/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! Specified types for SVG Path. use crate::parser::{Parse, ParserContext}; use crate::values::animated::{Animate, Procedure, ToAnimatedZero}; use crate::values::distance::{ComputeSquaredDistance, SquaredDistance}; use crate::values::CSSFloat; use cssparser::Parser; use std::fmt::{self, Write}; use std::iter::{Cloned, Peekable}; use std::slice; use style_traits::values::SequenceWriter; use style_traits::{CssWriter, ParseError, StyleParseErrorKind, ToCss}; /// The SVG path data. /// /// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathData #[derive( Clone, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToAnimatedZero, ToComputedValue, ToResolvedValue, ToShmem, )] #[repr(C)] pub struct SVGPathData( // TODO(emilio): Should probably measure this somehow only from the // specified values. #[ignore_malloc_size_of = "Arc"] pub crate::ArcSlice, ); impl SVGPathData { /// Get the array of PathCommand. #[inline] pub fn commands(&self) -> &[PathCommand] { &self.0 } /// Create a normalized copy of this path by converting each relative /// command to an absolute command. pub fn normalize(&self) -> Self { let mut state = PathTraversalState { subpath_start: CoordPair::new(0.0, 0.0), pos: CoordPair::new(0.0, 0.0), }; let result = self .0 .iter() .map(|seg| seg.normalize(&mut state)) .collect::>(); SVGPathData(crate::ArcSlice::from_iter(result.into_iter())) } } impl ToCss for SVGPathData { #[inline] fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write, { dest.write_char('"')?; { let mut writer = SequenceWriter::new(dest, " "); for command in self.commands() { writer.item(command)?; } } dest.write_char('"') } } impl Parse for SVGPathData { // We cannot use cssparser::Parser to parse a SVG path string because the spec wants to make // the SVG path string as compact as possible. (i.e. The whitespaces may be dropped.) // e.g. "M100 200L100 200" is a valid SVG path string. If we use tokenizer, the first ident // is "M100", instead of "M", and this is not correct. Therefore, we use a Peekable // str::Char iterator to check each character. fn parse<'i, 't>( _context: &ParserContext, input: &mut Parser<'i, 't>, ) -> Result> { let location = input.current_source_location(); let path_string = input.expect_string()?.as_ref(); // Parse the svg path string as multiple sub-paths. let mut path_parser = PathParser::new(path_string); while skip_wsp(&mut path_parser.chars) { if path_parser.parse_subpath().is_err() { return Err(location.new_custom_error(StyleParseErrorKind::UnspecifiedError)); } } Ok(SVGPathData(crate::ArcSlice::from_iter( path_parser.path.into_iter(), ))) } } impl Animate for SVGPathData { fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result { if self.0.len() != other.0.len() { return Err(()); } // FIXME(emilio): This allocates three copies of the path, that's not // great! Specially, once we're normalized once, we don't need to // re-normalize again. let result = self .normalize() .0 .iter() .zip(other.normalize().0.iter()) .map(|(a, b)| a.animate(&b, procedure)) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(SVGPathData(crate::ArcSlice::from_iter(result.into_iter()))) } } impl ComputeSquaredDistance for SVGPathData { fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result { if self.0.len() != other.0.len() { return Err(()); } self.normalize() .0 .iter() .zip(other.normalize().0.iter()) .map(|(this, other)| this.compute_squared_distance(&other)) .sum() } } /// The SVG path command. /// The fields of these commands are self-explanatory, so we skip the documents. /// Note: the index of the control points, e.g. control1, control2, are mapping to the control /// points of the Bézier curve in the spec. /// /// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathData #[derive( Animate, Clone, ComputeSquaredDistance, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToAnimatedZero, ToComputedValue, ToResolvedValue, ToShmem, )] #[allow(missing_docs)] #[repr(C, u8)] pub enum PathCommand { /// The unknown type. /// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#__svg__SVGPathSeg__PATHSEG_UNKNOWN Unknown, /// The "moveto" command. MoveTo { point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The "lineto" command. LineTo { point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The horizontal "lineto" command. HorizontalLineTo { x: CSSFloat, absolute: IsAbsolute }, /// The vertical "lineto" command. VerticalLineTo { y: CSSFloat, absolute: IsAbsolute }, /// The cubic Bézier curve command. CurveTo { control1: CoordPair, control2: CoordPair, point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The smooth curve command. SmoothCurveTo { control2: CoordPair, point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The quadratic Bézier curve command. QuadBezierCurveTo { control1: CoordPair, point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The smooth quadratic Bézier curve command. SmoothQuadBezierCurveTo { point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The