/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const DOC = toDataURL("
const DOC_IFRAME_MULTI = toDataURL(`
add_task(async function pageWithoutFrames({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
info("Navigate to a page without a frame");
await loadURL(DOC);
const { frameTree } = await Page.getFrameTree();
ok(!!frameTree.frame, "Expected frame details found");
const expectedFrames = await getFlattenedFrameList();
// Check top-level frame
const expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frameTree.frame.id);
is(frameTree.frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frameTree.frame.parentId, undefined, "Parent frame doesn't exist");
is(frameTree.name, undefined, "Top frame doens't contain name property");
is(frameTree.frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected url found");
is(frameTree.childFrames, undefined, "No sub frames found");
add_task(async function PageWithFrames({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
info("Navigate to a page with frames");
const { frameTree } = await Page.getFrameTree();
ok(!!frameTree.frame, "Expected frame details found");
const expectedFrames = await getFlattenedFrameList();
let frame = frameTree.frame;
let expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check top frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, undefined, "Parent frame doesn't exist");
is(frame.name, undefined, "Top frame doesn't contain name property");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(frameTree.childFrames.length, 2, "Expected two sub frames");
for (const childFrameTree of frameTree.childFrames) {
let frame = childFrameTree.frame;
let expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check sub frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, expectedFrame.parentId, "Expected parent id found");
is(frame.name, expectedFrame.name, "Frame has expected name set");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(childFrameTree.childFrames, undefined, "No sub frames found");
add_task(async function pageWithNestedFrames({ client }) {
const { Page } = client;
info("Navigate to a page with nested frames");
const { frameTree } = await Page.getFrameTree();
ok(!!frameTree.frame, "Expected frame details found");
const expectedFrames = await getFlattenedFrameList();
let frame = frameTree.frame;
let expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check top frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, undefined, "Parent frame doesn't exist");
is(frame.name, undefined, "Top frame doesn't contain name property");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(frameTree.childFrames.length, 1, "Expected a single sub frame");
const childFrameTree = frameTree.childFrames[0];
frame = childFrameTree.frame;
expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check sub frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, expectedFrame.parentId, "Expected parent id found");
is(frame.name, expectedFrame.name, "Frame has expected name set");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(childFrameTree.childFrames.length, 2, "Expected two sub frames");
let nestedChildFrameTree = childFrameTree.childFrames[0];
frame = nestedChildFrameTree.frame;
expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check first nested frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, expectedFrame.parentId, "Expected parent id found");
is(frame.name, expectedFrame.name, "Frame has expected name set");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(nestedChildFrameTree.childFrames, undefined, "No sub frames found");
nestedChildFrameTree = childFrameTree.childFrames[1];
frame = nestedChildFrameTree.frame;
expectedFrame = expectedFrames.get(frame.id);
info(`Check second nested frame with id: ${frame.id}`);
is(frame.id, expectedFrame.id, "Expected frame id found");
is(frame.parentId, expectedFrame.parentId, "Expected parent id found");
is(frame.name, expectedFrame.name, "Frame has expected name set");
is(frame.url, expectedFrame.url, "Expected URL found");
is(nestedChildFrameTree.childFrames, undefined, "No sub frames found");
* Retrieve all frames for the current tab as flattened list.
function getFlattenedFrameList() {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => {
const frames = new Map();
function getFrameDetails(context) {
const frameElement = context.embedderElement;
const frame = {
id: context.id.toString(),
parentId: context.parent ? context.parent.id.toString() : null,
loaderId: null,
name: frameElement?.id || frameElement?.name,
url: context.docShell.domWindow.location.href,
securityOrigin: null,
mimeType: null,
if (context.parent) {
frame.parentId = context.parent.id.toString();
frames.set(context.id.toString(), frame);
for (const childContext of context.children) {
return frames;