/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["IDBHelpers"]; const DB_NAME = "remote-settings"; const DB_VERSION = 3; // `indexedDB` is accessible in the worker global, but not the JSM global, // where we have to import it - and the worker global doesn't have Cu. if (typeof indexedDB == "undefined") { Cu.importGlobalProperties(["indexedDB"]); } /** * Wrap IndexedDB errors to catch them more easily. */ class IndexedDBError extends Error { constructor(error, method = "", identifier = "") { if (typeof error == "string") { error = new Error(error); } super(`IndexedDB: ${identifier} ${method} ${error && error.message}`); this.name = error.name; this.stack = error.stack; } } class ShutdownError extends IndexedDBError { constructor(error, method = "", identifier = "") { super(error, method, identifier); } } // We batch operations in order to reduce round-trip latency to the IndexedDB // database thread. The trade-offs are that the more records in the batch, the // more time we spend on this thread in structured serialization, and the // greater the chance to jank PBackground and this thread when the responses // come back. The initial choice of 250 was made targeting 2-3ms on a fast // machine and 10-15ms on a slow machine. // Every chunk waits for success before starting the next, and // the final chunk's completion will fire transaction.oncomplete . function bulkOperationHelper( store, { reject, completion }, operation, list, listIndex = 0 ) { try { const CHUNK_LENGTH = 250; const max = Math.min(listIndex + CHUNK_LENGTH, list.length); let request; for (; listIndex < max; listIndex++) { request = store[operation](list[listIndex]); } if (listIndex < list.length) { // On error, `transaction.onerror` is called. request.onsuccess = bulkOperationHelper.bind( null, store, { reject, completion }, operation, list, listIndex ); } else if (completion) { completion(); } // otherwise, we're done, and the transaction will complete on its own. } catch (e) { // The executeIDB callsite has a try... catch, but it will not catch // errors in subsequent bulkOperationHelper calls chained through // request.onsuccess above. We do want to catch those, so we have to // feed them through manually. We cannot use an async function with // promises, because if we wait a microtask after onsuccess fires to // put more requests on the transaction, the transaction will auto-commit // before we can add more requests. reject(e); } } /** * Helper to wrap some IDBObjectStore operations into a promise. * * @param {IDBDatabase} db * @param {String|String[]} storeNames - either a string or an array of strings. * @param {String} mode * @param {function} callback * @param {String} description of the operation for error handling purposes. */ function executeIDB(db, storeNames, mode, callback, desc) { if (!Array.isArray(storeNames)) { storeNames = [storeNames]; } const transaction = db.transaction(storeNames, mode); let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let stores = storeNames.map(name => transaction.objectStore(name)); let result; let rejectWrapper = e => { reject(new IndexedDBError(e, desc || "execute()", storeNames.join(", "))); try { transaction.abort(); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } }; // Add all the handlers before using the stores. transaction.onerror = event => reject(new IndexedDBError(event.target.error, desc || "execute()")); transaction.onabort = event => reject( new IndexedDBError( event.target.error || transaction.error || "IDBTransaction aborted", desc || "execute()" ) ); transaction.oncomplete = event => resolve(result); // Simplify access to a single datastore: if (stores.length == 1) { stores = stores[0]; } try { // Although this looks sync, once the callback places requests // on the datastore, it can independently keep the transaction alive and // keep adding requests. Even once we exit this try.. catch, we may // therefore experience errors which should abort the transaction. // This is why we pass the rejection handler - then the consumer can // continue to ensure that errors are handled appropriately. // In theory, exceptions thrown from onsuccess handlers should also // cause IndexedDB to abort the transaction, so this is a belt-and-braces // approach. result = callback(stores, rejectWrapper); } catch (e) { rejectWrapper(e); } }); return { promise, transaction }; } /** * Helper to wrap indexedDB.open() into a promise. */ async function openIDB(allowUpgrades = true) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION); request.onupgradeneeded = event => { if (!allowUpgrades) { reject( new Error( `IndexedDB: Error accessing ${DB_NAME} IDB at version ${DB_VERSION}` ) ); return; } // When an upgrade is needed, a transaction is started. const transaction = event.target.transaction; transaction.onabort = event => { const error = event.target.error || transaction.error || new DOMException("The operation has been aborted", "AbortError"); reject(new IndexedDBError(error, "open()")); }; const db = event.target.result; db.onerror = event => reject(new IndexedDBError(event.target.error)); if (event.oldVersion < 1) { // Records store const recordsStore = db.createObjectStore("records", { keyPath: ["_cid", "id"], }); // An index to obtain all the records in a collection. recordsStore.createIndex("cid", "_cid"); // Last modified field recordsStore.createIndex("last_modified", ["_cid", "last_modified"]); // Timestamps store db.createObjectStore("timestamps", { keyPath: "cid", }); } if (event.oldVersion < 2) { // Collections store db.createObjectStore("collections", { keyPath: "cid", }); } if (event.oldVersion < 3) { // Attachment store db.createObjectStore("attachments", { keyPath: ["cid", "attachmentId"], }); } }; request.onerror = event => reject(new IndexedDBError(event.target.error)); request.onsuccess = event => { const db = event.target.result; resolve(db); }; }); } var IDBHelpers = { bulkOperationHelper, executeIDB, openIDB, IndexedDBError, ShutdownError, };