/** * Test for overwriting the alternative data in a cache entry. * * - run_test loads a new channel * - readServerContent checks the content, and saves alt-data * - cacheFlushObserver creates a new channel with "text/binary" alt-data type * - readAltContent checks that it gets back alt-data and creates a channel with the dummy/null alt-data type * - readServerContent2 checks that it gets regular content, from the cache and tries to overwrite the alt-data with the same representation * - cacheFlushObserver2 creates a new channel with "text/binary" alt-data type * - readAltContent2 checks that it gets back alt-data, and tries to overwrite with a kind of alt-data * - cacheFlushObserver3 creates a new channel with "text/binary2" alt-data type * - readAltContent3 checks that it gets back the newly saved alt-data */ "use strict"; const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "URL", function() { return "http://localhost:" + httpServer.identity.primaryPort + "/content"; }); let httpServer = null; function make_and_open_channel(url, altContentType, callback) { let chan = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: url, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }); if (altContentType) { let cc = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); cc.preferAlternativeDataType(altContentType, "", true); } chan.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(callback, null)); } const responseContent = "response body"; const altContent = "!@#$%^&*()"; const altContentType = "text/binary"; const altContent2 = "abc"; const altContentType2 = "text/binary2"; let servedNotModified = false; function contentHandler(metadata, response) { response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("ETag", "test-etag1"); let etag = ""; try { etag = metadata.getHeader("If-None-Match"); } catch (ex) { etag = ""; } if (etag == "test-etag1") { response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 304, "Not Modified"); servedNotModified = true; } else { servedNotModified = false; response.bodyOutputStream.write(responseContent, responseContent.length); } } function run_test() { do_get_profile(); httpServer = new HttpServer(); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/content", contentHandler); httpServer.start(-1); do_test_pending(); make_and_open_channel(URL, altContentType, readServerContent); } function readServerContent(request, buffer) { let cc = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); Assert.equal(buffer, responseContent); Assert.equal(cc.alternativeDataType, ""); executeSoon(() => { let os = cc.openAlternativeOutputStream(altContentType, altContent.length); os.write(altContent, altContent.length); os.close(); executeSoon(flushAndOpenAltChannel); }); } function flushAndOpenAltChannel() { // We need to do a GC pass to ensure the cache entry has been freed. Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); Services.cache2.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheTesting).flush(cacheFlushObserver); } // needs to be rooted let cacheFlushObserver = { observe() { if (!cacheFlushObserver) { info("ignoring cacheFlushObserver\n"); return; } cacheFlushObserver = null; Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); make_and_open_channel(URL, altContentType, readAltContent); }, }; function readAltContent(request, buffer, closure, fromCache) { Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); let cc = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); Assert.equal(fromCache || servedNotModified, true); Assert.equal(cc.alternativeDataType, altContentType); Assert.equal(buffer, altContent); make_and_open_channel(URL, "dummy/null", readServerContent2); } function readServerContent2(request, buffer, closure, fromCache) { Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); let cc = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); Assert.equal(fromCache || servedNotModified, true); Assert.equal(buffer, responseContent); Assert.equal(cc.alternativeDataType, ""); executeSoon(() => { let os = cc.openAlternativeOutputStream(altContentType, altContent.length); os.write(altContent, altContent.length); os.close(); executeSoon(flushAndOpenAltChannel2); }); } function flushAndOpenAltChannel2() { // We need to do a GC pass to ensure the cache entry has been freed. Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); Services.cache2.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheTesting).flush(cacheFlushObserver2); } // needs to be rooted let cacheFlushObserver2 = { observe() { if (!cacheFlushObserver2) { info("ignoring cacheFlushObserver2\n"); return; } cacheFlushObserver2 = null; Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); make_and_open_channel(URL, altContentType, readAltContent2); }, }; function readAltContent2(request, buffer, closure, fromCache) { Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); let cc = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); Assert.equal(servedNotModified || fromCache, true); Assert.equal(cc.alternativeDataType, altContentType); Assert.equal(buffer, altContent); executeSoon(() => { Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); info("writing other content\n"); let os = cc.openAlternativeOutputStream( altContentType2, altContent2.length ); os.write(altContent2, altContent2.length); os.close(); executeSoon(flushAndOpenAltChannel3); }); } function flushAndOpenAltChannel3() { // We need to do a GC pass to ensure the cache entry has been freed. Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); Services.cache2.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheTesting).flush(cacheFlushObserver3); } // needs to be rooted let cacheFlushObserver3 = { observe() { if (!cacheFlushObserver3) { info("ignoring cacheFlushObserver3\n"); return; } cacheFlushObserver3 = null; Cu.forceShrinkingGC(); make_and_open_channel(URL, altContentType2, readAltContent3); }, }; function readAltContent3(request, buffer, closure, fromCache) { let cc = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICacheInfoChannel); Assert.equal(servedNotModified || fromCache, true); Assert.equal(cc.alternativeDataType, altContentType2); Assert.equal(buffer, altContent2); httpServer.stop(do_test_finished); }