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 > bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 != bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 < bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi0 <= bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 == bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 > bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi0 >= bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 != bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 > bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 >= bi0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 == bi0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 < bi0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 <= bi0)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 != bi2Next); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 < bi2Next); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2 <= bi2Next); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 == bi2Next)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 > bi2Next)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2 >= bi2Next)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2Next != bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2Next > bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bi2Next >= bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2Next == bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2Next < bi2)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(bi2Next <= bi2)); // Push `3` through Put, check writer output // is returned to the initial caller. auto put3 = rb.Put(sizeof(uint32_t), [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); aEW->WriteObject(uint32_t(3)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW->CurrentBlockIndex() == bi2Next); return float(aEW->CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex()); }); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "Expect float as returned by callback."); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(put3 == 11.0); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // - S[4 | int(1) ] [4 | int(2) ] [4 | int(3) ]E VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(1, 16, 3, 0); // Re-Read single entry at bi2, it should now have a next entry. rb.ReadAt(bi2, [&](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->CurrentBlockIndex() == bi2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->ReadObject() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->NextBlockIndex() == bi2Next); }); // Check that we have `1` to `3`. uint32_t count = 0; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader.ReadObject() == ++count); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count == 3); // Push `4`, store its ProfileBufferBlockIndex for later. // This will wrap around, and clear the first entry. ProfileBufferBlockIndex bi4 = rb.PutObject(uint32_t(4)); // Before: // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // - S[4 | int(1) ] [4 | int(2) ] [4 | int(3) ]E // 1. First entry cleared: // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // - ? ? ? ? ? S[4 | int(2) ] [4 | int(3) ]E // 2. New entry starts at 15 and wraps around: (shown on separate line) // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // - ? ? ? ? ? S[4 | int(2) ] [4 | int(3) ] // 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... // [4 | int(4) ]E // (collapsed) // 16 17 18 19 20 21 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // [4 | int(4) ]E ? S[4 | int(2) ] [4 | int(3) ] VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(6, 21, 4, 1); // Check that we have `2` to `4`. count = 1; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader.ReadObject() == ++count); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count == 4); // Push 5 through Put, no returns. // This will clear the second entry. // Check that the EntryWriter can access bi4 but not bi2. auto bi5 = rb.Put(sizeof(uint32_t), [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); aEW->WriteObject(uint32_t(5)); return aEW->CurrentBlockIndex(); }); auto bi6 = rb.GetState().mRangeEnd; // 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 (16) // [4 | int(4) ] [4 | int(5) ]E ? S[4 | int(3) ] VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(11, 26, 5, 2); // Read single entry at bi2, should now gracefully fail. rb.ReadAt(bi2, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isNothing()); }); // Read single entry at bi5. rb.ReadAt(bi5, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader->ReadObject() == 5); }); rb.Read([&](BlocksRingBuffer::Reader* aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aReader); // begin() and end() should be at the range edges (verified above). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->begin().CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 11); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->end().CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 26); // Null ProfileBufferBlockIndex clamped to the beginning. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(bi0) == aReader->begin()); // Cleared block index clamped to the beginning. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(bi2) == aReader->begin()); // At(begin) same as begin(). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(aReader->begin().CurrentBlockIndex()) == aReader->begin()); // bi5 at expected position. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( aReader->At(bi5).CurrentBlockIndex().ConvertToProfileBufferIndex() == 21); // bi6 at expected position at the end. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(bi6) == aReader->end()); // At(end) same as end(). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader->At(aReader->end().CurrentBlockIndex()) == aReader->end()); }); // Check that we have `3` to `5`. count = 2; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader.ReadObject() == ++count); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count == 5); // Clear everything before `4`, this should clear `3`. rb.ClearBefore(bi4); // 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 // S[4 | int(4) ] [4 | int(5) ]E ? ? ? ? ? ? VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(16, 26, 5, 3); // Check that we have `4` to `5`. count = 3; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader.ReadObject() == ++count); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count == 5); // Clear everything before `4` again, nothing to clear. rb.ClearBefore(bi4); VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(16, 26, 5, 3); // Clear everything, this should clear `4` and `5`, and bring the start // index where the end index currently is. rb.ClearBefore(bi6); // 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 // ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SE? ? ? ? ? ? VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(26, 26, 5, 5); // Check that we have nothing to read. rb.ReadEach([&](auto&&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); // Read single entry at bi5, should now gracefully fail. rb.ReadAt(bi5, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isNothing()); }); // Clear everything before now-cleared `4`, nothing to clear. rb.ClearBefore(bi4); VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(26, 26, 5, 5); // Push `6` directly. