[tox] envlist = python minversion = 3.2 # https://github.com/jaraco/skeleton/issues/6 tox_pip_extensions_ext_venv_update = true # Ensure that a late version of pip is used even on tox-venv. requires = tox-pip-version>=0.0.6 tox-venv [testenv] deps = pip_version = pip commands = python -m unittest discover usedevelop = True extras = testing [testenv:docs] extras = docs testing changedir = docs commands = python -m sphinx . {toxinidir}/build/html [testenv:release] skip_install = True deps = pep517>=0.5 twine[keyring]>=1.13 path passenv = TWINE_PASSWORD setenv = TWINE_USERNAME = {env:TWINE_USERNAME:__token__} commands = python -c "import path; path.Path('dist').rmtree_p()" python -m pep517.build . python -m twine upload dist/*