# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --- job-defaults: platform: linux1804-64/opt always-target: true worker-type: by-platform: linux1804-64.*: t-linux-xlarge-source macosx1014-64.*: t-osx-1014 windows10-64.*: t-win10-64-source worker: by-platform: linux1804-64.*: docker-image: {in-tree: "lint"} max-run-time: 3600 env: RUSTFMT: /build/rust/bin/rustfmt RUSTUP_HOME: /build/rust CARGO_HOME: /build/rust CLANG_FORMAT: /builds/worker/fetches/clang-tidy/bin/clang-format default: max-run-time: 3600 treeherder: kind: test tier: 2 run: using: mach when: files-changed: - 'config/mozunit/**' - 'python/mach_commands.py' firefox-ci: description: taskcluster/taskgraph unit tests python-version: [3] treeherder: symbol: ci run: using: python-test subsuite: ci when: files-changed: - 'taskcluster/ci/**' - 'taskcluster/**/*.py' - 'tools/tryselect/selectors/auto.py' fog: description: Python unit tests for Firefox on Glean platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [3] treeherder: symbol: fp run: using: python-test subsuite: fog when: files-changed: - 'toolkit/components/glean/**' mach: description: python/mach unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: mach run: using: python-test subsuite: mach when: files-changed: - 'python/mach/**' marionette-harness: description: testing/marionette/harness unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2] treeherder: symbol: mnh run: using: python-test subsuite: marionette-harness when: files-changed: - 'testing/marionette/harness/**' - 'testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/**' - 'testing/mozbase/mozlog/setup.py' - 'testing/mozbase/packages.txt' mochitest-harness: description: testing/mochitest unittests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - linux1804-64/debug - linux1804-64-asan/opt always-target: false require-build: by-project: try: linux1804-64-asan/opt: build-linux64-asan/opt linux1804-64/debug: build-linux64/debug linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64/opt default: linux1804-64-asan/opt: build-linux64-asan/opt linux1804-64/debug: build-linux64/debug linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64-shippable/opt treeherder: symbol: py2(mch) worker: by-platform: linux1804-64.*: docker-image: {in-tree: "ubuntu1804-test"} max-run-time: 3600 run: using: run-task cwd: '{checkout}' command: > source /builds/worker/scripts/xvfb.sh && start_xvfb '1600x1200x24' 0 && export GECKO_BINARY_PATH=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/firefox/firefox && export TEST_HARNESS_ROOT=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/tests && python2 ./mach python-test --subsuite mochitest fetches: build: - target.tar.bz2 - artifact: target.common.tests.tar.gz dest: tests - artifact: target.mochitest.tests.tar.gz dest: tests toolchain: - linux64-fix-stacks when: files-changed: - 'testing/mochitest/**' - 'testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/**' - 'testing/mozbase/moztest/moztest/selftest/**' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py' - 'testing/profiles/**' mozbase: description: testing/mozbase unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: mb run: using: python-test subsuite: mozbase when: files-changed: - 'testing/mozbase/**' mozharness: description: mozharness integration tests treeherder: symbol: py2(mh) run: using: run-task cache-dotcache: true cwd: '{checkout}/testing/mozharness' command: > /usr/local/bin/tox -e py27-hg5.2 when: files-changed: - 'testing/mozharness/**' mozharness-py3: description: mozharness integration tests treeherder: symbol: py3(mh) run: using: run-task cache-dotcache: true cwd: '{checkout}/testing/mozharness' command: > /usr/local/bin/tox -e py36-hg5.2 when: files-changed: - 'testing/mozharness/**' mozlint: description: python/mozlint unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [3] treeherder: symbol: mozlint run: using: python-test subsuite: mozlint fetches: toolchain: by-platform: linux1804-64/opt: - linux64-clang-tidy - linux64-node macosx1014-64/opt: - macosx64-clang-tidy - macosx64-node windows10-64/opt: - win64-clang-tidy - win64-node when: files-changed: - 'python/mozlint/**' - 'tools/lint/**' mozrelease: description: python/mozrelease unit tests python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: release run: using: python-test subsuite: mozrelease when: files-changed: - 'python/mozrelease/**' mozterm: description: python/mozterm unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: term run: using: python-test subsuite: mozterm when: files-changed: - 'python/mozterm/**' mozversioncontrol: description: python/mozversioncontrol unit tests python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: vcs run: using: python-test subsuite: mozversioncontrol when: files-changed: - 'python/mozversioncontrol/**' raptor: description: testing/raptor unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: rap run: using: python-test subsuite: raptor when: files-changed: - 'testing/raptor/**' reftest-harness: description: layout/tools/reftest unittests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - linux1804-64/debug - linux1804-64-asan/opt require-build: by-project: try: linux1804-64-asan/opt: build-linux64-asan/opt linux1804-64/debug: build-linux64/debug linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64/opt default: linux1804-64-asan/opt: build-linux64-asan/opt linux1804-64/debug: build-linux64/debug linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64-shippable/opt always-target: false treeherder: symbol: py2(ref) worker: by-platform: linux1804-64.