/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef NSSCertDBTrustDomain_h #define NSSCertDBTrustDomain_h #include "CertVerifier.h" #include "ScopedNSSTypes.h" #include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "mozpkix/pkixtypes.h" #include "nsICertStorage.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "secmodt.h" namespace mozilla { namespace psm { enum class ValidityCheckingMode { CheckingOff = 0, CheckForEV = 1, }; enum class NSSDBConfig { ReadWrite = 0, ReadOnly = 1, }; enum class PKCS11DBConfig { DoNotLoadModules = 0, LoadModules = 1, }; // Policy options for matching id-Netscape-stepUp with id-kp-serverAuth (for CA // certificates only): // * Always match: the step-up OID is considered equivalent to serverAuth // * Match before 23 August 2016: the OID is considered equivalent if the // certificate's notBefore is before 23 August 2016 // * Match before 23 August 2015: similarly, but for 23 August 2015 // * Never match: the OID is never considered equivalent to serverAuth enum class NetscapeStepUpPolicy : uint32_t { AlwaysMatch = 0, MatchBefore23August2016 = 1, MatchBefore23August2015 = 2, NeverMatch = 3, }; SECStatus InitializeNSS(const nsACString& dir, NSSDBConfig nssDbConfig, PKCS11DBConfig pkcs11DbConfig); void DisableMD5(); /** * Loads root certificates from a module. * * @param dir * The path to the directory containing the NSS builtin roots module. * Usually the same as the path to the other NSS shared libraries. * If empty, the (library) path will be searched. * @return true if the roots were successfully loaded, false otherwise. */ bool LoadLoadableRoots(const nsCString& dir); /** * Loads the OS client certs module. * * @param dir * The path to the directory containing the module. This should be the * same as where all of the other gecko libraries live. * @return true if the module was successfully loaded, false otherwise. */ bool LoadOSClientCertsModule(const nsCString& dir); extern const char* kOSClientCertsModuleName; /** * Unloads the loadable roots module and os client certs module, if loaded. */ void UnloadUserModules(); nsresult DefaultServerNicknameForCert(const CERTCertificate* cert, /*out*/ nsCString& nickname); /** * Build nsTArrays out of the issuer, serial, subject and public key * data from the supplied certificate for use in revocation checks. * * @param certDER * The Input that references the encoded bytes of the certificate. * @param endEntityOrCA * Whether the certificate is an end-entity or CA. * @param out encIssuer * The array to populate with issuer data. * @param out encSerial * The array to populate with serial number data. * @param out encSubject * The array to populate with subject data. * @param out encPubKey * The array to populate with public key data. * @return * Result::Success, unless there's a problem decoding the certificate. */ pkix::Result BuildRevocationCheckArrays(pkix::Input certDER, pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, /*out*/ nsTArray& issuerBytes, /*out*/ nsTArray& serialBytes, /*out*/ nsTArray& subjectBytes, /*out*/ nsTArray& pubKeyBytes); void SaveIntermediateCerts(const UniqueCERTCertList& certList); class NSSCertDBTrustDomain : public mozilla::pkix::TrustDomain { public: typedef mozilla::pkix::Result Result; enum OCSPFetching { NeverFetchOCSP = 0, FetchOCSPForDVSoftFail = 1, FetchOCSPForDVHardFail = 2, FetchOCSPForEV = 3, LocalOnlyOCSPForEV = 4, }; NSSCertDBTrustDomain( SECTrustType certDBTrustType, OCSPFetching ocspFetching, OCSPCache& ocspCache, void* pinArg, mozilla::TimeDuration ocspTimeoutSoft, mozilla::TimeDuration ocspTimeoutHard, uint32_t certShortLifetimeInDays, CertVerifier::PinningMode pinningMode, unsigned int minRSABits, ValidityCheckingMode validityCheckingMode, CertVerifier::SHA1Mode sha1Mode, NetscapeStepUpPolicy netscapeStepUpPolicy, CRLiteMode crliteMode, uint64_t crliteCTMergeDelaySeconds, const OriginAttributes& originAttributes, const Vector& thirdPartyRootInputs, const Vector& thirdPartyIntermediateInputs, const Maybe>>& extraCertificates, /*out*/ UniqueCERTCertList& builtChain, /*optional*/ PinningTelemetryInfo* pinningTelemetryInfo = nullptr, /*optional*/ CRLiteLookupResult* crliteLookupResult = nullptr, /*optional*/ const char* hostname = nullptr); virtual Result FindIssuer(mozilla::pkix::Input encodedIssuerName, IssuerChecker& checker, mozilla::pkix::Time time) override; virtual Result GetCertTrust( mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, const mozilla::pkix::CertPolicyId& policy, mozilla::pkix::Input candidateCertDER, /*out*/ mozilla::pkix::TrustLevel& trustLevel) override; virtual Result