[Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the animation is in play-pending state.]
expected: FAIL
[Initial current time is scaled by playbackRate set while scroll-linked animation is in running state.]
expected: FAIL
[The current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the scroll-linked animation is in play state.]
expected: FAIL
[Reversing the playback rate while playing correctly impacts current time during future scrolls]
expected: FAIL
[Setting the playback rate while playing preserves the current time from scrollTimeline.]
expected: FAIL
[Zero initial playback rate should correctly modify initial current time.]
expected: FAIL
[The playback rate affects the rate of progress of the current time when scrolling]
expected: FAIL
[Setting the playback rate while play-pending preserves the set current time.]
expected: FAIL
[Setting the playback rate while play-pending preserves the current time from scrollTimeline.]
expected: FAIL
[Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the animation is in idle state.]
expected: FAIL
[The playback rate set before scroll-linked animation started playing affects the rate of progress of the current time]
expected: FAIL
[Negative initial playback rate should correctly modify initial current time.]
expected: FAIL
[Setting a zero playback rate while running preserves the current time]
expected: FAIL
[Setting the playback rate while playing preserves the set current time.]
expected: FAIL