/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsCacheService.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/FileUtils.h" #include "nsCache.h" #include "nsCacheRequest.h" #include "nsCacheEntry.h" #include "nsCacheEntryDescriptor.h" #include "nsCacheDevice.h" #include "nsICacheVisitor.h" #include "nsDiskCacheDeviceSQL.h" #include "nsCacheUtils.h" #include "../cache2/CacheObserver.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsIPrefBranch.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #include "nsIOService.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsProxyRelease.h" #include "nsDeleteDir.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include // for log() #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h" #include "mozilla/net/NeckoCommon.h" #include using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::net; /****************************************************************************** * nsCacheProfilePrefObserver *****************************************************************************/ #define OFFLINE_CACHE_DIR_PREF "browser.cache.offline.parent_directory" #define OFFLINE_CACHE_CAPACITY_PREF "browser.cache.offline.capacity" #define OFFLINE_CACHE_CAPACITY 512000 #define CACHE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL 1 static const char* observerList[] = { "profile-before-change", "profile-do-change", NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, "last-pb-context-exited", "suspend_process_notification", "resume_process_notification"}; class nsCacheProfilePrefObserver : public nsIObserver { virtual ~nsCacheProfilePrefObserver() = default; public: NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER nsCacheProfilePrefObserver() : mHaveProfile(false), mOfflineCacheEnabled(false), mOfflineStorageCacheEnabled(false), mOfflineCacheCapacity(0), mCacheCompressionLevel(CACHE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL), mSanitizeOnShutdown(false), mClearCacheOnShutdown(false) {} nsresult Install(); void Remove(); nsresult ReadPrefs(nsIPrefBranch* branch); nsIFile* DiskCacheParentDirectory() { return mDiskCacheParentDirectory; } bool OfflineCacheEnabled(); int32_t OfflineCacheCapacity() { return mOfflineCacheCapacity; } nsIFile* OfflineCacheParentDirectory() { return mOfflineCacheParentDirectory; } int32_t CacheCompressionLevel(); bool SanitizeAtShutdown() { return mSanitizeOnShutdown && mClearCacheOnShutdown; } private: bool mHaveProfile; nsCOMPtr mDiskCacheParentDirectory; bool mOfflineCacheEnabled; bool mOfflineStorageCacheEnabled; int32_t mOfflineCacheCapacity; // in kilobytes nsCOMPtr mOfflineCacheParentDirectory; int32_t mCacheCompressionLevel; bool mSanitizeOnShutdown; bool mClearCacheOnShutdown; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsCacheProfilePrefObserver, nsIObserver) class nsBlockOnCacheThreadEvent : public Runnable { public: nsBlockOnCacheThreadEvent() : mozilla::Runnable("nsBlockOnCacheThreadEvent") {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsCacheServiceAutoLock autoLock(LOCK_TELEM(NSBLOCKONCACHETHREADEVENT_RUN)); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("nsBlockOnCacheThreadEvent [%p]\n", this)); nsCacheService::gService->mNotified = true; nsCacheService::gService->mCondVar.Notify(); return NS_OK; } }; nsresult nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::Install() { // install profile-change observer nsCOMPtr observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (!observerService) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsresult rv, rv2 = NS_OK; for (auto& observer : observerList) { rv = observerService->AddObserver(this, observer, false); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) rv2 = rv; } // install preferences observer nsCOMPtr branch = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!branch) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Determine if we have a profile already // Install() is called *after* the profile-after-change notification // when there is only a single profile, or it is specified on the // commandline at startup. // In that case, we detect the presence of a profile by the existence // of the NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR directory. nsCOMPtr directory; rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(directory)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) mHaveProfile = true; rv = ReadPrefs(branch); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return rv2; } void nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::Remove() { // remove Observer Service observers nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { for (auto& observer : observerList) { obs->RemoveObserver(this, observer); } } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::Observe(nsISupports* subject, const char* topic, const char16_t* data_unicode) { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 data(data_unicode); CACHE_LOG_INFO(("Observe [topic=%s data=%s]\n", topic, data.get())); if (!nsCacheService::IsInitialized()) { if (!strcmp("resume_process_notification", topic)) { // A suspended process has a closed cache, so re-open it here. nsCacheService::GlobalInstance()->Init(); } return NS_OK; } if (!strcmp(NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, topic)) { // xpcom going away, shutdown cache service nsCacheService::GlobalInstance()->Shutdown(); } else if (!strcmp("profile-before-change", topic)) { // profile before change mHaveProfile = false; // XXX shutdown devices nsCacheService::OnProfileShutdown(); } else if (!strcmp("suspend_process_notification", topic)) { // A suspended process may never return, so shutdown the cache to reduce // cache corruption. nsCacheService::GlobalInstance()->Shutdown(); } else if (!strcmp("profile-do-change", topic)) { // profile after change mHaveProfile = true; nsCOMPtr branch = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!branch) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } (void)ReadPrefs(branch); nsCacheService::OnProfileChanged(); } else if (!strcmp("last-pb-context-exited", topic)) { nsCacheService::LeavePrivateBrowsing(); } return NS_OK; } static already_AddRefed GetCacheDirectory(const char* aSubdir, bool aAllowProcDirCache) { nsCOMPtr directory; // try to get the disk cache parent directory Unused << NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_CACHE_PARENT_DIR, getter_AddRefs(directory)); if (!directory) { // try to get the profile directory (there may not be a profile yet) nsCOMPtr profDir; NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(profDir)); NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_LOCAL_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(directory)); if (!directory) directory = profDir; else if (profDir) { nsCacheService::MoveOrRemoveDiskCache(profDir, directory, aSubdir); } } if (!directory && aAllowProcDirCache) { Unused << NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, getter_AddRefs(directory)); } return directory.forget(); } nsresult nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::ReadPrefs(nsIPrefBranch* branch) { if (!mDiskCacheParentDirectory) { // use file cache in build tree only if asked, to avoid cache dir litter bool allowProcDirCache = PR_GetEnv("NECKO_DEV_ENABLE_DISK_CACHE"); mDiskCacheParentDirectory = GetCacheDirectory("Cache", allowProcDirCache); } // read offline cache device prefs mOfflineCacheEnabled = StaticPrefs::browser_cache_offline_enable(); mOfflineStorageCacheEnabled = StaticPrefs::browser_cache_offline_storage_enable(); mOfflineCacheCapacity = OFFLINE_CACHE_CAPACITY; (void)branch->GetIntPref(OFFLINE_CACHE_CAPACITY_PREF, &mOfflineCacheCapacity); mOfflineCacheCapacity = std::max(0, mOfflineCacheCapacity); (void)branch->GetComplexValue(OFFLINE_CACHE_DIR_PREF, // ignore error NS_GET_IID(nsIFile), getter_AddRefs(mOfflineCacheParentDirectory)); if (!mOfflineCacheParentDirectory) { #ifdef DEBUG bool allowProcDirCache = true; #else bool allowProcDirCache = false; #endif mOfflineCacheParentDirectory = GetCacheDirectory("OfflineCache", allowProcDirCache); } if (!mDiskCacheParentDirectory || !mOfflineCacheParentDirectory) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!mOfflineStorageCacheEnabled) { // Dispatch cleanup task nsCOMPtr runnable = NS_NewRunnableFunction("Delete OfflineCache", []() { nsCOMPtr dir; nsCacheService::GetAppCacheDirectory(getter_AddRefs(dir)); bool exists = false; if (dir && NS_SUCCEEDED(dir->Exists(&exists)) && exists) { // Delay delete by 1 minute to avoid IO thrash on startup. CACHE_LOG_INFO( ("Queuing Delete of AppCacheDirectory in 60 seconds")); nsDeleteDir::DeleteDir(dir, false, 60000); } }); Unused << nsCacheService::DispatchToCacheIOThread(runnable); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::DispatchToCacheIOThread(nsIRunnable* event) { if (!gService || !gService->mCacheIOThread) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return gService->mCacheIOThread->Dispatch(event, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } nsresult nsCacheService::SyncWithCacheIOThread() { if (!gService || !gService->mCacheIOThread) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; gService->mLock.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); nsCOMPtr event = new nsBlockOnCacheThreadEvent(); // dispatch event - it will notify the monitor when it's done nsresult rv = gService->mCacheIOThread->Dispatch(event, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Failed dispatching block-event"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } // wait until notified, then return gService->mNotified = false; while (!gService->mNotified) { gService->mCondVar.Wait(); } return NS_OK; } bool nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::OfflineCacheEnabled() { if ((mOfflineCacheCapacity == 0) || (!mOfflineCacheParentDirectory)) return false; return mOfflineCacheEnabled && mOfflineStorageCacheEnabled; } int32_t nsCacheProfilePrefObserver::CacheCompressionLevel() { return mCacheCompressionLevel; } /****************************************************************************** * nsProcessRequestEvent *****************************************************************************/ class nsProcessRequestEvent : public Runnable { public: explicit nsProcessRequestEvent(nsCacheRequest* aRequest) : mozilla::Runnable("nsProcessRequestEvent") { mRequest = aRequest; } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsresult rv; NS_ASSERTION(mRequest->mListener, "Sync OpenCacheEntry() posted to background thread!"); nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSPROCESSREQUESTEVENT_RUN)); rv = nsCacheService::gService->ProcessRequest(mRequest, false, nullptr); // Don't delete the request if it was queued if (!(mRequest->IsBlocking() && rv == NS_ERROR_CACHE_WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION)) delete mRequest; return NS_OK; } protected: virtual ~nsProcessRequestEvent() = default; private: nsCacheRequest* mRequest; }; /****************************************************************************** * nsDoomEvent *****************************************************************************/ class nsDoomEvent : public Runnable { public: nsDoomEvent(nsCacheSession* session, const nsACString& key, nsICacheListener* listener) : mozilla::Runnable("nsDoomEvent") { mKey = *session->ClientID(); mKey.Append(':'); mKey.Append(key); mStoragePolicy = session->StoragePolicy(); mListener = listener; mEventTarget = GetCurrentEventTarget(); // We addref the listener here and release it in nsNotifyDoomListener // on the callers thread. If posting of nsNotifyDoomListener event fails // we leak the listener which is better than releasing it on a wrong // thread. NS_IF_ADDREF(mListener); } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock; bool foundActive = true; nsresult status = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsCacheEntry* entry; entry = nsCacheService::gService->mActiveEntries.GetEntry(&mKey); if (!entry) { bool collision = false; foundActive = false; entry = nsCacheService::gService->SearchCacheDevices( &mKey, mStoragePolicy, &collision); } if (entry) { status = NS_OK; nsCacheService::gService->DoomEntry_Internal(entry, foundActive); } if (mListener) { mEventTarget->Dispatch(new nsNotifyDoomListener(mListener, status), NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); // posted event will release the reference on the correct thread mListener = nullptr; } return NS_OK; } private: nsCString mKey; nsCacheStoragePolicy mStoragePolicy; nsICacheListener* mListener; nsCOMPtr mEventTarget; }; /****************************************************************************** * nsCacheService *****************************************************************************/ nsCacheService* nsCacheService::gService = nullptr; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsCacheService, nsICacheService, nsICacheServiceInternal) nsCacheService::nsCacheService() : mObserver(nullptr), mLock("nsCacheService.mLock"), mCondVar(mLock, "nsCacheService.mCondVar"), mNotified(false), mTimeStampLock("nsCacheService.mTimeStampLock"), mInitialized(false), mClearingEntries(false), mEnableOfflineDevice(false), mOfflineDevice(nullptr), mDoomedEntries{}, mTotalEntries(0), mCacheHits(0), mCacheMisses(0), mMaxKeyLength(0), mMaxDataSize(0), mMaxMetaSize(0), mDeactivateFailures(0), mDeactivatedUnboundEntries(0) { NS_ASSERTION(gService == nullptr, "multiple nsCacheService instances!"); gService = this; // create list of cache devices PR_INIT_CLIST(&mDoomedEntries); } nsCacheService::~nsCacheService() { if (mInitialized) // Shutdown hasn't been called yet. (void)Shutdown(); if (mObserver) { mObserver->Remove(); NS_RELEASE(mObserver); } gService = nullptr; } nsresult nsCacheService::Init() { // Thie method must be called on the main thread because mCacheIOThread must // only be modified on the main thread. if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_ERROR("nsCacheService::Init called off the main thread"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } NS_ASSERTION(!mInitialized, "nsCacheService already initialized."); if (mInitialized) return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; if (mozilla::net::IsNeckoChild()) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsresult rv; mStorageService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/storage/service;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_NewNamedThread("Cache