#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=UTF-8 from __future__ import absolute_import import zipfile from six import BytesIO from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlunsplit import mozhttpd import mozunit from conftest import fspath def test_symbols_path_not_present(check_for_crashes, minidump_files): """Test that no symbols path let mozcrash try to find the symbols.""" assert 1 == check_for_crashes(symbols_path=None) def test_symbols_path_unicode(check_for_crashes, minidump_files, tmpdir, capsys): """Test that check_for_crashes can handle unicode in dump_directory.""" symbols_path = tmpdir.mkdir(u"🍪") assert 1 == check_for_crashes(symbols_path=fspath(symbols_path), quiet=False) out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert fspath(symbols_path) in out def test_symbols_path_url(check_for_crashes, minidump_files): """Test that passing a URL as symbols_path correctly fetches the URL.""" data = {"retrieved": False} def make_zipfile(): data = BytesIO() z = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w") z.writestr("symbols.txt", "abc/xyz") z.close() return data.getvalue() def get_symbols(req): data["retrieved"] = True headers = {} return (200, headers, make_zipfile()) httpd = mozhttpd.MozHttpd( port=0, urlhandlers=[{"method": "GET", "path": "/symbols", "function": get_symbols}], ) httpd.start() symbol_url = urlunsplit( ("http", "%s:%d" % httpd.httpd.server_address, "/symbols", "", "") ) assert 1 == check_for_crashes(symbols_path=symbol_url) assert data["retrieved"] if __name__ == "__main__": mozunit.main()