// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. /* eslint-env node */ /* Ensure the `--firefox.preference=network.http.http3.enabled:true` is set for this test. */ async function getNumLoaded(commands) { return commands.js.run(` let sum = 0; document.querySelectorAll("#imgContainer img").forEach(e => { sum += e.complete & e.naturalHeight != 0; }); return sum; `); } async function waitForImgLoadEnd( prevCount, maxStableCount, timeout, commands, context ) { let starttime = await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`); let endtime = await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`); let changing = true; let newCount = -1; let stableCount = 0; while ( ((await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`)) - starttime < timeout) & changing ) { // Wait a bit before making another round await commands.wait.byTime(100); newCount = await getNumLoaded(commands); context.log.debug(`${newCount}, ${prevCount}, ${stableCount}`); // Check if we are approaching stability if (newCount == prevCount) { // Gather the end time now if (stableCount == 0) { endtime = await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`); } stableCount++; } else { prevCount = newCount; stableCount = 0; } if (stableCount >= maxStableCount) { // Stability achieved changing = false; } } return { start: starttime, end: endtime, numResources: newCount, }; } async function test(context, commands) { let rootUrl = "https://lucaspardue.com/quictilesfetch.html"; let cycles = 5; if ( (typeof context.options.browsertime !== "undefined") & (typeof context.options.browsertime.cycles !== "undefined") ) { cycles = context.options.browsertime.cycles; } // Make firefox learn of HTTP/3 server // XXX: Need to build an HTTP/3-specific conditioned profile // to handle these pre-navigations. await commands.navigate(rootUrl); let combos = [ [100, 1], [100, 100], [300, 300], ]; for (let cycle = 0; cycle < cycles; cycle++) { for (let combo = 0; combo < combos.length; combo++) { await commands.measure.start("pageload"); await commands.navigate(rootUrl); await commands.measure.stop(); let last = commands.measure.result.length - 1; commands.measure.result[ last ].browserScripts.pageinfo.url = `LucasQUIC (r=${combos[combo][0]}, p=${combos[combo][1]})`; // Set the input fields await commands.js.runAndWait(` document.querySelector("#maxReq").setAttribute( "value", ${combos[combo][0]} ) `); await commands.js.runAndWait(` document.querySelector("#reqGroup").setAttribute( "value", ${combos[combo][1]} ) `); // Start the test and wait for the images to finish loading commands.click.byJs(`document.querySelector("button")`); let results = await waitForImgLoadEnd(0, 40, 120000, commands, context); commands.measure.result[last].browserScripts.pageinfo.resourceLoadTime = results.end - results.start; commands.measure.result[last].browserScripts.pageinfo.imagesLoaded = results.numResources; commands.measure.result[last].browserScripts.pageinfo.imagesMissed = combos[combo][0] - results.numResources; } } } module.exports = { test, owner: "Network Team", name: "lq-fetch", component: "netwerk", description: "Measures the amount of time it takes to load a set of images.", };