/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { Async } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-common/async.js"); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/Sinon.jsm"); function makeArray(length) { // Start at 1 so that we can just divide by yieldEvery to get the expected // call count. (we exp) return Array.from({ length }, (v, i) => i + 1); } // Adjust if we ever change the default. const DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY = 50; add_task(async function testYields() { let spy = sinon.spy(Async, "promiseYield"); try { await Async.yieldingForEach(makeArray(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY * 2), element => { // The yield will happen *after* this function is ran. Assert.equal( spy.callCount, Math.floor((element - 1) / DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY) ); }); } finally { spy.restore(); } }); add_task(async function testExistingYieldState() { const yieldState = Async.yieldState(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY); for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) { Assert.equal(yieldState.shouldYield(), false); } let spy = sinon.spy(Async, "promiseYield"); try { await Async.yieldingForEach( makeArray(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY * 2), element => { Assert.equal( spy.callCount, Math.floor((element + 15 - 1) / DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY) ); }, yieldState ); } finally { spy.restore(); } }); add_task(async function testEarlyReturn() { let lastElement = 0; await Async.yieldingForEach(makeArray(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY), element => { lastElement = element; return element === 10; }); Assert.equal(lastElement, 10); }); add_task(async function testEaryReturnAsync() { let lastElement = 0; await Async.yieldingForEach(makeArray(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY), async element => { lastElement = element; return element === 10; }); Assert.equal(lastElement, 10); }); add_task(async function testEarlyReturnPromise() { let lastElement = 0; await Async.yieldingForEach(makeArray(DEFAULT_YIELD_EVERY), element => { lastElement = element; return new Promise(resolve => resolve(element === 10)); }); Assert.equal(lastElement, 10); });