[trailing-dot.https.sub.any.serviceworker.html] [Fetching a resource from a cross-site host, spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same origin, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same site, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [trailing-dot.https.sub.any.html] [Fetching a resource from a cross-site host, spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same origin, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same site, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [trailing-dot.https.sub.any.worker.html] [Fetching a resource from a cross-site host, spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same origin, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same site, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [trailing-dot.https.sub.any.sharedworker.html] [Fetching a resource from a cross-site host, spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same origin, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL [Fetching a resource from the same site, but spelled with a trailing dot.] expected: FAIL