CheckSignatureDigestAlgorithm( mozilla::pkix::DigestAlgorithm digestAlg, mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, mozilla::pkix::Time notBefore) override; virtual Result CheckRSAPublicKeyModulusSizeInBits( mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, unsigned int modulusSizeInBits) override; virtual Result VerifyRSAPKCS1SignedDigest( const mozilla::pkix::SignedDigest& signedDigest, mozilla::pkix::Input subjectPublicKeyInfo) override; virtual Result CheckECDSACurveIsAcceptable( mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, mozilla::pkix::NamedCurve curve) override; virtual Result VerifyECDSASignedDigest( const mozilla::pkix::SignedDigest& signedDigest, mozilla::pkix::Input subjectPublicKeyInfo) override; virtual Result DigestBuf(mozilla::pkix::Input item, mozilla::pkix::DigestAlgorithm digestAlg, /*out*/ uint8_t* digestBuf, size_t digestBufLen) override; virtual Result CheckValidityIsAcceptable( mozilla::pkix::Time notBefore, mozilla::pkix::Time notAfter, mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, mozilla::pkix::KeyPurposeId keyPurpose) override; virtual Result NetscapeStepUpMatchesServerAuth( mozilla::pkix::Time notBefore, /*out*/ bool& matches) override; virtual Result CheckRevocation( mozilla::pkix::EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA, const mozilla::pkix::CertID& certID, mozilla::pkix::Time time, mozilla::pkix::Duration validityDuration, /*optional*/ const mozilla::pkix::Input* stapledOCSPResponse, /*optional*/ const mozilla::pkix::Input* aiaExtension, /*optional*/ const mozilla::pkix::Input* sctExtension) override; virtual Result IsChainValid( const mozilla::pkix::DERArray& certChain, mozilla::pkix::Time time, const mozilla::pkix::CertPolicyId& requiredPolicy) override; virtual void NoteAuxiliaryExtension( mozilla::pkix::AuxiliaryExtension extension, mozilla::pkix::Input extensionData) override; // Resets the OCSP stapling status and SCT lists accumulated during // the chain building. void ResetAccumulatedState(); CertVerifier::OCSPStaplingStatus GetOCSPStaplingStatus() const { return mOCSPStaplingStatus; } // SCT lists (see Certificate Transparency) extracted during // certificate verification. Note that the returned Inputs are invalidated // the next time a chain is built and by ResetAccumulatedState method // (and when the TrustDomain object is destroyed). mozilla::pkix::Input GetSCTListFromCertificate() const; mozilla::pkix::Input GetSCTListFromOCSPStapling() const; bool GetIsErrorDueToDistrustedCAPolicy() const; private: enum EncodedResponseSource { ResponseIsFromNetwork = 1, ResponseWasStapled = 2 }; Result VerifyAndMaybeCacheEncodedOCSPResponse( const mozilla::pkix::CertID& certID, mozilla::pkix::Time time, uint16_t maxLifetimeInDays, mozilla::pkix::Input encodedResponse, EncodedResponseSource responseSource, /*out*/ bool& expired); TimeDuration GetOCSPTimeout() const; Result SynchronousCheckRevocationWithServer( const mozilla::pkix::CertID& certID, const nsCString& aiaLocation, mozilla::pkix::Time time, uint16_t maxOCSPLifetimeInDays, const Result cachedResponseResult, const Result stapledOCSPResponseResult); Result HandleOCSPFailure(const Result cachedResponseResult, const Result stapledOCSPResponseResult, const Result error); const SECTrustType mCertDBTrustType; const OCSPFetching mOCSPFetching; OCSPCache& mOCSPCache; // non-owning! void* mPinArg; // non-owning! const mozilla::TimeDuration mOCSPTimeoutSoft; const mozilla::TimeDuration mOCSPTimeoutHard; const uint32_t mCertShortLifetimeInDays; CertVerifier::PinningMode mPinningMode; const unsigned int mMinRSABits; ValidityCheckingMode mValidityCheckingMode; CertVerifier::SHA1Mode mSHA1Mode; NetscapeStepUpPolicy mNetscapeStepUpPolicy; CRLiteMode mCRLiteMode; uint64_t mCRLiteCTMergeDelaySeconds; bool mSawDistrustedCAByPolicyError; const OriginAttributes& mOriginAttributes; const Vector& mThirdPartyRootInputs; // non-owning const Vector& mThirdPartyIntermediateInputs; // non-owning const Maybe>>& mExtraCertificates; // non-owning UniqueCERTCertList& mBuiltChain; // non-owning PinningTelemetryInfo* mPinningTelemetryInfo; CRLiteLookupResult* mCRLiteLookupResult; const char* mHostname; // non-owning - only used for pinning checks nsCOMPtr mCertStorage; CertVerifier::OCSPStaplingStatus mOCSPStaplingStatus; // Certificate Transparency data extracted during certificate verification UniqueSECItem mSCTListFromCertificate; UniqueSECItem mSCTListFromOCSPStapling; // The built-in roots module, if available. UniqueSECMODModule mBuiltInRootsModule; }; } // namespace psm } // namespace mozilla #endif // NSSCertDBTrustDomain_h