[automation-rate.html] [X Default AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [X Default AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [< [AudioBufferSourceNode\] 4 out of 4 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default BiquadFilterNode.frequency.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default BiquadFilterNode.detune.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default BiquadFilterNode.Q.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default BiquadFilterNode.gain.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [BiquadFilterNode\] 4 out of 12 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default ConstantSourceNode.offset.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [ConstantSourceNode\] 1 out of 3 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default DelayNode.delayTime.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [DelayNode\] 1 out of 3 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [X Default DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [X Default DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [X Default DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [X Default DynamicsCompressorNode.release.automationRate is not equal to k-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.release.automationRate to "a-rate" did not throw an exception.] expected: FAIL [< [DynamicsCompressorNode\] 10 out of 10 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default GainNode.gain.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [GainNode\] 1 out of 3 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default OscillatorNode.frequency.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default OscillatorNode.detune.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [OscillatorNode\] 2 out of 6 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.positionX.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.positionY.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.positionZ.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.orientationX.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.orientationY.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [X Default PannerNode.orientationZ.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [PannerNode\] 6 out of 18 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [X Default StereoPannerNode.pan.automationRate is not equal to a-rate. Got undefined.] expected: FAIL [< [StereoPannerNode\] 1 out of 3 assertions were failed.] expected: FAIL [Executing "AudioListener"] expected: FAIL [# AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 9 out of 10 tasks were failed.] expected: FAIL