/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RemoteSecuritySettings"]; const { RemoteSettings } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { X509 } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/psm/X509.jsm", null ); const INTERMEDIATES_BUCKET_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.bucket"; const INTERMEDIATES_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.checked"; const INTERMEDIATES_COLLECTION_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.collection"; const INTERMEDIATES_DL_PER_POLL_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.downloads_per_poll"; const INTERMEDIATES_DL_PARALLEL_REQUESTS = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.parallel_downloads"; const INTERMEDIATES_ENABLED_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.enabled"; const INTERMEDIATES_SIGNER_PREF = "security.remote_settings.intermediates.signer"; const LOGLEVEL_PREF = "browser.policies.loglevel"; const INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY = "INTERMEDIATE_PRELOADING_ERRORS"; const INTERMEDIATES_PENDING_TELEMETRY = "security.intermediate_preloading_num_pending"; const INTERMEDIATES_PRELOADED_TELEMETRY = "security.intermediate_preloading_num_preloaded"; const INTERMEDIATES_UPDATE_MS_TELEMETRY = "INTERMEDIATE_PRELOADING_UPDATE_TIME_MS"; const ONECRL_BUCKET_PREF = "services.settings.security.onecrl.bucket"; const ONECRL_COLLECTION_PREF = "services.settings.security.onecrl.collection"; const ONECRL_SIGNER_PREF = "services.settings.security.onecrl.signer"; const ONECRL_CHECKED_PREF = "services.settings.security.onecrl.checked"; const PINNING_ENABLED_PREF = "services.blocklist.pinning.enabled"; const PINNING_BUCKET_PREF = "services.blocklist.pinning.bucket"; const PINNING_COLLECTION_PREF = "services.blocklist.pinning.collection"; const PINNING_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF = "services.blocklist.pinning.checked"; const PINNING_SIGNER_PREF = "services.blocklist.pinning.signer"; const CRLITE_FILTERS_BUCKET_PREF = "security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.bucket"; const CRLITE_FILTERS_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF = "security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.checked"; const CRLITE_FILTERS_COLLECTION_PREF = "security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.collection"; const CRLITE_FILTERS_ENABLED_PREF = "security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.enabled"; const CRLITE_FILTERS_SIGNER_PREF = "security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.signer"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTextDecoder", () => new TextDecoder()); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { let { ConsoleAPI } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm"); return new ConsoleAPI({ prefix: "RemoteSecuritySettings.jsm", // tip: set maxLogLevel to "debug" and use log.debug() to create detailed // messages during development. See LOG_LEVELS in Console.jsm for details. maxLogLevel: "error", maxLogLevelPref: LOGLEVEL_PREF, }); }); // Converts a JS string to an array of bytes consisting of the char code at each // index in the string. function stringToBytes(s) { let b = []; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { b.push(s.charCodeAt(i)); } return b; } // Converts an array of bytes to a JS string using fromCharCode on each byte. function bytesToString(bytes) { if (bytes.length > 65535) { throw new Error("input too long for bytesToString"); } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes); } class CRLiteState { constructor(subject, spkiHash, state) { this.subject = subject; this.spkiHash = spkiHash; this.state = state; } } CRLiteState.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsICRLiteState", ]); class CertInfo { constructor(cert, subject) { this.cert = cert; this.subject = subject; this.trust = Ci.nsICertStorage.TRUST_INHERIT; } } CertInfo.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsICertInfo"]); class RevocationState { constructor(state) { this.state = state; } } class IssuerAndSerialRevocationState extends RevocationState { constructor(issuer, serial, state) { super(state); this.issuer = issuer; this.serial = serial; } } IssuerAndSerialRevocationState.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI( ["nsIIssuerAndSerialRevocationState"] ); class SubjectAndPubKeyRevocationState extends RevocationState { constructor(subject, pubKey, state) { super(state); this.subject = subject; this.pubKey = pubKey; } } SubjectAndPubKeyRevocationState.