I/O", getter_AddRefs(mCacheIOThread)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Can't create cache IO thread"); } rv = nsDeleteDir::Init(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Can't initialize nsDeleteDir"); } // initialize hashtable for active cache entries mActiveEntries.Init(); // create profile/preference observer if (!mObserver) { mObserver = new nsCacheProfilePrefObserver(); NS_ADDREF(mObserver); mObserver->Install(); } mEnableOfflineDevice = mObserver->OfflineCacheEnabled(); mInitialized = true; return NS_OK; } void nsCacheService::Shutdown() { // This method must be called on the main thread because mCacheIOThread must // only be modified on the main thread. if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { MOZ_CRASH("nsCacheService::Shutdown called off the main thread"); } nsCOMPtr cacheIOThread; Telemetry::AutoTimer totalTimer; bool shouldSanitize = false; nsCOMPtr parentDir; { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN)); NS_ASSERTION( mInitialized, "can't shutdown nsCacheService unless it has been initialized."); if (!mInitialized) return; mClearingEntries = true; DoomActiveEntries(nullptr); } CloseAllStreams(); { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN)); NS_ASSERTION(mInitialized, "Bad state"); mInitialized = false; // Clear entries ClearDoomList(); // Make sure to wait for any pending cache-operations before // proceeding with destructive actions (bug #620660) (void)SyncWithCacheIOThread(); mActiveEntries.Shutdown(); // obtain the disk cache directory in case we need to sanitize it parentDir = mObserver->DiskCacheParentDirectory(); shouldSanitize = mObserver->SanitizeAtShutdown(); if (mOfflineDevice) mOfflineDevice->Shutdown(); NS_IF_RELEASE(mOfflineDevice); for (auto iter = mCustomOfflineDevices.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { iter.Data()->Shutdown(); iter.Remove(); } LogCacheStatistics(); mClearingEntries = false; mCacheIOThread.swap(cacheIOThread); } if (cacheIOThread) nsShutdownThread::BlockingShutdown(cacheIOThread); if (shouldSanitize) { nsresult rv = parentDir->AppendNative("Cache"_ns); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { bool exists; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(parentDir->Exists(&exists)) && exists) nsDeleteDir::DeleteDir(parentDir, false); } Telemetry::AutoTimer timer; nsDeleteDir::Shutdown(shouldSanitize); } else { Telemetry::AutoTimer timer; nsDeleteDir::Shutdown(shouldSanitize); } } nsresult nsCacheService::Create(nsISupports* aOuter, const nsIID& aIID, void** aResult) { nsresult rv; if (aOuter != nullptr) return NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; RefPtr cacheService = new nsCacheService(); rv = cacheService->Init(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = cacheService->QueryInterface(aIID, aResult); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheService::CreateSession(const char* clientID, nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy, bool streamBased, nsICacheSession** result) { *result = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } nsresult nsCacheService::CreateSessionInternal( const char* clientID, nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy, bool streamBased, nsICacheSession** result) { RefPtr session = new nsCacheSession(clientID, storagePolicy, streamBased); session.forget(result); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::EvictEntriesForSession(nsCacheSession* session) { NS_ASSERTION(gService, "nsCacheService::gService is null."); return gService->EvictEntriesForClient(session->ClientID()->get(), session->StoragePolicy()); } namespace { class EvictionNotifierRunnable : public Runnable { public: explicit EvictionNotifierRunnable(nsISupports* aSubject) : mozilla::Runnable("EvictionNotifierRunnable"), mSubject(aSubject) {} NS_DECL_NSIRUNNABLE private: nsCOMPtr mSubject; }; NS_IMETHODIMP EvictionNotifierRunnable::Run() { nsCOMPtr obsSvc = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obsSvc) { obsSvc->NotifyObservers(mSubject, NS_CACHESERVICE_EMPTYCACHE_TOPIC_ID, nullptr); } return NS_OK; } } // namespace nsresult nsCacheService::EvictEntriesForClient( const char* clientID, nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy) { RefPtr r = new EvictionNotifierRunnable(NS_ISUPPORTS_CAST(nsICacheService*, this)); NS_DispatchToMainThread(r); nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_EVICTENTRIESFORCLIENT)); nsresult res = NS_OK; // Only clear the offline cache if it has been specifically asked for. if (storagePolicy == nsICache::STORE_OFFLINE) { if (mEnableOfflineDevice) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!mOfflineDevice) rv = CreateOfflineDevice(); if (mOfflineDevice) rv = mOfflineDevice->EvictEntries(clientID); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) res = rv; } } return res; } nsresult nsCacheService::IsStorageEnabledForPolicy( nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy, bool* result) { if (gService == nullptr) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock( LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_ISSTORAGEENABLEDFORPOLICY)); *result = nsCacheService::IsStorageEnabledForPolicy_Locked(storagePolicy); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::DoomEntry(nsCacheSession* session, const nsACString& key, nsICacheListener* listener) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Dooming entry for session %p, key %s\n", session, PromiseFlatCString(key).get())); if (!gService || !gService->mInitialized) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return DispatchToCacheIOThread(new nsDoomEvent(session, key, listener)); } bool nsCacheService::IsStorageEnabledForPolicy_Locked( nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy) { if (gService->mEnableOfflineDevice && storagePolicy == nsICache::STORE_OFFLINE) { return true; } return false; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheService::VisitEntries(nsICacheVisitor* visitor) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } nsresult nsCacheService::VisitEntriesInternal(nsICacheVisitor* visitor) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(visitor); nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_VISITENTRIES)); if (!mEnableOfflineDevice) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; // XXX record the fact that a visitation is in progress, // XXX i.e. keep list of visitors in progress. nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (mEnableOfflineDevice) { if (!mOfflineDevice) { rv = CreateOfflineDevice(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } rv = mOfflineDevice->Visit(visitor); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // XXX notify any shutdown process that visitation is complete for THIS // visitor. // XXX keep queue of visitors return NS_OK; } void nsCacheService::FireClearNetworkCacheStoredAnywhereNotification() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsCOMPtr obsvc = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obsvc) { obsvc->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "network-clear-cache-stored-anywhere", nullptr); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheService::EvictEntries(nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } nsresult