/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { CryptoUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-crypto/utils.js" ); add_test(function setup() { initTestLogging(); run_next_test(); }); add_task(async function test_sha1() { _("Ensure HTTP MAC SHA1 generation works as expected."); let id = "vmo1txkttblmn51u2p3zk2xiy16hgvm5ok8qiv1yyi86ffjzy9zj0ez9x6wnvbx7"; let key = "b8u1cc5iiio5o319og7hh8faf2gi5ym4aq0zwf112cv1287an65fudu5zj7zo7dz"; let ts = 1329181221; let method = "GET"; let nonce = "wGX71"; let uri = CommonUtils.makeURI(""); let result = await CryptoUtils.computeHTTPMACSHA1(id, key, method, uri, { ts, nonce, }); Assert.equal(btoa(result.mac), "jzh5chjQc2zFEvLbyHnPdX11Yck="); Assert.equal( result.getHeader(), 'MAC id="vmo1txkttblmn51u2p3zk2xiy16hgvm5ok8qiv1yyi86ffjzy9zj0ez9x6wnvbx7", ' + 'ts="1329181221", nonce="wGX71", mac="jzh5chjQc2zFEvLbyHnPdX11Yck="' ); let ext = "EXTRA DATA; foo,bar=1"; result = await CryptoUtils.computeHTTPMACSHA1(id, key, method, uri, { ts, nonce, ext, }); Assert.equal(btoa(result.mac), "bNf4Fnt5k6DnhmyipLPkuZroH68="); Assert.equal( result.getHeader(), 'MAC id="vmo1txkttblmn51u2p3zk2xiy16hgvm5ok8qiv1yyi86ffjzy9zj0ez9x6wnvbx7", ' + 'ts="1329181221", nonce="wGX71", mac="bNf4Fnt5k6DnhmyipLPkuZroH68=", ' + 'ext="EXTRA DATA; foo,bar=1"' ); }); add_task(async function test_nonce_length() { _("Ensure custom nonce lengths are honoured."); function get_mac(length) { let uri = CommonUtils.makeURI("http://example.com/"); return CryptoUtils.computeHTTPMACSHA1("foo", "bar", "GET", uri, { nonce_bytes: length, }); } let result = await get_mac(12); Assert.equal(12, atob(result.nonce).length); result = await get_mac(2); Assert.equal(2, atob(result.nonce).length); result = await get_mac(0); Assert.equal(8, atob(result.nonce).length); result = await get_mac(-1); Assert.equal(8, atob(result.nonce).length); });