*: docker-image: {in-tree: "ubuntu1804-test"} max-run-time: 3600 run: using: run-task cwd: '{checkout}' command: > source /builds/worker/scripts/xvfb.sh && start_xvfb '1600x1200x24' 0 && export GECKO_BINARY_PATH=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/firefox/firefox && export TEST_HARNESS_ROOT=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/tests && python2 ./mach python-test --subsuite reftest fetches: build: - target.tar.bz2 - artifact: target.common.tests.tar.gz dest: tests - artifact: target.reftest.tests.tar.gz dest: tests toolchain: - linux64-fix-stacks when: files-changed: - 'layout/tools/reftest/**' - 'testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/**' - 'testing/mozbase/moztest/moztest/selftest/**' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py' - 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py' taskgraph-tests: description: taskcluster/taskgraph unit tests python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: tg run: using: python-test subsuite: taskgraph when: files-changed: - 'taskcluster/**/*.py' - 'python/mach/**/*.py' tryselect: description: tools/tryselect unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [3] treeherder: symbol: try run: using: python-test subsuite: try when: files-changed: - 'taskcluster/ci/test/**' - 'taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/**' - 'tools/tryselect/**' mozbuild: description: mozbuild unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: mbu run: using: python-test subsuite: mozbuild fetches: toolchain: by-platform: linux1804-64/opt: - linux64-node-10 macosx1014-64/opt: - macosx64-node-10 windows10-64/opt: - win64-node-10 when: files-changed: - '**/moz.configure' - 'build/moz.configure/**' - 'config/tests/**' - 'dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/**' - 'modules/libpref/init/**' - 'modules/libpref/test/**' - 'python/mach/**' - 'python/mozboot/**' - 'python/mozbuild/**' - 'python/mozterm/**' - 'python/mozversioncontrol/**' - 'testing/mozbase/**' - 'testing/xpcshell/xpcshellcommandline.py' mozperftest: description: mozperftest unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt treeherder: symbol: mpu run: mach: perftest-test fetches: toolchain: by-platform: linux1804-64/opt: - linux64-node-10 macosx1014-64/opt: - macosx64-node-10 windows10-64/opt: - win64-node-10 when: files-changed: - 'testing/performance/**' - 'python/mozperftest/**' condprof: description: testing/condprofile unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2] treeherder: symbol: condprof run: using: python-test subsuite: condprof when: files-changed: - 'testing/condprofile/condprof**' - 'testing/condprofile/setup.py' featuregates: description: featuregates Python unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2, 3] treeherder: symbol: fg run: using: python-test subsuite: featuregates fetches: toolchain: by-platform: linux1804-64/opt: - linux64-node-10 windows10-64/opt: - win64-node-10 when: files-changed: - 'toolkit/components/featuregates/**' talos: description: testing/talos unit tests platform: windows10-64/opt python-version: [2] treeherder: symbol: tal run: using: python-test subsuite: talos when: files-changed: - 'testing/talos/**' telemetry-integration-tests: description: pytest-based integration tests for Telemetry always-target: false platform: - linux1804-64/opt worker: by-platform: linux1804-64.*: docker-image: {in-tree: "ubuntu1804-test"} max-run-time: 3600 require-build: by-project: try: linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64/opt default: linux1804-64/opt: build-linux64-shippable/opt treeherder: symbol: tt(i) tier: 3 run-on-projects: [] run: using: run-task cwd: '{checkout}' command: > source /builds/worker/scripts/xvfb.sh && start_xvfb '1600x1200x24' 0 && export GECKO_BINARY_PATH=$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/firefox/firefox && python2 ./mach python-test --subsuite telemetry-integration-tests fetches: build: - target.tar.bz2 - artifact: target.common.tests.tar.gz dest: tests - artifact: target.reftest.tests.tar.gz dest: tests when: files-changed: - 'toolkit/components/telemetry/**' telemetry-python: description: Python unit tests for Telemetry platform: - linux1804-64/opt - macosx1014-64/opt - windows10-64/opt python-version: [2] treeherder: symbol: tp run: using: python-test subsuite: telemetry-python fetches: toolchain: by-platform: linux1804-64/opt: - linux64-node-10 macosx1014-64/opt: - macosx64-node-10 windows10-64/opt: - win64-node-10 when: files-changed: - 'toolkit/components/telemetry/**' xpcom: description: xpcom unit tests platform: - linux1804-64/opt python-version: [3] treeherder: symbol: xpcom run: using: python-test subsuite: xpcom when: files-changed: - 'third_party/python/ply/**' - 'xpcom/ds/tools/**' - 'xpcom/ds/test/**' - 'xpcom/idl-parser/**'