use super::{Input, VariableOutput, ExtendableOutput, Reset, XofReader}; use core::fmt::Debug; #[macro_export] macro_rules! new_test { ($name:ident, $test_name:expr, $hasher:ty, $test_func:ident) => { #[test] fn $name() { use digest::blobby::Blob2Iterator; let data = include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $test_name, ".blb")); for (i, row) in Blob2Iterator::new(data).unwrap().enumerate() { let input = row[0]; let output = row[1]; if let Some(desc) = $test_func::<$hasher>(input, output) { panic!("\n\ Failed test №{}: {}\n\ input:\t{:?}\n\ output:\t{:?}\n", i, desc, input, output, ); } } } } } // module to separate Digest from other traits mod foo { use super::super::Digest; use core::fmt::Debug; pub fn digest_test(input: &[u8], output: &[u8]) -> Option<&'static str> where D: Digest + Debug + Clone { let mut hasher = D::new(); // Test that it works when accepting the message all at once hasher.input(input); let mut hasher2 = hasher.clone(); if hasher.result().as_slice() != output { return Some("whole message"); } // Test if reset works correctly hasher2.reset(); hasher2.input(input); if hasher2.result().as_slice() != output { return Some("whole message after reset"); } // Test that it works when accepting the message in pieces let mut hasher = D::new(); let len = input.len(); let mut left = len; while left > 0 { let take = (left + 1) / 2; hasher.input(&input[len - left..take + len - left]); left = left - take; } if hasher.result().as_slice() != output { return Some("message in pieces"); } // Test processing byte-by-byte let mut hasher = D::new(); for chunk in input.chunks(1) { hasher.input(chunk) } if hasher.result().as_slice() != output { return Some("message byte-by-byte"); } None } pub fn one_million_a(expected: &[u8]) where D: Digest + Debug + Clone { let mut sh = D::new(); for _ in 0..50_000 { sh.input(&[b'a'; 10]); } sh.input(&[b'a'; 500_000][..]); let out = sh.result(); assert_eq!(out[..], expected[..]); } } pub use self::foo::{digest_test, one_million_a}; pub fn xof_test(input: &[u8], output: &[u8]) -> Option<&'static str> where D: Input + ExtendableOutput + Default + Debug + Reset + Clone { let mut hasher = D::default(); let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; // Test that it works when accepting the message all at once hasher.input(input); let mut hasher2 = hasher.clone(); { let out = &mut buf[..output.len()]; hasher.xof_result().read(out); if out != output { return Some("whole message"); } } // Test if hasher resets correctly hasher2.reset(); hasher2.input(input); { let out = &mut buf[..output.len()]; hasher2.xof_result().read(out); if out != output { return Some("whole message after reset"); } } // Test if hasher accepts message in pieces correctly let mut hasher = D::default(); let len = input.len(); let mut left = len; while left > 0 { let take = (left + 1) / 2; hasher.input(&input[len - left..take + len - left]); left = left - take; } { let out = &mut buf[..output.len()]; hasher.xof_result().read(out); if out != output { return Some("message in pieces"); } } // Test reading from reader byte by byte let mut hasher = D::default(); hasher.input(input); let mut reader = hasher.xof_result(); let out = &mut buf[..output.len()]; for chunk in out.chunks_mut(1) {; } if out != output { return Some("message in pieces"); } None } pub fn variable_test(input: &[u8], output: &[u8]) -> Option<&'static str> where D: Input + VariableOutput + Reset + Debug + Clone { let mut hasher = D::new(output.len()).unwrap(); let mut buf = [0u8; 128]; let buf = &mut buf[..output.len()]; // Test that it works when accepting the message all at once hasher.input(input); let mut hasher2 = hasher.clone(); hasher.variable_result(|res| buf.copy_from_slice(res)); if buf != output { return Some("whole message"); } // Test if reset works correctly hasher2.reset(); hasher2.input(input); hasher2.variable_result(|res| buf.copy_from_slice(res)); if buf != output { return Some("whole message after reset"); } // Test that it works when accepting the message in pieces let mut hasher = D::new(output.len()).unwrap(); let len = input.len(); let mut left = len; while left > 0 { let take = (left + 1) / 2; hasher.input(&input[len - left..take + len - left]); left = left - take; } hasher.variable_result(|res| buf.copy_from_slice(res)); if buf != output { return Some("message in pieces"); } // Test processing byte-by-byte let mut hasher = D::new(output.len()).unwrap(); for chunk in input.chunks(1) { hasher.input(chunk) } hasher.variable_result(|res| buf.copy_from_slice(res)); if buf != output { return Some("message byte-by-byte"); } None } #[macro_export] macro_rules! bench { ($name:ident, $engine:path, $bs:expr) => { #[bench] fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) { let mut d = <$engine>::default(); let data = [0; $bs]; b.iter(|| { d.input(&data[..]); }); b.bytes = $bs; } }; ($engine:path) => { extern crate test; use test::Bencher; use digest::Digest; bench!(bench1_10, $engine, 10); bench!(bench2_100, $engine, 100); bench!(bench3_1000, $engine, 1000); bench!(bench4_10000, $engine, 10000); } }