/* import-globals-from ../../../common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js */ const { Constructor: CC } = Components; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); const { ObjectUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/ObjectUtils.jsm" ); const { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); const { RemoteSettings } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js" ); const { Utils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-settings/Utils.jsm"); const { UptakeTelemetry } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-common/uptake-telemetry.js" ); const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.jsm" ); const IS_ANDROID = AppConstants.platform == "android"; const BinaryInputStream = CC( "@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1", "nsIBinaryInputStream", "setInputStream" ); let server; let client; let clientWithDump; async function clear_state() { client.verifySignature = false; clientWithDump.verifySignature = false; // Clear local DB. await client.db.clear(); // Reset event listeners. client._listeners.set("sync", []); await clientWithDump.db.clear(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.settings.default_bucket"); // Clear events snapshot. TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([], {}, { process: "dummy" }); } function run_test() { // Set up an HTTP Server server = new HttpServer(); server.start(-1); // Point the blocklist clients to use this local HTTP server. Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.settings.server", `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/v1` ); Services.prefs.setCharPref("services.settings.loglevel", "debug"); client = RemoteSettings("password-fields"); clientWithDump = RemoteSettings("language-dictionaries"); server.registerPathHandler("/v1/", handleResponse); server.registerPathHandler( "/v1/buckets/monitor/collections/changes/records", handleResponse ); server.registerPathHandler( "/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset", handleResponse ); server.registerPathHandler( "/v1/buckets/main/collections/language-dictionaries/changeset", handleResponse ); server.registerPathHandler( "/v1/buckets/main/collections/with-local-fields/changeset", handleResponse ); server.registerPathHandler("/fake-x5u", handleResponse); run_next_test(); registerCleanupFunction(function() { server.stop(() => {}); }); } add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_records_obtained_from_server_are_stored_in_db() { // Test an empty db populates await client.maybeSync(2000); // Open the collection, verify it's been populated: // Our test data has a single record; it should be in the local collection const list = await client.get(); equal(list.length, 1); const timestamp = await client.db.getLastModified(); equal(timestamp, 3000, "timestamp was stored"); const { signature } = await client.db.getMetadata(); equal(signature.signature, "abcdef", "metadata was stored"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_records_from_dump_are_listed_as_created_in_event() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } let received; clientWithDump.on("sync", ({ data }) => (received = data)); // Use a timestamp superior to latest record in dump. const timestamp = 5000000000000; // Fri Jun 11 2128 await clientWithDump.maybeSync(timestamp); const list = await clientWithDump.get(); ok(list.length > 20, `The dump was loaded (${list.length} records)`); equal(received.created[0].id, "xx", "Record from the sync come first."); const createdById = received.created.reduce((acc, r) => { acc[r.id] = r; return acc; }, {}); ok( !(received.deleted[0].id in createdById), "Deleted records are not listed as created" ); equal( createdById[received.updated[0].new.id], received.updated[0].new, "The records that were updated should appear as created in their newest form." ); equal( received.created.length, list.length, "The list of created records contains the dump" ); equal(received.current.length, received.created.length); } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_throws_when_network_is_offline() { const backupOffline = Services.io.offline; try { Services.io.offline = true; const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot( clientWithDump.identifier ); let error; try { await clientWithDump.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(error.name, "NetworkOfflineError"); const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(clientWithDump.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.NETWORK_OFFLINE_ERROR]: 1, }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); } finally { Services.io.offline = backupOffline; } }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_sync_event_is_sent_even_if_up_to_date() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } // First, determine what is the dump timestamp. Sync will load it. // Use a timestamp inferior to latest record in dump. await clientWithDump._importJSONDump(); const uptodateTimestamp = await clientWithDump.db.getLastModified(); await clear_state(); // Now, simulate that server data wasn't changed since dump was released. const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(clientWithDump.identifier); let received; clientWithDump.on("sync", ({ data }) => (received = data)); await clientWithDump.maybeSync(uptodateTimestamp); ok(received.current.length > 0, "Dump records are listed as created"); equal(received.current.length, received.created.length); const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(clientWithDump.