/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "FakeCryptoService", "FakeFilesystemService", "FakeGUIDService", "fakeSHA256HMAC", ]; const { Weave } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"); const { RawCryptoWrapper } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-sync/record.js" ); const { Utils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); function FakeFilesystemService(contents) { this.fakeContents = contents; let self = this; // Save away the unmocked versions of the functions we replace here for tests // that really want the originals. As this may be called many times per test, // we must be careful to not replace them with ones we previously replaced. // (And why are we bothering with these mocks in the first place? Is the // performance of the filesystem *really* such that it outweighs the downside // of not running our real JSON functions in the tests? Eg, these mocks don't // always throw exceptions when the real ones do. Anyway...) for (let name of ["jsonSave", "jsonLoad", "jsonMove", "jsonRemove"]) { let origName = "_real_" + name; if (!Utils[origName]) { Utils[origName] = Utils[name]; } } Utils.jsonSave = async function jsonSave(filePath, that, obj) { let json = typeof obj == "function" ? obj.call(that) : obj; self.fakeContents["weave/" + filePath + ".json"] = JSON.stringify(json); }; Utils.jsonLoad = async function jsonLoad(filePath, that) { let obj; let json = self.fakeContents["weave/" + filePath + ".json"]; if (json) { obj = JSON.parse(json); } return obj; }; Utils.jsonMove = function jsonMove(aFrom, aTo, that) { const fromPath = "weave/" + aFrom + ".json"; self.fakeContents["weave/" + aTo + ".json"] = self.fakeContents[fromPath]; delete self.fakeContents[fromPath]; return Promise.resolve(); }; Utils.jsonRemove = function jsonRemove(filePath, that) { delete self.fakeContents["weave/" + filePath + ".json"]; return Promise.resolve(); }; } function fakeSHA256HMAC(message) { message = message.substr(0, 64); while (message.length < 64) { message += " "; } return message; } function FakeGUIDService() { let latestGUID = 0; Utils.makeGUID = function makeGUID() { // ensure that this always returns a unique 12 character string let nextGUID = "fake-guid-" + String(latestGUID++).padStart(2, "0"); return nextGUID.slice(nextGUID.length - 12, nextGUID.length); }; } /* * Mock implementation of WeaveCrypto. It does not encrypt or * decrypt, merely returning the input verbatim. */ function FakeCryptoService() { this.counter = 0; delete Weave.Crypto; // get rid of the getter first Weave.Crypto = this; RawCryptoWrapper.prototype.ciphertextHMAC = function ciphertextHMAC( keyBundle ) { return fakeSHA256HMAC(this.ciphertext); }; } FakeCryptoService.prototype = { async encrypt(clearText, symmetricKey, iv) { return clearText; }, async decrypt(cipherText, symmetricKey, iv) { return cipherText; }, async generateRandomKey() { return btoa("fake-symmetric-key-" + this.counter++); }, generateRandomIV: function generateRandomIV() { // A base64-encoded IV is 24 characters long return btoa("fake-fake-fake-random-iv"); }, expandData: function expandData(data, len) { return data; }, generateRandomBytes: function generateRandomBytes(byteCount) { return "not-so-random-now-are-we-HA-HA-HA! >:)".slice(byteCount); }, };