# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ This transform passes options from `mach perftest` to the corresponding task. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from copy import deepcopy from datetime import date, timedelta import json from six import ensure_text, text_type from voluptuous import ( Any, Optional, Extra, ) from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence from taskgraph.util.schema import optionally_keyed_by, resolve_keyed_by, Schema from taskgraph.util.treeherder import split_symbol, join_symbol transforms = TransformSequence() perftest_description_schema = Schema( { # The test names and the symbols to use for them: [test-symbol, test-path] Optional("perftest"): [[text_type]], # Metrics to gather for the test. These will be merged # with options specified through perftest-perfherder-global Optional("perftest-metrics"): optionally_keyed_by( "perftest", Any( [text_type], {text_type: Any(None, {text_type: Any(None, text_type, [text_type])})}, ), ), # Perfherder data options that will be applied to # all metrics gathered. Optional("perftest-perfherder-global"): optionally_keyed_by( "perftest", {text_type: Any(None, text_type, [text_type])} ), # Extra options to add to the test's command Optional("perftest-extra-options"): optionally_keyed_by( "perftest", [text_type] ), # Variants of the test to make based on extra browsertime # arguments. Expecting: # [variant-suffix, options-to-use] # If variant-suffix is `null` then the options will be added # to the existing task. Otherwise, a new variant is created # with the given suffix and with its options replaced. Optional("perftest-btime-variants"): optionally_keyed_by( "perftest", [[Any(None, text_type)]] ), # These options will be parsed in the next schemas Extra: object, } ) transforms.add_validate(perftest_description_schema) @transforms.add def split_tests(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest") is None: yield job continue for test_symbol, test_name in job.pop("perftest"): job_new = deepcopy(job) job_new["perftest"] = test_symbol job_new["name"] += "-" + test_symbol job_new["treeherder"]["symbol"] = job["treeherder"]["symbol"].format( symbol=test_symbol ) job_new["run"]["command"] = job["run"]["command"].replace( "{perftest_testname}", test_name ) yield job_new @transforms.add def handle_keyed_by_perftest(config, jobs): fields = ["perftest-metrics", "perftest-extra-options", "perftest-btime-variants"] for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest") is None: yield job continue for field in fields: resolve_keyed_by(job, field, item_name=job["name"]) job.pop("perftest") yield job @transforms.add def parse_perftest_metrics(config, jobs): """Parse the metrics into a dictionary immediately. This way we can modify the extraOptions field (and others) entry through the transforms that come later. The metrics aren't formatted until the end of the transforms. """ for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest-metrics") is None: yield job continue perftest_metrics = job.pop("perftest-metrics") # If perftest metrics is a string, split it up first if isinstance(perftest_metrics, list): new_metrics_info = [{"name": metric} for metric in perftest_metrics] else: new_metrics_info = [] for metric, options in perftest_metrics.items(): entry = {"name": metric} entry.update(options) new_metrics_info.append(entry) job["perftest-metrics"] = new_metrics_info yield job @transforms.add def split_perftest_variants(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("variants") is None: yield job continue for variant in job.pop("variants"): job_new = deepcopy(job) group, symbol = split_symbol(job_new["treeherder"]["symbol"]) group += "-" + variant job_new["treeherder"]["symbol"] = join_symbol(group, symbol) job_new["name"] += "-" + variant job_new.setdefault("perftest-perfherder-global", {}).setdefault( "extraOptions", [] ).append(variant) job_new[variant] = True yield job_new yield job @transforms.add def split_btime_variants(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest-btime-variants") is None: yield job continue variants = job.pop("perftest-btime-variants") if not variants: yield job continue yield_existing = False for suffix, options in variants: if suffix is None: # Append options to the existing job job.setdefault("perftest-btime-variants", []).append(options) yield_existing = True else: job_new = deepcopy(job) group, symbol = split_symbol(job_new["treeherder"]["symbol"]) symbol += "-" + suffix job_new["treeherder"]["symbol"] = join_symbol(group, symbol) job_new["name"] += "-" + suffix job_new.setdefault("perftest-perfherder-global", {}).setdefault( "extraOptions", [] ).append(suffix) # Replace the existing options with the new ones job_new["perftest-btime-variants"] = [options] yield job_new # The existing job has been modified so we should also return it if yield_existing: yield job @transforms.add def setup_http3_tests(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("http3") is None or not job.pop("http3"): yield job continue job.setdefault("perftest-btime-variants", []).append( "firefox.preference=network.http.http3.enabled:true" ) yield job @transforms.add def setup_perftest_metrics(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest-metrics") is None: yield job continue perftest_metrics = job.pop("perftest-metrics") # Options to apply to each metric global_options = job.pop("perftest-perfherder-global", {}) for metric_info in perftest_metrics: for opt, val in global_options.items(): if isinstance(val, list) and opt in metric_info: metric_info[opt].extend(val) elif not (isinstance(val, list) and len(val) == 0): metric_info[opt] = val quote_escape = '\\"' if "win" in job.get("platform", ""): # Escaping is a bit different on windows platforms quote_escape = '\\\\\\"' job["run"]["command"] = job["run"]["command"].replace( "{perftest_metrics}", " ".join( [ ",".join( [ ":".join( [ option, str(value) .replace(" ", "") .replace("'", quote_escape), ] ) for option, value in metric_info.items() ] ) for metric_info in perftest_metrics ] ), ) yield job @transforms.add def setup_perftest_browsertime_variants(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest-btime-variants") is None: yield job continue job["run"]["command"] += " --browsertime-extra-options %s" % ",".join( [opt.strip() for opt in job.pop("perftest-btime-variants")] ) yield job @transforms.add def setup_perftest_extra_options(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if job.get("perftest-extra-options") is None: yield job continue job["run"]["command"] += " " + " ".join(job.pop("perftest-extra-options")) yield job @transforms.add def pass_perftest_options(config, jobs): for job in jobs: env = job.setdefault("worker", {}).setdefault("env", {}) env["PERFTEST_OPTIONS"] = ensure_text( json.dumps(config.params["try_task_config"].get("perftest-options")) ) yield job @transforms.add def setup_perftest_test_date(config, jobs): for job in jobs: if ( job.get("attributes", {}).get("batch", False) and "--test-date" not in job["run"]["command"] ): yesterday = (date.today() - timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y.%m.%d") job["run"]["command"] += " --test-date %s" % yesterday yield job