elliptical arc curve command. EllipticalArc { rx: CSSFloat, ry: CSSFloat, angle: CSSFloat, large_arc_flag: ArcFlag, sweep_flag: ArcFlag, point: CoordPair, absolute: IsAbsolute, }, /// The "closepath" command. ClosePath, } /// For internal SVGPath normalization. #[allow(missing_docs)] struct PathTraversalState { subpath_start: CoordPair, pos: CoordPair, } impl PathCommand { /// Create a normalized copy of this PathCommand. Absolute commands will be copied as-is while /// for relative commands an equivalent absolute command will be returned. /// /// See discussion: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/321 fn normalize(&self, state: &mut PathTraversalState) -> Self { use self::PathCommand::*; match *self { Unknown => Unknown, ClosePath => { state.pos = state.subpath_start; ClosePath }, MoveTo { mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; state.subpath_start = point; MoveTo { point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, LineTo { mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; LineTo { point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, HorizontalLineTo { mut x, absolute } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { x += state.pos.0; } state.pos.0 = x; HorizontalLineTo { x, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, VerticalLineTo { mut y, absolute } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { y += state.pos.1; } state.pos.1 = y; VerticalLineTo { y, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, CurveTo { mut control1, mut control2, mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { control1 += state.pos; control2 += state.pos; point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; CurveTo { control1, control2, point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, SmoothCurveTo { mut control2, mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { control2 += state.pos; point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; SmoothCurveTo { control2, point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, QuadBezierCurveTo { mut control1, mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { control1 += state.pos; point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; QuadBezierCurveTo { control1, point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, SmoothQuadBezierCurveTo { mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; SmoothQuadBezierCurveTo { point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, EllipticalArc { rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, mut point, absolute, } => { if !absolute.is_yes() { point += state.pos; } state.pos = point; EllipticalArc { rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, point, absolute: IsAbsolute::Yes, } }, } } } impl ToCss for PathCommand { fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write, { use self::PathCommand::*; match *self { Unknown => dest.write_char('X'), ClosePath => dest.write_char('Z'), MoveTo { point, absolute } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'M' } else { 'm' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, LineTo { point, absolute } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'L' } else { 'l' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, CurveTo { control1, control2, point, absolute, } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'C' } else { 'c' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; control1.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; control2.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, QuadBezierCurveTo { control1, point, absolute, } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'Q' } else { 'q' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; control1.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, EllipticalArc { rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, point, absolute, } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'A' } else { 'a' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; rx.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; ry.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; angle.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; large_arc_flag.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; sweep_flag.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, HorizontalLineTo { x, absolute } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'H' } else { 'h' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; x.to_css(dest) }, VerticalLineTo { y, absolute } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'V' } else { 'v' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; y.to_css(dest) }, SmoothCurveTo { control2, point, absolute, } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'S' } else { 's' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; control2.to_css(dest)?