/* * Copyright (c) 2004 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "media/base/codec.h" #include #include #include "media/base/h264_profile_level_id.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "rtc_base/stringencode.h" #include "rtc_base/stringutils.h" namespace cricket { FeedbackParams::FeedbackParams() = default; bool FeedbackParam::operator==(const FeedbackParam& other) const { return _stricmp(other.id().c_str(), id().c_str()) == 0 && _stricmp(other.param().c_str(), param().c_str()) == 0; } bool FeedbackParams::operator==(const FeedbackParams& other) const { return params_ == other.params_; } bool FeedbackParams::Has(const FeedbackParam& param) const { return std::find(params_.begin(), params_.end(), param) != params_.end(); } void FeedbackParams::Add(const FeedbackParam& param) { if (param.id().empty()) { return; } if (Has(param)) { // Param already in |this|. return; } params_.push_back(param); RTC_CHECK(!HasDuplicateEntries()); } void FeedbackParams::Intersect(const FeedbackParams& from) { std::vector::iterator iter_to = params_.begin(); while (iter_to != params_.end()) { if (!from.Has(*iter_to)) { iter_to = params_.erase(iter_to); } else { ++iter_to; } } } bool FeedbackParams::HasDuplicateEntries() const { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = params_.begin(); iter != params_.end(); ++iter) { for (std::vector::const_iterator found = iter + 1; found != params_.end(); ++found) { if (*found == *iter) { return true; } } } return false; } Codec::Codec(int id, const std::string& name, int clockrate) : id(id), name(name), clockrate(clockrate) {} Codec::Codec() : id(0), clockrate(0) {} Codec::Codec(const Codec& c) = default; Codec::Codec(Codec&& c) = default; Codec::~Codec() = default; Codec& Codec::operator=(const Codec& c) = default; Codec& Codec::operator=(Codec&& c) = default; bool Codec::operator==(const Codec& c) const { return this->id == c.id && // id is reserved in objective-c name == c.name && clockrate == c.clockrate && params == c.params && feedback_params == c.feedback_params; } bool Codec::Matches(const Codec& codec) const { // Match the codec id/name based on the typical static/dynamic name rules. // Matching is case-insensitive. const int kMaxStaticPayloadId = 95; return (id <= kMaxStaticPayloadId || codec.id <= kMaxStaticPayloadId) ? (id == codec.id) : (_stricmp(name.c_str(), codec.name.c_str()) == 0); } bool Codec::GetParam(const std::string& name, std::string* out) const { CodecParameterMap::const_iterator iter = params.find(name); if (iter == params.end()) return false; *out = iter->second; return true; } bool Codec::GetParam(const std::string& name, int* out) const { CodecParameterMap::const_iterator iter = params.find(name); if (iter == params.end()) return false; return rtc::FromString(iter->second, out); } void Codec::SetParam(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { params[name] = value; } void Codec::SetParam(const std::string& name, int value) { params[name] = rtc::ToString(value); } bool Codec::RemoveParam(const std::string& name) { return params.erase(name) == 1; } void Codec::AddFeedbackParam(const FeedbackParam& param) { feedback_params.Add(param); } bool Codec::HasFeedbackParam(const FeedbackParam& param) const { return feedback_params.Has(param); } void Codec::IntersectFeedbackParams(const Codec& other) { feedback_params.Intersect(other.feedback_params); } webrtc::RtpCodecParameters Codec::ToCodecParameters() const { webrtc::RtpCodecParameters codec_params; codec_params.payload_type = id; codec_params.name = name; codec_params.clock_rate = clockrate; return codec_params; } AudioCodec::AudioCodec(int id, const std::string& name, int clockrate, int bitrate, size_t channels) : Codec(id, name, clockrate), bitrate(bitrate), channels(channels) {} AudioCodec::AudioCodec() : Codec(), bitrate(0), channels(0) { } AudioCodec::AudioCodec(const AudioCodec& c) = default; AudioCodec::AudioCodec(AudioCodec&& c) = default; AudioCodec& AudioCodec::operator=(const AudioCodec& c) = default; AudioCodec& AudioCodec::operator=(AudioCodec&& c) = default; bool AudioCodec::operator==(const AudioCodec& c) const { return bitrate == c.bitrate && channels == c.channels && Codec::operator==(c); } bool AudioCodec::Matches(const AudioCodec& codec) const { // If a nonzero clockrate is specified, it must match the actual clockrate. // If a nonzero bitrate is specified, it must match the actual bitrate, // unless the codec is VBR (0), where we just force the supplied value. // The number of channels must match exactly, with the exception // that channels=0 is treated synonymously as channels=1, per RFC // 4566 section 6: " [The channels] parameter is OPTIONAL and may be // omitted if the number of channels is one." // Preference is ignored. // TODO(juberti): Treat a zero clockrate as 8000Hz, the RTP default clockrate. return Codec::Matches(codec) && ((codec.clockrate == 0 /*&& clockrate == 8000*/) || clockrate == codec.clockrate) && (codec.bitrate == 0 || bitrate <= 0 || bitrate == codec.bitrate) && ((codec.channels < 2 && channels < 2) || channels == codec.channels); } std::string AudioCodec::ToString() const { std::ostringstream os; os << "AudioCodec[" << id << ":" << name << ":" << clockrate << ":" << bitrate << ":" << channels << "]"; return os.str(); } webrtc::RtpCodecParameters AudioCodec::ToCodecParameters() const { webrtc::RtpCodecParameters codec_params = Codec::ToCodecParameters(); codec_params.num_channels = static_cast(channels); codec_params.kind = MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; return codec_params; } std::string VideoCodec::ToString() const { std::ostringstream os; os << "VideoCodec[" << id << ":" << name << "]"; return os.str(); } webrtc::RtpCodecParameters VideoCodec::ToCodecParameters() const { webrtc::RtpCodecParameters codec_params = Codec::ToCodecParameters(); codec_params.kind = MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; return codec_params; } VideoCodec::VideoCodec(int id, const std::string& name) : Codec(id, name, kVideoCodecClockrate) { SetDefaultParameters(); } VideoCodec::VideoCodec(const std::string& name) : VideoCodec(0 /* id */, name) { SetDefaultParameters(); } VideoCodec::VideoCodec() : Codec() { clockrate = kVideoCodecClockrate; } VideoCodec::VideoCodec(const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& c) : Codec(0 /* id */, c.name, kVideoCodecClockrate) { params = c.parameters; } VideoCodec::VideoCodec(const VideoCodec& c) = default; VideoCodec::VideoCodec(VideoCodec&& c) = default; VideoCodec& VideoCodec::operator=(const VideoCodec& c) = default; VideoCodec& VideoCodec::operator=(VideoCodec&& c) = default; void VideoCodec::SetDefaultParameters() { if (_stricmp(kH264CodecName, name.c_str()) == 0) { // This default is set for all H.264 codecs created because // that was the default before packetization mode support was added. // TODO(hta): Move this to the places that create VideoCodecs from // SDP or from knowledge of implementation capabilities. SetParam(kH264FmtpPacketizationMode, "1"); } } bool VideoCodec::operator==(const VideoCodec& c) const { return Codec::operator==(c); } bool VideoCodec::Matches(const VideoCodec& other) const { if (!Codec::Matches(other)) return false; if (CodecNamesEq(name.c_str(), kH264CodecName)) return webrtc::H264::IsSameH264Profile(params, other.params); return true; } VideoCodec VideoCodec::CreateRtxCodec(int rtx_payload_type, int associated_payload_type) { VideoCodec rtx_codec(rtx_payload_type, kRtxCodecName); rtx_codec.SetParam(kCodecParamAssociatedPayloadType, associated_payload_type); return rtx_codec; } VideoCodec::CodecType VideoCodec::GetCodecType() const { const char* payload_name = name.c_str(); if (_stricmp(payload_name, kRedCodecName) == 0) { return CODEC_RED; } if (_stricmp(payload_name, kUlpfecCodecName) == 0) { return CODEC_ULPFEC; } if (_stricmp(payload_name, kFlexfecCodecName) == 0) { return CODEC_FLEXFEC; } if (_stricmp(payload_name, kRtxCodecName) == 0) { return CODEC_RTX; } return CODEC_VIDEO; } bool VideoCodec::ValidateCodecFormat() const { if (id < 0 || id > 127) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Codec with invalid payload type: " << ToString(); return false; } if (GetCodecType() != CODEC_VIDEO) { return true; } // Video validation from here on. int min_bitrate = -1; int max_bitrate = -1; if (GetParam(kCodecParamMinBitrate, &min_bitrate) && GetParam(kCodecParamMaxBitrate, &max_bitrate)) { if (max_bitrate < min_bitrate) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Codec with max < min bitrate: " << ToString(); return false; } } return true; } DataCodec::DataCodec(int id, const std::string& name) : Codec(id, name, kDataCodecClockrate) {} DataCodec::DataCodec() : Codec() { clockrate = kDataCodecClockrate; } DataCodec::DataCodec(const DataCodec& c) = default; DataCodec::DataCodec(DataCodec&& c) = default; DataCodec& DataCodec::operator=(const DataCodec& c) = default; DataCodec& DataCodec::operator=(DataCodec&& c) = default; std::string DataCodec::ToString() const { std::ostringstream os; os << "DataCodec[" << id << ":" << name << "]"; return os.str(); } bool HasNack(const Codec& codec) { return codec.HasFeedbackParam( FeedbackParam(kRtcpFbParamNack, kParamValueEmpty)); } bool HasRemb(const Codec& codec) { return codec.HasFeedbackParam( FeedbackParam(kRtcpFbParamRemb, kParamValueEmpty)); } bool HasTransportCc(const Codec& codec) { return codec.HasFeedbackParam( FeedbackParam(kRtcpFbParamTransportCc, kParamValueEmpty)); } bool CodecNamesEq(const std::string& name1, const std::string& name2) { return CodecNamesEq(name1.c_str(), name2.c_str()); } bool CodecNamesEq(const char* name1, const char* name2) { return _stricmp(name1, name2) == 0; } const VideoCodec* FindMatchingCodec( const std::vector& supported_codecs, const VideoCodec& codec) { for (const VideoCodec& supported_codec : supported_codecs) { if (IsSameCodec(codec.name, codec.params, supported_codec.name, supported_codec.params)) { return &supported_codec; } } return nullptr; } bool IsSameCodec(const std::string& name1, const CodecParameterMap& params1, const std::string& name2, const CodecParameterMap& params2) { // If different names (case insensitive), then not same formats. if (!CodecNamesEq(name1, name2)) return false; // For every format besides H264, comparing names is enough. return !CodecNamesEq(name1.c_str(), kH264CodecName) || webrtc::H264::IsSameH264Profile(params1, params2); } } // namespace cricket