/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Henri Sivonen * Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Mozilla Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. * Please edit MetaScanner.java instead and regenerate. */ #define nsHtml5MetaScanner_cpp__ #include "nsAtom.h" #include "nsHtml5AtomTable.h" #include "nsHtml5String.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsTraceRefcnt.h" #include "jArray.h" #include "nsHtml5ArrayCopy.h" #include "nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsHtml5ByteReadable.h" #include "nsHtml5Macros.h" #include "nsIContentHandle.h" #include "nsHtml5Portability.h" #include "nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction.h" #include "nsHtml5AttributeName.h" #include "nsHtml5ElementName.h" #include "nsHtml5Tokenizer.h" #include "nsHtml5TreeBuilder.h" #include "nsHtml5StackNode.h" #include "nsHtml5UTF16Buffer.h" #include "nsHtml5StateSnapshot.h" #include "nsHtml5Portability.h" #include "nsHtml5MetaScanner.h" static char16_t const CHARSET_DATA[] = {'h', 'a', 'r', 's', 'e', 't'}; staticJArray nsHtml5MetaScanner::CHARSET = { CHARSET_DATA, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(CHARSET_DATA)}; static char16_t const CONTENT_DATA[] = {'o', 'n', 't', 'e', 'n', 't'}; staticJArray nsHtml5MetaScanner::CONTENT = { CONTENT_DATA, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(CONTENT_DATA)}; static char16_t const HTTP_EQUIV_DATA[] = {'t', 't', 'p', '-', 'e', 'q', 'u', 'i', 'v'}; staticJArray nsHtml5MetaScanner::HTTP_EQUIV = { HTTP_EQUIV_DATA, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(HTTP_EQUIV_DATA)}; static char16_t const CONTENT_TYPE_DATA[] = {'c', 'o', 'n', 't', 'e', 'n', 't', '-', 't', 'y', 'p', 'e'}; staticJArray nsHtml5MetaScanner::CONTENT_TYPE = { CONTENT_TYPE_DATA, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(CONTENT_TYPE_DATA)}; nsHtml5MetaScanner::nsHtml5MetaScanner(nsHtml5TreeBuilder* tb) : readable(nullptr), metaState(NO), contentIndex(INT32_MAX), charsetIndex(INT32_MAX), httpEquivIndex(INT32_MAX), contentTypeIndex(INT32_MAX), stateSave(DATA), strBufLen(0), strBuf(jArray::newJArray(36)), content(nullptr), charset(nullptr), httpEquivState(HTTP_EQUIV_NOT_SEEN), treeBuilder(tb), mEncoding(nullptr) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsHtml5MetaScanner); } nsHtml5MetaScanner::~nsHtml5MetaScanner() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsHtml5MetaScanner); content.Release(); charset.Release(); } void nsHtml5MetaScanner::stateLoop(int32_t state) { int32_t c = -1; bool reconsume = false; stateloop: for (;;) { switch (state) { case DATA: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '<': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::TAG_OPEN; NS_HTML5_BREAK(dataloop); } default: { continue; } } } dataloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case TAG_OPEN: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case 'm': case 'M': { metaState = M; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::TAG_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(tagopenloop); } case '!': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '\?': case '/': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SCAN_UNTIL_GT; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) { metaState = NO; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::TAG_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(tagopenloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; reconsume = true; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } tagopenloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case TAG_NAME: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(tagnameloop); } case '/': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case 'e': case 'E': { if (metaState == M) { metaState = E; } else { metaState = NO; } continue; } case 't': case 'T': { if (metaState == E) { metaState = T; } else { metaState = NO; } continue; } case 'a': case 'A': { if (metaState == T) { metaState = A; } else { metaState = NO; } continue; } default: { metaState = NO; continue; } } } tagnameloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { continue; } case '/': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case 'c': case 'C': { contentIndex = 0; charsetIndex = 0; httpEquivIndex = INT32_MAX; contentTypeIndex = INT32_MAX; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(beforeattributenameloop); } case 'h': case 'H': { contentIndex = INT32_MAX; charsetIndex = INT32_MAX; httpEquivIndex = 0; contentTypeIndex = INT32_MAX; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(beforeattributenameloop); } default: { contentIndex = INT32_MAX; charsetIndex = INT32_MAX; httpEquivIndex = INT32_MAX; contentTypeIndex = INT32_MAX; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_BREAK(beforeattributenameloop); } } } beforeattributenameloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '/': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '=': { strBufLen = 0; contentTypeIndex = 0; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; NS_HTML5_BREAK(attributenameloop); } case '>': { if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { if (metaState == A) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { c += 0x20; } if (contentIndex < CONTENT.length && c == CONTENT[contentIndex]) { ++contentIndex; } else { contentIndex = INT32_MAX; } if (charsetIndex < CHARSET.length && c == CHARSET[charsetIndex]) { ++charsetIndex; } else { charsetIndex = INT32_MAX; } if (httpEquivIndex < HTTP_EQUIV.length && c == HTTP_EQUIV[httpEquivIndex]) { ++httpEquivIndex; } else { httpEquivIndex = INT32_MAX; } } continue; } } } attributenameloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { continue; } case '\"': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED; NS_HTML5_BREAK(beforeattributevalueloop); } case '\'': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { