"use strict"; var CC = Components.Constructor; const ServerSocket = CC( "@mozilla.org/network/server-socket;1", "nsIServerSocket", "init" ); const BinaryInputStream = CC( "@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1", "nsIBinaryInputStream", "setInputStream" ); const DirectoryService = CC( "@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1", "nsIProperties" ); const Process = CC("@mozilla.org/process/util;1", "nsIProcess", "init"); const currentThread = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService() .currentThread; var socks_test_server = null; var socks_listen_port = -1; function getAvailableBytes(input) { var len = 0; try { len = input.available(); } catch (e) {} return len; } function runScriptSubprocess(script, args) { var ds = new DirectoryService(); var bin = ds.get("XREExeF", Ci.nsIFile); if (!bin.exists()) { do_throw("Can't find xpcshell binary"); } var script = do_get_file(script); var proc = new Process(bin); var args = [script.path].concat(args); proc.run(false, args, args.length); return proc; } function buf2ip(buf) { if (buf.length == 16) { var ip = ((buf[0] << 4) | buf[1]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[2] << 4) | buf[3]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[4] << 4) | buf[5]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[6] << 4) | buf[7]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[8] << 4) | buf[9]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[10] << 4) | buf[11]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[12] << 4) | buf[13]).toString(16) + ":" + ((buf[14] << 4) | buf[15]).toString(16); for (var i = 8; i >= 2; i--) { var re = new RegExp("(^|:)(0(:|$)){" + i + "}"); var shortip = ip.replace(re, "::"); if (shortip != ip) { return shortip; } } return ip; } return buf.join("."); } function buf2int(buf) { var n = 0; for (var i in buf) { n |= buf[i] << ((buf.length - i - 1) * 8); } return n; } function buf2str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf); } const STATE_WAIT_GREETING = 1; const STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_REQUEST = 2; const STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_USERNAME = 3; const STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_HOSTNAME = 4; const STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_GREETING = 5; const STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_REQUEST = 6; const STATE_WAIT_PONG = 7; const STATE_GOT_PONG = 8; function SocksClient(server, client_in, client_out) { this.server = server; this.type = ""; this.username = ""; this.dest_name = ""; this.dest_addr = []; this.dest_port = []; this.client_in = client_in; this.client_out = client_out; this.inbuf = []; this.outbuf = String(); this.state = STATE_WAIT_GREETING; this.waitRead(this.client_in); } SocksClient.prototype = { onInputStreamReady(input) { var len = getAvailableBytes(input); if (len == 0) { print("server: client closed!"); Assert.equal(this.state, STATE_GOT_PONG); this.close(); this.server.testCompleted(this); return; } var bin = new BinaryInputStream(input); var data = bin.readByteArray(len); this.inbuf = this.inbuf.concat(data); switch (this.state) { case STATE_WAIT_GREETING: this.checkSocksGreeting(); break; case STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_REQUEST: this.checkSocks4Request(); break; case STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_USERNAME: this.checkSocks4Username(); break; case STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_HOSTNAME: this.checkSocks4Hostname(); break; case STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_GREETING: this.checkSocks5Greeting(); break; case STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_REQUEST: this.checkSocks5Request(); break; case STATE_WAIT_PONG: this.checkPong(); break; default: do_throw("server: read in invalid state!"); } this.waitRead(input); }, onOutputStreamReady(output) { var len = output.write(this.outbuf, this.outbuf.length); if (len != this.outbuf.length) { this.outbuf = this.outbuf.substring(len); this.waitWrite(output); } else { this.outbuf = String(); } }, waitRead(input) { input.asyncWait(this, 0, 0, currentThread); }, waitWrite(output) { output.asyncWait(this, 0, 0, currentThread); }, write(buf) { this.outbuf += buf; this.waitWrite(this.client_out); }, checkSocksGreeting() { if (this.inbuf.length == 0) { return; } if (this.inbuf[0] == 4) { print("server: got socks 4"); this.type = "socks4"; this.state = STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_REQUEST; this.checkSocks4Request(); } else if (this.inbuf[0] == 5) { print("server: got socks 5"); this.type = "socks"; this.state = STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_GREETING; this.checkSocks5Greeting(); } else { do_throw("Unknown socks protocol!"); } }, checkSocks4Request() { if (this.inbuf.length < 8) { return; } Assert.equal(this.inbuf[1], 0x01); this.dest_port = this.inbuf.slice(2, 4); this.dest_addr = this.inbuf.slice(4, 8); this.inbuf = this.inbuf.slice(8); this.state = STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_USERNAME; this.checkSocks4Username(); }, readString() { var i = this.inbuf.indexOf(0); var str = null; if (i >= 0) { var buf = this.inbuf.slice(0, i); str = buf2str(buf); this.inbuf = this.inbuf.slice(i + 1); } return