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UP_TO_DATE]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_records_can_have_local_fields() { const c = RemoteSettings("with-local-fields", { localFields: ["accepted"] }); c.verifySignature = false; await c.maybeSync(2000); await c.db.update({ id: "c74279ce-fb0a-42a6-ae11-386b567a6119", accepted: true, }); await c.maybeSync(3000); // Does not fail. }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_records_changes_are_overwritten_by_server_changes() { // Create some local conflicting data, and make sure it syncs without error. await client.db.create({ website: "", id: "9d500963-d80e-3a91-6e74-66f3811b99cc", }); await client.maybeSync(2000); const data = await client.get(); equal(data[0].website, "https://some-website.com"); } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_get_loads_default_records_from_a_local_dump_when_database_is_empty() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } // When collection has a dump in services/settings/dumps/{bucket}/{collection}.json const data = await clientWithDump.get(); notEqual(data.length, 0); // No synchronization happened (responses are not mocked). } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_does_not_load_dump_when_pref_is_false() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.settings.load_dump", false); const data = await clientWithDump.get(); equal(data.map(r => r.id).join(", "), "pt-BR, xx"); // No dump, 2 pulled from test server. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.settings.load_dump"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_loads_dump_only_once_if_called_in_parallel() { const backup = clientWithDump._importJSONDump; let callCount = 0; clientWithDump._importJSONDump = async () => { callCount++; // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); return 42; }; await Promise.all([clientWithDump.get(), clientWithDump.get()]); equal(callCount, 1, "JSON dump was called more than once"); clientWithDump._importJSONDump = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_falls_back_to_dump_if_db_fails() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } const backup = clientWithDump.db.getLastModified; clientWithDump.db.getLastModified = () => { throw new Error("Unknown error"); }; const records = await clientWithDump.get({ dumpFallback: true }); ok(records.length > 0, "dump content is returned"); // If fallback is disabled, error is thrown. let error; try { await clientWithDump.get({ dumpFallback: false }); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(error.message, "Unknown error"); clientWithDump.db.getLastModified = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_sorts_results_if_specified() { await client.db.importChanges( {}, 42, [ { field: 12, id: "9d500963-d80e-3a91-6e74-66f3811b99cc", }, { field: 7, id: "d83444a4-f348-4cd8-8228-842cb927db9f", }, ], { clear: true } ); const records = await client.get({ order: "field" }); ok( records[0].field < records[records.length - 1].field, "records are sorted" ); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_falls_back_sorts_results() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } const backup = clientWithDump.db.getLastModified; clientWithDump.db.getLastModified = () => { throw new Error("Unknown error"); }; const records = await clientWithDump.get({ dumpFallback: true, order: "-id", }); ok(records[0].id > records[records.length - 1].id, "records are sorted"); clientWithDump.db.getLastModified = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_falls_back_to_dump_if_db_fails_later() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } const backup = clientWithDump.db.list; clientWithDump.db.list = () => { throw new Error("Unknown error"); }; const records = await clientWithDump.get({ dumpFallback: true }); ok(records.length > 0, "dump content is returned"); // If fallback is disabled, error is thrown. let error; try { await clientWithDump.get({ dumpFallback: false }); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(error.message, "Unknown error"); clientWithDump.db.list = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_does_not_sync_if_empty_dump_is_provided() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } const clientWithEmptyDump = RemoteSettings("example"); Assert.ok(!