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.PutObject(uint32_t(6)) == bi6); // 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 // ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? S[4 | int(6) ]E ? VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(26, 31, 6, 5); { // Create a 2nd buffer and fill it with `7` and `8`. uint8_t buffer2[MBSize]; BlocksRingBuffer rb2(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, buffer2, MakePowerOfTwo32()); rb2.PutObject(uint32_t(7)); rb2.PutObject(uint32_t(8)); // Main buffer shouldn't have changed. VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(26, 31, 6, 5); // Append contents of rb2 to rb, this should end up being the same as // pushing the two numbers. rb.AppendContents(rb2); // 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 26 27 28 29 30 31 // int(7) ] [4 | int(8) ]E ? S[4 | int(6) ] [4 | VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(26, 41, 8, 5); // Append contents of rb2 to rb again, to verify that rb2 was not modified // above. This should clear `6` and the first `7`. rb.AppendContents(rb2); // 48 49 50 51 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 // int(8) ]E ? S[4 | int(8) ] [4 | int(7) ] [4 | VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(36, 51, 10, 7); // End of block where rb2 lives, to verify that it is not needed anymore // for its copied values to survive in rb. } VERIFY_START_END_PUSHED_CLEARED(36, 51, 10, 7); // bi6 should now have been cleared. rb.ReadAt(bi6, [](Maybe&& aMaybeReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeReader.isNothing()); }); // Check that we have `8`, `7`, `8`. count = 0; uint32_t expected[3] = {8, 7, 8}; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count < 3); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader.ReadObject() == expected[count++]); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(count == 3); // End of block where rb lives, BlocksRingBuffer destructor should call // entry destructor for remaining entries. } // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. uint32_t changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffer should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } printf("TestBlocksRingBufferAPI done\n"); } void TestBlocksRingBufferUnderlyingBufferChanges() { printf("TestBlocksRingBufferUnderlyingBufferChanges...\n"); // Out-of-session BlocksRingBuffer to start with. BlocksRingBuffer rb(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex); // Block index to read at. Initially "null", but may be changed below. ProfileBufferBlockIndex bi; // Test all rb APIs when rb is out-of-session and therefore doesn't have an // underlying buffer. auto testOutOfSession = [&]() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.BufferLength().isNothing()); BlocksRingBuffer::State state = rb.GetState(); // When out-of-session, range start and ends are the same, and there are no // pushed&cleared blocks. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeStart == state.mRangeEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mPushedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mClearedBlockCount == 0); // `Put()` functions run the callback with `Nothing`. int32_t ran = 0; rb.Put(1, [&](Maybe& aMaybeEntryWriter) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryWriter.isNothing()); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); // `PutFrom` won't do anything, and returns the null // ProfileBufferBlockIndex. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.PutFrom(&ran, sizeof(ran)) == ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.PutObject(ran) == ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}); // `Read()` functions run the callback with `Nothing`. ran = 0; rb.Read([&](BlocksRingBuffer::Reader* aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!aReader); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); ran = 0; rb.ReadAt(ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}, [&](Maybe&& aMaybeEntryReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryReader.isNothing()); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); ran = 0; rb.ReadAt(bi, [&](Maybe&& aMaybeEntryReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryReader.isNothing()); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); // `ReadEach` shouldn't run the callback (nothing to read). rb.ReadEach([](auto&&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); }; // As `testOutOfSession()` attempts to modify the buffer, we run it twice to // make sure one run doesn't influence the next one. testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); rb.ClearBefore(bi); testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); rb.Clear(); testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); rb.Reset(); testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); constexpr uint32_t MBSize = 32; rb.Set(MakePowerOfTwo()); constexpr bool EMPTY = true; constexpr bool NOT_EMPTY = false; // Test all rb APIs when rb has an underlying buffer. auto testInSession = [&](bool aExpectEmpty) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.BufferLength().isSome()); BlocksRingBuffer::State state = rb.GetState(); if (aExpectEmpty) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeStart == state.mRangeEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mPushedBlockCount == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mClearedBlockCount == 0); } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mRangeStart < state.mRangeEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mPushedBlockCount > 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(state.mClearedBlockCount <= state.mPushedBlockCount); } int32_t ran = 0; // The following three `Put...` will write three int32_t of value 1. bi = rb.Put(sizeof(ran), [&](Maybe& aMaybeEntryWriter) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryWriter.isSome()); ++ran; aMaybeEntryWriter->WriteObject(ran); return aMaybeEntryWriter->CurrentBlockIndex(); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.PutFrom(&ran, sizeof(ran)) != ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.PutObject(ran) != ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}); ran = 0; rb.Read([&](BlocksRingBuffer::Reader* aReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!aReader); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); ran = 0; rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aEntryReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEntryReader.RemainingBytes() == sizeof(ran)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEntryReader.ReadObject() == 1); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran >= 3); ran = 0; rb.ReadAt(ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}, [&](Maybe&& aMaybeEntryReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryReader.isNothing()); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); ran = 0; rb.ReadAt(bi, [&](Maybe&& aMaybeEntryReader) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMaybeEntryReader.isNothing() == !bi); ++ran; }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ran == 1); }; testInSession(EMPTY); testInSession(NOT_EMPTY); rb.Set(MakePowerOfTwo()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.BufferLength().isSome()); rb.ReadEach([](auto&&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); testInSession(EMPTY); testInSession(NOT_EMPTY); rb.Reset(); testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); uint8_t buffer[MBSize * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer[i] = uint8_t('A' + i); } rb.Set(&buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.BufferLength().isSome()); rb.ReadEach([](auto&&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); testInSession(EMPTY); testInSession(NOT_EMPTY); rb.Reset(); testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); rb.Set(&buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb.BufferLength().isSome()); rb.ReadEach([](auto&&) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false); }); testInSession(EMPTY); testInSession(NOT_EMPTY); // Remove the current underlying buffer, this should clear all entries. rb.Reset(); // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. uint32_t changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffer should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } testOutOfSession(); testOutOfSession(); printf("TestBlocksRingBufferUnderlyingBufferChanges done\n"); } void TestBlocksRingBufferThreading() { printf("TestBlocksRingBufferThreading...\n"); constexpr uint32_t MBSize = 8192; uint8_t buffer[MBSize * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer[i] = uint8_t('A' + i); } BlocksRingBuffer rb(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex, &buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo32()); // Start reader thread. std::atomic stopReader{false}; std::thread reader([&]() { for (;;) { BlocksRingBuffer::State state = rb.GetState(); printf( "Reader: range=%llu..