/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); var secmoddb; var skip_enable_buttons = false; /* Do the initial load of all PKCS# modules and list them. */ function LoadModules() { secmoddb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pkcs11moduledb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPKCS11ModuleDB ); RefreshDeviceList(); } async function doPrompt(l10n_id) { let [msg] = await document.l10n.formatValues([{ id: l10n_id }]); Services.prompt.alert(window, null, msg); } async function doConfirm(l10n_id) { let [msg] = await document.l10n.formatValues([{ id: l10n_id }]); return Services.prompt.confirm(window, null, msg); } function RefreshDeviceList() { for (let module of secmoddb.listModules()) { let slots = module.listSlots(); AddModule(module, slots); } // Set the text on the FIPS button. SetFIPSButton(); } function SetFIPSButton() { var fipsButton = document.getElementById("fipsbutton"); if (secmoddb.isFIPSEnabled) { document.l10n.setAttributes(fipsButton, "devmgr-button-disable-fips"); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(fipsButton, "devmgr-button-enable-fips"); } var can_toggle = secmoddb.canToggleFIPS; if (can_toggle) { fipsButton.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { fipsButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } } /* Add a module to the tree. slots is the array of slots in the module, * to be represented as children. */ function AddModule(module, slots) { var tree = document.getElementById("device_list"); var item = document.createXULElement("treeitem"); var row = document.createXULElement("treerow"); var cell = document.createXULElement("treecell"); cell.setAttribute("label", module.name); row.appendChild(cell); item.appendChild(row); var parent = document.createXULElement("treechildren"); for (let slot of slots) { var child_item = document.createXULElement("treeitem"); var child_row = document.createXULElement("treerow"); var child_cell = document.createXULElement("treecell"); child_cell.setAttribute("label", slot.name); child_row.appendChild(child_cell); child_item.appendChild(child_row); child_item.setAttribute("pk11kind", "slot"); // 'slot' is an attribute on any HTML element, hence 'slotObject' instead. child_item.slotObject = slot; parent.appendChild(child_item); } item.appendChild(parent); item.setAttribute("pk11kind", "module"); item.module = module; item.setAttribute("open", "true"); item.setAttribute("container", "true"); tree.appendChild(item); } var selected_slot; var selected_module; /* get the slot selected by the user (can only be one-at-a-time) */ function getSelectedItem() { let tree = document.getElementById("device_tree"); if (tree.currentIndex < 0) { return; } let item = tree.view.getItemAtIndex(tree.currentIndex); selected_slot = null; selected_module = null; if (item) { let kind = item.getAttribute("pk11kind"); if (kind == "slot") { selected_slot = item.slotObject; } else { // (kind == "module") selected_module = item.module; } } } function enableButtons() { if (skip_enable_buttons) { return; } var login_toggle = "true"; var logout_toggle = "true"; var pw_toggle = "true"; var unload_toggle = "true"; getSelectedItem(); if (selected_module) { unload_toggle = "false"; showModuleInfo(); } else if (selected_slot) { // here's the workaround - login functions are all with token, // so grab the token type var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken(); if (selected_token != null) { if (selected_token.needsLogin() || !selected_token.needsUserInit) { pw_toggle = "false"; if (selected_token.needsLogin()) { if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) { logout_toggle = "false"; } else { login_toggle = "false"; } } } if ( !Services.policies.isAllowed("createMasterPassword") && selected_token.isInternalKeyToken && !selected_token.hasPassword ) { pw_toggle = "true"; } } showSlotInfo(); } document .getElementById("login_button") .setAttribute("disabled", login_toggle); document .getElementById("logout_button") .setAttribute("disabled", logout_toggle); document .getElementById("change_pw_button") .setAttribute("disabled", pw_toggle); document .getElementById("unload_button") .setAttribute("disabled", unload_toggle); } // clear the display of information for the slot function ClearInfoList() { let infoList = document.getElementById("info_list"); while (infoList.hasChildNodes()) { infoList.firstChild.remove(); } } function ClearDeviceList() { ClearInfoList(); skip_enable_buttons = true; var tree = document.getElementById("device_tree"); tree.view.selection.clearSelection(); skip_enable_buttons = false; // Remove the existing listed modules so that a refresh doesn't display the // module that just changed. let deviceList = document.getElementById("device_list"); while (deviceList.hasChildNodes()) { deviceList.firstChild.remove(); } } // show a list of info about a slot function showSlotInfo() { var present = true; ClearInfoList(); switch (selected_slot.status) { case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_DISABLED: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-disabled" }, "tok_status" ); present = false; break; case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_NOT_PRESENT: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-not-present" }, "tok_status" ); present = false; break; case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_UNINITIALIZED: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-uninitialized" }, "tok_status" ); break; case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_NOT_LOGGED_IN: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-not-logged-in" }, "tok_status" ); break; case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_LOGGED_IN: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-logged-in" }, "tok_status" ); break; case Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY: AddInfoRow( "devinfo-status", { l10nID: "devinfo-status-ready" }, "tok_status" ); break; default: return; } AddInfoRow("devinfo-desc", { label: selected_slot.desc }, "slot_desc"); AddInfoRow("devinfo-man-id", { label: selected_slot.manID }, "slot_manID"); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-hwversion", { label: selected_slot.HWVersion }, "slot_hwv" ); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-fwversion", { label: selected_slot.FWVersion }, "slot_fwv" ); if (present) { showTokenInfo(); } } function showModuleInfo() { ClearInfoList(); AddInfoRow("devinfo-modname", { label: selected_module.name }, "module_name"); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-modpath", { label: selected_module.libName }, "module_path" ); } // add a row to the info list, as [col1 col2] (ex.: ["status" "logged in"]) function AddInfoRow(l10nID, col2, cell_id) { var tree = document.getElementById("info_list"); var item = document.createXULElement("treeitem"); var row = document.createXULElement("treerow"); var cell1 = document.createXULElement("treecell"); document.l10n.setAttributes(cell1, l10nID); cell1.setAttribute("crop", "never"); row.appendChild(cell1); var cell2 = document.createXULElement("treecell"); if (col2.l10nID) { document.l10n.setAttributes(cell2, col2.l10nID); } else { cell2.setAttribute("label", col2.label); } cell2.setAttribute("crop", "never"); cell2.setAttribute("id", cell_id); row.appendChild(cell2); item.appendChild(row); tree.appendChild(item); } // log in to a slot function doLogin() { getSelectedItem(); // here's the workaround - login functions are with token var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken(); try { selected_token.login(false); var tok_status = document.getElementById("tok_status"); if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) { document.l10n.setAttributes(tok_status, "devinfo-status-logged-in"); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(tok_status, "devinfo-status-not-logged-in"); } } catch (e) { doPrompt("login-failed"); } enableButtons(); } // log out of a slot function doLogout() { getSelectedItem(); // here's the workaround - login functions are with token var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken(); try { selected_token.logoutAndDropAuthenticatedResources(); var tok_status = document.getElementById("tok_status"); if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) { document.l10n.setAttributes(tok_status, "devinfo-status-logged-in"); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(tok_status, "devinfo-status-not-logged-in"); } } catch (e) {} enableButtons(); } // load a new device function doLoad() { window.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.open( "load_device.xhtml", "loaddevice", "chrome,centerscreen,modal" ); ClearDeviceList(); RefreshDeviceList(); } async function deleteSelected() { getSelectedItem(); if (selected_module && (await doConfirm("del-module-warning"))) { try { secmoddb.deleteModule(selected_module.name); } catch (e) { doPrompt("del-module-error"); return false; } selected_module = null; return true; } return false; } async function doUnload() { if (await deleteSelected()) { ClearDeviceList(); RefreshDeviceList(); } } function changePassword() { getSelectedItem(); let params = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIDialogParamBlock ); let objects = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); objects.appendElement(selected_slot.getToken()); params.objects = objects; window.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.openDialog( "changepassword.xhtml", "", "chrome,centerscreen,modal", params ); showSlotInfo(); enableButtons(); } // ------------------------------------- Old code function showTokenInfo() { var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken(); AddInfoRow("devinfo-label", { label: selected_token.tokenName }, "tok_label"); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-man-id", { label: selected_token.tokenManID }, "tok_manID" ); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-serialnum", { label: selected_token.tokenSerialNumber }, "tok_sNum" ); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-hwversion", { label: selected_token.tokenHWVersion }, "tok_hwv" ); AddInfoRow( "devinfo-fwversion", { label: selected_token.tokenFWVersion }, "tok_fwv" ); } function toggleFIPS() { if (!secmoddb.isFIPSEnabled) { // A restriction of FIPS mode is, the password must be set // In FIPS mode the password must be non-empty. // This is different from what we allow in NON-Fips mode. var tokendb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPK11TokenDB ); var internal_token = tokendb.getInternalKeyToken(); // nsIPK11Token if (!internal_token.hasPassword) { // Token has either no or an empty password. doPrompt("fips-nonempty-primary-password-required"); return; } } try { secmoddb.toggleFIPSMode(); } catch (e) { doPrompt("unable-to-toggle-fips"); return; } // Remove the existing listed modules so that a refresh doesn't display the // module that just changed. ClearDeviceList(); RefreshDeviceList(); }