# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import("../../webrtc.gni") # Note this target is missing an implementation for the video capture. # Targets must link with either 'video_capture' or # 'video_capture_internal_impl' depending on whether they want to # use the internal capturer. rtc_static_library("video_capture_module") { sources = [ "device_info_impl.cc", "device_info_impl.h", "video_capture.h", "video_capture_config.h", "video_capture_defines.h", "video_capture_factory.cc", "video_capture_factory.h", "video_capture_impl.cc", "video_capture_impl.h", ] deps = [ "..:module_api", "../..:webrtc_common", "../../api:video_frame_api_i420", "../../common_video", "../../rtc_base:rtc_base_approved", "../../system_wrappers", ] if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) { # Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (bugs.webrtc.org/163). suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ] } } rtc_static_library("video_capture") { sources = [ "external/device_info_external.cc", "external/video_capture_external.cc", ] deps = [ ":video_capture_module", "../../rtc_base:rtc_base_approved", "../../system_wrappers", ] if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) { # Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (bugs.webrtc.org/163). suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ] } } if (!build_with_chromium) { config("video_capture_internal_impl_config") { if (is_ios || is_mac) { libs = [ "AVFoundation.framework", "CoreMedia.framework", "CoreVideo.framework", ] } } config("video_capture_internal_impl_warnings_config") { if (is_win && is_clang) { cflags = [ "-Wno-comment", "-Wno-ignored-attributes", # See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=6269 # for -Wno-ignored-qualifiers "-Wno-ignored-qualifiers", "-Wno-microsoft-extra-qualification", "-Wno-missing-braces", "-Wno-overloaded-virtual", "-Wno-reorder", "-Wno-writable-strings", ] } } rtc_source_set("video_capture_internal_impl") { configs += [ ":video_capture_internal_impl_warnings_config" ] deps = [ ":video_capture_module", "../../rtc_base:rtc_base_approved", "../../system_wrappers", ] if (is_linux || is_bsd) { sources = [ "linux/device_info_linux.cc", "linux/device_info_linux.h", "linux/video_capture_linux.cc", "linux/video_capture_linux.h", ] deps += [ "../..:webrtc_common", "../../media:rtc_media_base", ] } if (is_win) { sources = [ "windows/device_info_ds.cc", "windows/device_info_ds.h", "windows/help_functions_ds.cc", "windows/help_functions_ds.h", "windows/sink_filter_ds.cc", "windows/sink_filter_ds.h", "windows/video_capture_ds.cc", "windows/video_capture_ds.h", "windows/video_capture_factory_windows.cc", ] libs = [ "Strmiids.lib" ] } all_dependent_configs = [ ":video_capture_internal_impl_config" ] if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) { # Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (bugs.webrtc.org/163). suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ] } } if (!is_android && rtc_include_tests) { rtc_test("video_capture_tests") { sources = [ "test/video_capture_unittest.cc", ] cflags = [] if (is_linux || is_mac) { cflags += [ "-Wno-write-strings" ] } ldflags = [] if (is_linux || is_mac) { ldflags += [ "-lpthread", "-lm", ] } if (is_linux) { ldflags += [ "-lrt", "-lXext", "-lX11", ] } deps = [ ":video_capture_internal_impl", ":video_capture_module", "../../api:video_frame_api_i420", "../../common_video:common_video", "../../rtc_base:rtc_base_approved", "../../system_wrappers:system_wrappers", "../../system_wrappers:system_wrappers_default", "../../test:video_test_common", "../utility", "//testing/gtest", ] deps += [ "../../test:test_main" ] if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) { # Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (bugs.webrtc.org/163). suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ] } } } }