%llu (%llu bytes) pushed=%llu cleared=%llu " "(alive=%llu)\n", static_cast( state.mRangeStart.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex()), static_cast( state.mRangeEnd.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex()), static_cast( state.mRangeEnd.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex()) - static_cast( state.mRangeStart.ConvertToProfileBufferIndex()), static_cast(state.mPushedBlockCount), static_cast(state.mClearedBlockCount), static_cast(state.mPushedBlockCount - state.mClearedBlockCount)); if (stopReader) { break; } ::SleepMilli(1); } }); // Start writer threads. constexpr int ThreadCount = 32; std::thread threads[ThreadCount]; for (int threadNo = 0; threadNo < ThreadCount; ++threadNo) { threads[threadNo] = std::thread( [&](int aThreadNo) { ::SleepMilli(1); constexpr int pushCount = 1024; for (int push = 0; push < pushCount; ++push) { // Reserve as many bytes as the thread number (but at least enough // to store an int), and write an increasing int. rb.Put(std::max(aThreadNo, int(sizeof(push))), [&](Maybe& aEW) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aEW.isSome()); aEW->WriteObject(aThreadNo * 1000000 + push); *aEW += aEW->RemainingBytes(); }); } }, threadNo); } // Wait for all writer threads to die. for (auto&& thread : threads) { thread.join(); } // Stop reader thread. stopReader = true; reader.join(); // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. uint32_t changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffer should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } printf("TestBlocksRingBufferThreading done\n"); } void TestBlocksRingBufferSerialization() { printf("TestBlocksRingBufferSerialization...\n"); constexpr uint32_t MBSize = 64; uint8_t buffer[MBSize * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer[i] = uint8_t('A' + i); } BlocksRingBuffer rb(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex, &buffer[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo32()); // Will expect literal string to always have the same address. # define THE_ANSWER "The answer is " const char* theAnswer = THE_ANSWER; rb.PutObjects('0', WrapProfileBufferLiteralCStringPointer(THE_ANSWER), 42, std::string(" but pi="), 3.14); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { char c0; const char* answer; int integer; std::string str; double pi; aER.ReadIntoObjects(c0, answer, integer, str, pi); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(c0 == '0'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(answer == theAnswer); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(integer == 42); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(str == " but pi="); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(pi == 3.14); }); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { char c0 = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(c0 == '0'); const char* answer = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(answer == theAnswer); int integer = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(integer == 42); std::string str = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(str == " but pi="); double pi = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(pi == 3.14); }); rb.Clear(); // Write an int and store its ProfileBufferBlockIndex. ProfileBufferBlockIndex blockIndex = rb.PutObject(123); // It should be non-0. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(blockIndex != ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}); // Write that ProfileBufferBlockIndex. rb.PutObject(blockIndex); rb.Read([&](BlocksRingBuffer::Reader* aR) { BlocksRingBuffer::BlockIterator it = aR->begin(); const BlocksRingBuffer::BlockIterator itEnd = aR->end(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it != itEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((*it).ReadObject() == 123); ++it; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it != itEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((*it).ReadObject() == blockIndex); ++it; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(it == itEnd); }); rb.Clear(); rb.PutObjects( std::make_tuple('0', WrapProfileBufferLiteralCStringPointer(THE_ANSWER), 42, std::string(" but pi="), 3.14)); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == '0'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == theAnswer); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == 42); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == " but pi="); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == 3.14); }); rb.Clear(); rb.PutObjects(MakeTuple('0', WrapProfileBufferLiteralCStringPointer(THE_ANSWER), 42, std::string(" but pi="), 3.14)); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == '0'); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == theAnswer); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == 42); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == " but pi="); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == 3.14); }); rb.Clear(); { UniqueFreePtr ufps(strdup(THE_ANSWER)); rb.PutObjects(ufps); } rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { auto ufps = aER.ReadObject>(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!ufps); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(std::string(THE_ANSWER) == ufps.get()); }); rb.Clear(); int intArray[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; rb.PutObjects(Span(intArray)); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { int intArrayOut[sizeof(intArray) / sizeof(intArray[0])] = {0}; auto outSpan = Span(intArrayOut); aER.ReadIntoObject(outSpan); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(intArray) / sizeof(intArray[0]); ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(intArrayOut[i] == intArray[i]); } }); rb.Clear(); rb.PutObjects(Maybe(Nothing{}), Maybe(Some(123))); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { Maybe mi0, mi1; aER.ReadIntoObjects(mi0, mi1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mi0.isNothing()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mi1.isSome()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(*mi1 == 123); }); rb.Clear(); using V = Variant; V v0(VariantIndex<0>{}, 123); V v1(3.14); V v2(VariantIndex<2>{}, 456); rb.PutObjects(v0, v1, v2); rb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v2); }); // 2nd BlocksRingBuffer to contain the 1st one. It has be be more than twice // the size. constexpr uint32_t MBSize2 = MBSize * 4; uint8_t buffer2[MBSize2 * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize2 * 3; ++i) { buffer2[i] = uint8_t('B' + i); } BlocksRingBuffer rb2(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, &buffer2[MBSize2], MakePowerOfTwo32()); rb2.PutObject(rb); // 3rd BlocksRingBuffer deserialized from the 2nd one. uint8_t buffer3[MBSize * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { buffer3[i] = uint8_t('C' + i); } BlocksRingBuffer rb3(BlocksRingBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, &buffer3[MBSize], MakePowerOfTwo32()); rb2.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { aER.ReadIntoObject(rb3); }); // And a 4th heap-allocated one. UniquePtr rb4up; rb2.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { rb4up = aER.ReadObject>(); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!rb4up); // Clear 1st and 2nd BlocksRingBuffers, to ensure we have made a deep copy // into the 3rd&4th ones. rb.Clear(); rb2.Clear(); // And now the 3rd one should have the same contents as the 1st one had. rb3.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v2); }); // And 4th. rb4up->ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.ReadObject() == v2); }); // In fact, the 3rd and 4th ones should have the same state, because they were // created the same way. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb3.GetState().mRangeStart == rb4up->GetState().mRangeStart); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb3.GetState().mRangeEnd == rb4up->GetState().mRangeEnd); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb3.GetState().mPushedBlockCount == rb4up->GetState().mPushedBlockCount); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rb3.GetState().mClearedBlockCount == rb4up->GetState().mClearedBlockCount); // Check that only the provided stack-based sub-buffer was modified. uint32_t changed = 0; for (size_t i = MBSize; i < MBSize * 2; ++i) { changed += (buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)) ? 0 : 1; } // Expect at least 75% changes. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(changed >= MBSize * 6 / 8); // Everything around the sub-buffers should be unchanged. for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer[i] == uint8_t('A' + i)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize2; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer2[i] == uint8_t('B' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize2 * 2; i < MBSize2 * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer2[i] == uint8_t('B' + i)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MBSize; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer3[i] == uint8_t('C' + i)); } for (size_t i = MBSize * 2; i < MBSize * 3; ++i) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer3[i] == uint8_t('C' + i)); } printf("TestBlocksRingBufferSerialization done\n"); } void TestLiteralEmptyStringView() { printf("TestLiteralEmptyStringView...\n"); static_assert(mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView() == std::string_view("")); static_assert(!!mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView().data()); static_assert(mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView().length() == 0); static_assert(mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView() == std::basic_string_view(u"")); static_assert(!!mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView().data()); static_assert(mozilla::LiteralEmptyStringView().length() == 0); printf("TestLiteralEmptyStringView done\n"); } template void TestProfilerStringView() { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { printf("TestProfilerStringView...\n"); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { printf("TestProfilerStringView...\n"); } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(false, "TestProfilerStringView only handles char and char16_t"); } // Used to verify implicit constructions, as this will normally be used in // function parameters. auto BSV = [](mozilla::ProfilerStringView&& aBSV) { return std::move(aBSV); }; // These look like string literals, as expected by some string constructors. const CHAR empty[0 + 1] = {CHAR('\0')}; const CHAR hi[2 + 1] = { CHAR('h'), CHAR('i'), CHAR('\0'), }; // Literal empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(empty).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(empty).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(empty).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(empty).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(empty).IsReference()); // Literal non-empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(hi).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(hi).IsReference()); // std::string_view to a literal empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(empty)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(empty)).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(empty)).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string_view(empty)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(empty)).IsReference()); // std::string_view to a literal non-empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view(hi)).IsReference()); // Default std::string_view points at nullptr, ProfilerStringView converts it // to the literal empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!std::basic_string_view().data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view()).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view()).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view()).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string_view()).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string_view()).IsReference()); // std::string to a literal empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(empty)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(empty)).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(empty)).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string(empty)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(empty)).IsReference()); // std::string to a literal non-empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string(hi)).IsReference()); // Default std::string contains an empty null-terminated string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(std::basic_string().data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string()).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string()).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string()).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(std::basic_string()).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(std::basic_string()).IsReference()); // Class that quacks like nsTString (with Data(), Length(), IsLiteral()), to // check that ProfilerStringView can read from them. class FakeNsTString { public: FakeNsTString(const CHAR* aData, size_t aLength, bool aIsLiteral) : mData(aData), mLength(aLength), mIsLiteral(aIsLiteral) {} const CHAR* Data() const { return mData; } size_t Length() const { return mLength; } bool IsLiteral() const { return mIsLiteral; } private: const CHAR* mData; size_t mLength; bool mIsLiteral; }; // FakeNsTString to nullptr. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(nullptr, 0, true)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(nullptr, 0, true)).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(nullptr, 0, true)).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(nullptr, 0, true)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(FakeNsTString(nullptr, 0, true)).IsReference()); // FakeNsTString to a literal empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(empty, 0, true)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(empty, 0, true)).Data()[0] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(empty, 0, true)).Length() == 0); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(empty, 0, true)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(FakeNsTString(empty, 0, true)).IsReference()); // FakeNsTString to a literal non-empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, true)).IsReference()); // FakeNsTString to a non-literal non-empty string. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(BSV(FakeNsTString(hi, 2, false)).IsReference()); // Serialization and deserialization (with ownership). constexpr size_t bufferMaxSize = 1024; constexpr ProfileChunkedBuffer::Length chunkMinSize = 128; ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit cm(bufferMaxSize, chunkMinSize); ProfileChunkedBuffer cb(ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithMutex, cm); // Literal string, serialized as raw pointer. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cb.PutObject(BSV(hi))); { unsigned read = 0; ProfilerStringView outerBSV; cb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { ++read; auto bsv = aER.ReadObject>(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!bsv.IsReference()); outerBSV = std::move(bsv); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!outerBSV.IsReference()); } cb.Clear(); // Non-literal string, content is serialized. std::basic_string hiString(hi); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cb.PutObject(BSV(hiString))); { unsigned read = 0; ProfilerStringView outerBSV; cb.ReadEach([&](ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER) { ++read; auto bsv = aER.ReadObject>(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data() != hiString.data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Length() == 2); // Special ownership case, neither a literal nor a reference! MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!bsv.IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!bsv.IsReference()); // Test move of ownership. outerBSV = std::move(bsv); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-use-after-move, clang-analyzer-cplusplus.Move) MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(bsv.Length() == 0); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(read == 1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data() != hiString.data()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[0] == CHAR('h')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[1] == CHAR('i')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Data()[2] == CHAR('\0')); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(outerBSV.Length() == 2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!outerBSV.IsLiteral()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!outerBSV.IsReference()); } if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { printf("TestProfilerStringView done\n"); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { printf("TestProfilerStringView done\n"); } } void TestProfilerDependencies() { TestPowerOfTwoMask(); TestPowerOfTwo(); TestLEB128(); TestChunk(); TestChunkManagerSingle(); TestChunkManagerWithLocalLimit(); TestControlledChunkManagerUpdate(); TestControlledChunkManagerWithLocalLimit(); TestChunkedBuffer(); TestChunkedBufferSingle(); TestModuloBuffer(); TestBlocksRingBufferAPI(); TestBlocksRingBufferUnderlyingBufferChanges(); TestBlocksRingBufferThreading(); TestBlocksRingBufferSerialization(); TestLiteralEmptyStringView(); TestProfilerStringView(); TestProfilerStringView(); } // Increase the depth, to a maximum (to avoid too-deep recursion). static constexpr size_t NextDepth(size_t aDepth) { constexpr size_t MAX_DEPTH = 128; return (aDepth < MAX_DEPTH) ? (aDepth + 1) : aDepth; } Atomic sStopFibonacci; // Compute fibonacci the hard way (recursively: `f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)`), and // prevent inlining. // The template parameter makes each depth be a separate function, to better // distinguish them in the profiler output. template MOZ_NEVER_INLINE unsigned long long Fibonacci(unsigned long long n) { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_STRING("fib", OTHER, std::to_string(DEPTH)); if (n == 0) { return 0; } if (n == 1) { return 1; } if (DEPTH < 5 && sStopFibonacci) { return 1'000'000'000; } TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed(); static constexpr size_t MAX_MARKER_DEPTH = 10; unsigned long long f2 = Fibonacci(n - 2); if (DEPTH == 0) { BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED("Half-way through Fibonacci", OTHER); } unsigned long long f1 = Fibonacci(n - 1); if (DEPTH < MAX_MARKER_DEPTH) { BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("fib", OTHER, MarkerTiming::IntervalUntilNowFrom(start), std::to_string(DEPTH)); } return f2 + f1; } void TestProfiler() { printf("TestProfiler starting -- pid: %d, tid: %d\n", baseprofiler::profiler_current_process_id(), baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id()); // ::SleepMilli(10000); TestProfilerDependencies(); { printf("profiler_init()...\n"); AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_INIT; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_is_active()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_being_profiled()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_sleeping()); const int mainThreadId = mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id() == mainThreadId); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_is_main_thread()); std::thread testThread([&]() { const int testThreadId = mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(testThreadId != mainThreadId); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id() != testThreadId); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_is_main_thread()); }); testThread.join(); printf("profiler_start()...\n"); Vector filters; // Profile all registered threads. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(filters.append("")); const uint32_t features = baseprofiler::ProfilerFeature::Leaf | baseprofiler::ProfilerFeature::StackWalk | baseprofiler::ProfilerFeature::Threads; baseprofiler::profiler_start(baseprofiler::BASE_PROFILER_DEFAULT_ENTRIES, BASE_PROFILER_DEFAULT_INTERVAL, features, filters.begin(), filters.length()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::profiler_is_active()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_being_profiled()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_sleeping()); sStopFibonacci = false; std::thread threadFib([]() { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_REGISTER_THREAD("fibonacci"); SleepMilli(5); auto cause = baseprofiler::profiler_capture_backtrace(); AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT( "fibonacci", OTHER, MarkerStack::TakeBacktrace(std::move(cause)), "First leaf call"); static const unsigned long long fibStart = 37; printf("Fibonacci(%llu)...\n", fibStart); AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL("Label around Fibonacci", OTHER); unsigned long long f = Fibonacci(fibStart); printf("Fibonacci(%llu) = %llu\n", fibStart, f); }); std::thread threadCancelFib([]() { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_REGISTER_THREAD("fibonacci canceller"); SleepMilli(5); AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("fibonacci", OTHER, {}, "Canceller"); static const int waitMaxSeconds = 10; for (int i = 0; i < waitMaxSeconds; ++i) { if (sStopFibonacci) { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_STRING("fibCancel", OTHER, std::to_string(i)); return; } AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; SleepMilli(1000); } AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_STRING("fibCancel", OTHER, "Cancelling!"); sStopFibonacci = true; }); { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("main thread", OTHER, {}, "joining fibonacci thread"); AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; threadFib.join(); } { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("main thread", OTHER, {}, "joining fibonacci-canceller thread"); sStopFibonacci = true; AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; threadCancelFib.join(); } // Just making sure all payloads know how to (de)serialize and stream. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( baseprofiler::AddMarker("markers 2.0 without options (omitted)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 without options (implicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 without options (explicit init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions())); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 without options (explicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions{})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with one option (implicit)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerInnerWindowId(123))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with one option (implicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {MarkerInnerWindowId(123)})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( baseprofiler::AddMarker("markers 2.0 with one option (explicit init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions(MarkerInnerWindowId(123)))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with one option (explicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions{MarkerInnerWindowId(123)})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with two options (implicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {MarkerInnerWindowId(123), MarkerStack::Capture()})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with two options (explicit init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions(MarkerInnerWindowId(123), MarkerStack::Capture()))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "markers 2.0 with two options (explicit brace-init)", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerOptions{MarkerInnerWindowId(123), MarkerStack::Capture()})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( baseprofiler::AddMarker("default-templated