// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. /* eslint-env node */ /* Ensure the `--firefox.preference=network.http.http3.enabled:true` is set for this test. */ async function test(context, commands) { let rootUrl = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COU5T-Wafa4"; let waitTime = 20000; if ( (typeof context.options.browsertime !== "undefined") & (typeof context.options.browsertime.waitTime !== "undefined") ) { waitTime = context.options.browsertime.waitTime; } // Make firefox learn of HTTP/3 server await commands.navigate(rootUrl); let cycles = 1; for (let cycle = 0; cycle < cycles; cycle++) { await commands.measure.start("pageload"); await commands.navigate(rootUrl); // Make sure the video is running if ( await commands.js.run(`return document.querySelector("video").paused;`) ) { throw new Error("Video should be running but it's paused"); } // Disable youtube autoplay await commands.click.byIdAndWait("toggleButton"); // Start playback quality measurements const start = await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`); while ( !(await commands.js.run(` return document.querySelector("video").ended; `)) & !(await commands.js.run(` return document.querySelector("video").paused; `)) & ((await commands.js.run(`return performance.now();`)) - start < waitTime) ) { await commands.wait.byTime(5000); context.log.info("playing..."); } // Video done, now gather metrics const playbackQuality = await commands.js.run( `return document.querySelector("video").getVideoPlaybackQuality();` ); await commands.measure.stop(); commands.measure.result[0].browserScripts.pageinfo.droppedFrames = playbackQuality.droppedVideoFrames; commands.measure.result[0].browserScripts.pageinfo.decodedFrames = playbackQuality.totalVideoFrames; } } module.exports = { test, owner: "Network Team", component: "netwerk", name: "youtube-noscroll", description: "Measures quality of the video being played.", };