handleCharInAttributeValue(c); state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } beforeattributevalueloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '\"': { handleAttributeValue(); state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED; NS_HTML5_BREAK(attributevaluedoublequotedloop); } default: { handleCharInAttributeValue(c); continue; } } } attributevaluedoublequotedloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '/': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG; NS_HTML5_BREAK(afterattributevaluequotedloop); } case '>': { if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; reconsume = true; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } afterattributevaluequotedloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG: { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '>': { if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; reconsume = true; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } case ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { handleAttributeValue(); state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { handleAttributeValue(); if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { handleCharInAttributeValue(c); continue; } } } } case AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': { continue; } case '/': { handleAttributeValue(); state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '=': { strBufLen = 0; contentTypeIndex = 0; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { handleAttributeValue(); if (handleTag()) { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case 'c': case 'C': { contentIndex = 0; charsetIndex = 0; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { contentIndex = INT32_MAX; charsetIndex = INT32_MAX; state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::ATTRIBUTE_NAME; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } } case MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::MARKUP_DECLARATION_HYPHEN; NS_HTML5_BREAK(markupdeclarationopenloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SCAN_UNTIL_GT; reconsume = true; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } markupdeclarationopenloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case MARKUP_DECLARATION_HYPHEN: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT_START; NS_HTML5_BREAK(markupdeclarationhyphenloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::SCAN_UNTIL_GT; reconsume = true; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } markupdeclarationhyphenloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case COMMENT_START: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT_START_DASH; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT; NS_HTML5_BREAK(commentstartloop); } } } commentstartloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case COMMENT: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT_END_DASH; NS_HTML5_BREAK(commentloop); } default: { continue; } } } commentloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case COMMENT_END_DASH: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT_END; NS_HTML5_BREAK(commentenddashloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } commentenddashloop_end:; [[fallthrough]]; } case COMMENT_END: { for (;;) { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '-': { continue; } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } } case COMMENT_START_DASH: { c = read(); switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '-': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT_END; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::COMMENT; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } } } case ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '\'': { handleAttributeValue(); state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { handleCharInAttributeValue(c); continue; } } } } case SCAN_UNTIL_GT: { for (;;) { if (reconsume) { reconsume = false; } else { c = read(); } switch (c) { case -1: { NS_HTML5_BREAK(stateloop); } case '>': { state = nsHtml5MetaScanner::DATA; NS_HTML5_CONTINUE(stateloop); } default: { continue; } } } } } } stateloop_end:; stateSave = state; } void nsHtml5MetaScanner::handleCharInAttributeValue(int32_t c) { if (metaState == A) { if (contentIndex == CONTENT.length || charsetIndex == CHARSET.length) { addToBuffer(c); } else if (httpEquivIndex == HTTP_EQUIV.length) { if (contentTypeIndex < CONTENT_TYPE.length && toAsciiLowerCase(c) == CONTENT_TYPE[contentTypeIndex]) { ++contentTypeIndex; } else { contentTypeIndex = INT32_MAX; } } } } void nsHtml5MetaScanner::addToBuffer(int32_t c) { if (strBufLen == strBuf.length) { jArray newBuf = jArray::newJArray( nsHtml5Portability::checkedAdd(strBuf.length, (strBuf.length << 1))); nsHtml5ArrayCopy::arraycopy(strBuf, newBuf, strBuf.length); strBuf = newBuf; } strBuf[strBufLen++] = (char16_t)c; } void nsHtml5MetaScanner::handleAttributeValue() { if (metaState != A) { return; } if (contentIndex == CONTENT.length && !content) { content = nsHtml5Portability::newStringFromBuffer(strBuf, 0, strBufLen, treeBuilder, false); return; } if (charsetIndex == CHARSET.length && !charset) { charset = nsHtml5Portability::newStringFromBuffer(strBuf, 0, strBufLen, treeBuilder, false); return; } if (httpEquivIndex == HTTP_EQUIV.length && httpEquivState == HTTP_EQUIV_NOT_SEEN) { httpEquivState = (contentTypeIndex == CONTENT_TYPE.length) ? HTTP_EQUIV_CONTENT_TYPE : HTTP_EQUIV_OTHER; return; } } bool nsHtml5MetaScanner::handleTag() { bool stop = handleTagInner(); content.Release(); content = nullptr; charset.Release(); charset = nullptr; httpEquivState = HTTP_EQUIV_NOT_SEEN; return stop; } bool nsHtml5MetaScanner::handleTagInner() { if (!!charset && tryCharset(charset)) { return true; } if (!!content && httpEquivState == HTTP_EQUIV_CONTENT_TYPE) { nsHtml5String extract = nsHtml5TreeBuilder::extractCharsetFromContent(content, treeBuilder); if (!extract) { return false; } bool success = tryCharset(extract); extract.Release(); return success; } return false; } void nsHtml5MetaScanner::initializeStatics() {} void nsHtml5MetaScanner::releaseStatics() {} #include "nsHtml5MetaScannerCppSupplement.h"