markers 2.0 without options", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "default-templated markers 2.0 with option", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerInnerWindowId(123))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "explicitly-default-templated markers 2.0 without options", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, ::mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::NoPayload{})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "explicitly-default-templated markers 2.0 with option", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, MarkerInnerWindowId(123), ::mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::NoPayload{})); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "tracing", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::Tracing{}, "category")); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "text", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::TextMarker{}, "text text")); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(baseprofiler::AddMarker( "media sample", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::MediaSampleMarker{}, 123, 456)); printf("Sleep 1s...\n"); { AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; SleepMilli(1000); } printf("baseprofiler_pause()...\n"); baseprofiler::profiler_pause(); Maybe info = baseprofiler::profiler_get_buffer_info(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(info.isSome()); printf("Profiler buffer range: %llu .. %llu (%llu bytes)\n", static_cast(info->mRangeStart), static_cast(info->mRangeEnd), // sizeof(ProfileBufferEntry) == 9 (static_cast(info->mRangeEnd) - static_cast(info->mRangeStart)) * 9); printf("Stats: min(us) .. mean(us) .. max(us) [count]\n"); printf("- Intervals: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mIntervalsUs.min, info->mIntervalsUs.sum / info->mIntervalsUs.n, info->mIntervalsUs.max, info->mIntervalsUs.n); printf("- Overheads: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mOverheadsUs.min, info->mOverheadsUs.sum / info->mOverheadsUs.n, info->mOverheadsUs.max, info->mOverheadsUs.n); printf(" - Locking: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mLockingsUs.min, info->mLockingsUs.sum / info->mLockingsUs.n, info->mLockingsUs.max, info->mLockingsUs.n); printf(" - Clearning: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mCleaningsUs.min, info->mCleaningsUs.sum / info->mCleaningsUs.n, info->mCleaningsUs.max, info->mCleaningsUs.n); printf(" - Counters: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mCountersUs.min, info->mCountersUs.sum / info->mCountersUs.n, info->mCountersUs.max, info->mCountersUs.n); printf(" - Threads: %7.1f .. %7.1f .. %7.1f [%u]\n", info->mThreadsUs.min, info->mThreadsUs.sum / info->mThreadsUs.n, info->mThreadsUs.max, info->mThreadsUs.n); printf("baseprofiler_get_profile()...\n"); UniquePtr profile = baseprofiler::profiler_get_profile(); // Use a string view over the profile contents, for easier testing. std::string_view profileSV = profile.get(); constexpr const auto svnpos = std::string_view::npos; // TODO: Properly parse profile and check fields. // Check for some expected marker schema JSON output. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"markerSchema\": [") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"name\": \"Text\",") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"name\": \"tracing\",") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"name\": \"MediaSample\",") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"display\": [") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"marker-chart\"") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"marker-table\"") != svnpos); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(profileSV.find("\"format\": \"string\"") != svnpos); // TODO: Add more checks for what's expected in the profile. Some of them // are done in gtest's. printf("baseprofiler_save_profile_to_file()...\n"); baseprofiler::profiler_save_profile_to_file("TestProfiler_profile.json"); printf("profiler_stop()...\n"); baseprofiler::profiler_stop(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_is_active()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_being_profiled()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!baseprofiler::profiler_thread_is_sleeping()); printf("profiler_shutdown()...\n"); } printf("TestProfiler done\n"); } // Minimal string escaping, similar to how C++ stringliterals should be entered, // to help update comparison strings in tests below. void printEscaped(std::string_view aString) { for (const char c : aString) { switch (c) { case '\n': fprintf(stderr, "\\n\n"); break; case '"': fprintf(stderr, "\\\""); break; case '\\': fprintf(stderr, "\\\\"); break; default: if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') { fprintf(stderr, "%c", c); } else { fprintf(stderr, "\\x%02x", unsigned(c)); } break; } } } // Run aF(SpliceableChunkedJSONWriter&, UniqueJSONStrings&) from inside a JSON // array, then output the string table, and compare the full output to // aExpected. template static void VerifyUniqueStringContents( F&& aF, std::string_view aExpectedData, std::string_view aExpectedUniqueStrings, mozilla::baseprofiler::UniqueJSONStrings* aUniqueStringsOrNull = nullptr) { mozilla::baseprofiler::SpliceableChunkedJSONWriter writer; // By default use a local UniqueJSONStrings, otherwise use the one provided. mozilla::baseprofiler::UniqueJSONStrings localUniqueStrings( mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); mozilla::baseprofiler::UniqueJSONStrings& uniqueStrings = aUniqueStringsOrNull ? *aUniqueStringsOrNull : localUniqueStrings; writer.Start(mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { writer.StartArrayProperty("data", mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { std::forward(aF)(writer, uniqueStrings); } writer.EndArray(); writer.StartArrayProperty("stringTable", mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { uniqueStrings.SpliceStringTableElements(writer); } writer.EndArray(); } writer.End(); UniquePtr jsonString = writer.ChunkedWriteFunc().CopyData(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(jsonString); std::string_view jsonStringView(jsonString.get()); std::string expected = "{\"data\": ["; expected += aExpectedData; expected += "], \"stringTable\": ["; expected += aExpectedUniqueStrings; expected += "]}\n"; if (jsonStringView != expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected:\n" "------\n"); printEscaped(expected); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "------\n" "Actual:\n" "------\n"); printEscaped(jsonStringView); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "------\n"); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(jsonStringView == expected); } void TestUniqueJSONStrings() { printf("TestUniqueJSONStrings...\n"); using SCJW = mozilla::baseprofiler::SpliceableChunkedJSONWriter; using UJS = mozilla::baseprofiler::UniqueJSONStrings; // Empty everything. VerifyUniqueStringContents([](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) {}, "", ""); // Empty unique strings. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aWriter.StringElement("string"); }, R"("string")", ""); // One unique string. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string"); }, "0", R"("string")"); // One unique string twice. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string"); }, "0, 0", R"("string")"); // Two single unique strings. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string1"); }, "0, 1", R"("string0", "string1")"); // Two unique strings with repetition. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string1"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); }, "0, 1, 0", R"("string0", "string1")"); // Mix some object properties, for coverage. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aWriter.StartObjectElement(mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { aUniqueStrings.WriteProperty(aWriter, "p0", "prop"); aUniqueStrings.WriteProperty(aWriter, "p1", "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteProperty(aWriter, "p2", "prop"); } aWriter.EndObject(); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string1"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "prop"); }, R"(0, {"p0": 1, "p1": 0, "p2": 1}, 2, 0, 1)", R"("string0", "prop", "string1")"); // Unique string table with pre-existing data. { UJS ujs(mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { SCJW writer; ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external0"); ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external1"); ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external0"); } VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string1"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); }, "2, 3, 2", R"("external0", "external1", "string0", "string1")", &ujs); } // Unique string table with pre-existing data from another table. { UJS ujs(mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { SCJW writer; ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external0"); ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external1"); ujs.WriteElement(writer, "external0"); } UJS ujsCopy(ujs, mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string1"); aUniqueStrings.WriteElement(aWriter, "string0"); }, "2, 3, 2", R"("external0", "external1", "string0", "string1")", &ujs); } // Unique string table through SpliceableJSONWriter. VerifyUniqueStringContents( [](SCJW& aWriter, UJS& aUniqueStrings) { aWriter.SetUniqueStrings(aUniqueStrings); aWriter.UniqueStringElement("string0"); aWriter.StartObjectElement(mozilla::JSONWriter::SingleLineStyle); { aWriter.UniqueStringProperty("p0", "prop"); aWriter.UniqueStringProperty("p1", "string0"); aWriter.UniqueStringProperty("p2", "prop"); } aWriter.EndObject(); aWriter.UniqueStringElement("string1"); aWriter.UniqueStringElement("string0"); aWriter.UniqueStringElement("prop"); aWriter.ResetUniqueStrings(); }, R"(0, {"p0": 1, "p1": 0, "p2": 1}, 2, 0, 1)", R"("string0", "prop", "string1")"); printf("TestUniqueJSONStrings done\n"); } void StreamMarkers(const mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer& aBuffer, mozilla::baseprofiler::SpliceableJSONWriter& aWriter) { aWriter.StartArrayProperty("data"); { aBuffer.ReadEach([&](mozilla::ProfileBufferEntryReader& aEntryReader) { mozilla::ProfileBufferEntryKind entryKind = aEntryReader.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(entryKind == mozilla::ProfileBufferEntryKind::Marker); const bool success = mozilla::base_profiler_markers_detail::DeserializeAfterKindAndStream( aEntryReader, aWriter, 0, [&](mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer&) { aWriter.StringElement("Real backtrace would be here"); }); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(success); }); } aWriter.EndArray(); } void PrintMarkers(const mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer& aBuffer) { mozilla::baseprofiler::SpliceableJSONWriter writer( mozilla::MakeUnique( std::cout)); mozilla::baseprofiler::UniqueJSONStrings uniqueStrings; writer.SetUniqueStrings(uniqueStrings); writer.Start(); { StreamMarkers(aBuffer, writer); writer.StartArrayProperty("stringTable"); { uniqueStrings.SpliceStringTableElements(writer); } writer.EndArray(); } writer.End(); writer.ResetUniqueStrings(); } static void SubTestMarkerCategory( const mozilla::MarkerCategory& aMarkerCategory, const mozilla::baseprofiler::ProfilingCategoryPair& aProfilingCategoryPair, const mozilla::baseprofiler::ProfilingCategory& aProfilingCategory) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMarkerCategory.CategoryPair() == aProfilingCategoryPair, "Unexpected MarkerCategory::CategoryPair()"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( mozilla::MarkerCategory(aProfilingCategoryPair).CategoryPair() == aProfilingCategoryPair, "MarkerCategory().CategoryPair() should return "); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aMarkerCategory.GetCategory() == aProfilingCategory, "Unexpected MarkerCategory::GetCategory()"); mozilla::ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle chunkManager(512); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer( mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, chunkManager); mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex i = buffer.PutObject(aMarkerCategory); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i != mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}, "Failed serialization"); buffer.ReadEach([&](mozilla::ProfileBufferEntryReader& aER, mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex aIndex) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aIndex == i, "Unexpected deserialization index"); const auto readCategory = aER.ReadObject(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aER.RemainingBytes() == 0, "Unexpected extra serialized bytes"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(readCategory.CategoryPair() == aProfilingCategoryPair, "Incorrect deserialization value"); }); } void TestMarkerCategory() { printf("TestMarkerCategory...\n"); mozilla::ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle chunkManager(512); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer( mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, chunkManager); # define CATEGORY_ENUM_BEGIN_CATEGORY(name, labelAsString, color) # define CATEGORY_ENUM_SUBCATEGORY(supercategory, name, labelAsString) \ static_assert( \ std::is_same_v, \ "baseprofiler::category:: should be a const MarkerCategory"); \ \ SubTestMarkerCategory( \ mozilla::baseprofiler::category::name, \ mozilla::baseprofiler::ProfilingCategoryPair::name, \ mozilla::baseprofiler::ProfilingCategory::supercategory); # define CATEGORY_ENUM_END_CATEGORY MOZ_PROFILING_CATEGORY_LIST(CATEGORY_ENUM_BEGIN_CATEGORY, CATEGORY_ENUM_SUBCATEGORY, CATEGORY_ENUM_END_CATEGORY) # undef CATEGORY_ENUM_BEGIN_CATEGORY # undef CATEGORY_ENUM_SUBCATEGORY # undef CATEGORY_ENUM_END_CATEGORY printf("TestMarkerCategory done\n"); } void TestMarkerThreadId() { printf("TestMarkerThreadId...\n"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId{}.IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!MarkerThreadId::MainThread().IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!MarkerThreadId{42}.IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId{42}.ThreadId() == 42); // We'll assume that this test runs in the main thread (which should be true // when called from the `main` function). MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::MainThread().ThreadId() == mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().ThreadId() == mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().ThreadId() == mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id()); std::thread testThread([]() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!MarkerThreadId::MainThread().IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().IsUnspecified()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::MainThread().ThreadId() == mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().ThreadId() == mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(MarkerThreadId::CurrentThread().ThreadId() != mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_main_thread_id()); }); testThread.join(); printf("TestMarkerThreadId done\n"); } void TestMarkerNoPayload() { printf("TestMarkerNoPayload...\n"); mozilla::ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle chunkManager(512); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer( mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, chunkManager); mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex i0 = mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "literal", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i0); const std::string dynamic = "dynamic"; mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex i1 = mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, dynamic, mozilla::baseprofiler::category::GRAPHICS_FlushingAsyncPaints, {}); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i1); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i1 > i0); mozilla::ProfileBufferBlockIndex i2 = mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, std::string_view("string_view"), mozilla::baseprofiler::category::GRAPHICS_FlushingAsyncPaints, {}); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i2); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(i2 > i1); # ifdef DEBUG buffer.Dump(); # endif PrintMarkers(buffer); printf("TestMarkerNoPayload done\n"); } void TestUserMarker() { printf("TestUserMarker...