nsCacheService::EvictEntriesInternal( nsCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy) { if (storagePolicy == nsICache::STORE_ANYWHERE) { // if not called on main thread, dispatch the notification to the main // thread to notify observers if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { nsCOMPtr event = NewRunnableMethod( "nsCacheService::FireClearNetworkCacheStoredAnywhereNotification", this, &nsCacheService::FireClearNetworkCacheStoredAnywhereNotification); NS_DispatchToMainThread(event); } else { // else you're already on main thread - notify observers FireClearNetworkCacheStoredAnywhereNotification(); } } return EvictEntriesForClient(nullptr, storagePolicy); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheService::GetCacheIOTarget( nsIEventTarget** aCacheIOTarget) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCacheIOTarget); // Because mCacheIOThread can only be changed on the main thread, it can be // read from the main thread without the lock. This is useful to prevent // blocking the main thread on other cache operations. if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { Lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_GETCACHEIOTARGET)); } nsresult rv; if (mCacheIOThread) { *aCacheIOTarget = do_AddRef(mCacheIOThread).take(); rv = NS_OK; } else { *aCacheIOTarget = nullptr; rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { Unlock(); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCacheService::GetLockHeldTime(double* aLockHeldTime) { MutexAutoLock lock(mTimeStampLock); if (mLockAcquiredTimeStamp.IsNull()) { *aLockHeldTime = 0.0; } else { *aLockHeldTime = (TimeStamp::Now() - mLockAcquiredTimeStamp).ToMilliseconds(); } return NS_OK; } /** * Internal Methods */ nsresult nsCacheService::GetOfflineDevice(nsOfflineCacheDevice** aDevice) { if (!mOfflineDevice) { nsresult rv = CreateOfflineDevice(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } *aDevice = do_AddRef(mOfflineDevice).take(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::GetCustomOfflineDevice( nsIFile* aProfileDir, int32_t aQuota, nsOfflineCacheDevice** aDevice) { nsresult rv; nsAutoString profilePath; rv = aProfileDir->GetPath(profilePath); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!mCustomOfflineDevices.Get(profilePath, aDevice)) { rv = CreateCustomOfflineDevice(aProfileDir, aQuota, aDevice); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } (*aDevice)->SetAutoShutdown(); mCustomOfflineDevices.Put(profilePath, RefPtr{*aDevice}); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::CreateOfflineDevice() { CACHE_LOG_INFO(("Creating default offline device")); if (mOfflineDevice) return NS_OK; if (!nsCacheService::IsInitialized()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return CreateCustomOfflineDevice(mObserver->OfflineCacheParentDirectory(), mObserver->OfflineCacheCapacity(), &mOfflineDevice); } nsresult nsCacheService::CreateCustomOfflineDevice( nsIFile* aProfileDir, int32_t aQuota, nsOfflineCacheDevice** aDevice) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aProfileDir); if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gCacheLog, LogLevel::Info)) { CACHE_LOG_INFO(("Creating custom offline device, %s, %d", aProfileDir->HumanReadablePath().get(), aQuota)); } if (!mInitialized) { NS_WARNING("nsCacheService not initialized"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (!mEnableOfflineDevice) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; RefPtr device = new nsOfflineCacheDevice(); // set the preferences device->SetCacheParentDirectory(aProfileDir); device->SetCapacity(aQuota); nsresult rv = device->InitWithSqlite(mStorageService); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("OfflineDevice->InitWithSqlite() failed (0x%.8" PRIx32 ")\n", static_cast(rv))); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG((" - disabling offline cache for this session.\n")); device = nullptr; } device.forget(aDevice); return rv; } nsresult nsCacheService::RemoveCustomOfflineDevice( nsOfflineCacheDevice* aDevice) { nsCOMPtr profileDir = aDevice->BaseDirectory(); if (!profileDir) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; nsAutoString profilePath; nsresult rv = profileDir->GetPath(profilePath); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mCustomOfflineDevices.Remove(profilePath); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::CreateRequest(nsCacheSession* session, const nsACString& clientKey, nsCacheAccessMode accessRequested, bool blockingMode, nsICacheListener* listener, nsCacheRequest** request) { NS_ASSERTION(request, "CreateRequest: request is null"); nsAutoCString key(*session->ClientID()); key.Append(':'); key.Append(clientKey); if (mMaxKeyLength < key.Length()) mMaxKeyLength = key.Length(); // create request *request = new nsCacheRequest(key, listener, accessRequested, blockingMode, session); if (!listener) return NS_OK; // we're sync, we're done. // get the request's thread (*request)->mEventTarget = GetCurrentEventTarget(); return NS_OK; } class nsCacheListenerEvent : public Runnable { public: nsCacheListenerEvent(nsICacheListener* listener, nsICacheEntryDescriptor* descriptor, nsCacheAccessMode accessGranted, nsresult status) : mozilla::Runnable("nsCacheListenerEvent"), mListener(listener) // transfers reference , mDescriptor(descriptor) // transfers reference (may be null) , mAccessGranted(accessGranted), mStatus(status) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { mListener->OnCacheEntryAvailable(mDescriptor, mAccessGranted, mStatus); NS_RELEASE(mListener); NS_IF_RELEASE(mDescriptor); return NS_OK; } private: // We explicitly leak mListener or mDescriptor if Run is not called // because otherwise we cannot guarantee that they are destroyed on // the right thread. nsICacheListener* mListener; nsICacheEntryDescriptor* mDescriptor; nsCacheAccessMode mAccessGranted; nsresult mStatus; }; nsresult nsCacheService::NotifyListener(nsCacheRequest* request, nsICacheEntryDescriptor* descriptor, nsCacheAccessMode accessGranted, nsresult status) { NS_ASSERTION(request->mEventTarget, "no thread set in async request!"); // Swap ownership, and release listener on target thread... nsICacheListener* listener = request->mListener; request->mListener = nullptr; nsCOMPtr ev = new nsCacheListenerEvent(listener, descriptor, accessGranted, status); if (!ev) { // Better to leak listener and descriptor if we fail because we don't // want to destroy them inside the cache service lock or on potentially // the wrong thread. return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return request->mEventTarget->Dispatch(ev, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } nsresult nsCacheService::ProcessRequest(nsCacheRequest* request, bool calledFromOpenCacheEntry, nsICacheEntryDescriptor** result) { // !!! must be called with mLock held !!! nsresult rv; nsCacheEntry* entry = nullptr; nsCacheEntry* doomedEntry = nullptr; nsCacheAccessMode accessGranted = nsICache::ACCESS_NONE; if (result) *result = nullptr; while (true) { // Activate entry loop rv = ActivateEntry(request, &entry, &doomedEntry); // get the entry for this request if (NS_FAILED(rv)) break; while (true) { // Request Access loop