/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ // Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. // http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ "use strict"; // Tests the methods and attributes for interfacing with a PKCS #11 slot. // Ensure that the appropriate initialization has happened. do_get_profile(); function find_slot_by_name(module, name) { for (let slot of module.listSlots()) { if (slot.name == name) { return slot; } } return null; } function find_module_by_name(moduleDB, name) { for (let slot of moduleDB.listModules()) { if (slot.name == name) { return slot; } } return null; } function run_test() { let libraryFile = Services.dirsvc.get("CurWorkD", Ci.nsIFile); libraryFile.append("pkcs11testmodule"); libraryFile.append(ctypes.libraryName("pkcs11testmodule")); loadPKCS11Module(libraryFile, "PKCS11 Test Module", false); let moduleDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pkcs11moduledb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPKCS11ModuleDB ); let testModule = find_module_by_name(moduleDB, "PKCS11 Test Module"); notEqual(testModule, null, "should be able to find test module"); let testSlot = find_slot_by_name(testModule, "Test PKCS11 Slot 二"); notEqual(testSlot, null, "should be able to find 'Test PKCS11 Slot 二'"); equal( testSlot.name, "Test PKCS11 Slot 二", "Actual and expected name should match" ); equal( testSlot.desc, "Test PKCS11 Slot 二", "Actual and expected description should match" ); equal( testSlot.manID, "Test PKCS11 Manufacturer ID", "Actual and expected manufacturer ID should match" ); equal( testSlot.HWVersion, "0.0", "Actual and expected hardware version should match" ); equal( testSlot.FWVersion, "0.0", "Actual and expected firmware version should match" ); equal( testSlot.status, Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY, "Actual and expected status should match" ); equal( testSlot.tokenName, "Test PKCS11 Tokeñ 2 Label", "Actual and expected token name should match" ); let testToken = testSlot.getToken(); notEqual(testToken, null, "getToken() should succeed"); equal( testToken.tokenName, "Test PKCS11 Tokeñ 2 Label", "Spot check: the actual and expected test token names should be equal" ); ok(!testToken.isInternalKeyToken, "This token is not the internal key token"); testSlot = find_slot_by_name(testModule, "Empty PKCS11 Slot"); notEqual(testSlot, null, "should be able to find 'Empty PKCS11 Slot'"); equal(testSlot.tokenName, null, "Empty slot is empty"); equal( testSlot.status, Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_NOT_PRESENT, "Actual and expected status should match" ); let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://pipnss/locale/pipnss.properties" ); let internalModule = find_module_by_name( moduleDB, "NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module" ); notEqual(internalModule, null, "should be able to find internal module"); let cryptoSlot = find_slot_by_name( internalModule, bundle.GetStringFromName("TokenDescription") ); notEqual(cryptoSlot, "should be able to find internal crypto slot"); equal( cryptoSlot.desc, bundle.GetStringFromName("SlotDescription"), "crypto slot should have expected 'desc'" ); equal( cryptoSlot.manID, bundle.GetStringFromName("ManufacturerID"), "crypto slot should have expected 'manID'" ); let keySlot = find_slot_by_name( internalModule, bundle.GetStringFromName("PrivateTokenDescription") ); notEqual(keySlot, "should be able to find internal key slot"); equal( keySlot.desc, bundle.GetStringFromName("PrivateSlotDescription"), "key slot should have expected 'desc'" ); equal( keySlot.manID, bundle.GetStringFromName("ManufacturerID"), "key slot should have expected 'manID'" ); }