(await Utils.hasLocalData(clientWithEmptyDump))); const data = await clientWithEmptyDump.get(); equal(data.length, 0); Assert.ok(await Utils.hasLocalData(clientWithEmptyDump)); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_synchronization_can_be_disabled() { const data = await client.get({ syncIfEmpty: false }); equal(data.length, 0); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_get_triggers_synchronization_when_database_is_empty() { // The "password-fields" collection has no local dump, and no local data. // Therefore a synchronization will happen. const data = await client.get(); // Data comes from mocked HTTP response (see below). equal(data.length, 1); equal(data[0].selector, "#webpage[field-pwd]"); } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_ignores_synchronization_errors() { // The monitor endpoint won't contain any information about this collection. let data = await RemoteSettings("some-unknown-key").get(); equal(data.length, 0); // The sync endpoints are not mocked, this fails internally. data = await RemoteSettings("no-mocked-responses").get(); equal(data.length, 0); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_verify_signature_no_sync() { // No signature in metadata, and no sync if empty. let error; try { await client.get({ verifySignature: true, syncIfEmpty: false }); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(error.message, "Missing signature (main/password-fields)"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_can_verify_signature_pulled() { // Populate the local DB (only records, eg. loaded from dump previously) await client._importJSONDump(); let calledSignature; client._verifier = { async asyncVerifyContentSignature(serialized, signature) { calledSignature = signature; return true; }, }; client.verifySignature = true; // No metadata in local DB, but gets pulled and then verifies. ok(ObjectUtils.isEmpty(await client.db.getMetadata()), "Metadata is empty"); await client.get({ verifySignature: true }); ok( !ObjectUtils.isEmpty(await client.db.getMetadata()), "Metadata was pulled" ); ok(calledSignature.endsWith("some-sig"), "Signature was verified"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_can_verify_signature() { // Populate the local DB (record and metadata) await client.maybeSync(2000); // It validates signature that was stored in local DB. let calledSignature; client._verifier = { async asyncVerifyContentSignature(serialized, signature) { calledSignature = signature; return JSON.parse(serialized).data.length == 1; }, }; ok(await Utils.hasLocalData(client), "Local data was populated"); await client.get({ verifySignature: true }); ok(calledSignature.endsWith("abcdef"), "Signature was verified"); // It throws when signature does not verify. await client.db.delete("9d500963-d80e-3a91-6e74-66f3811b99cc"); let error = null; try { await client.get({ verifySignature: true }); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(error.message, "Invalid content signature (main/password-fields)"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_get_does_not_verify_signature_if_load_dump() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } let called; clientWithDump._verifier = { async asyncVerifyContentSignature(serialized, signature) { called = true; return true; }, }; // When dump is loaded, signature is not verified. const records = await clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }); ok(records.length > 0, "dump is loaded"); ok(!called, "signature is missing but not verified"); // If metadata is missing locally, it is not fetched if `syncIfEmpty` is disabled. let error; try { await clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true, syncIfEmpty: false }); } catch (e) { error = e; } ok(!called, "signer was not called"); equal( error.message, "Missing signature (main/language-dictionaries)", "signature is missing locally" ); // If metadata is missing locally, it is fetched by default (`syncIfEmpty: true`) await clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }); const metadata = await clientWithDump.db.getMetadata(); ok(Object.keys(metadata).length > 0, "metadata was fetched"); ok(called, "signature was verified for the data that was in dump"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_get_does_verify_signature_if_json_loaded_in_parallel() { const backup = clientWithDump._verifier; let callCount = 0; clientWithDump._verifier = { async asyncVerifyContentSignature(serialized, signature) { callCount++; return true; }, }; await Promise.all([ clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }), clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }), ]); equal(callCount, 0, "No need to verify signatures if JSON dump is loaded"); clientWithDump._verifier = backup; } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_sync_runs_once_only() { const backup = Utils.log.warn; const messages = []; Utils.log.warn = m => { messages.push(m); }; await Promise.all([client.maybeSync(2000), client.maybeSync(2000)]); ok( messages.includes("main/password-fields sync already running"), "warning is shown about sync already running" ); Utils.log.warn = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_sync_pulls_metadata_if_missing_with_dump_is_up_to_date() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } let called; clientWithDump._verifier = { async asyncVerifyContentSignature(serialized, signature) { called = true; return true; }, }; // When dump is loaded, signature is not verified. const records = await clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }); ok(records.length > 0, "dump is loaded"); ok(!called, "signature is missing but not verified"); // Synchronize the collection (local data is up-to-date). // Signature verification is disabled (see `clear_state()`), so we don't bother with // fetching metadata. const uptodateTimestamp = await clientWithDump.db.getLastModified(); await clientWithDump.maybeSync(uptodateTimestamp); let metadata = await clientWithDump.db.getMetadata(); ok(!metadata, "metadata was not fetched"); // Synchronize again the collection (up-to-date, since collection last modified still > 42) clientWithDump.verifySignature = true; await clientWithDump.maybeSync(42); // With signature verification, metadata was fetched. metadata = await clientWithDump.db.getMetadata(); ok(Object.keys(metadata).length > 0, "metadata was fetched"); ok(called, "signature was verified for the data that was in dump"); // Metadata is present, signature will now verified. called = false; await clientWithDump.get({ verifySignature: true }); ok(called, "local signature is verified"); } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_sync_event_provides_information_about_records() { let eventData; client.on("sync", ({ data }) => (eventData = data)); await client.maybeSync(2000); equal(eventData.current.length, 1); await client.maybeSync(3001); equal(eventData.current.length, 2); equal(eventData.created.length, 1); equal(eventData.created[0].website, "https://www.other.org/signin"); equal(eventData.updated.length, 1); equal(eventData.updated[0].old.website, "https://some-website.com"); equal(eventData.updated[0].new.website, "https://some-website.com/login"); equal(eventData.deleted.length, 0); await client.maybeSync(4001); equal(eventData.current.length, 1); equal(eventData.created.length, 0); equal(eventData.updated.length, 0); equal(eventData.deleted.length, 1); equal(eventData.deleted[0].website, "https://www.other.org/signin"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_inspect_method() { // Synchronize the `password-fields` collection in order to have // some local data when .inspect() is called. await client.maybeSync(2000); const inspected = await RemoteSettings.inspect(); // Assertion for global attributes. const { mainBucket, serverURL, defaultSigner, collections, serverTimestamp, } = inspected; const rsSigner = "remote-settings.content-signature.mozilla.org"; equal(mainBucket, "main"); equal(serverURL, `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/v1`); equal(defaultSigner, rsSigner); equal(serverTimestamp, '"5000"'); // A collection is listed in .inspect() if it has local data or if there // is a JSON dump for it. // "password-fields" has no dump but was synchronized above and thus has local data. let col = collections.pop(); equal(col.collection, "password-fields"); equal(col.serverTimestamp, 3000); equal(col.localTimestamp, 3000); if (!IS_ANDROID) { // "language-dictionaries" has a local dump (not on Android) col = collections.pop(); equal(col.collection, "language-dictionaries"); equal(col.serverTimestamp, 4000); ok(!col.localTimestamp); // not synchronized. } }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_clearAll_method() { // Make sure we have some local data. await client.maybeSync(2000); await clientWithDump.maybeSync(2000); await RemoteSettings.clearAll(); ok(!(await Utils.hasLocalData(client)), "Local data was deleted"); ok(!(await Utils.hasLocalData(clientWithDump)), "Local data was deleted"); ok( !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(client.lastCheckTimePref), "Pref was cleaned" ); // Synchronization is not broken after resuming. await client.maybeSync(2000); await clientWithDump.maybeSync(2000); ok(await Utils.hasLocalData(client), "Local data was populated"); ok(await Utils.hasLocalData(clientWithDump), "Local data was populated"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_listeners_are_not_deduplicated() { let count = 0; const plus1 = () => { count += 1; }; client.on("sync", plus1); client.on("sync", plus1); client.on("sync", plus1); await client.maybeSync(2000); equal(count, 3); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_listeners_can_be_removed() { let count = 0; const onSync = () => { count += 1; }; client.on("sync", onSync); client.off("sync", onSync); await client.maybeSync(2000); equal(count, 0); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_all_listeners_are_executed_if_one_fails() { let count = 0; client.on("sync", () => { count += 1; }); client.on("sync", () => { throw new Error("boom"); }); client.on("sync", () => { count += 2; }); let error; try { await client.