const { Service } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/service.js"); add_task(async function run_test() { _("Make sure catch when copied to an object will correctly catch stuff"); let ret, rightThis, didCall, didThrow, wasCovfefe, wasLocked; let obj = { _catch: Utils.catch, _log: { debug(str) { didThrow =^Exception/) == 0; }, info(str) { wasLocked = str.indexOf("Cannot start sync: already syncing?") == 0; }, }, func() { return this._catch(async function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; return 5; })(); }, throwy() { return this._catch(async function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; throw new Error("covfefe"); })(); }, callbacky() { return this._catch( async function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; throw new Error("covfefe"); }, async function(ex) { wasCovfefe = ex && ex.message == "covfefe"; } )(); }, lockedy() { return this._catch(async function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; Utils.throwLockException(null); })(); }, lockedy_chained() { return this._catch(async function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; Utils.throwLockException(null); })(); }, }; _("Make sure a normal call will call and return"); rightThis = didCall = didThrow = wasLocked = false; ret = await obj.func(); Assert.equal(ret, 5); Assert.ok(rightThis); Assert.ok(didCall); Assert.ok(!didThrow); Assert.equal(wasCovfefe, undefined); Assert.ok(!wasLocked); _( "Make sure catch/throw results in debug call and caller doesn't need to handle exception" ); rightThis = didCall = didThrow = wasLocked = false; ret = await obj.throwy(); Assert.equal(ret, undefined); Assert.ok(rightThis); Assert.ok(didCall); Assert.ok(didThrow); Assert.equal(wasCovfefe, undefined); Assert.ok(!wasLocked); _("Test callback for exception testing."); rightThis = didCall = didThrow = wasLocked = false; ret = await obj.callbacky(); Assert.equal(ret, undefined); Assert.ok(rightThis); Assert.ok(didCall); Assert.ok(didThrow); Assert.ok(wasCovfefe); Assert.ok(!wasLocked); _("Test the lock-aware catch that Service uses."); obj._catch = Service._catch; rightThis = didCall = didThrow = wasLocked = false; wasCovfefe = undefined; ret = await obj.lockedy(); Assert.equal(ret, undefined); Assert.ok(rightThis); Assert.ok(didCall); Assert.ok(didThrow); Assert.equal(wasCovfefe, undefined); Assert.ok(wasLocked); _("Test the lock-aware catch that Service uses with a chained promise."); rightThis = didCall = didThrow = wasLocked = false; wasCovfefe = undefined; ret = await obj.lockedy_chained(); Assert.equal(ret, undefined); Assert.ok(rightThis); Assert.ok(didCall); Assert.ok(didThrow); Assert.equal(wasCovfefe, undefined); Assert.ok(wasLocked); });