NS_ASSERTION(entry, "no entry in Request Access loop!"); // entry->RequestAccess queues request on entry rv = entry->RequestAccess(request, &accessGranted); if (rv != NS_ERROR_CACHE_WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION) break; if (request->IsBlocking()) { if (request->mListener) { // async exits - validate, doom, or close will resume return rv; } // XXX this is probably wrong... Unlock(); rv = request->WaitForValidation(); Lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_PROCESSREQUEST)); } PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(request); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) break; // non-blocking mode returns WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION error // okay, we're ready to process this request, request access again } if (rv != NS_ERROR_CACHE_ENTRY_DOOMED) break; if (entry->IsNotInUse()) { // this request was the last one keeping it around, so get rid of it DeactivateEntry(entry); } // loop back around to look for another entry } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && request->mProfileDir) { // Custom cache directory has been demanded. Preset the cache device. if (entry->StoragePolicy() != nsICache::STORE_OFFLINE) { // Failsafe check: this is implemented only for offline cache atm. rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else { RefPtr customCacheDevice; rv = GetCustomOfflineDevice(request->mProfileDir, -1, getter_AddRefs(customCacheDevice)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) entry->SetCustomCacheDevice(customCacheDevice); } } nsICacheEntryDescriptor* descriptor = nullptr; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = entry->CreateDescriptor(request, accessGranted, &descriptor); // If doomedEntry is set, ActivatEntry() doomed an existing entry and // created a new one for that cache-key. However, any pending requests // on the doomed entry were not processed and we need to do that here. // This must be done after adding the created entry to list of active // entries (which is done in ActivateEntry()) otherwise the hashkeys crash // (see bug ##561313). It is also important to do this after creating a // descriptor for this request, or some other request may end up being // executed first for the newly created entry. // Finally, it is worth to emphasize that if doomedEntry is set, // ActivateEntry() created a new entry for the request, which will be // initialized by RequestAccess() and they both should have returned NS_OK. if (doomedEntry) { (void)ProcessPendingRequests(doomedEntry); if (doomedEntry->IsNotInUse()) DeactivateEntry(doomedEntry); doomedEntry = nullptr; } if (request->mListener) { // Asynchronous if (NS_FAILED(rv) && calledFromOpenCacheEntry && request->IsBlocking()) return rv; // skip notifying listener, just return rv to caller // call listener to report error or descriptor nsresult rv2 = NotifyListener(request, descriptor, accessGranted, rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv2) && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = rv2; // trigger delete request } } else { // Synchronous *result = descriptor; } return rv; } nsresult nsCacheService::OpenCacheEntry(nsCacheSession* session, const nsACString& key, nsCacheAccessMode accessRequested, bool blockingMode, nsICacheListener* listener, nsICacheEntryDescriptor** result) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG( ("Opening entry for session %p, key %s, mode %d, blocking %d\n", session, PromiseFlatCString(key).get(), accessRequested, blockingMode)); if (result) *result = nullptr; if (!gService || !gService->mInitialized) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCacheRequest* request = nullptr; nsresult rv = gService->CreateRequest(session, key, accessRequested, blockingMode, listener, &request); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Created request %p\n", request)); // Process the request on the background thread if we are on the main thread // and the the request is asynchronous if (NS_IsMainThread() && listener && gService->mCacheIOThread) { nsCOMPtr ev = new nsProcessRequestEvent(request); rv = DispatchToCacheIOThread(ev); // delete request if we didn't post the event if (NS_FAILED(rv)) delete request; } else { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_OPENCACHEENTRY)); rv = gService->ProcessRequest(request, true, result); // delete requests that have completed if (!(listener && blockingMode && (rv == NS_ERROR_CACHE_WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION))) delete request; } return rv; } nsresult nsCacheService::ActivateEntry(nsCacheRequest* request, nsCacheEntry** result, nsCacheEntry** doomedEntry) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Activate entry for request %p\n", request)); if (!mInitialized || mClearingEntries) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsresult rv = NS_OK; NS_ASSERTION(request != nullptr, "ActivateEntry called with no request"); if (result) *result = nullptr; if (doomedEntry) *doomedEntry = nullptr; if ((!request) || (!result) || (!doomedEntry)) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // check if the request can be satisfied if (!request->IsStreamBased()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (!IsStorageEnabledForPolicy_Locked(request->StoragePolicy())) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // search active entries (including those not bound to device) nsCacheEntry* entry = mActiveEntries.GetEntry(&(request->mKey)); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Active entry for request %p is %p\n", request, entry)); if (!entry) { // search cache devices for entry bool collision = false; entry = SearchCacheDevices(&(request->mKey), request->StoragePolicy(), &collision); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG( ("Device search for request %p returned %p\n", request, entry)); // When there is a hashkey collision just refuse to cache it... if (collision) return NS_ERROR_CACHE_IN_USE; if (entry) entry->MarkInitialized(); } else { NS_ASSERTION(entry->IsActive(), "Inactive entry found in mActiveEntries!"); } if (entry) { ++mCacheHits; entry->Fetched(); } else { ++mCacheMisses; } if (entry && ((request->AccessRequested() == nsICache::ACCESS_WRITE) || ((request->StoragePolicy() != nsICache::STORE_OFFLINE) && (entry->mExpirationTime <= SecondsFromPRTime(PR_Now()) && request->WillDoomEntriesIfExpired())))) { // this is FORCE-WRITE request or the entry has expired // we doom entry without processing pending requests, but store it in // doomedEntry which causes pending requests to be processed below rv = DoomEntry_Internal(entry, false); *doomedEntry = entry; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // XXX what to do? Increment FailedDooms counter? } entry = nullptr; } if (!entry) { if (!