/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* * This testcase performs 3 requests against the offline cache. They * are * * - start_cache_nonpinned_app1() * * - Request nsOfflineCacheService to skip pages (4) of app1 on * the cache storage. * * - The offline cache storage is empty at this monent. * * - start_cache_nonpinned_app2_for_partial() * * - Request nsOfflineCacheService to skip pages of app2 on the * cache storage. * * - The offline cache storage has only enough space for one more * additional page. Only first of pages is really in the cache. * * - start_cache_pinned_app2_for_success() * * - Request nsOfflineCacheService to skip pages of app2 on the * cache storage. * * - The offline cache storage has only enough space for one * additional page. But, this is a pinned request, * nsOfflineCacheService will make more space for this request * by discarding app1 (non-pinned) * */ "use strict"; const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); const { PermissionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.jsm" ); // const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; const kNS_OFFLINECACHEUPDATESERVICE_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/offlinecacheupdate-service;1"; const kManifest1 = "CACHE MANIFEST\n" + "/pages/foo1\n" + "/pages/foo2\n" + "/pages/foo3\n" + "/pages/foo4\n"; const kManifest2 = "CACHE MANIFEST\n" + "/pages/foo5\n" + "/pages/foo6\n" + "/pages/foo7\n" + "/pages/foo8\n"; const kDataFileSize = 1024; // file size for each content page const kCacheSize = kDataFileSize * 5; // total space for offline cache storage XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "kHttpLocation", function() { return "http://localhost:" + httpServer.identity.primaryPort + "/"; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "kHttpLocation_ip", function() { return "" + httpServer.identity.primaryPort + "/"; }); function manifest1_handler(metadata, response) { info("manifest1\n"); response.setHeader("content-type", "text/cache-manifest"); response.write(kManifest1); } function manifest2_handler(metadata, response) { info("manifest2\n"); response.setHeader("content-type", "text/cache-manifest"); response.write(kManifest2); } function app_handler(metadata, response) { info("app_handler\n"); response.setHeader("content-type", "text/html"); response.write(""); } function datafile_handler(metadata, response) { info("datafile_handler\n"); let data = ""; while (data.length < kDataFileSize) { data = data + Math.random() .toString(36) .substring(2, 15); } response.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain"); response.write(data.substring(0, kDataFileSize)); } var httpServer; function init_profile() { var ps = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPrefBranch ); dump(ps.getBoolPref("browser.cache.offline.enable")); ps.setBoolPref("browser.cache.offline.enable", true); ps.setBoolPref("browser.cache.offline.storage.enable", true); ps.setComplexValue( "browser.cache.offline.parent_directory", Ci.nsIFile, do_get_profile() ); } function init_http_server() { httpServer = new HttpServer(); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/app1", app_handler); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/app2", app_handler); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/app1.appcache", manifest1_handler); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/app2.appcache", manifest2_handler); for (let i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { httpServer.registerPathHandler("/pages/foo" + i, datafile_handler); } httpServer.start(-1); } function init_cache_capacity() { let prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPrefBranch ); prefs.setIntPref("browser.cache.offline.capacity", kCacheSize / 1024); } function clean_app_cache() { evict_cache_entries("appcache"); } function do_app_cache(manifestURL, pageURL, pinned) { let update_service = Cc[kNS_OFFLINECACHEUPDATESERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService( Ci.nsIOfflineCacheUpdateService ); PermissionTestUtils.add( manifestURL, "pin-app", pinned ? Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION : Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION ); let update = update_service.scheduleUpdate( manifestURL, pageURL, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null ); /* no window */ return update; } function watch_update(update, stateChangeHandler, cacheAvailHandler) { let observer = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), updateStateChanged: stateChangeHandler, applicationCacheAvailable: cacheAvailHandler, }; update.addObserver(observer); return update; } function start_and_watch_app_cache( manifestURL, pageURL, pinned, stateChangeHandler, cacheAvailHandler ) { let ioService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIIOService ); let update = do_app_cache( ioService.newURI(manifestURL), ioService.newURI(pageURL), pinned ); watch_update(update, stateChangeHandler, cacheAvailHandler); return update; } const { STATE_FINISHED: STATE_FINISHED, STATE_CHECKING: STATE_CHECKING, STATE_ERROR: STATE_ERROR, } = Ci.nsIOfflineCacheUpdateObserver; /* * Start caching app1 as a non-pinned app. */ function start_cache_nonpinned_app() { info("Start non-pinned App1"); start_and_watch_app_cache( kHttpLocation + "app1.appcache", kHttpLocation + "app1", false, function(update, state) { switch (state) { case STATE_FINISHED: start_cache_nonpinned_app2_for_partial(); break; case STATE_ERROR: do_throw("App1 cache state = " + state); break; } }, function(appcache) { info("app1 avail " + appcache + "\n"); } ); } /* * Start caching app2 as a non-pinned app. * * This cache request is supposed to be saved partially in the cache * storage for running out of the cache storage. The offline cache * storage can hold 5 files at most. (kDataFileSize bytes for each * file) */ function start_cache_nonpinned_app2_for_partial() { info("Start non-pinned App2 for partial\n"); start_and_watch_app_cache( kHttpLocation_ip + "app2.appcache", kHttpLocation_ip + "app2", false, function(update, state) { switch (state) { case STATE_FINISHED: start_cache_pinned_app2_for_success(); break; case STATE_ERROR: do_throw("App2 cache state = " + state); break; } }, function(appcahe) {} ); } /* * Start caching app2 as a pinned app. * * This request use IP address ( as the host name instead of * the one used by app1. Because, app1 is also pinned when app2 is * pinned if they have the same host name (localhost). */ function start_cache_pinned_app2_for_success() { let error_count = [0]; info("Start pinned App2 for success\n"); start_and_watch_app_cache( kHttpLocation_ip + "app2.appcache", kHttpLocation_ip + "app2", true, function(update, state) { switch (state) { case STATE_FINISHED: Assert.ok(error_count[0] == 0, "Do not discard app1?"); httpServer.stop(do_test_finished); break; case STATE_ERROR: info("STATE_ERROR\n"); error_count[0]++; break; } }, function(appcache) { info("app2 avail " + appcache + "\n"); } ); } function run_test() { if (typeof _XPCSHELL_PROCESS == "undefined" || _XPCSHELL_PROCESS != "child") { init_profile(); init_cache_capacity(); clean_app_cache(); } init_http_server(); start_cache_nonpinned_app(); do_test_pending(); }