from __future__ import print_function import collections import contextlib import gzip import json import logging import sys import time import zlib from io import BytesIO from tornado.web import RequestHandler from tornado import httputil from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from urllib3.packages.six.moves.http_client import responses from urllib3.packages.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit from urllib3.packages.six import binary_type, ensure_str log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Response(object): def __init__(self, body="", status="200 OK", headers=None): self.body = body self.status = status self.headers = headers or [("Content-type", "text/plain")] def __call__(self, request_handler): status, reason = self.status.split(" ", 1) request_handler.set_status(int(status), reason) for header, value in self.headers: request_handler.add_header(header, value) # chunked if isinstance(self.body, list): for item in self.body: if not isinstance(item, bytes): item = item.encode("utf8") request_handler.write(item) request_handler.flush() else: body = self.body if not isinstance(body, bytes): body = body.encode("utf8") request_handler.write(body) RETRY_TEST_NAMES = collections.defaultdict(int) class TestingApp(RequestHandler): """ Simple app that performs various operations, useful for testing an HTTP library. Given any path, it will attempt to load a corresponding local method if it exists. Status code 200 indicates success, 400 indicates failure. Each method has its own conditions for success/failure. """ def get(self): """ Handle GET requests """ self._call_method() def post(self): """ Handle POST requests """ self._call_method() def put(self): """ Handle PUT requests """ self._call_method() def options(self): """ Handle OPTIONS requests """ self._call_method() def head(self): """ Handle HEAD requests """ self._call_method() def _call_method(self): """ Call the correct method in this class based on the incoming URI """ req = self.request req.params = {} for k, v in req.arguments.items(): req.params[k] = next(iter(v)) path = req.path[:] if not path.startswith("/"): path = urlsplit(path).path target = path[1:].split("/", 1)[0] method = getattr(self, target, self.index) resp = method(req) if dict(resp.headers).get("Connection") == "close": # FIXME: Can we kill the connection somehow? pass resp(self) def index(self, _request): "Render simple message" return Response("Dummy server!") def certificate(self, request): """Return the requester's certificate.""" cert = request.get_ssl_certificate() subject = dict() if cert is not None: subject = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in [y for z in cert["subject"] for y in z]) return Response(json.dumps(subject)) def source_address(self, request): """Return the requester's IP address.""" return Response(request.remote_ip) def set_up(self, request): test_type = request.params.get("test_type") test_id = request.params.get("test_id") if test_id: print("\nNew test %s: %s" % (test_type, test_id)) else: print("\nNew test %s" % test_type) return Response("Dummy server is ready!") def specific_method(self, request): "Confirm that the request matches the desired method type" method = request.params.get("method") if method and not isinstance(method, str): method = method.decode("utf8") if request.method != method: return Response( "Wrong method: %s != %s" % (method, request.method), status="400 Bad Request", ) return Response() def upload(self, request): "Confirm that the uploaded file conforms to specification" # FIXME: This is a huge broken mess param = request.params.get("upload_param", b"myfile").decode("ascii") filename = request.params.get("upload_filename", b"").decode("utf-8") size = int(request.params.get("upload_size", "0")) files_ = request.files.get(param) if len(files_) != 1: return Response( "Expected 1 file for '%s', not %d" % (param, len(files_)), status="400 Bad Request", ) file_ = files_[0] data = file_["body"] if int(size) != len(data): return Response( "Wrong size: %d != %d" % (size, len(data)), status="400 Bad Request" ) got_filename = file_["filename"] if isinstance(got_filename, binary_type): got_filename = got_filename.decode("utf-8") # Tornado can leave the trailing \n in place on the filename. if filename != got_filename: return Response( u"Wrong filename: %s != %s" % (filename, file_.filename), status="400 Bad Request", ) return Response() def