/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests getPublicSuffix with the validate argument. */ "use strict"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); add_task(() => { for (let [suffix, isKnown] of [ ["", false], [null, false], ["mozbacon", false], ["com", true], ["circle", true], ["bd", true], ["gov.bd", true], ["ck", true], ["www.ck", true], ["bs", true], ["com.bs", true], ["網絡.cn", true], ["valléedaoste.it", true], ["aurskog-høland.no", true], ["公司.香港", true], ["भारतम्", true], ["فلسطين", true], ]) { let origin = "test." + suffix; Assert.equal( !!Services.eTLD.getKnownPublicSuffixFromHost(origin), isKnown, `"${suffix}" should ${isKnown ? " " : "not "}be a known public suffix` ); Assert.equal( !!Services.eTLD.getKnownPublicSuffix( Services.io.newURI("http://" + origin) ), isKnown, `"${suffix}" should ${isKnown ? " " : "not "}be a known public suffix` ); } });