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) { error = e; } equal(count, 3); equal(error.message, "boom"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_up_to_date() { await client.maybeSync(2000); const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); await client.maybeSync(3000); // No Telemetry was sent. const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UP_TO_DATE]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_if_sync_succeeds() { // We test each client because Telemetry requires preleminary declarations. const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); await client.maybeSync(2000); const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SUCCESS]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_synchronization_duration_is_reported_in_uptake_status() { await withFakeChannel("nightly", async () => { await client.maybeSync(2000); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([ [ "uptake.remotecontent.result", "uptake", "remotesettings", UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SUCCESS, { source: client.identifier, duration: v => v > 0, trigger: "manual", }, ], ]); }); } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_if_application_fails() { const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); client.on("sync", () => { throw new Error("boom"); }); try { await client.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) {} const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.APPLY_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_if_sync_fails() { await client.db.importChanges({}, 9999); const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); try { await client.maybeSync(10000); } catch (e) {} const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SERVER_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_if_parsing_fails() { await client.db.importChanges({}, 10000); const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); try { await client.maybeSync(10001); } catch (e) {} const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.PARSE_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_if_fetching_signature_fails() { await client.db.importChanges({}, 11000); const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); try { await client.maybeSync(11001); } catch (e) {} const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SERVER_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_unknown_errors() { const backup = client.db.list; client.db.list = () => { throw new Error("Internal"); }; const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); try { await client.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) {} client.db.list = backup; const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UNKNOWN_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_indexeddb_as_custom_1() { const backup = client.db.getLastModified; const msg = "IndexedDB getLastModified() The operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself"; client.db.getLastModified = () => { throw new Error(msg); }; const startHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); try { await client.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) {} client.db.getLastModified = backup; const endHistogram = getUptakeTelemetrySnapshot(client.identifier); const expectedIncrements = { [UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.CUSTOM_1_ERROR]: 1 }; checkUptakeTelemetry(startHistogram, endHistogram, expectedIncrements); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_telemetry_reports_error_name_as_event_nightly() { const backup = client.db.list; client.db.list = () => { const e = new Error("Some unknown error"); e.name = "ThrownError"; throw e; }; await withFakeChannel("nightly", async () => { try { await client.maybeSync(2000); } catch (e) {} TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([ [ "uptake.remotecontent.result", "uptake", "remotesettings", UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UNKNOWN_ERROR, { source: client.identifier, trigger: "manual", duration: v => v >= 0, errorName: "ThrownError", }, ], ]); }); client.db.list = backup; }); add_task(clear_state); add_task(async function test_bucketname_changes_when_bucket_pref_changes() { equal(client.bucketName, "main"); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.settings.default_bucket", "main-preview" ); equal(client.bucketName, "main-preview"); }); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_get_loads_default_records_from_a_local_dump_if_preview_collection() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.settings.default_bucket", "main-preview" ); // When collection has a dump in services/settings/dumps/{bucket}/{collection}.json const data = await clientWithDump.get(); notEqual(data.length, 0); // No synchronization happened (responses are not mocked). } ); add_task(clear_state); add_task( async function test_inspect_changes_the_list_when_bucket_pref_is_changed() { if (IS_ANDROID) { // Skip test: we don't ship remote settings dumps on Android (see package-manifest). return; } // Register a client only listed in -preview... RemoteSettings("crash-rate"); const { collections: before } = await RemoteSettings.inspect(); // These two collections are listed in the main bucket in monitor/changes (one with dump, one registered). deepEqual(before.map(c => c.collection).sort(), [ "language-dictionaries", "password-fields", ]); // Switch to main-preview bucket. Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.settings.default_bucket", "main-preview" ); const { collections: after, mainBucket } = await RemoteSettings.inspect(); // These two collections are listed in the main bucket in monitor/changes (both are registered). deepEqual(after.map(c => c.collection).sort(), [ "crash-rate", "password-fields", ]); equal(mainBucket, "main-preview"); } ); add_task(clear_state); function handleResponse(request, response) { try { const sample = getSampleResponse(request, server.identity.primaryPort); if (!sample) { do_throw( `unexpected ${request.method} request for ${request.path}?${request.queryString}` ); } response.setStatusLine( null, sample.status.status, sample.status.statusText ); // send the headers for (let headerLine of sample.sampleHeaders) { let headerElements = headerLine.split(":"); response.setHeader(headerElements[0], headerElements[1].trimLeft()); } response.setHeader("Date", new Date().toUTCString()); const body = typeof sample.responseBody == "string" ? sample.responseBody : JSON.stringify(sample.responseBody); response.write(body); response.finish(); } catch (e) { info(e); } } function getSampleResponse(req, port) { const responses = { OPTIONS: { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Length,Expires,Backoff,Retry-After,Last-Modified,Total-Records,ETag,Pragma,Cache-Control,authorization,content-type,if-none-match,Alert,Next-Page", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: null, }, "GET:/v1/": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: { settings: { batch_max_requests: 25, }, url: `http://localhost:${port}/v1/`, documentation: "https://kinto.readthedocs.org/", version: "1.5.1", commit: "cbc6f58", hello: "kinto", }, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/monitor/collections/changes/records": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", `Date: ${new Date().toUTCString()}`, 'Etag: "5000"', ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: { data: [ { id: "4676f0c7-9757-4796-a0e8-b40a5a37a9c9", bucket: "main", collection: "unknown-locally", last_modified: 5000, }, { id: "4676f0c7-9757-4796-a0e8-b40a5a37a9c9", bucket: "main", collection: "language-dictionaries", last_modified: 4000, }, { id: "0af8da0b-3e03-48fb-8d0d-2d8e4cb7514d", bucket: "main", collection: "password-fields", last_modified: 3000, }, { id: "4acda969-3bd3-4074-a678-ff311eeb076e", bucket: "main-preview", collection: "password-fields", last_modified: 2000, }, { id: "58697bd1-315f-4185-9bee-3371befc2585", bucket: "main-preview", collection: "crash-rate", last_modified: 1000, }, ], }, }, "GET:/fake-x5u": { sampleHeaders: ["Content-Type: application/octet-stream"], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIGYTCCBEmgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADB9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVU ZARKjbu1TuYQHf0fs+GwID8zeLc2zJL7UzcHFwwQ6Nda9OJN4uPAuC/BKaIpxCLL 26b24/tRam4SJjqpiq20lynhUrmTtt6hbG3E1Hpy3bmkt2DYnuMFwEx2gfXNcnbT wNuvFqc= -----END CERTIFICATE-----`, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset?_expected=2000": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", 'Etag: "3000"', ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: { timestamp: 3000, metadata: { id: "password-fields", last_modified: 1234, signature: { signature: "abcdef", x5u: `http://localhost:${port}/fake-x5u`, }, }, changes: [ { id: "9d500963-d80e-3a91-6e74-66f3811b99cc", last_modified: 3000, website: "https://some-website.com", selector: "#user[password]", }, ], }, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset?_expected=3001&_since=%223000%22": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", 'Etag: "4000"', ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: { metadata: { signature: {}, }, timestamp: 4000, changes: [ { id: "aabad965-e556-ffe7-4191-074f5dee3df3", last_modified: 4000, website: "https://www.other.org/signin", selector: "#signinpassword", }, { id: "9d500963-d80e-3a91-6e74-66f3811b99cc", last_modified: 3500, website: "https://some-website.com/login", selector: "input#user[password]", }, ], }, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset?_expected=4001&_since=%224000%22": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", 'Etag: "5000"', ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: { metadata: { signature: {}, }, timestamp: 5000, changes: [ { id: "aabad965-e556-ffe7-4191-074f5dee3df3", deleted: true, }, ], }, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset?_expected=10000&_since=%229999%22": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", ], status: { status: 503, statusText: "Service Unavailable" }, responseBody: { code: 503, errno: 999, error: "Service Unavailable", }, }, "GET:/v1/buckets/main/collections/password-fields/changeset?_expected=10001&_since=%2210000%22": { sampleHeaders: [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Server: waitress", 'Etag: "10001"', ], status: { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }, responseBody: "