str; }, checkSocks4Username() { var str = this.readString(); if (str == null) { return; } this.username = str; if ( this.dest_addr[0] == 0 && this.dest_addr[1] == 0 && this.dest_addr[2] == 0 && this.dest_addr[3] != 0 ) { this.state = STATE_WAIT_SOCKS4_HOSTNAME; this.checkSocks4Hostname(); } else { this.sendSocks4Response(); } }, checkSocks4Hostname() { var str = this.readString(); if (str == null) { return; } this.dest_name = str; this.sendSocks4Response(); }, sendSocks4Response() { this.outbuf = "\x00\x5a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; this.sendPing(); }, checkSocks5Greeting() { if (this.inbuf.length < 2) { return; } var nmethods = this.inbuf[1]; if (this.inbuf.length < 2 + nmethods) { return; } Assert.ok(nmethods >= 1); var methods = this.inbuf.slice(2, 2 + nmethods); Assert.ok(0 in methods); this.inbuf = []; this.state = STATE_WAIT_SOCKS5_REQUEST; this.write("\x05\x00"); }, checkSocks5Request() { if (this.inbuf.length < 4) { return; } Assert.equal(this.inbuf[0], 0x05); Assert.equal(this.inbuf[1], 0x01); Assert.equal(this.inbuf[2], 0x00); var atype = this.inbuf[3]; var len; var name = false; switch (atype) { case 0x01: len = 4; break; case 0x03: len = this.inbuf[4]; name = true; break; case 0x04: len = 16; break; default: do_throw("Unknown address type " + atype); } if (name) { if (this.inbuf.length < 4 + len + 1 + 2) { return; } let buf = this.inbuf.slice(5, 5 + len); this.dest_name = buf2str(buf); len += 1; } else { if (this.inbuf.length < 4 + len + 2) { return; } this.dest_addr = this.inbuf.slice(4, 4 + len); } len += 4; this.dest_port = this.inbuf.slice(len, len + 2); this.inbuf = this.inbuf.slice(len + 2); this.sendSocks5Response(); }, sendSocks5Response() { if (this.dest_addr.length == 16) { // send a successful response with the address, [::1]:80 this.outbuf += "\x05\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x80"; } else { // send a successful response with the address, this.outbuf += "\x05\x00\x00\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00\x80"; } this.sendPing(); }, sendPing() { print("server: sending ping"); this.state = STATE_WAIT_PONG; this.outbuf += "PING!"; this.inbuf = []; this.waitWrite(this.client_out); }, checkPong() { var pong = buf2str(this.inbuf); Assert.equal(pong, "PONG!"); this.state = STATE_GOT_PONG; }, close() { this.client_in.close(); this.client_out.close(); }, }; function SocksTestServer() { this.listener = ServerSocket(-1, true, -1); socks_listen_port = this.listener.port; print("server: listening on", socks_listen_port); this.listener.asyncListen(this); this.test_cases = []; this.client_connections = []; this.client_subprocess = null; // port is used as the ID for test cases this.test_port_id = 8000; this.tests_completed = 0; } SocksTestServer.prototype = { addTestCase(test) { test.finished = false; test.port = this.test_port_id++; this.test_cases.push(test); }, pickTest(id) { for (var i in this.test_cases) { var test = this.test_cases[i]; if (test.port == id) { this.tests_completed++; return test; } } do_throw("No test case with id " + id); }, testCompleted(client) { var port_id = buf2int(client.dest_port); var test = this.pickTest(port_id); print("server: test finished", test.port); Assert.ok(test != null); Assert.equal(test.expectedType || test.type, client.type); Assert.equal(test.port, port_id); if (test.remote_dns) { Assert.equal(test.host, client.dest_name); } else { Assert.equal(test.host, buf2ip(client.dest_addr)); } if (this.test_cases.length == this.tests_completed) { print("server: all tests completed"); this.close(); do_test_finished(); } }, runClientSubprocess() { var argv = []; // marshaled: socks_ver|server_port|dest_host|dest_port| for (var test of this.test_cases) { var arg = test.type + "|" + String(socks_listen_port) + "|" + test.host + "|" + test.port + "|"; if (test.remote_dns) { arg += "remote"; } else { arg += "local"; } print("server: using test case", arg); argv.push(arg); } this.client_subprocess = runScriptSubprocess( "socks_client_subprocess.js", argv ); }, onSocketAccepted(socket, trans) { print("server: got client connection"); var input = trans.openInputStream(0, 0, 0); var output = trans.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0); var client = new SocksClient(this, input, output); this.client_connections.push(client); }, onStopListening(socket) {}, close() { if (this.client_subprocess) { try { this.client_subprocess.kill(); } catch (x) { do_note_exception(x, "Killing subprocess failed"); } this.client_subprocess = null; } this.client_connections = []; if (this.listener) { this.listener.close(); this.listener = null; } }, }; function run_test() { socks_test_server = new SocksTestServer(); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks4", host: "", remote_dns: false, }); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks4", host: "12345.xxx", remote_dns: true, }); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks4", expectedType: "socks", host: "::1", remote_dns: false, }); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks", host: "", remote_dns: false, }); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks", host: "abcdefg.xxx", remote_dns: true, }); socks_test_server.addTestCase({ type: "socks", host: "::1", remote_dns: false, }); socks_test_server.runClientSubprocess(); do_test_pending(); }