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI( ["nsISubjectAndPubKeyRevocationState"] ); function setRevocations(certStorage, revocations) { return new Promise(resolve => certStorage.setRevocations(revocations, resolve) ); } /** * Helper function that returns a promise that will resolve with whether or not * the nsICertStorage implementation has prior data of the given type. * * @param {Integer} dataType a Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_* constant * indicating the type of data * @return {Promise} a promise that will resolve with true if the data type is * present */ function hasPriorData(dataType) { let certStorage = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); return new Promise(resolve => { certStorage.hasPriorData(dataType, (rv, hasPriorData) => { if (rv == Cr.NS_OK) { resolve(hasPriorData); } else { // If calling hasPriorData failed, assume we need to reload everything // (even though it's unlikely doing so will succeed). resolve(false); } }); }); } /** * Revoke the appropriate certificates based on the records from the blocklist. * * @param {Object} data Current records in the local db. */ const updateCertBlocklist = async function({ data: { current, created, updated, deleted }, }) { let items = []; // See if we have prior revocation data (this can happen when we can't open // the database and we have to re-create it (see bug 1546361)). let hasPriorRevocationData = await hasPriorData( Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_REVOCATION ); // If we don't have prior data, make it so we re-load everything. if (!hasPriorRevocationData) { deleted = []; updated = []; created = current; } for (let item of deleted) { if (item.issuerName && item.serialNumber) { items.push( new IssuerAndSerialRevocationState( item.issuerName, item.serialNumber, Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_UNSET ) ); } else if (item.subject && item.pubKeyHash) { items.push( new SubjectAndPubKeyRevocationState( item.subject, item.pubKeyHash, Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_UNSET ) ); } } const toAdd = created.concat(updated.map(u => u.new)); for (let item of toAdd) { if (item.issuerName && item.serialNumber) { items.push( new IssuerAndSerialRevocationState( item.issuerName, item.serialNumber, Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_ENFORCE ) ); } else if (item.subject && item.pubKeyHash) { items.push( new SubjectAndPubKeyRevocationState( item.subject, item.pubKeyHash, Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_ENFORCE ) ); } } try { const certList = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); await setRevocations(certList, items); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } }; /** * Modify the appropriate security pins based on records from the remote * collection. * * @param {Object} data Current records in the local db. */ async function updatePinningList({ data: { current: records } }) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PINNING_ENABLED_PREF)) { return; } const siteSecurityService = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"].getService( Ci.nsISiteSecurityService ); // clear the current preload list siteSecurityService.clearPreloads(); // write each KeyPin entry to the preload list for (let item of records) { try { const { pinType, versions } = item; if (versions.includes(Services.appinfo.version) && pinType == "STSPin") { siteSecurityService.setHSTSPreload( item.hostName, item.includeSubdomains, item.expires ); } } catch (e) { // Prevent errors relating to individual preload entries from causing sync to fail. Cu.reportError(e); } } } var RemoteSecuritySettings = { /** * Initialize the clients (cheap instantiation) and setup their sync event. * This static method is called from BrowserGlue.jsm soon after startup. * * @returns {Object} intantiated clients for security remote settings. */ init() { const OneCRLBlocklistClient = RemoteSettings( Services.prefs.getCharPref(ONECRL_COLLECTION_PREF), { bucketNamePref: ONECRL_BUCKET_PREF, lastCheckTimePref: ONECRL_CHECKED_PREF, signerName: Services.prefs.getCharPref(ONECRL_SIGNER_PREF), } ); OneCRLBlocklistClient.on("sync", updateCertBlocklist); const PinningBlocklistClient = RemoteSettings( Services.prefs.getCharPref(PINNING_COLLECTION_PREF), { bucketNamePref: PINNING_BUCKET_PREF, lastCheckTimePref: PINNING_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF, signerName: Services.prefs.getCharPref(PINNING_SIGNER_PREF), } ); PinningBlocklistClient.on("sync", updatePinningList); let IntermediatePreloadsClient = new IntermediatePreloads(); let CRLiteFiltersClient = new CRLiteFilters(); this.OneCRLBlocklistClient = OneCRLBlocklistClient; this.PinningBlocklistClient = PinningBlocklistClient; this.IntermediatePreloadsClient = IntermediatePreloadsClient; this.CRLiteFiltersClient = CRLiteFiltersClient; return { OneCRLBlocklistClient, PinningBlocklistClient, IntermediatePreloadsClient, CRLiteFiltersClient, }; }, }; class IntermediatePreloads { constructor() { this.client = RemoteSettings( Services.prefs.getCharPref(INTERMEDIATES_COLLECTION_PREF), { bucketNamePref: INTERMEDIATES_BUCKET_PREF, lastCheckTimePref: INTERMEDIATES_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF, signerName: Services.prefs.getCharPref(INTERMEDIATES_SIGNER_PREF), localFields: ["cert_import_complete"], } ); this.client.on("sync", this.onSync.bind(this)); Services.obs.addObserver( this.onObservePollEnd.bind(this), "remote-settings:changes-poll-end" ); log.debug("Intermediate Preloading: constructor"); } async updatePreloadedIntermediates() { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(INTERMEDIATES_ENABLED_PREF, true)) { log.debug("Intermediate Preloading is disabled"); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:intermediates-updated", "disabled" ); return; } // Download attachments that are awaiting download, up to a max. const maxDownloadsPerRun = Services.prefs.getIntPref( INTERMEDIATES_DL_PER_POLL_PREF, 100 ); const parallelDownloads = Services.prefs.getIntPref( INTERMEDIATES_DL_PARALLEL_REQUESTS, 8 ); // Bug 1519256: Move this to a separate method that's on a separate timer // with a higher frequency (so we can attempt to download outstanding // certs more than once daily) // See if we have prior cert data (this can happen when we can't open the database and we // have to re-create it (see bug 1546361)). let hasPriorCertData = await hasPriorData( Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_CERTIFICATE ); // If we don't have prior data, make it so we re-load everything. if (!hasPriorCertData) { let current; try { current = await this.client.db.list(); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to list intermediate preloading collection: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "failedToFetch" category to indicate listing the collection failed. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToFetch"); return; } const toReset = current.filter(record => record.cert_import_complete); try { await this.client.db.importChanges( undefined, // do not touch metadata. undefined, // do not touch collection timestamp. toReset.map(r => ({ ...r, cert_import_complete: false })) ); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to update intermediate preloading collection: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "unexpectedLength" category to indicate updating the collection failed. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("unexpectedLength"); return; } } let current; try { current = await this.client.db.list(); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to list intermediate preloading collection: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "failedToFetch" category to indicate listing the collection failed. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToFetch"); return; } const waiting = current.filter(record => !record.cert_import_complete); log.debug(`There are ${waiting.length} intermediates awaiting download.`); if (waiting.length == 0) { // Nothing to do. Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:intermediates-updated", "success" ); return; } TelemetryStopwatch.start(INTERMEDIATES_UPDATE_MS_TELEMETRY); let toDownload = waiting.slice(0, maxDownloadsPerRun); let recordsCertsAndSubjects = []; for (let i = 0; i < toDownload.length; i += parallelDownloads) { const chunk = toDownload.slice(i, i + parallelDownloads); const downloaded = await Promise.all( chunk.map(record => this.maybeDownloadAttachment(record)) ); recordsCertsAndSubjects = recordsCertsAndSubjects.concat(downloaded); } let certInfos = []; let recordsToUpdate = []; for (let { record, cert, subject } of recordsCertsAndSubjects) { if (cert && subject) { certInfos.push(new CertInfo(cert, subject)); recordsToUpdate.push(record); } } const certStorage = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); let result = await new Promise(resolve => { certStorage.addCerts(certInfos, resolve); }).catch(err => err); if (result != Cr.NS_OK) { Cu.reportError(`certStorage.addCerts failed: ${result}`); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToUpdateDB"); return; } try { await this.client.db.importChanges( undefined, // do not touch metadata. undefined, // do not touch collection timestamp. recordsToUpdate.map(r => ({ ...r, cert_import_complete: true })) ); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to update intermediate preloading collection: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "unexpectedLength" category to indicate updating the collection failed. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("unexpectedLength"); return; } let finalCurrent; try { finalCurrent = await this.client.db.list(); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to list intermediate preloading collection: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "failedToFetch" category to indicate listing the collection failed. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToFetch"); return; } const finalWaiting = finalCurrent.filter( record => !record.cert_import_complete ); const countPreloaded = finalCurrent.length - finalWaiting.length; TelemetryStopwatch.finish(INTERMEDIATES_UPDATE_MS_TELEMETRY); Services.telemetry.scalarSet( INTERMEDIATES_PRELOADED_TELEMETRY, countPreloaded ); Services.telemetry.scalarSet( INTERMEDIATES_PENDING_TELEMETRY, finalWaiting.length ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:intermediates-updated", "success" ); } async onObservePollEnd(subject, topic, data) { log.debug(`onObservePollEnd ${subject} ${topic}`); try { await this.updatePreloadedIntermediates(); } catch (err) { log.warn(`Unable to update intermediate preloads: ${err}`); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToObserve"); } } // This method returns a promise to RemoteSettingsClient.maybeSync method. async onSync({ data: { current, created, updated, deleted } }) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(INTERMEDIATES_ENABLED_PREF, true)) { log.debug("Intermediate Preloading is disabled"); return; } log.debug(`Removing ${deleted.length} Intermediate certificates`); await this.removeCerts(deleted); let hasPriorCRLiteData = await hasPriorData( Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_CRLITE ); if (!hasPriorCRLiteData) { deleted = []; updated = []; created = current; } const toAdd = created.concat(updated.map(u => u.new)); let entries = []; for (let entry of deleted) { entries.push( new CRLiteState( entry.subjectDN, entry.pubKeyHash, Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_UNSET ) ); } for (let entry of toAdd) { entries.push( new CRLiteState( entry.subjectDN, entry.pubKeyHash, entry.crlite_enrolled ? Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_ENFORCE : Ci.nsICertStorage.STATE_UNSET ) ); } let certStorage = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); await new Promise(resolve => certStorage.setCRLiteState(entries, resolve)); } /** * Attempts to download the attachment, assuming it's not been processed * already. Does not retry, and always resolves (e.g., does not reject upon * failure.) Errors are reported via Cu.reportError. * @param {AttachmentRecord} record defines which data to obtain * @return {Promise} a Promise that will resolve to an object with the properties * record, cert, and subject. record is the original record. * cert is the base64-encoded bytes of the downloaded certificate (if * downloading was successful), and null otherwise. * subject is the base64-encoded bytes of the subject distinguished * name of the same. */ async maybeDownloadAttachment(record) { let result = { record, cert: null, subject: null }; let dataAsString = null; try { let buffer = await this.client.attachments.downloadAsBytes(record, { retries: 0, }); dataAsString = gTextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array(buffer)); } catch (err) { // Bug 1519273 - Log telemetry for these rejections if (err.name == "BadContentError") { log.debug(`Bad attachment content.`); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("unexpectedHash"); } else { Cu.reportError(`Failed to download attachment: ${err}`); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToDownloadMisc"); } return result; } let certBase64; let subjectBase64; try { // split off the header and footer certBase64 = dataAsString.split("-----")[2].replace(/\s/g, ""); // get an array of bytes so we can use X509.jsm let certBytes = stringToBytes(atob(certBase64)); let cert = new X509.Certificate(); cert.parse(certBytes); // get the DER-encoded subject and get a base64-encoded string from it // TODO(bug 1542028): add getters for _der and _bytes subjectBase64 = btoa( bytesToString(cert.tbsCertificate.subject._der._bytes) ); } catch (err) { Cu.reportError(`Failed to decode cert: ${err}`); // Re-purpose the "failedToUpdateNSS" telemetry tag as "failed to // decode preloaded intermediate certificate" Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToUpdateNSS"); return result; } result.cert = certBase64; result.subject = subjectBase64; return result; } async maybeSync(expectedTimestamp, options) { return this.client.maybeSync(expectedTimestamp, options); } async removeCerts(recordsToRemove) { let certStorage = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); let hashes = recordsToRemove.map(record => record.derHash); let result = await new Promise(resolve => { certStorage.removeCertsByHashes(hashes, resolve); }).catch(err => err); if (result != Cr.NS_OK) { Cu.reportError(`Failed to remove some intermediate certificates`); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById(INTERMEDIATES_ERRORS_TELEMETRY) .add("failedToRemove"); } } } // Helper function to compare filters. One filter is "less than" another filter (i.e. it sorts // earlier) if its timestamp is farther in the past than the other. function compareFilters(filterA, filterB) { return filterA.effectiveTimestamp - filterB.effectiveTimestamp; } class CRLiteFilters { constructor() { this.client = RemoteSettings( Services.prefs.getCharPref(CRLITE_FILTERS_COLLECTION_PREF), { bucketNamePref: CRLITE_FILTERS_BUCKET_PREF, lastCheckTimePref: CRLITE_FILTERS_CHECKED_SECONDS_PREF, signerName: Services.prefs.getCharPref(CRLITE_FILTERS_SIGNER_PREF), localFields: ["loaded_into_cert_storage"], } ); Services.obs.addObserver( this.onObservePollEnd.bind(this), "remote-settings:changes-poll-end" ); } async onObservePollEnd(subject, topic, data) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(CRLITE_FILTERS_ENABLED_PREF, true)) { log.debug("CRLite filter downloading is disabled"); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:crlite-filters-downloaded", "disabled" ); return; } let hasPriorFilter = await hasPriorData( Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_CRLITE_FILTER_FULL ); if (!hasPriorFilter) { let current = await this.client.db.list(); let toReset = current.filter( record => !record.incremental && record.loaded_into_cert_storage ); await this.client.db.importChanges( undefined, // do not touch metadata. undefined, // do not touch collection timestamp. toReset.map(r => ({ ...r, loaded_into_cert_storage: false })) ); } let hasPriorStash = await hasPriorData( Ci.nsICertStorage.DATA_TYPE_CRLITE_FILTER_INCREMENTAL ); if (!hasPriorStash) { let current = await this.client.db.list(); let toReset = current.filter( record => record.incremental && record.loaded_into_cert_storage ); await this.client.db.importChanges( undefined, // do not touch metadata. undefined, // do not touch collection timestamp. toReset.map(r => ({ ...r, loaded_into_cert_storage: false })) ); } let current = await this.client.db.list(); let fullFilters = current.filter(filter => !filter.incremental); if (fullFilters.length < 1) { log.debug("no full CRLite filters to download?"); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:crlite-filters-downloaded", "unavailable" ); return; } fullFilters.sort(compareFilters); log.debug("fullFilters:", fullFilters); let fullFilter = fullFilters.pop(); // the most recent filter sorts last let incrementalFilters = current.filter( filter => // Return incremental filters that are more recent than (i.e. sort later than) the full // filter. filter.incremental && compareFilters(filter, fullFilter) > 0 ); incrementalFilters.sort(compareFilters); // Map of id to filter where that filter's parent has the given id. let parentIdMap = {}; for (let filter of incrementalFilters) { if (filter.parent in parentIdMap) { log.debug(`filter with parent id ${filter.parent} already seen?`); } else { parentIdMap[filter.parent] = filter; } } let filtersToDownload = []; let nextFilter = fullFilter; while (nextFilter) { filtersToDownload.push(nextFilter); nextFilter = parentIdMap[nextFilter.id]; } const certList = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certstorage;1"].getService( Ci.nsICertStorage ); filtersToDownload = filtersToDownload.filter( filter => !filter.loaded_into_cert_storage ); log.debug("filtersToDownload:", filtersToDownload); let filtersDownloaded = []; for (let filter of filtersToDownload) { try { // If we've already downloaded this, the backend should just grab it from its cache. let localURI = await this.client.attachments.download(filter); let buffer = await (await fetch(localURI)).arrayBuffer(); let bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); log.debug(`Downloaded ${filter.details.name}: ${bytes.length} bytes`); filter.bytes = bytes; filtersDownloaded.push(filter); } catch (e) { log.debug(e); Cu.reportError("failed to download CRLite filter", e); } } let fullFiltersDownloaded = filtersDownloaded.filter( filter => !filter.incremental ); if (fullFiltersDownloaded.length > 0) { if (fullFiltersDownloaded.length > 1) { log.warn("trying to install more than one full CRLite filter?"); } let filter = fullFiltersDownloaded[0]; let timestamp = Math.floor(filter.effectiveTimestamp / 1000); log.debug(`setting CRLite filter timestamp to ${timestamp}`); await new Promise(resolve => { certList.setFullCRLiteFilter(filter.bytes, timestamp, rv => { log.debug(`setFullCRLiteFilter: ${rv}`); resolve(); }); }); } let stashes = filtersDownloaded.filter(filter => filter.incremental); let totalLength = stashes.reduce( (sum, filter) => sum + filter.bytes.length, 0 ); let concatenatedStashes = new Uint8Array(totalLength); let offset = 0; for (let filter of stashes) { concatenatedStashes.set(filter.bytes, offset); offset += filter.bytes.length; } if (concatenatedStashes.length > 0) { log.debug( `adding concatenated incremental updates of total length ${concatenatedStashes.length}` ); await new Promise(resolve => { certList.addCRLiteStash(concatenatedStashes, rv => { log.debug(`addCRLiteStash: ${rv}`); resolve(); }); }); } for (let filter of filtersDownloaded) { delete filter.bytes; } await this.client.db.importChanges( undefined, // do not touch metadata. undefined, // do not touch collection timestamp. filtersDownloaded.map(r => ({ ...r, loaded_into_cert_storage: true })) ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "remote-security-settings:crlite-filters-downloaded", `finished;${filtersDownloaded .map(filter => filter.details.name) .join(",")}` ); } }