use bumpalo::Bump; use rand::Rng; use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// A custom allocator that wraps the system allocator, but lets us force /// allocation failures for testing. struct Allocator(AtomicBool); impl Allocator { fn is_returning_null(&self) -> bool { self.0.load(Ordering::SeqCst) } fn set_returning_null(&self, returning_null: bool) {, Ordering::SeqCst); } fn toggle_returning_null(&self) { self.set_returning_null(!self.is_returning_null()); } #[allow(dead_code)] // Silence warnings for non-"collections" builds. fn with_successful_allocs(&self, callback: F) -> T where F: FnOnce() -> T, { let old_returning_null = self.is_returning_null(); self.set_returning_null(false); let result = callback(); self.set_returning_null(old_returning_null); result } fn with_alloc_failures(&self, callback: F) -> T where F: FnOnce() -> T, { let old_returning_null = self.is_returning_null(); self.set_returning_null(true); let result = callback(); self.set_returning_null(old_returning_null); result } } unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for Allocator { unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { if self.is_returning_null() { core::ptr::null_mut() } else { System.alloc(layout) } } unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { System.dealloc(ptr, layout); } unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 { if self.is_returning_null() { core::ptr::null_mut() } else { System.realloc(ptr, layout, new_size) } } } #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR: Allocator = Allocator(AtomicBool::new(false)); /// `assert!` may allocate on failure (e.g. for string formatting and boxing /// panic info), so we must re-enable allocations during assertions. macro_rules! assert { ($cond:expr $(, $args:tt)*) => { if !$cond { GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.set_returning_null(false); panic!(concat!("Assertion failed: ", stringify!($cond))); } }; } /// NB: We provide our own `main` rather than using the default test harness's /// so that we can ensure that tests are executed serially, and no background /// threads get tripped up by us disabling the global allocator, or anything /// like that. fn main() { macro_rules! test { ($name:expr, $test:expr $(,)*) => { ($name, $test as fn()) }; } let tests = [ test!("Bump::try_new fails when global allocator fails", || { GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.with_alloc_failures(|| { assert!(Bump::try_new().is_err()); }); }), test!( "test try_alloc_layout with and without global allocation failures", || { const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5000; const MAX_BYTES_ALLOCATED: usize = 65536; let mut bump = Bump::try_new().unwrap(); let mut bytes_allocated = bump.chunk_capacity(); // Bump preallocates space in the initial chunk, so we need to // use up this block prior to the actual test let layout = Layout::from_size_align(bump.chunk_capacity(), 1).unwrap(); assert!(bump.try_alloc_layout(layout).is_ok()); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { if rng.gen() { GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.toggle_returning_null(); } let layout = Layout::from_size_align(bump.chunk_capacity() + 1, 1).unwrap(); if GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.is_returning_null() { assert!(bump.try_alloc_layout(layout).is_err()); } else { assert!(bump.try_alloc_layout(layout).is_ok()); bytes_allocated += bump.chunk_capacity(); } if bytes_allocated >= MAX_BYTES_ALLOCATED { bump = GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.with_successful_allocs(|| Bump::try_new().unwrap()); bytes_allocated = bump.chunk_capacity(); } } }, ), #[cfg(feature = "collections")] test!("test Vec::try_reserve and Vec::try_reserve_exact", || { use bumpalo::collections::Vec; let bump = Bump::try_new().unwrap(); GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.with_alloc_failures(|| { let mut vec = Vec::::new_in(&bump); let chunk_cap = bump.chunk_capacity(); // Will always succeed since this size gets pre-allocated in Bump::try_new() assert!(vec.try_reserve(chunk_cap).is_ok()); assert!(vec.try_reserve_exact(chunk_cap).is_ok()); // Fails to allocate futher since allocator returns null assert!(vec.try_reserve(chunk_cap + 1).is_err()); assert!(vec.try_reserve_exact(chunk_cap + 1).is_err()); }); GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.with_successful_allocs(|| { let mut vec = Vec::::new_in(&bump); let chunk_cap = bump.chunk_capacity(); // Will always succeed since this size gets pre-allocated in Bump::try_new() assert!(vec.try_reserve(chunk_cap).is_ok()); assert!(vec.try_reserve_exact(chunk_cap).is_ok()); // Succeeds to allocate further assert!(vec.try_reserve(chunk_cap + 1).is_ok()); assert!(vec.try_reserve_exact(chunk_cap + 1).is_ok()); }); }), ]; for (name, test) in tests.iter() { assert!(!GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.is_returning_null()); eprintln!("=== {} ===", name); test(); GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR.set_returning_null(false); } }