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, SmoothQuadBezierCurveTo { point, absolute } => { dest.write_char(if absolute.is_yes() { 'T' } else { 't' })?; dest.write_char(' ')?; point.to_css(dest) }, } } } /// The path command absolute type. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive( Animate, Clone, ComputeSquaredDistance, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToAnimatedZero, ToComputedValue, ToResolvedValue, ToShmem, )] #[repr(u8)] pub enum IsAbsolute { Yes, No, } impl IsAbsolute { /// Return true if this is IsAbsolute::Yes. #[inline] pub fn is_yes(&self) -> bool { *self == IsAbsolute::Yes } } /// The path coord type. #[derive( AddAssign, Animate, Clone, ComputeSquaredDistance, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToAnimatedZero, ToComputedValue, ToCss, ToResolvedValue, ToShmem, )] #[repr(C)] pub struct CoordPair(CSSFloat, CSSFloat); impl CoordPair { /// Create a CoordPair. #[inline] pub fn new(x: CSSFloat, y: CSSFloat) -> Self { CoordPair(x, y) } } /// The EllipticalArc flag type. #[derive( Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Serialize, SpecifiedValueInfo, ToComputedValue, ToResolvedValue, ToShmem, )] #[repr(C)] pub struct ArcFlag(bool); impl ToCss for ArcFlag { #[inline] fn to_css(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write, { (self.0 as i32).to_css(dest) } } impl Animate for ArcFlag { #[inline] fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result { (self.0 as i32) .animate(&(other.0 as i32), procedure) .map(|v| ArcFlag(v > 0)) } } impl ComputeSquaredDistance for ArcFlag { #[inline] fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result { (self.0 as i32).compute_squared_distance(&(other.0 as i32)) } } impl ToAnimatedZero for ArcFlag { #[inline] fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result { // The 2 ArcFlags in EllipticalArc determine which one of the 4 different arcs will be // used. (i.e. From 4 combinations). In other words, if we change the flag, we get a // different arc. Therefore, we return *self. // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands Ok(*self) } } /// SVG Path parser. struct PathParser<'a> { chars: Peekable>>, path: Vec, } macro_rules! parse_arguments { ( $parser:ident, $abs:ident, $enum:ident, [ $para:ident => $func:ident $(, $other_para:ident => $other_func:ident)* ] ) => { { loop { let $para = $func(&mut $parser.chars)?; $( skip_comma_wsp(&mut $parser.chars); let $other_para = $other_func(&mut $parser.chars)?; )* $parser.path.push(PathCommand::$enum { $para $(, $other_para)*, $abs }); // End of string or the next character is a possible new command. if !skip_wsp(&mut $parser.chars) || $parser.chars.peek().map_or(true, |c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) { break; } skip_comma_wsp(&mut $parser.chars); } Ok(()) } } } impl<'a> PathParser<'a> { /// Return a PathParser. #[inline] fn new(string: &'a str) -> Self { PathParser { chars: string.as_bytes().iter().cloned().peekable(), path: Vec::new(), } } /// Parse a sub-path. fn parse_subpath(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { // Handle "moveto" Command first. If there is no "moveto", this is not a valid sub-path // (i.e. not a valid moveto-drawto-command-group). self.parse_moveto()?; // Handle other commands. loop { skip_wsp(&mut self.chars); if self.chars.peek().map_or(true, |&m| m == b'M' || m == b'm') { break; } let command = self.chars.next().unwrap(); let abs = if command.is_ascii_uppercase() { IsAbsolute::Yes } else { IsAbsolute::No }; skip_wsp(&mut self.chars); match command { b'Z' | b'z' => self.parse_closepath(), b'L' | b'l' => self.parse_lineto(abs), b'H' | b'h' => self.parse_h_lineto(abs), b'V' | b'v' => self.parse_v_lineto(abs), b'C' | b'c' => self.parse_curveto(abs), b'S' | b's' => self.parse_smooth_curveto(abs), b'Q' | b'q' => self.parse_quadratic_bezier_curveto(abs), b'T' | b't' => self.parse_smooth_quadratic_bezier_curveto(abs), b'A' | b'a' => self.parse_elliptical_arc(abs), _ => return Err(()), }?; } Ok(()) } /// Parse "moveto" command. fn parse_moveto(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { let command = match self.chars.next() { Some(c) if c == b'M' || c == b'm' => c, _ => return Err(()), }; skip_wsp(&mut self.chars); let point = parse_coord(&mut self.chars)?; let absolute = if command == b'M' { IsAbsolute::Yes } else { IsAbsolute::No }; self.path.push(PathCommand::MoveTo { point, absolute }); // End of string or the next character is a possible new command. if !skip_wsp(&mut self.chars) || self.chars.peek().map_or(true, |c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) { return Ok(()); } skip_comma_wsp(&mut self.chars); // If a moveto is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, the subsequent // pairs are treated as implicit lineto commands. self.parse_lineto(absolute) } /// Parse "closepath" command. fn parse_closepath(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { self.path.push(PathCommand::ClosePath); Ok(()) } /// Parse "lineto" command. fn parse_lineto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, LineTo, [ point => parse_coord ]) } /// Parse