#!/usr/bin/env python import datetime import json import time from base64 import b64decode from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_decode, isomorphic_encode NOTEHDRS = set([u'content-type', u'access-control-allow-origin', u'last-modified', u'etag']) NOBODYSTATUS = set([204, 304]) LOCATIONHDRS = set([u'location', u'content-location']) DATEHDRS = set([u'date', u'expires', u'last-modified']) def main(request, response): dispatch = request.GET.first(b"dispatch", None) uuid = request.GET.first(b"uuid", None) if request.method == u"OPTIONS": return handle_preflight(uuid, request, response) if not uuid: response.status = (404, b"Not Found") response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") return b"UUID not found" if dispatch == b'test': return handle_test(uuid, request, response) elif dispatch == b'state': return handle_state(uuid, request, response) response.status = (404, b"Not Found") response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") return b"Fallthrough" def handle_preflight(uuid, request, response): response.status = (200, b"OK") response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*") response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Allow-Methods", b"GET") response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Allow-Headers", b"*") response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Max-Age", b"86400") return b"Preflight request" def handle_state(uuid, request, response): response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") return json.dumps(request.server.stash.take(uuid)) def handle_test(uuid, request, response): server_state = request.server.stash.take(uuid) or [] try: requests = json.loads(b64decode(request.headers.get(b'Test-Requests', b""))) except: response.status = (400, b"Bad Request") response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") return b"No or bad Test-Requests request header" config = requests[len(server_state)] if not config: response.status = (404, b"Not Found") response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") return b"Config not found" noted_headers = {} now = time.time() for header in config.get(u'response_headers', []): if header[0].lower() in LOCATIONHDRS: # magic locations if (len(header[1]) > 0): header[1] = u"%s&target=%s" % (request.url, header[1]) else: header[1] = request.url if header[0].lower() in DATEHDRS and isinstance(header[1], int): # magic dates header[1] = http_date(now, header[1]) response.headers.set(isomorphic_encode(header[0]), isomorphic_encode(header[1])) if header[0].lower() in NOTEHDRS: noted_headers[header[0].lower()] = header[1] state = { u'now': now, u'request_method': request.method, u'request_headers': dict([[isomorphic_decode(h.lower()), isomorphic_decode(request.headers[h])] for h in request.headers]), u'response_headers': noted_headers } server_state.append(state) request.server.stash.put(uuid, server_state) if u"access-control-allow-origin" not in noted_headers: response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*") if u"content-type" not in noted_headers: response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain") response.headers.set(b"Server-Request-Count", len(server_state)) code, phrase = config.get(u"response_status", [200, b"OK"]) if config.get(u"expected_type", u"").endswith(u'validated'): ref_hdrs = server_state[0][u'response_headers'] previous_lm = ref_hdrs.get(u'last-modified', False) if previous_lm and request.headers.get(b"If-Modified-Since", False) == isomorphic_encode(previous_lm): code, phrase = [304, b"Not Modified"] previous_etag = ref_hdrs.get(u'etag', False) if previous_etag and request.headers.get(b"If-None-Match", False) == isomorphic_encode(previous_etag): code, phrase = [304, b"Not Modified"] if code != 304: code, phrase = [999, b'304 Not Generated'] response.status = (code, phrase) content = config.get(u"response_body", uuid) if code in NOBODYSTATUS: return b"" return content def get_header(headers, header_name): result = None for header in headers: if header[0].lower() == header_name.lower(): result = header[1] return result WEEKDAYS = [u'Mon', u'Tue', u'Wed', u'Thu', u'Fri', u'Sat', u'Sun'] MONTHS = [None, u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mar', u'Apr', u'May', u'Jun', u'Jul', u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Oct', u'Nov', u'Dec'] def http_date(now, delta_secs=0): date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now + delta_secs) return u"%s, %.2d %s %.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT" % ( WEEKDAYS[date.weekday()], date.day, MONTHS[date.month], date.year, date.hour, date.minute, date.second)