"use strict"; var dns = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/dns-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDNSService); var threadManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIThreadManager ); var prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPrefBranch ); var mainThread = threadManager.currentThread; var listener1 = { onLookupComplete(inRequest, inRecord, inStatus) { Assert.equal(inStatus, Cr.NS_OK); inRecord.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDNSAddrRecord); var answer = inRecord.getNextAddrAsString(); Assert.ok(answer == "" || answer == "::1"); test2(); do_test_finished(); }, }; var listener2 = { onLookupComplete(inRequest, inRecord, inStatus) { Assert.equal(inStatus, Cr.NS_OK); inRecord.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDNSAddrRecord); var answer = inRecord.getNextAddrAsString(); Assert.ok(answer == "" || answer == "::1"); test3(); do_test_finished(); }, }; var listener3 = { onLookupComplete(inRequest, inRecord, inStatus) { Assert.equal(inStatus, Cr.NS_ERROR_OFFLINE); cleanup(); do_test_finished(); }, }; const firstOriginAttributes = { userContextId: 1 }; const secondOriginAttributes = { userContextId: 2 }; // First, we resolve the address normally for first originAttributes. function run_test() { do_test_pending(); prefs.setBoolPref("network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost", true); dns.asyncResolve( "localhost", Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0, null, // resolverInfo listener1, mainThread, firstOriginAttributes ); } // Second, we resolve the same address offline to see whether its DNS cache works // correctly. function test2() { do_test_pending(); dns.asyncResolve( "localhost", Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT, Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_OFFLINE, null, // resolverInfo listener2, mainThread, firstOriginAttributes ); } // Third, we resolve the same address offline again with different originAttributes. // This resolving should fail since the DNS cache of the given address is not exist // for this originAttributes. function test3() { do_test_pending(); try { dns.asyncResolve( "localhost", Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT, Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_OFFLINE, null, // resolverInfo listener3, mainThread, secondOriginAttributes ); } catch (e) { Assert.equal(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_OFFLINE); cleanup(); do_test_finished(); } } function cleanup() { prefs.clearUserPref("network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost"); }