\n"); // User-defined marker type with text. // It's fine to define it right in the function where it's used. struct MarkerTypeTestMinimal { static constexpr Span MarkerTypeName() { return MakeStringSpan("test-minimal"); } static void StreamJSONMarkerData( mozilla::baseprofiler::SpliceableJSONWriter& aWriter, const std::string& aText) { aWriter.StringProperty("text", aText); } static mozilla::MarkerSchema MarkerTypeDisplay() { using MS = mozilla::MarkerSchema; MS schema{MS::Location::markerChart, MS::Location::markerTable}; schema.SetTooltipLabel("tooltip for test-minimal"); schema.AddKeyLabelFormatSearchable("text", "Text", MS::Format::string, MS::Searchable::searchable); return schema; } }; mozilla::ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle chunkManager(1024); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer( mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, chunkManager); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, {}, MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("payload text"))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerThreadId(123), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("ThreadId(123)"))); auto start = mozilla::TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerTiming::InstantAt(start), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("InstantAt(start)"))); auto then = mozilla::TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerTiming::IntervalStart(start), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("IntervalStart(start)"))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerTiming::IntervalEnd(then), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("IntervalEnd(then)"))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerTiming::Interval(start, then), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("Interval(start, then)"))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerTiming::IntervalUntilNowFrom(start), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("IntervalUntilNowFrom(start)"))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerStack::NoStack(), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("NoStack"))); // Note: We cannot test stack-capture here, because the profiler is not // initialized. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, "test2", mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER_Profiling, mozilla::MarkerInnerWindowId(123), MarkerTypeTestMinimal{}, std::string("InnerWindowId(123)"))); # ifdef DEBUG buffer.Dump(); # endif PrintMarkers(buffer); printf("TestUserMarker done\n"); } void TestPredefinedMarkers() { printf("TestPredefinedMarkers...\n"); mozilla::ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle chunkManager(1024); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer( mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer::ThreadSafety::WithoutMutex, chunkManager); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, std::string_view("tracing"), mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::Tracing{}, "category")); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, std::string_view("text"), mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::TextMarker{}, "text text")); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mozilla::baseprofiler::AddMarkerToBuffer( buffer, std::string_view("media"), mozilla::baseprofiler::category::OTHER, {}, mozilla::baseprofiler::markers::MediaSampleMarker{}, 123, 456)); # ifdef DEBUG buffer.Dump(); # endif PrintMarkers(buffer); printf("TestPredefinedMarkers done\n"); } void TestProfilerMarkers() { printf("TestProfilerMarkers -- pid: %d, tid: %d\n", mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_process_id(), mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id()); // ::SleepMilli(10000); TestUniqueJSONStrings(); TestMarkerCategory(); TestMarkerThreadId(); TestMarkerNoPayload(); TestUserMarker(); TestPredefinedMarkers(); printf("TestProfilerMarkers done\n"); } #else // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER // Testing that macros are still #defined (but do nothing) when // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER is disabled. void TestProfiler() { // These don't need to make sense, we just want to know that they're defined // and don't do anything. # ifndef AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_INIT # error AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_INIT not #defined # endif // AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_INIT AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_INIT; // This wouldn't build if the macro did output its arguments. # ifndef AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT # error AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT not #defined # endif // AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT(catch, catch, catch, catch); # ifndef AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL # error AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL not #defined # endif // AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_LABEL(catch, catch); # ifndef AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP # error AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP not #defined # endif // AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP AUTO_BASE_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; # ifndef BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED # error BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED not #defined # endif // BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED(catch, catch); BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED(catch, catch, catch); # ifndef BASE_PROFILER_MARKER # error BASE_PROFILER_MARKER not #defined # endif // BASE_PROFILER_MARKER BASE_PROFILER_MARKER(catch, catch, catch, catch); BASE_PROFILER_MARKER(catch, catch, catch, catch, catch); # ifndef BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT # error BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT not #defined # endif // BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT BASE_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT(catch, catch, catch, catch); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_get_backtrace(), "profiler_get_backtrace should return nullptr"); mozilla::ProfileChunkedBuffer buffer; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( !mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_capture_backtrace_into(buffer), "profiler_capture_backtrace_into should return false"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mozilla::baseprofiler::profiler_capture_backtrace(), "profiler_capture_backtrace should return nullptr"); } // Testing that macros are still #defined (but do nothing) when // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER is disabled. void TestProfilerMarkers() { // These don't need to make sense, we just want to know that they're defined // and don't do anything. } #endif // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER else #if defined(XP_WIN) int wmain() #else int main() #endif // defined(XP_WIN) { #ifdef MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER printf("BaseTestProfiler -- pid: %d, tid: %d\n", baseprofiler::profiler_current_process_id(), baseprofiler::profiler_current_thread_id()); // ::SleepMilli(10000); #endif // MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER // Note that there are two `TestProfiler{,Markers}` functions above, depending // on whether MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER is #defined. TestProfiler(); TestProfilerMarkers(); return 0; }