redirect(self, request): "Perform a redirect to ``target``" target = request.params.get("target", "/") status = request.params.get("status", "303 See Other") if len(status) == 3: status = "%s Redirect" % status.decode("latin-1") headers = [("Location", target)] return Response(status=status, headers=headers) def not_found(self, request): return Response("Not found", status="404 Not Found") def multi_redirect(self, request): "Performs a redirect chain based on ``redirect_codes``" codes = request.params.get("redirect_codes", b"200").decode("utf-8") head, tail = codes.split(",", 1) if "," in codes else (codes, None) status = "{0} {1}".format(head, responses[int(head)]) if not tail: return Response("Done redirecting", status=status) headers = [("Location", "/multi_redirect?redirect_codes=%s" % tail)] return Response(status=status, headers=headers) def keepalive(self, request): if request.params.get("close", b"0") == b"1": headers = [("Connection", "close")] return Response("Closing", headers=headers) headers = [("Connection", "keep-alive")] return Response("Keeping alive", headers=headers) def echo_params(self, request): params = sorted( [(ensure_str(k), ensure_str(v)) for k, v in request.params.items()] ) return Response(repr(params)) def sleep(self, request): "Sleep for a specified amount of ``seconds``" # DO NOT USE THIS, IT'S DEPRECATED. # FIXME: Delete this once appengine tests are fixed to not use this handler. seconds = float(request.params.get("seconds", "1")) time.sleep(seconds) return Response() def echo(self, request): "Echo back the params" if request.method == "GET": return Response(request.query) return Response(request.body) def echo_uri(self, request): "Echo back the requested URI" return Response(request.uri) def encodingrequest(self, request): "Check for UA accepting gzip/deflate encoding" data = b"hello, world!" encoding = request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "") headers = None if encoding == "gzip": headers = [("Content-Encoding", "gzip")] file_ = BytesIO() with contextlib.closing( gzip.GzipFile("", mode="w", fileobj=file_) ) as zipfile: zipfile.write(data) data = file_.getvalue() elif encoding == "deflate": headers = [("Content-Encoding", "deflate")] data = zlib.compress(data) elif encoding == "garbage-gzip": headers = [("Content-Encoding", "gzip")] data = "garbage" elif encoding == "garbage-deflate": headers = [("Content-Encoding", "deflate")] data = "garbage" return Response(data, headers=headers) def headers(self, request): return Response(json.dumps(dict(request.headers))) def successful_retry(self, request): """ Handler which will return an error and then success It's not currently very flexible as the number of retries is hard-coded. """ test_name = request.headers.get("test-name", None) if not test_name: return Response("test-name header not set", status="400 Bad Request") RETRY_TEST_NAMES[test_name] += 1 if RETRY_TEST_NAMES[test_name] >= 2: return Response("Retry successful!") else: return Response("need to keep retrying!", status="418 I'm A Teapot") def chunked(self, request): return Response(["123"] * 4) def chunked_gzip(self, request): chunks = [] compressor = zlib.compressobj(6, zlib.DEFLATED, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) for uncompressed in [b"123"] * 4: chunks.append(compressor.compress(uncompressed)) chunks.append(compressor.flush()) return Response(chunks, headers=[("Content-Encoding", "gzip")]) def nbytes(self, request): length = int(request.params.get("length")) data = b"1" * length return Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")]) def status(self, request): status = request.params.get("status", "200 OK") return Response(status=status) def retry_after(self, request): if - self.application.last_req < timedelta(seconds=1): status = request.params.get("status", b"429 Too Many Requests") return Response( status=status.decode("utf-8"), headers=[("Retry-After", "1")] ) self.application.last_req = return Response(status="200 OK") def redirect_after(self, request): "Perform a redirect to ``target``" date = request.params.get("date") if date: retry_after = str( httputil.format_timestamp(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(date))) ) else: retry_after = "1" target = request.params.get("target", "/") headers = [("Location", target), ("Retry-After", retry_after)] return Response(status="303 See Other", headers=headers) def shutdown(self, request): sys.exit()