/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test very basic CDP features. add_task(async function({ CDP }) { const { mainProcessTarget } = RemoteAgent.targets; ok( mainProcessTarget, "The main process target is instantiated after the call to `listen`" ); const targetURL = mainProcessTarget.wsDebuggerURL; const client = await CDP({ target: targetURL }); info("CDP client has been instantiated"); try { const { Browser, Target } = client; ok(Browser, "The main process target exposes Browser domain"); ok(Target, "The main process target exposes Target domain"); const version = await Browser.getVersion(); const { isHeadless } = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService( Ci.nsIGfxInfo ); const expectedProduct = isHeadless ? "Headless Firefox" : "Firefox"; is(version.product, expectedProduct, "Browser.getVersion works"); const { webSocketDebuggerUrl } = await CDP.Version(); is( webSocketDebuggerUrl, targetURL, "Version endpoint refers to the same Main process target" ); } finally { await client.close(); } });