horizontal "lineto" command. fn parse_h_lineto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, HorizontalLineTo, [ x => parse_number ]) } /// Parse vertical "lineto" command. fn parse_v_lineto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, VerticalLineTo, [ y => parse_number ]) } /// Parse cubic Bézier curve command. fn parse_curveto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, CurveTo, [ control1 => parse_coord, control2 => parse_coord, point => parse_coord ]) } /// Parse smooth "curveto" command. fn parse_smooth_curveto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, SmoothCurveTo, [ control2 => parse_coord, point => parse_coord ]) } /// Parse quadratic Bézier curve command. fn parse_quadratic_bezier_curveto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, QuadBezierCurveTo, [ control1 => parse_coord, point => parse_coord ]) } /// Parse smooth quadratic Bézier curveto command. fn parse_smooth_quadratic_bezier_curveto(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { parse_arguments!(self, absolute, SmoothQuadBezierCurveTo, [ point => parse_coord ]) } /// Parse elliptical arc curve command. fn parse_elliptical_arc(&mut self, absolute: IsAbsolute) -> Result<(), ()> { // Parse a flag whose value is '0' or '1'; otherwise, return Err(()). let parse_flag = |iter: &mut Peekable>>| match iter.next() { Some(c) if c == b'0' || c == b'1' => Ok(ArcFlag(c == b'1')), _ => Err(()), }; parse_arguments!(self, absolute, EllipticalArc, [ rx => parse_number, ry => parse_number, angle => parse_number, large_arc_flag => parse_flag, sweep_flag => parse_flag, point => parse_coord ]) } } /// Parse a pair of numbers into CoordPair. fn parse_coord(iter: &mut Peekable>>) -> Result { let x = parse_number(iter)?; skip_comma_wsp(iter); let y = parse_number(iter)?; Ok(CoordPair::new(x, y)) } /// This is a special version which parses the number for SVG Path. e.g. "M 0.6.5" should be parsed /// as MoveTo with a coordinate of ("0.6", ".5"), instead of treating 0.6.5 as a non-valid floating /// point number. In other words, the logic here is similar with that of /// tokenizer::consume_numeric, which also consumes the number as many as possible, but here the /// input is a Peekable and we only accept an integer of a floating point number. /// /// The "number" syntax in https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataBNF fn parse_number(iter: &mut Peekable>>) -> Result { // 1. Check optional sign. let sign = if iter .peek() .map_or(false, |&sign| sign == b'+' || sign == b'-') { if iter.next().unwrap() == b'-' { -1. } else { 1. } } else { 1. }; // 2. Check integer part. let mut integral_part: f64 = 0.; let got_dot = if !iter.peek().map_or(false, |&n| n == b'.') { // If the first digit in integer part is neither a dot nor a digit, this is not a number. if iter.peek().map_or(true, |n| !n.is_ascii_digit()) { return Err(()); } while iter.peek().map_or(false, |n| n.is_ascii_digit()) { integral_part = integral_part * 10. + (iter.next().unwrap() - b'0') as f64; } iter.peek().map_or(false, |&n| n == b'.') } else { true }; // 3. Check fractional part. let mut fractional_part: f64 = 0.; if got_dot { // Consume '.'. iter.next(); // If the first digit in fractional part is not a digit, this is not a number. if iter.peek().map_or(true, |n| !n.is_ascii_digit()) { return Err(()); } let mut factor = 0.1; while iter.peek().map_or(false, |n| n.is_ascii_digit()) { fractional_part += (iter.next().unwrap() - b'0') as f64 * factor; factor *= 0.1; } } let mut value = sign * (integral_part + fractional_part); // 4. Check exp part. The segment name of SVG Path doesn't include 'E' or 'e', so it's ok to // treat the numbers after 'E' or 'e' are in the exponential part. if iter.peek().map_or(false, |&exp| exp == b'E' || exp == b'e') { // Consume 'E' or 'e'. iter.next(); let exp_sign = if iter .peek() .map_or(false, |&sign| sign == b'+' || sign == b'-') { if iter.next().unwrap() == b'-' { -1. } else { 1. } } else { 1. }; let mut exp: f64 = 0.; while iter.peek().map_or(false, |n| n.is_ascii_digit()) { exp = exp * 10. + (iter.next().unwrap() - b'0') as f64; } value *= f64::powf(10., exp * exp_sign); } if value.is_finite() { Ok(value .min(::std::f32::MAX as f64) .max(::std::f32::MIN as f64) as CSSFloat) } else { Err(()) } } /// Skip all svg whitespaces, and return true if |iter| hasn't finished. #[inline] fn skip_wsp(iter: &mut Peekable>>) -> bool { // Note: SVG 1.1 defines the whitespaces as \u{9}, \u{20}, \u{A}, \u{D}. // However, SVG 2 has one extra whitespace: \u{C}. // Therefore, we follow the newest spec for the definition of whitespace, // i.e. \u{9}, \u{20}, \u{A}, \u{C}, \u{D}. while iter.peek().map_or(false, |c| c.is_ascii_whitespace()) { iter.next(); } iter.peek().is_some() } /// Skip all svg whitespaces and one comma, and return true if |iter| hasn't finished. #[inline] fn skip_comma_wsp(iter: &mut Peekable>>) -> bool { if !skip_wsp(iter) { return false; } if *iter.peek().unwrap() != b',' { return true; } iter.next(); skip_wsp(iter) }