(request->AccessRequested() & nsICache::ACCESS_WRITE)) { // this is a READ-ONLY request rv = NS_ERROR_CACHE_KEY_NOT_FOUND; goto error; } entry = new nsCacheEntry(request->mKey, request->IsStreamBased(), request->StoragePolicy()); if (!entry) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (request->IsPrivate()) entry->MarkPrivate(); entry->Fetched(); ++mTotalEntries; // XXX we could perform an early bind in some cases based on storage policy } if (!entry->IsActive()) { rv = mActiveEntries.AddEntry(entry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto error; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Added entry %p to mActiveEntries\n", entry)); entry->MarkActive(); // mark entry active, because it's now in // mActiveEntries } *result = entry; return NS_OK; error: *result = nullptr; delete entry; return rv; } nsCacheEntry* nsCacheService::SearchCacheDevices(nsCString* key, nsCacheStoragePolicy policy, bool* collision) { Telemetry::AutoTimer timer; nsCacheEntry* entry = nullptr; *collision = false; if (policy == nsICache::STORE_OFFLINE || (policy == nsICache::STORE_ANYWHERE && gIOService->IsOffline())) { if (mEnableOfflineDevice) { if (!mOfflineDevice) { nsresult rv = CreateOfflineDevice(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return nullptr; } entry = mOfflineDevice->FindEntry(key, collision); } } return entry; } nsCacheDevice* nsCacheService::EnsureEntryHasDevice(nsCacheEntry* entry) { nsCacheDevice* device = entry->CacheDevice(); // return device if found, possibly null if the entry is doomed i.e prevent // doomed entries to bind to a device (see e.g. bugs #548406 and #596443) if (device || entry->IsDoomed()) return device; if (!device && entry->IsStreamData() && entry->IsAllowedOffline() && mEnableOfflineDevice) { if (!mOfflineDevice) { (void)CreateOfflineDevice(); // ignore the error (check for // mOfflineDevice instead) } device = entry->CustomCacheDevice() ? entry->CustomCacheDevice() : mOfflineDevice; if (device) { entry->MarkBinding(); nsresult rv = device->BindEntry(entry); entry->ClearBinding(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) device = nullptr; } } if (device) entry->SetCacheDevice(device); return device; } nsresult nsCacheService::DoomEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry) { return gService->DoomEntry_Internal(entry, true); } nsresult nsCacheService::DoomEntry_Internal(nsCacheEntry* entry, bool doProcessPendingRequests) { if (entry->IsDoomed()) return NS_OK; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Dooming entry %p\n", entry)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; entry->MarkDoomed(); NS_ASSERTION(!entry->IsBinding(), "Dooming entry while binding device."); nsCacheDevice* device = entry->CacheDevice(); if (device) device->DoomEntry(entry); if (entry->IsActive()) { // remove from active entries mActiveEntries.RemoveEntry(entry); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Removed entry %p from mActiveEntries\n", entry)); entry->MarkInactive(); } // put on doom list to wait for descriptors to close NS_ASSERTION(PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(entry), "doomed entry still on device list"); PR_APPEND_LINK(entry, &mDoomedEntries); // handle pending requests only if we're supposed to if (doProcessPendingRequests) { // tell pending requests to get on with their lives... rv = ProcessPendingRequests(entry); // All requests have been removed, but there may still be open descriptors if (entry->IsNotInUse()) { DeactivateEntry(entry); // tell device to get rid of it } } return rv; } void nsCacheService::OnProfileShutdown() { if (!gService || !gService->mInitialized) { // The cache service has been shut down, but someone is still holding // a reference to it. Ignore this call. return; } { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN)); gService->mClearingEntries = true; gService->DoomActiveEntries(nullptr); } gService->CloseAllStreams(); nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN)); gService->ClearDoomList(); // Make sure to wait for any pending cache-operations before // proceeding with destructive actions (bug #620660) (void)SyncWithCacheIOThread(); if (gService->mOfflineDevice && gService->mEnableOfflineDevice) { gService->mOfflineDevice->Shutdown(); } for (auto iter = gService->mCustomOfflineDevices.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { iter.Data()->Shutdown(); iter.Remove(); } gService->mEnableOfflineDevice = false; gService->mClearingEntries = false; } void nsCacheService::OnProfileChanged() { if (!gService) return; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("nsCacheService::OnProfileChanged")); nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILECHANGED)); gService->mEnableOfflineDevice = gService->mObserver->OfflineCacheEnabled(); if (gService->mOfflineDevice) { gService->mOfflineDevice->SetCacheParentDirectory( gService->mObserver->OfflineCacheParentDirectory()); gService->mOfflineDevice->SetCapacity( gService->mObserver->OfflineCacheCapacity()); // XXX initialization of mOfflineDevice could be made lazily, if // mEnableOfflineDevice is false nsresult rv = gService->mOfflineDevice->InitWithSqlite(gService->mStorageService); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_ERROR( "nsCacheService::OnProfileChanged: Re-initializing offline device " "failed"); gService->mEnableOfflineDevice = false; // XXX delete mOfflineDevice? } } } void nsCacheService::SetOfflineCacheEnabled(bool enabled) { if (!gService) return; nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock( LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHEENABLED)); gService->mEnableOfflineDevice = enabled; } void nsCacheService::SetOfflineCacheCapacity(int32_t capacity) { if (!gService) return; nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock( LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHECAPACITY)); if (gService->mOfflineDevice) { gService->mOfflineDevice->SetCapacity(capacity); } gService->mEnableOfflineDevice = gService->mObserver->OfflineCacheEnabled(); } /****************************************************************************** * static methods for nsCacheEntryDescriptor *****************************************************************************/ void nsCacheService::CloseDescriptor(nsCacheEntryDescriptor* descriptor) { // ask entry to remove descriptor nsCacheEntry* entry = descriptor->CacheEntry(); bool doomEntry; bool stillActive = entry->RemoveDescriptor(descriptor, &doomEntry); if (!entry->IsValid()) { gService->ProcessPendingRequests(entry); } if (doomEntry) { gService->DoomEntry_Internal(entry, true); return; } if (!stillActive) { gService->DeactivateEntry(entry); } } nsresult nsCacheService::GetFileForEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry, nsIFile** result) { nsCacheDevice* device = gService->EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return device->GetFileForEntry(entry, result); } nsresult nsCacheService::OpenInputStreamForEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry, nsCacheAccessMode mode, uint32_t offset, nsIInputStream** result) { nsCacheDevice* device = gService->EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return device->OpenInputStreamForEntry(entry, mode, offset, result); } nsresult nsCacheService::OpenOutputStreamForEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry, nsCacheAccessMode mode, uint32_t offset, nsIOutputStream** result) { nsCacheDevice* device = gService->EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return device->OpenOutputStreamForEntry(entry, mode, offset, result); } nsresult nsCacheService::OnDataSizeChange(nsCacheEntry* entry, int32_t deltaSize) { nsCacheDevice* device = gService->EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return device->OnDataSizeChange(entry, deltaSize); } void nsCacheService::LockAcquired() { MutexAutoLock lock(mTimeStampLock); mLockAcquiredTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now(); } void nsCacheService::LockReleased() { MutexAutoLock lock(mTimeStampLock); mLockAcquiredTimeStamp = TimeStamp(); } void nsCacheService::Lock() { gService->mLock.Lock(); gService->LockAcquired(); } void nsCacheService::Lock(mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramID mainThreadLockerID) { mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramID lockerID; mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramID generalID; if (NS_IsMainThread()) { lockerID = mainThreadLockerID; generalID = mozilla::Telemetry::CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_2; } else { lockerID = mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramCount; generalID = mozilla::Telemetry::CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_2; } TimeStamp start(TimeStamp::Now()); nsCacheService::Lock(); TimeStamp stop(TimeStamp::Now()); // Telemetry isn't thread safe on its own, but this is OK because we're // protecting it with the cache lock. if (lockerID != mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramCount) { mozilla::Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta(lockerID, start, stop); } mozilla::Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta(generalID, start, stop); } void nsCacheService::Unlock() { gService->mLock.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); nsTArray doomed = std::move(gService->mDoomedObjects); gService->LockReleased(); gService->mLock.Unlock(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < doomed.Length(); ++i) doomed[i]->Release(); } void nsCacheService::ReleaseObject_Locked(nsISupports* obj, nsIEventTarget* target) { gService->mLock.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); bool isCur; if (!target || (NS_SUCCEEDED(target->IsOnCurrentThread(&isCur)) && isCur)) { gService->mDoomedObjects.AppendElement(obj); } else { NS_ProxyRelease("nsCacheService::ReleaseObject_Locked::obj", target, dont_AddRef(obj)); } } nsresult nsCacheService::SetCacheElement(nsCacheEntry* entry, nsISupports* element) { entry->SetData(element); entry->TouchData(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCacheService::ValidateEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry) { nsCacheDevice* device = gService->EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; entry->MarkValid(); nsresult rv = gService->ProcessPendingRequests(entry); NS_ASSERTION(rv == NS_OK, "ProcessPendingRequests failed."); // XXX what else should be done? return rv; } int32_t nsCacheService::CacheCompressionLevel() { int32_t level = gService->mObserver->CacheCompressionLevel(); return level; } void nsCacheService::DeactivateEntry(nsCacheEntry* entry) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(("Deactivating entry %p\n", entry)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; NS_ASSERTION(entry->IsNotInUse(), "### deactivating an entry while in use!"); nsCacheDevice* device = nullptr; if (mMaxDataSize < entry->DataSize()) mMaxDataSize = entry->DataSize(); if (mMaxMetaSize < entry->MetaDataSize()) mMaxMetaSize = entry->MetaDataSize(); if (entry->IsDoomed()) { // remove from Doomed list PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(entry); } else if (entry->IsActive()) { // remove from active entries mActiveEntries.RemoveEntry(entry); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG( ("Removed deactivated entry %p from mActiveEntries\n", entry)); entry->MarkInactive(); // bind entry if necessary to store meta-data device = EnsureEntryHasDevice(entry); if (!device) { CACHE_LOG_DEBUG( ("DeactivateEntry: unable to bind active " "entry %p\n", entry)); NS_WARNING("DeactivateEntry: unable to bind active entry\n"); return; } } else { // if mInitialized == false, // then we're shutting down and this state is okay. NS_ASSERTION(!mInitialized, "DeactivateEntry: bad cache entry state."); } device = entry->CacheDevice(); if (device) { rv = device->DeactivateEntry(entry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // increment deactivate failure count ++mDeactivateFailures; } } else { // increment deactivating unbound entry statistic ++mDeactivatedUnboundEntries; delete entry; // because no one else will } } nsresult nsCacheService::ProcessPendingRequests(nsCacheEntry* entry) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCacheRequest* request = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&entry->mRequestQ); nsCacheRequest* nextRequest; bool newWriter = false; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG(( "ProcessPendingRequests for %sinitialized %s %salid entry %p\n", (entry->IsInitialized() ? "" : "Un"), (entry->IsDoomed() ? "DOOMED" : ""), (entry->IsValid() ? "V" : "Inv"), entry)); if (request == &entry->mRequestQ) return NS_OK; // no queued requests if (!entry->IsDoomed() && entry->IsInvalid()) { // 1st descriptor closed w/o MarkValid() NS_ASSERTION(PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&entry->mDescriptorQ), "shouldn't be here with open descriptors"); #if DEBUG // verify no ACCESS_WRITE requests(shouldn't have any of these) while (request != &entry->mRequestQ) { NS_ASSERTION(request->AccessRequested() != nsICache::ACCESS_WRITE, "ACCESS_WRITE request should have been given a new entry"); request = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_NEXT_LINK(request); } request = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&entry->mRequestQ); #endif // find first request with ACCESS_READ_WRITE (if any) and promote it to 1st // writer while (request != &entry->mRequestQ) { if (request->AccessRequested() == nsICache::ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { newWriter = true; CACHE_LOG_DEBUG((" promoting request %p to 1st writer\n", request)); break; } request = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_NEXT_LINK(request); } if (request == &entry->mRequestQ) // no requests asked for // ACCESS_READ_WRITE, back to top request = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&entry->mRequestQ); // XXX what should we do if there are only READ requests in queue? // XXX serialize their accesses, give them only read access, but force them // to check validate flag? // XXX or do readers simply presume the entry is valid // See fix for bug #467392 below } nsCacheAccessMode accessGranted = nsICache::ACCESS_NONE; while (request != &entry->mRequestQ) { nextRequest = (nsCacheRequest*)PR_NEXT_LINK(request); CACHE_LOG_DEBUG((" %sync request %p for %p\n", (request->mListener ? "As" : "S"), request, entry)); if (request->mListener) { // Async request PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(request); if (entry->IsDoomed()) { rv = ProcessRequest(request, false, nullptr); if (rv == NS_ERROR_CACHE_WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION) rv = NS_OK; else delete request; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // XXX what to do? } } else if (entry->IsValid() || newWriter) { rv = entry->RequestAccess(request, &accessGranted); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "if entry is valid, RequestAccess must succeed."); // XXX if (newWriter) { // NS_ASSERTION( accessGranted == // request->AccessRequested(), "why not?"); // } // entry->CreateDescriptor dequeues request, and queues descriptor nsICacheEntryDescriptor* descriptor = nullptr; rv = entry->CreateDescriptor(request, accessGranted, &descriptor); // post call to listener to report error or descriptor rv = NotifyListener(request, descriptor, accessGranted, rv); delete request; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // XXX what to do? } } else { // read-only request to an invalid entry - need to wait for // the entry to become valid so we post an event to process // the request again later (bug #467392) nsCOMPtr ev = new nsProcessRequestEvent(request); rv = DispatchToCacheIOThread(ev); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { delete request; // avoid leak } } } else { // Synchronous request request->WakeUp(); } if (newWriter) break; // process remaining requests after validation request = nextRequest; } return NS_OK; } bool nsCacheService::IsDoomListEmpty() { nsCacheEntry* entry = (nsCacheEntry*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&mDoomedEntries); return &mDoomedEntries == entry; } void nsCacheService::ClearDoomList() { nsCacheEntry* entry = (nsCacheEntry*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&mDoomedEntries); while (entry != &mDoomedEntries) { nsCacheEntry* next = (nsCacheEntry*)PR_NEXT_LINK(entry); entry->DetachDescriptors(); DeactivateEntry(entry); entry = next; } } void nsCacheService::DoomActiveEntries(DoomCheckFn check) { AutoTArray array; for (auto iter = mActiveEntries.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsCacheEntry* entry = static_cast(iter.Get())->cacheEntry; if (check && !check(entry)) { continue; } array.AppendElement(entry); // entry is being removed from the active entry list entry->MarkInactive(); iter.Remove(); } uint32_t count = array.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { DoomEntry_Internal(array[i], true); } } void nsCacheService::CloseAllStreams() { nsTArray > inputs; nsTArray > outputs; { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock(LOCK_TELEM(NSCACHESERVICE_CLOSEALLSTREAMS)); nsTArray entries; #if DEBUG // make sure there is no active entry for (auto iter = mActiveEntries.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { auto entry = static_cast(iter.Get()); entries.AppendElement(entry->cacheEntry); } NS_ASSERTION(entries.IsEmpty(), "Bad state"); #endif // Get doomed entries nsCacheEntry* entry = (nsCacheEntry*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&mDoomedEntries); while (entry != &mDoomedEntries) { nsCacheEntry* next = (nsCacheEntry*)PR_NEXT_LINK(entry); entries.AppendElement(entry); entry = next; } // Iterate through all entries and collect input and output streams for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.Length(); i++) { entry = entries.ElementAt(i); nsTArray > descs; entry->GetDescriptors(descs); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < descs.Length(); j++) { if (descs[j]->mOutputWrapper) outputs.AppendElement(descs[j]->mOutputWrapper); for (size_t k = 0; k < descs[j]->mInputWrappers.Length(); k++) inputs.AppendElement(descs[j]->mInputWrappers[k]); } } } uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < inputs.Length(); i++) inputs[i]->Close(); for (i = 0; i < outputs.Length(); i++) outputs[i]->Close(); } bool nsCacheService::GetClearingEntries() { AssertOwnsLock(); return gService->mClearingEntries; } // static void nsCacheService::GetCacheBaseDirectoty(nsIFile** result) { *result = nullptr; if (!gService || !gService->mObserver) return; nsCOMPtr directory = gService->mObserver->DiskCacheParentDirectory(); if (!directory) return; directory->Clone(result); } // static void nsCacheService::GetDiskCacheDirectory(nsIFile** result) { nsCOMPtr directory; GetCacheBaseDirectoty(getter_AddRefs(directory)); if (!directory) return; nsresult rv = directory->AppendNative("Cache"_ns); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; directory.forget(result); } // static void nsCacheService::GetAppCacheDirectory(nsIFile** result) { nsCOMPtr directory; GetCacheBaseDirectoty(getter_AddRefs(directory)); if (!directory) return; nsresult rv = directory->AppendNative("OfflineCache"_ns); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; directory.forget(result); } void nsCacheService::LogCacheStatistics() { uint32_t hitPercentage = 0; double sum = (double)(mCacheHits + mCacheMisses); if (sum != 0) { hitPercentage = (uint32_t)((((double)mCacheHits) / sum) * 100); } CACHE_LOG_INFO(("\nCache Service Statistics:\n\n")); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" TotalEntries = %d\n", mTotalEntries)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Cache Hits = %d\n", mCacheHits)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Cache Misses = %d\n", mCacheMisses)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Cache Hit %% = %d%%\n", hitPercentage)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Max Key Length = %d\n", mMaxKeyLength)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Max Meta Size = %d\n", mMaxMetaSize)); CACHE_LOG_INFO((" Max Data Size = %d\n", mMaxDataSize)); CACHE_LOG_INFO(("\n")); CACHE_LOG_INFO( (" Deactivate Failures = %d\n", mDeactivateFailures)); CACHE_LOG_INFO( (" Deactivated Unbound Entries = %d\n", mDeactivatedUnboundEntries)); } void nsCacheService::MoveOrRemoveDiskCache(nsIFile* aOldCacheDir, nsIFile* aNewCacheDir, const char* aCacheSubdir) { bool same; if (NS_FAILED(aOldCacheDir->Equals(aNewCacheDir, &same)) || same) return; nsCOMPtr aOldCacheSubdir; aOldCacheDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(aOldCacheSubdir)); nsresult rv = aOldCacheSubdir->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(aCacheSubdir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; bool exists; if (NS_FAILED(aOldCacheSubdir->Exists(&exists)) || !exists) return; nsCOMPtr aNewCacheSubdir; aNewCacheDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(aNewCacheSubdir)); rv = aNewCacheSubdir->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(aCacheSubdir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; PathString newPath = aNewCacheSubdir->NativePath(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewCacheSubdir->Exists(&exists)) && !exists) { // New cache directory does not exist, try to move the old one here // rename needs an empty target directory // Make sure the parent of the target sub-dir exists rv = aNewCacheDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0777); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) || NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS == rv) { PathString oldPath = aOldCacheSubdir->NativePath(); #ifdef XP_WIN if (MoveFileW(oldPath.get(), newPath.get())) #else if (rename(oldPath.get(), newPath.get()) == 0) #endif { return; } } } // Delay delete by 1 minute to avoid IO thrash on startup. nsDeleteDir::DeleteDir(aOldCacheSubdir, false, 60000); } static bool IsEntryPrivate(nsCacheEntry* entry) { return entry->IsPrivate(); } void nsCacheService::LeavePrivateBrowsing() { nsCacheServiceAutoLock lock; gService->DoomActiveEntries(IsEntryPrivate); }